Wednesday 25 September 2024





HEALTH is the NORMAL STATE for all living organisms, including man.

DISEASE IS AN ABERRATION. Disease requires medicine to bring man back to health.

When diet is WRONG, medicine is of no USE.

When diet is CORRECT, medicine is of no NEED.



The topmost rung on the ladder of health is that of VIBRANT HEALTH. This is attained by a select few who venture very hard in the field of Elevated thoughts, regular meditation, & Raja yoga. Saints, yogis, carefree uninhibited toddler children, belong in this beautiful category.  

One rung down takes us to OPTIMUM HEALTH. People in this category are very much conscious of their physical bodies & wish to stay in perfect shape most of their lives. Actors, singers, musicians, athletes, fall into this category of mania for good physique. They earn millions through the display of their bodies & skills. They also spend at least two hours every day in the gym, rain or shine & eat frugally exercising total discipline in all aspects of their living.

The next rung down on the ladder of health is APPARENT HEALTH. We think we are healthy enough, but realistically we are not. Mere absence of disease is not good enough for us.

The lowest rung of the ladder is Ill HEALTH. This is a serious matter, but the cause is very much in our control if we choose to do so. If we hang onto this rung any longer, we get closer to our graves sooner.





ORTHOREXIA means an obsession with eating foods that one considers healthy. A person systematically avoids specific foods he believes to be harmful, hence this tool helps you out of the predicament of selecting the most congenial ones. Right Nutrition is required to keep us in a perpetual state of health. We need to pay attention to Nutrition since it has its share of Must dos, should dos and Could dos. One of the Must dos is to focus on the metabolism of Carbs & Sugar.


SUGAR is the basic fuel for all cells to function. Sugar is required by every cell of the body. The cell allows sugar to enter only if it is accompanied with Insulin. Thats the norm. Sometimes there is a metabolic disorder. Either the Pancreas does not produce adequate Insulin, or the cells do not accept Insulin. Either way, man suffers. The disease is called Diabetes. Some diseases affect isolated parts of the body. Diabetes affects all organs adversely. When cells do not accept sugar, the sugar gets left behind in the blood. Sugar is required in the cells and is good for them. Sugar in the blood is bad for an organism. The double attack on you is that the lack of sugar in the cells makes you sick. The excess of sugar in the blood makes you sicker. You have a compound problem on your hands. It may be hereditary. You have no control over it. It may be triggered by varied circumstances, beyond your control. There is no known cure for it. Treatment is not cure. Cure means no more medication. You have only one way out. Focus on your nutrition. Focus on what you eat. There are many aspects to focus on, but the number one place must be given to the monitoring of your blood glucose. And how can you do that? By controlling what you eat. How much you eat. What is the quality of the food you eat. What is its Glycemic index and consequently how much is the Glycemic load on the body. Recording your blood sugar and analyzing the results. And, and then, modifying your eating habits. Watch the trend. The actual reading is not so important. The trend will tell you how you can modify your eating.



GI tells you how rapidly the food has been metabolized into glucose. It is the speed at which the carbs have been converted to glucose. GI is a number only. Pure Glucose is represented by the number 100. GL tells you how much glucose you have consumed. GL represents the quantity. It is also represented by numbers. GL should not exceed 100 in one day. In nutrition, this is the only figure where all the world is unanimous. The aim is to make us aware of a relation between what we eat and the Glycemic Load of that food. Then lead us to see the pattern & relation between the glycemic load and blood sugar. It is a trend you must observe & take remedial action to bring back the blood sugar to normal. The remedy, of course, is the change in what you eat. Nature provides sugar in all foods. Yes. All foods. Without exception, including bitter gourd. Even if you do not eat any white sugar at all, you still consume sugar in the foods you eat.

The efficiency of your metabolism is reflected by a parameter known as HbA1c. This test is normally done in a laboratory.
It represents the average sugar that attaches itself to the blood. Blood cells have a life of about 120 days, after which they die and are replaced by new cells. So, we take the average for about 90 days. The test results are shown in a percentage. From this percentage, the average is calculated. But we can reverse the process and calculate the HbA1c from the average. We can record the blood sugar reading and calculate the HbA1c from the average of the last 90 days.



