Tuesday 24 September 2024





                                             ABOUT THE AUTHOR



A young medical doctor and his large family became refugees in August 1947 and migrated to India, Ambala Cantt, to avoid getting killed in the ensuing riots. Dr. Siri Ram Khanna fathered four children as time progressed. Soon the doctor with God gifted, diagnostic skills, became indispensable and famous in the small town. His first son took to Homeopathy with a passion and served in the Indian army. His second son, the author of this book, became the youngest APPRENTICE at his father’s clinic. Later, he was pushed into Industrial Engineering but quickly rebounded back as Reiki Doctor and Master. His third son honed up his genetic diagnostic talent and graduated to become a world-famous Cardiac Specialist in the UK. The author teamed up with his Tata Steel colleague, Guru and Grand Master to propagate the concept of Alternative Medicine and Reiki in Jamshedpur India. In a short period, the Steel town became the Reiki Capital of India with 100,000 Reiki channels healing themselves and helping another equal number, their friends and relatives. 



In 1999 the author moved to Halifax, Canada and started writing down his experiences, innovative counseling strategies, concept of treating the whole environment, total family and a burning passion to share it all, with the world, instead of taking it to the grave. This book has been rewritten many times over, with the aim of perfecting it and simplifying the complex subject for the average public. When an Industrial Engineer with corporate ideas, 50 years ahead of time, turns to writing, you can expect the unexpected. Till today I have nine e-books published on Amazon for the world at large.

Magic of the mind & miracle of the body.

No schooling in parenting yet bringing up children.

Spirituality – Fiction or Truth.

Vibrant health through Nutrition plus.

Magical mind over miraculous body.

How we grow up & what goes wrong.

Life lessons & self-culture for preteens & teenagers.

Your last chance – now or never, Remembrance of God.

Creative innovations & inventions.

Love all, Love None, Love one.



Having delved into Pranic Healing, Acupressure, Earology, Magnetic therapy, Aroma therapy, and Shiatsu, Tea leaf reading, the author has successfully developed hybrids of each of the above with Reiki. Now he is venturing into the crucial area of Mesmerism and Hypnotherapy to help change the mindsets of stubborn helpless public in a single sitting. The author plans to Exit life knowingly & in full consciousness, instead of dying unwillingly.                                                                        


Email: rkhanna11@yahoo.ca


Blog: emotionalblockages.blogspot.com


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