Friday 30 June 2023





Prana manifesting itself as mental powers can only be controlled by mental means is called RAJA YOGA.

The FIRE of Yoga burns the cage of sin around a man. Knowledge becomes purified & Nirvana is directly obtained. Yoga has two aspects to it. When ones’ Self is meditated upon as Zero & be fret of quality is ABHAVA YOGA.  When one sees the Self as full of bliss, be fret of all impurities & with GOD is MAHAYOGA.



The aim of Pranayama is to rouse the coiled-up power in the Muladhara Kundalini. The rousing of the Kundalini, UDGHATA is the only way to attain Divine Wisdom / super consciousness perception. This dormant sexual energy is converted & shines as OJAS in a Yogi. Joining Prana with Apana is Pranayama. When a man is meditating, he is additionally concentrating the Prana.

It means to control the Prana, because Prana is the Infinite omnipresent manifesting power of this Universe. Prana manifests as FORCE. Thought is a force / an arrow shot out of the Mind / Chitta, which must return to the owner one day. If we can control the Prana inside ourselves then we can hope to know the Absolute Existence, God & His cosmic secrets too.

Breath motion is the silken thread, we learn to control it & grasp the pack thread of nerve currents. Then the stout twine of thoughts & lastly the rope of Prana to reach our Freedom.

Rhythmical breathing makes all the molecules in the body to move in the same direction, like electricity. Breath is the flywheel of this Body / machine, supplying & regulating motive power to every cell in the Body. Nerve currents carry vitality & life to every muscle, part of the body. Nerve currents, Afferent & Efferent, Sensory / Motor, centripetal / centrifugal carry sensations to & from brain to outer body.

When we breathe in / Inhale five components flow together. The air goes to the lungs & the four Prana follows the nerve current channels located on the two sides of the Spine. On the Left side is the IDA & on the right side is the PINGALA. The hollow core of our spine is called SUSHUMNA. At the triangular base of this central channel sits the coiled-up Kundalini, which must be aroused step by step, chakra by chakra right up to the SAHASRARA chakra.   

Vayu translates as wind & the root ‘va’ translates to “that which flows.” Thus, Vayu is an energetic force that moves in a specific direction to control bodily functions and activities. Each Vayu governs a specific area of the body and ideally functions in harmony with each other. Their subtle energetic movements affect and influence our physical, emotional, mental health and wellness. If a Vayu becomes imbalanced it can create disharmony through the whole energetic system of the body or can negatively affect its associate chakra or the organs linked to its location.

Prana-Vayu is situated in the heart, and its energy pervades the chest region. Prana-Vayu translates as “forward moving air,” and its flow is inwards and upward. It nourishes the brain, the eyes and governs the reception of all things, food, air, senses & thoughts. This Vayu is the fundamental energy in the body and feeds into the four other Vayu. To experience Prana-Vayu - as you inhale feel an energy flowing up the torso from the belly to the third eye.

Apana-Vayu is situated in the pelvic floor and its energy pervades the lower abdomen. Apana-Vayu translates as “the air that moves away,” and its flow is downwards and out. Its energy nourishes the organs of digestion, reproduction, and elimination. Apana-Vayu governs the elimination of all substances from the body - carbon dioxide, urine, stool, perspiration. To experience Apana-Vayu, as you exhale feel an energy flowing down the torso from the top of the head to the tailbone, and then out through the legs and feet.

Vyana-Vayu is situated in the heart, lungs and flows throughout the entire body. Vyana-Vayu translates as “outward moving air,” and its flow moves from the center of the body to the periphery. It governs the circulation of all substances throughout the body and assists the other Vayu with their functions. To experience Vyana-Vayu as you inhale feel the breath radiating outward from the navel to the arms and legs. 

Udana-Vayu is situated in the throat, and it has a circular flow around the neck and head. Udana-Vayu translates to “that which carries upward,” and its flow moves upward from the heart to the head, five senses, and brain. It functions to hold us up, governs speech, self-expression & growth. This Vayu’s action is metabolization, its expression is verbal. To experience Udana-Vayu as you inhale & exhale, feel the breath circulating around & through the head/neck region.

Samana-Vayu is situated in the abdomen with its energy centered in the navel. Samana-Vayu translates to “the balancing air” and its flow moves from the periphery of the body to the center. It governs the digestion and assimilation of all substances, food, air, experiences, emotions, and thoughts. This Vayu’s action is assimilation, its expression is internal. To experience Samana-Vayu as you exhale feel the breath rising & falling in the front, sides & back of the torso.


