Sunday 25 June 2017





All life is microscopic, very tiny consisting of cells / bacteria. In human beings, trillions of cells combine together, to create an organ. Then many organs combine together, to create a creation.  These microscopic cells have infinite intelligence and wisdom of their own. It is called innate intelligence. They have a very short life span say 48 hours. In this short period they work very hard, perform their jobs, give birth to new ones, train them as per ISO 9000 standards and die finally. This is the way life continues. It is like a relay race. Life is transferred from one dying cell to next new cell.


Our human bodies are made up of hundreds of different types of cells: liver cells, brain cells, heart cells, bone cells, skin cells. In every organ at any point of time millions of cells are dying and the exact same number of new cells is being born, anew. In other words, our body resembles a graveyard, or a battlefield to be more precise. This implies that there is an extreme urgency, to get rid of the “dead bodies”, quickly or else they will decay and become toxic. Thus there exists a very fine balance which has to be maintained in every category, of our organs. What does this explain?  It goes to show that, in a very short period the whole organ is replaced by brand new cells, and this is an on going process 24/7, for as long as you live. Therefore, the physical body has NO EXPIRY DATE technically.


The anatomical structure is so wonderful, that it resembles a miracle in action. Let me ask you a dumb question at this stage. How old is your body? Mind you, I am not asking your age. It is, believe me, very young, brand new.  If the body, your hardware, is brand new, then what constitutes your age. Your age is your soft ware, memory, education, thinking patterns, beliefs, convictions, and superstitions, brought forward of course. The outer invisible covers are old and ancient while the physical inner core is always brand new. They are as old as your age, in terms of years, on this planet.

Coming back to the delicate balance, of cell death and growth, we have two ways, in which this balance can be upset or disturbed. First case is, more cells dying, leading to organ shrinkage. Second case is, less cells dying, leading to organ enlargement. In both cases you have to die. When cells die in balanced fashion, we live. On the contrary, when cells live on, or learn not to die, then we die. You see the point. At cellular level, death is very important and most essential, for us to live on, for life to go on. Death is happening within us every second, yet we are mortally afraid of dying. This fear sometimes snow balls into mental conditions. We are carrying a miniature graveyard inside us and yet we dread the inevitable, our short journey to the earthly graveyard, and our final home for this perishable body.        


Our body is capable of transmuting everything it needs from anything you consume. Our body manufactures soft bees wax for the ears, hard enamel for the teeth, tough nails for the fingers, complex acids, enzymes, bile, for the stomach, and super sensitive hormones for our multiple explosive moods. We do not consume any of the above stuff, yet the body produces them for our survival. It keeps our mouth and eyes moist all the time, provides a continuous electrical charge to the heart muscles to keep on pumping without stopping, automatically shunts and reroutes blood, from one area to another where it is needed most. It gives us specific signals to start eating food, drinking water, and go off to sleep and shut down temporarily. Our body is programmed for auto pilot and we do not know about it.  


  all physical things are made from invisible stuff


What do you see, when the sun’s ray’s fall down on us? White light!  Not exactly, white light. This white light is actually made up of seven different colorful rays, the rainbow colors of different frequencies. What else do you NOT see up there? On each side of the rainbow we have the famous ultraviolet rays and infrared rays.


All of the above rays, invisible to us, are definitely coming down on us. Then we have the heat waves in the sun rays. They warm up the whole of the earth. The SUN is the biggest heavenly body in our solar system. It is made up of hot, very hot gases. Invisible stuff!  Hydrogen and helium gases!  The UV rays can make you blind, while the infra red rays can help you see in the dark. Do you see the cosmic balance and marvel? Our planet Earth, too, was a ball of hot gases billions of years ago. Today it has cooled off a bit, on the surface, but it is still very hot inside, near the core of the earth. We know this, when we see some volcanoes spilling out hot lava. The earth is spinning at high speed on its axis.  

At this high speed all living and non living things should fly out into space. But we do not. WHY? Because of an invisible force called GRAVITY. This force holds us down on to the earth. The invisible stuff again.

