Friday 28 February 2020

DIVINE INTELLECT - to help us to elevate to Soul consciousness.


What it is?  -- It is the end of one long chapter of series of dreams within dreams of Hypnosis of Body Consciousness & the start of another exciting short chapter of waking up into Soul Consciousness, at the snap of the fingers of the Master Hypnotist , the Supreme Soul, our very own Father.
When it happens? – At the time of snapping of His fingers, the Divine Intellect App of Golden Vessel gets downloaded into our souls. This is the moment when we Remember our Father & acknowledge His presence in our sorrow filled lives.  However, He reintroduces Himself once again, just to confirm that we have awakened from our sleep in the correct time period of Confluence age, in our 84th birth & not otherwise.
How the App functions? -- The Golden Vessel must be kept Pure with constant Awareness of Soul Consciousness & connection of Remembrance, then it is ready to receive the Gyan/Knowledge from the Teacher/Father. The Gyan flows directly & squarely into the Vessel & stays there intact for use at a latter date/time, otherwise it overflows. This is how we are all number wise.
When to update it? – Divine Intellect must be religiously updated and re- calibrated at Amrit vela daily, for it to function at its peak. Make sure it is fine tuned & flight worthy for the rest of the day.

Rohit Khanna - IN-TOXICATED

Wednesday 19 February 2020



PEACE : It is a state of tranquility, calm, quiet environment, which follows after CONFLICT RESOLUTION happens. Therefore understanding Conflict & its resolution becomes paramount. Personal Peace is a state of BEING QUIET / Still inside & outside. When every one around us, attains this state, then Harmony prevails & that land is called PARADISE. Here the Question of Conflict does not arise, ever. Remember, Arms are for HUGGING & not for Hitting, Shoving, Pushing, Bullying, Hurting or Over Powering.    

CONFLICT - Internal : Differing perspectives about the REAL you/self & the PROJECTED EGO of you/self. The Real you is hidden, natural, pure, peaceful & easy going. On the other hand the Projected Ego of self by the self is exposed, totally false, tainted, agitated & critical of everything & everybody. The Real you is Original, Eternal, & untainted. By comparison the Projected Ego is amassed, acquired, built up from yard sales of traits that the others have discarded & put out for disposal - go figure.   

Conflict resolution must happen first on the Internal level by having a desire to understand & finish the mental violence / tug of war. The absence of strong LIVING VALUES is the root cause of mental chaos. Honesty, Humility, & simplicity are the very basic ones to imbibe right from the early years of childhood. We can imbibe these only if our parents / caregivers / caretakers had them for us to copy.

CONFLICT - External : Differing view points, incompatibility between two people / groups /nations causes irritation which escalates into conflict. Now the external persona of False Egos  interacts, creating resentment, over flowing into bitterness. Greed for owning natures resources, Disrespect for the Dignity & Worth of every Human Being, & Dishonoring the differences / uniqueness of others, becomes the basis of Conflicts, battles & eventually wars. Lack of Tolerance, Cooperation, Unity, Responsibility & Self-Respect are the remaining Living Values which too must be imbibed in childhood, for people to live in Harmony, Happiness & overflowing Love for each other.


In reality we are all LIGHT EMITTING DUDE,  SOULS incarnating in variety of Costumes made out of perishable decaying bacteria. The only perfume that is available is LOVE, to over power the bad odor oozing out of our decaying BODIES.


Love is essential, important & life sustaining element & perfume of our bodies. It is securely sealed in a beautiful vessel named HEART. This container is highly expandable, flexible to hold LOVE & let it out at will. The vessel has the capacity to become BIG, SOFT or SHRIVELED & BROKEN too at different times. Love grows when given freely & becomes useful while caring, sharing, listening, consoling & being kind to near / dear ones & strangers. Love dries up when it is held back, blocked, restricted, stifled at times of being mean & sad. It is self manufacturing like any Hormone in our body. It is wrongly understood, that LOVE can be obtained by SQUEEZING  parts/organs of another's body which may be at close proximity, physically or far away in a distant land, mentally. 


Love is a tool too, to solve differences & makes you feel safe. Love is transferred by shooting out arrows of SMILES from the bow of your LIPS. We can display our love through tender touch, warm hugs & firm hand shakes.


Happiness happens when we are at Peace & Loved. Good wishes, Praise, Hugs & Acceptance by others makes us happy. It is equally important to make earnest effort to love our selves first & be at peace with self. It is having fun & good times with friends. First GIVE happiness by exuding it, then expect to RECEIVE it.


Valuing Worth of self & dignity of every Human  Being is giving & displaying Respect. It is feeling good & wonderful about self & others. Honoring the differences & uniqueness of others authentically is true respect. Asking questions & talking softly, politely & sweetly is an important hallmark of such respectful beings.     


Courage is needed to think & speak the Truth & live life in a transparent manner, no matter what. If you find something & it does not belong to you then disown it & return it to the Lost & found section. You will feel clear & light when giving magnanimously & treading the honest path. Honest beings rarely TRESPASS another being.


Show of patience, while waiting for your turn is a big Virtue. Behaving in a royal manner, displaying Divine gestures is real Humility.

Learning from Nature how to conserve the limited resources & not waste them at any point of time is a big lesson. Recycle, Reuse, Repair, Renew, Reduce, Refill & Refuse are excellent ways to simplify our lives.


Human beings are like Rainbows, multicolored but together as one. Accepting people as they are is the first step towards your Peace of mind & body. Appreciating their differences even they are wrong, according to your made up yardsticks is good for your mental health.


Working together for a common shared goal with patience & affection is the main objective. Everyone helping to get something done harmoniously is cooperation. To respond gladly & willingly creates Unity. Can I help you.


Taking charge of situations / things & making wise choices is being Responsible. The ability to Respond to any situation in a positive & emotionally balanced manner is the need of the hour. It is trying my very best & doing my share of work. Caring, helping others & being fair makes a better world.


All parents must teach their children these simple LIVING VALUES by exhibiting them in their day to day behavior, because children pick up by COPYING ONLY. Teaching them math, songs & ABC is old fashioned now, it amounts to packing your child's memory like Artificial Intelligence...
They come ready made to LEARN on their own. So let them loose & pick up what they need from the environment.  Our job as parents is to provide the ENVIRONMENT.

Rohit Khanna : IN-TOXICATED