Inside our Bodies very subtle & fine motions are happening without our awareness. If we can feel them, then we can control them. There are some prerequisites before we begin the regime of Pranayama.

YAMA – Truthfulness, non-stealing, non-killing, non-receiving gifts & self-restraint on sex.

NIYAMA – Austerity, contentment, cleanliness, self-surrender to GOD & study.

ASANA – Postures for right meditation.

Food choices have a prominent role on our Minds. Huge animals like elephants are Vegetarians, hence calm & gentle. Small animals like tigers are non-vegetarians, hence restless & agitated.



Meditation rest is superior to sleep rest. Sit straight with head, neck, chest in a straight line, top to bottom. Breathe in a measured way in & out to harmonize the system. Add OM the humming sound & let it flow in & out too. Learn to rest & calm down. Add imagination fill in through the left Ida & hammer it down on the triangular lotus base of the spine violently. Hold for a couple of seconds, now suck at the current & exhale through the right Pingala slowly. One cycle is 4 seconds IN, 16 seconds HOLD, 8 seconds OUT. Followed by 4 in 8 out & 16 hold. Do 4 cycles twice a day. After some practice go to 6 cycles twice a day.   


Meditation is the way out of linear Time. Deep meditation takes you into a sense of timelessness & eternity, where the karmic chains break away. It is here that the karmic debts are cancelled when you transcend your Ego. Karmic forces act on individuals existing out there, separate from the world. But when you meditate and be one with the universe and the world, the karma is overcome. Karma is cosmic justice. Dues must be paid when a lesson of life is not learned. Dues pile up as huge debts. Learn the system, the foreign language of silence. The ignorant drown in the ocean, in which the mystics swim.



Fix your attention on the tip of your nose. This will give you arc of reaction to control of WILL.

Imagine a lotus flower with 8 petals as the 8 powers of a Yogi, on the top of your head several inches high with virtue in its center & knowledge as its stalk. Inside the lotus add a golden One OM.

Picture a space in your heart with a flame burning of your Soul & inside the flame is HIS light.

Attaching & detaching your mind to & from the centers at WILL is a success.

Checking the outgoing powers of the mind & freeing it from the senses.

Holding the mind to a certain point in the body. Feel the hand only to the exclusion of other parts of the body.

Meditate on a lotus in the brain / heart & its full of light.

Attach your mind to the palate to see peculiar things. To the tip of the nose to enhance smelling power. To the tip of the of the tongue to superior taste. To the root of the tongue to hear distant sounds. To the middle of the tongue to connect with someone.

While inhaling imagine a lotus of the heart with petals down & Sushma running through it & while exhaling imagine the petals turned up with the lotus shining in effulgent light.

Make one big new wave to suppress all the other little waves / ripples.



To deny temptations to the Mind to come to wave form as Chitta. I control them, they do not control me.  Nonattachment is giving up that desire for objects & attractive bodies.

Religion began with ancestor / Nature worship. It transcends the limitations of the senses & personifies the fearsome powers of Nature. The first idea of Soul was the Double subtle Body. On death this Body went out but lasted only if the physical body was kept intact. Hence the invention of mummies & Pyramids. Religion begins with DO NOT….

WHY PERSONAL GOD?  Because of the ease to connect with HIM. HE is our security blanket, our favorite teddy bear to give us confidence & consolation.  SHIVA – SHAKTI = Inertia & Dynamism. Adi Yogi – That which is not.

ROHIT KHANNA – Before knowledge Insane, after knowledge IN-SANE



Hard cover book


 A Paradigm Shift - YouTube  - Story of the Intelligent Crow

Wednesday 28 June 2023




The Existence of the EXISTENCE is the COSMIC INTELLIGENCE. In the beginning this Intelligence was in a state of INVOLUTION, a point, AVYAKTA the state of nature before Creation. It appeared as NOTHING, almost a Black Hole in a Dark space. Gradually the EVOLUTION of this dormant entity began. It is this ALMIGHTY, EVER PRESENT, UNFOLDING INTELLIGENCE, that we call GOD. Everything exists through Eternity. No beginning No end.  One day this vast Universe will disintegrate, dissolve & again Involve into its finer state to complete one cycle / KALPA. This magic repeats till eternity. The Evolution takes us from very FINE forms to Finer forms to gross & grosser. From Infinite to finite & from Atomic to finite too.


The finest of all is the SOUL, then comes FALSE EGO, immediately followed by INTELLIGENCE and the mighty MIND of the human beings, which is of course fashioned from ETHER. 