How do ships and airplanes navigate? How do they find their directions and destinations in dark nights and foggy days? There is a small device called the magnetic compass. This is responsible for all the advancement today. What is around a magnetic piece of steel? Magnetic field the, invisible stuff. Our earth is also a giant magnet with its south end located in the North Pole and north end located in the South Pole. This is how the north tip of a magnetic compass is always attracted towards the south end of the earth’s magnet which is located in the North Pole.  All this is invisible stuff. Two thirds of the earth is water. All life is dependent upon water. But water it self, is made up of stupid unfeeling stuff called hydrogen and oxygen. All is invisible stuff.


If your girlfriend was to come to you, into a totally dark room with a bouquet of roses, can you tell them apart? Of course you can, because roses have an invisible stuff around them. The rose fragrance fills up the room and your nose can tell all.

In your air tight houses and apartments you can easily tune in to your favorite songs on the radio and movies on the television sets. These large radio waves and micro TV waves can penetrate anything even concrete walls. All this is really, the invisible stuff. Cell phone talks, email messages in all languages, text messages, by the millions are up in the air all over the world, criss crossing each other without getting mixed up, intelligent invisible stuff.


As far as you know all solid looking things are solid: Wood, steel, granite, plastics. But for X-rays, these solid materials are extremely porous.  X-rays go through them very easily just like knife through butter.                
Paradoxically these powerful X-rays can not go through our bones. This goes to show that our bones are stronger than steel. They definitely last longer than steel, because we are still, digging up bones of our ancestors, from millions of years ago. It is all about invisible stuff again

If all things are made up of invisible stuff then what about our bodies. Yes definitely we too are no exceptions, and are made up of that same invisible stuff. We are 99% invisible and only 1% physical. Don’t be surprised, this is true. Your BRAIN is located in the small head, but where is the MIND, EGO, memory, emotions, past experiences, faith, fears, anger, guilt, despair, happiness, joy, ecstasy.  All these invisible components of your body need lot and lots of space; hence they are located outside your body, all around us. The outer shell reaches out, up to three meters on an average. It can expand up to 10 meters or more, simply by concentrating on it. This is the real HALO, which was visible around many saints and holy men of the past. Such phenomenon is in the process of becoming extinct in present days.  


We have seven layers over our skin which extends up to twenty four inches away. These Auras are the real invisible stuff. The seven Auras starting from inside are: Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental, Astral, Etheric template, Celestial Ketheric template. 


Next we have a large complement of twenty two chakras located over various locations of the body. There are seven basic chakras in pairs located over our spine from head to base. These chakras are conical Vortexes, spinning at very high speed facilitating the flow of cosmic energy into our body, to keep us alive and healthy. The seven chakras starting from head are: crown, forehead, throat, heart, solar plexus, hara, pelvic.


At night when we go to sleep, we start to dream. We see dreams with our eyes closed. How powerful we are? Yet most of us feel powerless and helpless all our lives. We can see with the “eyes” of our mind. Is it not magic? We can also dream with our eyes open, just day dreaming.


Thoughts are like a loaded gun. They have the power to change reality in a major way. All thoughts are concentrated in corpus coliseum, mid section of the brain. You may need a laptop or a computer to send and receive your emails. If you happen to shoot out a nasty email, then it can be traced back to you for a penalty. But you do not need anything, except your mind to send and receive prayers, wishes, intentions, thoughts, and desires. They reach the person you want them to reach and affect them, yet they are untraceable. 