The ideal readings should be U/L/PP: 140/80/40.
The Upper reading, U, indicates the pressure at which the heart pumps the blood. It is this pressure that Sodium increases.
Sodium decreases the elasticity of the arteries. The pressure rises further. The heart must increase the effort to make the blood reach the brain and all the capillaries. The immediate effect is that it can cause a burst in the circulatory system or a stroke in the brain. In the long run it will lead to a heart attack, a stroke in the brain or chronic kidney disease. A low systolic pressure causes inadequate blood flow to the heart, brain and other vital organs.
The Lower reading, L, is the residual pressure during the time that the heart rests. Sodium increases this too, but not that much. But reduction of sodium in the body by salt excretion, caused by high Potassium, is directly related to lowering diastolic pressure. Potassium leaches Sodium out of the body, effectively reducing the sodium, thus lowering BP, diastolic more than the systolic.

Pulse Pressure. It is the difference between U and L. It’s ideal value is 40. It is important because a higher or a lower pulse pressure than normal means that your heart and or your circulatory system are in danger. Any reading above or below 40 is an early warning, much before the actual danger strikes. Therefore, pay heed and monitor this aspect carefully. A reading of 40 means your heart is working optimally. A reading higher than 40, wide pressure, means either your heart is working harder, or your arteries are less flexible or both. Either way, they increase your risk of heart and circulatory problems, especially heart attack or stroke. A reading lower than 40, Narrow pulse pressure, means the circulatory system does not have adequate pressure. It can cause heart failure due to decreased pumping, blood loss, due to decreased blood volume, aortic stenosis due to reduced stroke volume, and cardiac tamponade due to decreased filling time.




Sodium and Potassium are complementary bedfellows. Sodium regulates the amount of water outside the cells. Potassium regulates the water inside the cells. The two maintain a balance for the proper functioning of the metabolism.  A ratio of 1:3 is essential. A little higher than that would be even better. Our grandfathers had a ratio of more than 1:10. Sodium rules and when in excess, determines the bad effects, immediately, daily. Although 500 mg is adequate for a human for a day, the world over, the advice is to consume no more than 1500 mg per day. If you cross 2300 mg per day you have stepped into toxicity. High Potassium does not produce immediate side effects. It affects the heart in the long run. 3000 mg per day per adult is considered adequate. Anything more than 4700 mg per day is too much. Most people consume too much Sodium and too little Potassium. Sodium should be between 1000 mg to 1500 mg. Potassium should be between 3000 mg to 4700 mg. They are two important ingredients of our diet. They control the fluid balance of the body. Excess Sodium will cause Constipation,
Water retention, Hypertension and an increased heart rate. Potassium will improve the peristaltic action of the intestines, cure constipation, leach sodium out of the system, bring down hypertension and remove the excess water from the body. Their ratio is critical for the efficient functioning of the human body.  We must consume at least four times more Potassium than Sodium.


High Sodium intake, by itself, as a standalone actor, will cause High BP, Constipation, Dehydration, Water Retention and consequent Weight Gain daily. Effects of high sodium on one day last for about 4 to 5 days. One or all these symptoms will make you feel sick.
Low Sodium will become evident when there is Nausea, Fatigue, Headache, Weakness, Twitching, Muscle Cramps, Hypothyroidism, Hypoglycemia, Excessive sweating and Mental Delirium.
A correspondingly high Potassium intake will lessen the bad effects of high Sodium. It leaches out excess Sodium and excretes it through the urination process. But, high Potassium, by itself, is manifested by Nausea, Weakness, Numbness, Paralysis, Arrhythmia, Bradycardia, Cardiac arrest, Tingling in the extremities and slow week irregular pulse. Kidneys may be damaged by an overdose of Potassium.
And how can one get an overdose. Simple, by an overdose of coconut water. A low Potassium intake will lead to Arrhythmia, Water retention, Muscle Cramps, Chronic Arthritis, High BP, Discomfort in Chest and Weakness.
Bottom line, if You want to be cheerful & active, reduce SALT & increase POTASSIUM.  



Normal health means at least one complete bowel motion every day. Complete means complete, period. You must feel that your colon is completely empty. Constipation occurs when you eat too much salt aka Sodium. Your body sucks up water from your intestines to help compensate for the extra salt in your bloodstream. This is one way your body works to bring its salt concentration back to normal, but unfortunately, it leads to constipation. Chronic constipation causes fecal impact, which in turn causes ulcers, colitis or obstruction to colon and finally cancer. It can be fatal. Am I trying to scare you? Yes, I am.

When we eat too much salt, the body retains the extra Sodium which increases the amount of fluid in the body, outside of the cells. It bloats the body and there will be swelling.
If you retain water, you will gain weight. is the most sophisticated tool to keep you away from the grave if you choose to.



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