AKASHA – is the second on the line of Evolution. Omnipresent, all penetrating, Existence crisscrossed with a web of Intelligence.

PRANA – is the Vital Life Force Energy, which is embedded in this Akasha, to be evolved gradually in the third stage.

UNIVERSE is the subsequent grosser material evolution, which is a compound of Subtle Akasha & Vibrating Prana. Universe in turn is enveloped in three overlapping worlds. The Material world, the Mental world & finally the Spiritual world. Everything here is in a state of changing Flux, just like your traffic on the highways, or the chunks of flowing waters in a river. When the Absolute Intelligence is processed or perceived through TIME, SPACE & CAUSATION entities, then only it Manifests as the material Universe. The World of ours is just a projection of Infinite Existence into the Plane of CONSCIOUSNESS.


SOUND / SHABAD / VIBRATION - Manifesting word of GOD – OM / AUM

A is the root of the sound, pronounced without touching any part of the tongue or palate.

U rolls from root to the end of the sound.

M is the last series, pronounced with closed lips.

OM is a good company to keep in Mind. Molecular vibrations never cease. Word & thought are inseparable. Word is the external component & Thought is the internal part. There exists a natural connection between the WORD & the thing signified / recalled. Matter is the permanent possibility of Vibrations / sensations.

Through levels of Vibrations, we can reach / travel to different planes of Ether / Universe. I vanish here, appear there. Reiki Master can arouse his vibrations & transmit them to another, over long distances. Healing can be transmitted Consciously / unconsciously through ETHER /AKASHA, since it is one continuous substance with no gaps on every plane of Existence. He rouses the dormant Prana of the patient.




Multiple steps are involved in this simplistic looking exercise of perceiving objects & Ideologies. First, we have the External five INSTRUMENTS / INDRIYAS to capture the information presented to us. The eyes, nose, ears, fingers & mouth are the points for inputs. All the rest of processing happens Internally, mostly unconsciously. The NERVE CENTER in the brain receives all the information & compiles it to make sense out of it. The eyes can only look at the object, but the nerve center sees the object. The ears will hear the sounds, but nerve center will listen to them. The mouth can eat the food, but the nerve center will taste the food. The fingers can touch the object, but the nerve center will feel it. The nose will inhale the contents in the air, but the nerve center will smell the odors.

MANAS the memory bank of emotional spectrum is actively involved it this initial process of gratification of senses & addictions by daydreaming & reliving the Past. All this action & reaction is further complicated by EGOISM / AHAMKARA the spoiled arrogant child of the Manas, before being presented to a determining Faculty named BUDDHI / Intellect for any concrete decisions. Manas can be clouded by doubts from Vasana or governed by Buddhi which never happens. At the next stage the CHITTA gets activated when waves / ripples / whirlpools of THOUGHTS / VRITTIS stir up the medium of the Mind field. Eventually these vibrations will disappear but remain in the atoms & molecules as memory. This mess is over seen by the Intelligent master, the JIVA which is basically PURSHA in bondage for the final perception of its meaning. It is this Intelligence that is percolating through all the stages of Mind field & working out its own interpretation.


First you drink the Wine of DESIRES, Then the scorpions sting of JEALOUSY at the success of others gets you, Next the Demon of PRIDE overpowers you completely.  

If Pursha gives up & does not stand behind the Mind, it falls to pieces & is as good as nothing. The Mind has three states. One is TAMAS full of Toxic darkness, second is RAJAS the active kind full of power & enjoyment, while the third one is the SATTVA which is intensely active but full of serenity, & calmness in which the ripples cease & the mind becomes still. When the whirlpools / Vrittis die down they become very fine vibrations which are retained in the JIVA as SAMSKARS / Seeds.  A minor trigger from external nature will make the seeds come alive in the mind as ripples / waves. These Samskars become INSTINCTS upon reincarnation.

Pursha is beyond all laws of causation. This soul has no qualities of emotions or sexuality. Nature is there to help Pursha to become free. Its freedom percolates through layers of mind & matter, which keep him covered. He who has conquered the Internal nature, controls the whole Universe.

There are two planes in which the human Mind works. First is the CONSCIOUS plane in which all work is accompanied with the feeling of Egoism. Next comes the UNCONSCIOUS plane where all work is absent from feeling of Egoism. The beating of the Heart, the assimilation of food & all the Internal traffic in the Body is happening Unconsciously. Then there is yet another plane of SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS, which too is absent from the feeling of Egoism.  In SMADHI a Yogi goes beyond SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS.

