Sunday 24 July 2022



Baba’s Cosmic Game – Treasure Hunt


The supreme soul wants us to have fun and consider the soul consciousness transformation as a cosmic game.

The important point of number wise translates to one man or woman, each one for himself, “walk alone” on this path of PURITY.

Everyday Murli is HIS clue / coded message to move ahead towards our hunt of the precious Treasure.

The final treasure of SEVEN JEWELS is so beautifully hidden that it baffles us. The soul that works hard, intelligently, and tirelessly will succeed. It is equivalent to a needle in a haystack. Hence HE emphasis-es on intense effort always.

There is an option available to all souls of REMEMBERANCE.

He will assist those who ask for HIS help, assistance, and guidance.   

Time is of course a big factor and a limitation. Hence speed and constant effort is required. By remaining in supersenseous Joy the effort needed multiplies many folds.


The Cosmic game of Hide & seek is about you the soul. Die Alive one moment, Reincarnate the next moment. This practice is called SOUL SQUATS. It makes your soul tough & resilient.  Die alive and go up to the subtle region to meet up with the Father. Enjoy His company Now, because very soon He will depart for His long long Sabbatical of 4900 years. Your friends can never seek you out, therefore you always win this game.  When you are ALIVE & back on the planet, give yourself a big SMILE, because this smile can be had, only here, in this old body. The soul does not smile, because it has no organs to express. However it has the seeds / Sanskars of being blissful, joyful & peaceful.


Hard cover book

Rohit Khanna - The most fortunate soul on the planet.

Thursday 14 July 2022




Setting aside the ancient Beliefs & grasping onto latest knowhow.



Responsible way of living is being in Health, not in Sickness as a patient.

Chronic ailments are self-enforced.

Not in ease, equals disease.

Selectively going the medicine route.


Incentive to fall sick - good hospitals, free health care.

Good reasons to live miserably.

The child learns that by faking illness he gets attention.


Nobody is coming to rescue you from your SUFFERING…Admit it. - You must go alone on this Journey.


OBESITY is an Eating DISORDER, NO Self Discipline shrouded in Poor Garbage Management leading to WAIST expansion syndrome.


FILLER FOODS for the Lucky few - who LOVE themselves.

Puffed Wheat, puffed rice, Sand roasted Chana, Cornflakes, Sun flower seeds, Pumpkin seeds, & dry roasted Peanuts.

Mix all or any four items of your choice & munch all day without any GUILT.

REPLACE - OIL fryer with AIR fryer, Pan cooking with Steam Baking,

SUBSTITUTE - Wheat & Rice flours with Millet flour, corn meal, basin, soya flour. 

SWITCH - High heat to low heat when cooking or baking. 

CHANGE - Sodium Chloride to Potassium chloride. 

               White sugar to Brown sugar.

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. Because no one can change the world, not even your spouse or children.


DEATH is not the greatest loss in LIFE.

Greatest loss is what DIES inside us while we LIVE.


Chemotherapy kills 9 out of 10 patients. Cannabis oil with THC saves 9 out of 10 patients.


KILL CANCER cells by fasting for 16 hours daily. You LIVE, if they DIE. Do not feed them at all costs.



APPLE CIDER VINEGAR balances the Ph of your body, preventing cancerous cells from forming. It does kill cancer cells even after formation, with 3 tablespoons of ACV in 8oz glass of water, twice a day on an empty stomach.


Insanity is crossing the line. Getting angry, going mad then a little gap coming back. One day no coming back - asylum. Mentally ill, physically ill, clinically ill.

If you want to CONNECT up with HIM then first Disconnect all electronic gadgets & cell phone down here, permanently.



In panic mode you kill a part of yourself

In state of worry time accelerates

In state of Inactivity aging speeds up

In sleep mode you make up for lost time

In Meditation time slows down & life elongates

In Awareness of Self time crawls & inches ahead

In full Consciousness of environment time & aging stop


Solitude makes your self-worth go high up.



It is exactly akin to a FLAME - On EXTINGUISHING where does it go?

It goes nowhere & everywhere...only to come back on being LIT again, cycle after cycle.



CUDDLING strengthens the frontal lobe of the human brain, the region of the brain responsible for how you react to EMOTIONAL stress.

A great relationship is about two things: First, appreciating the similarities, and second, respecting the differences


All that hate is nothing but Love in disguise.

Loving the hate dismantles what is truly inside.

Pleasure with one body has diminishing returns.

Biology is more for procreation & less for continued pleasure.

Marital hate between two bodies is inevitable in marriage.


The mind has QUESTIONS. The heart has ANSWERS.

The mind WONDERS. The heart is always HOME.

To clarify matters, Heart has a superior Brain.


INNOCENCE & HUMILITY are hot currencies for services rendered to us. As infants we pay with our Innocence & when we become old, we pay with our humbleness. But if you can be both towards the end it is being RICH.



God is everyone’s TRAVEL AGENT, who has sent us on Astral Travel to Earth.

He decides our Destinations, Bookings, Stay & Routes that we will undertake.

He loans us special magical ever renewing costumes to enhance our perception of this material world.

LIFE is just a JOURNEY. Trust Him & enjoy your short Stay here to the fullest. - go figure.



The Omnipotent Consciousness created These wonderful Universe & magical beings, like us humans, to MULTIPLY & LOVE till eternity.

In turn We Humans with many limitations created Personalized Gods to DIVIDE & HATE till eternity.


Your higher self will always give you signs to move your life to the highest timeline. It first whispers, then screams at you and if you still don't listen, it will pull the rug beneath your feet so that you finally learn to listen to your inner guidance.


Detachment is not that you own nothing, detachment is that nothing owns you. The greatest detachment is being so immersed into every single moment that you cannot feel anything but the essence of it. The power of empty Love.


Hard cover book

Rohit Khanna – The most fortunate SOUL on the Planet.