Wednesday 25 September 2024





Man is just a catalyst in woman’s life. He has the Illusion that he possesses her, but the truth is otherwise.


Which Lover relates with you?

one who LOVES MORE or another who LOVES BETTER.


Lovers were strangers before they met,

Now they cannot live without each other.





An EXQUISITE woman is worshiped. This devotion from the male public, comes at the cost of remaining UNDER WEIGHT. She enjoys the glamour of standing on the pedestal of Self Importance.

A PEACEABLE appearing man poses as gentle & quiet on the surface. His false humility is short lived. In fact, the underlying core, made up of crude beliefs, gives him away as BRUTISH very easily & quickly.   


A BEAUTIFUL girl is appealing beyond words & gets bracketed with Helen of Troy. Every man desire to possess her, but just a few can. Her, Self Esteem shoots up sky high because of the attention she can capture. She ends up emotionally BATTERED & physically abused subject like Helen.


A RIGHTEOUS person is quick to defend his point of view. He must have the last word even when he is wrong. The faulty sense of Pride in his skewed personality makes him LAWLESS & undesirable most of the time.

A CLASSY female looks extremely attractive to men of all ages, but her outer maintenance score is High. On the other hand, the internal maintenance score is low, remaining UNDER NOURISHED consciously on purpose to feed her false Self Conceit instead of the skinny body.

A RATIONAL being is purely logical & rigidly limited to his minuscule world. Such stoic people have a superior air about themselves which pulls them down & are therefore INSEPARABLE from their reason in their relationships. 


A GORGEOUS lady is showered with compliments all day long, by her male admirers far & wide. Her Self Worth bloats up like a hot air balloon, which compels her to behave SHREWISH & ill tempered.   

A BRAVE hunk is a dare devil & ignorant of the hazards around him. He lives in a make-believe secure world which boosts his unreal resolve to face the threats UNARMED. Little does he realize that simple weapons could come very handy at difficult times.    


A CHASTE queen bee wishes to remain a virgin & lead the life of a Celibate, untouched by any man. This notion of false Self Conceit & lifestyle will help her remain BARREN too & ignorant of mothering children. 


A PRODIGIOUS male can be amorous too. This combination keeps him Self-admiring & conceited to a great extent. As an obvious outcome, he stagnates & becomes IDLE. 


A FERTILE housewife is on the most wanted list of all the rich & not so rich males. The overriding desire for an heir to carry on the family lineage is topmost. She relishes this responsibility of procreation & takes full pride in producing half a dozen children. For this very reason, she is kept SHELTERED & protected from all dangers imaginable.


A PARAMOUNT leader helps discover new avenues for his team. He faces all the odds & ridicule at first which boosts his Ego. Invariably such heroes end up WOUNDED physically & emotionally. 


A SEXY babe is in big demand & highly sought after person. Herself Importance, drives her to think that she deserves the best of the best. The pain of choosing one hunk from a vast variety, knocking on her door, keeps her UNMARRIED for a long, long time. 




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