GOD is the Perfect PURSHA, Infinite, Omnipresent & interpenetrating all around, inside us. HE is the DYNAMO from where the power current leaves, energizing everything in its path & completes the circle back to Itself.




DIRECT PERCEPTION / PROOF – When two of our perceptions do not contradict each other.

INFERENCE – When you deduce the thing signified from a sign.

DELUSION / VIKALPA – When you jump to conclusion immediately without considering its meaning.

MEMORY – Recalling impressions of whirlpools in Chitta to consciousness.

DREAM – In sleep when a peculiar type of ripple throws Chitta into a whirlpool of memory.

SLEEP – Embraces feeling of voidness.

BRAIN – is the soft vinyl long playing disc.

MIND – is the sharp needle to make grooves on the Vinyl.

THOUGHTS – are the grooves / streets in the brain’s vinyl. They sometimes crowd in your mind.

GREY MATTER – is the collection of grooves named as Memory.

PRANA – is the force that tries to make new grooves / channels / streets in the brain.

CREATIVITY – is allowing Prana to make as many new channels as it desires, no holding back.

VADA – Scriptures which are argumentative.

SIDDHANTA – Scriptures which are decisive & conclude.

ATTACHMENT – that which dwells on pleasure, hence the need to continue endlessly.

AVERSION – that which dwells on pain, hence the need to get away as quickly as possible.

Every motion is cyclical. It completes a full circle. A straight line infinitely projected will end in a circle. There cannot be good without evil or evil without good. So is with love & hate. They must come back to the source, like a Boomerang.


ROHIT KHANNA - Before knowledge Insane, after knowledge IN-SANE



Hard cover book

Sunday 11 June 2023




It is the consciousness with which we perform action that is important. 


While you may have associated yourself completely with your physical body, you may not have realized that every action had such a deep impact on you. Now, with the recognition of the self as a soul, you should become aware that every single action leaves an imprint, a record, which you carry with yourself eternally. Up until now, we human beings have found it very difficult to classify exactly what is right  and what is wrong? Not while you are limited by this physical costume. The religion into which you were born, as well as the limitations of gender, of age, and of culture, will all color your ideas, thoughts, and judgments. In body-consciousness there is not the pure intention behind action. Our actions are performed with selfish ulterior motives, such as greed, ego, and possessiveness, and are therefore non-beneficial actions which give sorrow and bring negative results. 


By maintaining the consciousness of your true identity - a peaceful soul - you will be able to accurately understand what is right and wrong. This is simply because, in soul-consciousness, the soul can only experience peace, happiness and love. So, it can only perform actions based on these qualities. These actions will be beneficial actions, bringing happiness and positive results. 


The law of karma, of action and reaction, is applicable to the spiritual sphere and is absolute. It states: ‘For every action there will be an equal and opposite reaction.’ Opposite, of course, means opposite in direction. Whatever interactions you have with others, you receive the equivalent in return. This means that, if you have given happiness, you will receive happiness in return, and if you have given sorrow, you will receive sorrow in return
How this is carried out in real life is pretty easy to elucidate. The past life TROUBLED SOUL purposefully takes birth as a close relative, brother, sister, son daughter,  first love, into your life, to take revenge / pay back / settle account. You automatically develop deep love for this innocent soul in disguise because of the intimate relationship & interactions. At the prime time say after 4 to 5 years this soul suddenly departs from your life / world, leaving you totally helpless & in extreme grief. This is the souls way of paying back by leaving you in sorrow for the rest of your life.  The law is simple, and when understood in its full depth, it can give insight into the significance of events in your own world and in the world at large. 


In Christianity this law has been understood by the saying, ‘As you sow, so shall you reap.’ It is also known as the law of cause and effect. Understanding this, when you see certain effects, you come to realize that the corresponding causes had been missing. However, more important, the other side of the law of karma teaches that, if you now perform pure, beneficial actions, you can create your own positive future in the direction of your choice. 


In the past life you & your partner were of the opposite genders & you both SCREWED each other pretty badly. Now both of you have come together, in this life, bound by this divine law & definitely not your own choosing, to perform THE REVERSE SCREWING. Get this accurately into your Intellect & cancel your karmic debts  with understanding, joyfully & peacefully. 