We set aside personal agendas.  “MY WILL be done on earth, instead of THY WILL be done on earth” {as it is heaven}. We assume ourselves as an agent of Almighty, and instruct HIM to change his Divine plans and blueprints. We presume to know, how to run the world.  But do we know how to run the world? This is the reason why prayers back fire. It can and does malfunction in many unpredictable ways and cause additional problems for us. Praying for something that belongs to another!  God, let me win this match, this lottery. Let my son come first in class. When you pray for winning for one team you are praying for the defeat for another team. This is operator error. We are killing and torturing by thousands in the name of God. We end up, that we are right and they are wrong. How can you judge or be the judge?
Prayer is the ultimate backup device, which we resort to, to fix things up. We interfere in God’s tightly coupled system, inviting disasters.  Faith and trust: What is the level of your trust in the existence of cosmic energy? If it is 99 % forget it, it is no good. It has to be 110 %.  Complete faith and total surrender. If you pray for spiritual success, but entertain thoughts of possible failures, you are doomed. It is like sending someone on an errand, only to have him attacked by bandits on the way.  It defeats your purpose.

Belief is your conviction of the truth, of a proposition without its verification. You believe in many things because everyone around you believes in them, of course without verification. In many other things, you are made to believe through repetitive coaching, counseling, advertisement watching, and radio listening. As a result of the entire above overload of information, you come to believe in many things very powerfully, dangerously, and wrongly. The belief engine chugs away, strengthening old beliefs, spewing out new ones, rarely discarding any. We can sometimes see the foolishness in other people’s beliefs, but it is difficult to see the same error in our own beliefs. 

We need to go back just five generations to your great great grand parents and we arrive in 1500 AD the age where they firmly believed that the Earth is flat, & the mighty Sun goes around the Earth. They also believed that anything heavier than air could never fly. How wrong they were, is easy to see NOW ? This was the level intelligence that invented & fabricated all the beliefs that you & me are still holding on to. Good luck with your ancient BAGGAGE. 
  your  INCOGNITO beliefs & perceptions are not reality

Reality does not change depending upon your beliefs, and perceptions. Beliefs do not establish truth. How do we acquire these harmful beliefs?  We internalize them from our environment, parents, teachers, role models, when we are very young, innocent, raw, and quite impressionable. Belief formation is spontaneous and involuntary. What are beliefs? They are mini programs in our memory. We internalize the age old beliefs handed down form one generation to another, pretty much Stone Age stuff. We go through life struggling with these programmed hard disks which refuse to take in new and correct information from reality and everyday events. We are totally biased with these age old perceptions and notions that act like filters or brackets in our life’s experiences. In short the world events happen to us objectively, while we experience them subjectively through our filters, totally opposite angles and view points. What is the solution to this faulty programming problem? Simple! Format your hard disk and leave it blank as it was, when you were born. It would be even better if you reprogram it as you wish it now, master of yourself. You are in charge of your life. Do it now, rewrite your own program?  Be alert, be aware of this malfunction. This is the root of all problems, misery, and suffering. Majority of the people do not want to do it themselves. They are again afraid of the unknown as usual, or they do not know where to start or how to go about it.   


These are universal, age old beliefs that the whole world pretty much believes in, of course, without reasoning and without verification.  Let us call them Grandparents beliefs. Raise your hands if anyone of you is God fearing?  All hands go up because we all fear GOD. We have been made to FEAR HIM. Should we be, fearing Him or loving Him? Definitely GOD loving! How did you get this wrong or upside down?
Do you remember your nursery rhymes still?  How did you do it or were made to do it? BY HEART! I am sorry, it is not so. You got it wrong again. You remember your rhymes by brain, by head and not by heart. Our grandparents had everything wrong side up like our well frogs. They very strongly believed that anything heavier than air can not fly. But again you see for yourself, that they were wrong. Today they can fly from London to New York in a jumbo jet weighing hundreds of tones.


