Wednesday 25 September 2024






Creativity of the Creator – the sonic manual


Creativity generates novel ideas, innovation transforms them into practical applications, and invention creates entirely new solutions. Creativity is the ability to develop something original, particularly an idea or a representation of an idea, an element of aesthetic flair.


Ideation is the purposeful process of opening your mind to new trains of thought that branch out in all directions from a stated purpose or problem. You can benefit from setting aside time for ideation. Reserving time to let your mind roam freely as you think about an issue or problem from multiple directions is a necessary component of the process. Ideation takes time and a deliberate effort to move beyond your habitual thought patterns. If you consciously set aside time for creativity, you will broaden your mental horizons and allow yourself to change and grow.

Brainstorming, the generation of ideas in an environment free of judgment or dissension with the goal of creating solutions, is just one of dozens of methods for coming up with new ideas.

Linear thinking / Vertical thinking involves a logical, step-by-step process. Linear thinking is crucial in turning your idea into a business.

Innovation means change that adds value to an existing product or service.

Incremental innovation, an innovation that modifies an existing product or service.

Pioneering innovation is one based on a new technology, a new advancement in the field, and/or an advancement in a related field that leads to the development of a new product.

Disruptive innovation is a process that significantly affects the market by making a product or service more affordable and/or accessible, so that it will be available to a much larger audience. The innovative component is not the actual product or service, but the process that makes that product more available to a larger population of users. A disruptive innovation from a smaller company can threaten an existing larger business by offering the market new and improved solutions. The smaller company causes disruption when it captures some of the market share from the larger organization. One example of a disruptive innovation is Uber and its impact on the taxicab industry. Uber’s innovative service, which targets customers who might otherwise take a cab, has shaped the industry as whole by offering an alternative that some deem superior to the typical cab ride.




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