I was admitted into the QE2 hospital for a minor surgery. During my short stay the nurse became friendly & wanted me to explain to her the spell of karma in her troublesome life as a nurse. Most of her patients were 90 plus years old, in the grip of Alzheimer, arrogant & abusive to her. One hypothetical example changed her attitude & life. In your last birth, dear nurse, you were a male police officer in France. You were in-charge of water cannons & ordered to disperse the unruly violent crowd on the streets. So you did by firing the water cannons on this crowd, & hundreds of these souls got upset with your action. Now in this life you are a female nurse & all these souls are gradually coming back to trouble you to cancel their karmic debts individually for the next 20 years. Now she is happy all the time & oblivious to these patients. So can you too.  


Not only are you not a slave to destiny, but the understanding of karma philosophy makes you the creator, or master of your own destiny. You may even be able to inspire others to create a positive destiny for themselves through the example of your own beneficial actions. Any negativity of the past has led you into karmic debts with those around you. Where you have in the past given sorrow, you must now repay that debt by giving happiness. You have to settle your past karmic accounts, whether you like it or not. 


However, just because you change your attitude doesn’t necessarily mean others will change theirs. If you have courage and continue to give good wishes and perform pure actions in relation to other souls, gradually the karmic debts with others toward whom you have acted negatively will be repaid. Then you can be free from the bondage of karma. The power to sustain this effort of settling past karma can come through meditation or yoga. 


As you come to understand your own true nature more fully, you can understand that this is the true nature of everyone. You can see through the mask of negativity and relate to the soul directly. This will help you not to create further negative karma; you will not react badly to the negativity of others. 

THE LAST THOUGHT ON THE MIND BECOMES THE TEMPLATE FOR NEXT LIFE - usually the opposite happens because of our attachments.

If you were a very rich person & died suddenly, then  the obvious thought arises - OH! WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY MILLIONS?? This tells the Cosmic  Energy the feeling of LACK/DEFICIT OF MONEY, despite the millions in the bank. Hence you will be born as a poor orphan in Afghanistan.

If you were a happy prosperous woman with nine beautiful children & suddenly death happens, then the first thought would be - OH! WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO ALL MY CHILDREN?? This is interpreted by the Cosmic Energy as Lack of offspring's, despite having given birth to nine children. Hence you will be born as a Barren woman or end up as a Prostitute in China.

The Moral of the story is to Die very Consciously with full Awareness & feelings of Gratitude & Peace.


I the soul have been performing karma through this physical costume of mine.
I carry the imprints of this karma, good and bad. 
I have been seeing the results of my karma externally, in the world around me. I come to the awareness of my eternal state  
A state in which I have no karmic bondage. 
This is the state I want to attain once more, the state of freedom. 
The state of having settled all my karmic debts, and of having created for myself a stock of good karma. 
In this awareness of I, the eternal being.I look back at the past and see the entangled threads of karma. 
Where did a connection begin? Where did it finish? The threads are so intertwined, it’s difficult to differentiate. 
The web of karma has been one in which there has been a lot of pain ... a few flashes of light, of hope, of joy ... but the negativity of my karma created situations in which there was much suffering. 


Now, at this moment, in the presence of the Divine, I let go of my karma of the past. 
With God’s love, I surrender my past karma to God. 
I take light and might from the Supreme so that my karma today will create a future filled with light. 
God’s light shows me the path of righteous karma.
God’s might, God’s power gives me the courage to reject negative karma and even mundane karma.
I simply do that which is elevated and noble, so that my present is filled with light and might and a future of happiness and love is assured. 


With soul-consciousness you will naturally give love and respect to others, and you will, in time, receive love and respect in return. Every action performed in soul-consciousness is an action through which you receive benefit, and thus it will benefit others. 


Karma begins in the mind as thoughts, the seeds of action. As is the thought, so is the result. Thoughts, like actions, spread vibrations and influence the surrounding atmosphere. Karmic-ally  there will be a return of those vibrations. Pure, peaceful, happy thoughts are the most valuable treasures in life. If you keep such beneficial thoughts in your consciousness wherever you go, you will create a pure atmosphere of peace and happiness from which others will greatly benefit. 


Understanding the consequences of actions means you take care to do everything properly. Having little control over your actions is a sure sign that you have little control over your mind. if you slow down, you give yourself more time to do things properly. If something is done well, most likely it will not cause problems in the future. Jobs done in a rush often contain mistakes that have to be put right later, thereby causing more work. A good job done well leaves you with a peaceful mind. A careless piece of work pulls your attention back to itself again and again. If you concentrate completely on what you are doing in the present, this allows you to be in full control of both mind and body. You keep performing actions in soul-consciousness so that, no matter how much you have to do physically, you can remain light and peaceful. 

ROHIT KHANNA - The most fortunate soul on the planet.