We internalize these wrong beliefs from our role models when we are very young. These dangerous mind manipulations were brought forward from centuries of the past to our role models. So now they pass them on to you helpless child in the name of culture, traditions, and values.
The primitive man awed the birds and animals because he could not fly or hunt likes them. He feared to death the invisible spirits and all powerful forces of nature which were beyond his comprehension at that time. Therefore he started to worship all these elements to appease them for his own safety and life. It was his invention. It was the technology of Stone Age. It made perfect sense for such an undeveloped brain.
The religious principles and practices progressed very slowly and changed from time to time. It started with Toteism, progressed to Pantheism and stopped at Monotheism, concept of one God. The primitive man had no free will of his own; therefore he believed that all actions were ordered by divine. He had the perfect attitude of acceptance and reverence. He had no concept of ego too, and therefore shifted all responsibility to the Gods. He basically lived in abundance and detachment mode to a great extent, hence was very happy and disease free. He accepted death of a loved one as part of the divine blueprint; hence it was celebrated with the whole tribe and full festivities.


We learn that teachers, doctors, parents know best and therefore they hold enormous power over our minds and learning. From the very beginning we are told many abstract beliefs, like the tooth fairy coming and taking away our first tooth and Santa Claus coming in his sleigh to bring us Christmas presents, gifts. This is our starting point to rely less and less on our confidence and intelligence and get into the wrong Stone Age belief systems.


Beliefs based on ignorance. They know that these beliefs are baseless stuff, yet they believe in them helplessly and act accordingly. The most common one is the belief about the number 13. It is so unlucky that it does not appear anywhere. The hotels do not have thirteenth floor ever and room number 13 cannot be lived in because it does not exist. The same belief is about number 4. Coincidentally the numerals in 13 add up to 4 also. Friday the 13th is considered even more inauspicious. Friday is very bad day for setting sail, going on a trip, bed change and stitching of garments.
In various parts of the world people believe in different things, very foolishly. In Korea all ceiling fans and table fans are manufactured with timer devices. No fans ever run for ever, continuously. They believe that the fan will suck the life out of you, if left to run all day and night.
Another good one is about cats crossing your path on the streets. You have to stop dead in your path, change directions for awhile and then continue after a little break. So rigid is this belief.
It is about cats leaving an electrostatic charge in their paths which could affect you, if you went ahead, of course baseless. In the West, cats are the pampered lot in homes. People live with them all day without getting charged electrostatic-ally.
Opening an umbrella inside the house is a bad omen. So is walking under a ladder, and placing your shoes on the table. The good luck beliefs are pretty stupid too, like keeping your fingers crossed and knocking on wood. If the hands are itchy then money is either going out or coming in. Finally if you find a penny on the ground and pick it up then it will bring luck, because an angel placed it there. 

We are all brought up with hundreds of limitations. This provides a very narrow perspective for our growth and development and puts brakes on our progress for the rest of our lives. We are made to believe that we cannot do a particular task, rather many tasks. Hence we end up with low self confidence, low self esteem and zero capabilities or skills. Later on in life your parents expect you to scale lofty mountains in one single leap. How ridiculous is their belief and style of bringing up. Hexing is mind manipulation, intentionally or unintentionally. It is being done to children by their parents, role models all the time. It is the imagination of horrific outcomes suggestible in negative direction mostly. The tell tale signs of people who are self hexed are as follows: It is God’s will, what can you do?  They are trapped in life, with their backs against the wall. Such people believe in the above very strongly, cooperate with HEX and give up. They often die young. Angry about being dependent upon others, pessimistic and suspicious of others, avoiding personal contact, they live their lives thus. Poor sinners, victims of circumstances of their lives, pawns of judgmental vengeful God, will continue to find bad things happening to good people. 
It is good to remain under pressure to perform well.
It is normal to be stressful at most of the times.
Deadlines motivate you to move ahead in life.
It is OK to react angrily when ever provoked by the other person.
Fear is a healthy tool to get higher productivity.
Irritations and pain is accepted part of life.  
Happiness lies outside in material things/possessions.
My peace is dependent upon the other person’s behavior.


It happened in India in the early 1900. Tarpon lived in a dilapidated shack in Ranchi, Bihar. One day he woke up in extreme pain in his stomach and was very sick with loose motions and abdominal cramps. He strongly believed that he had swallowed a whole lizard while he was asleep. His body was cooperating with his belief. He was taken to a hospital, where the doctors checked him out and found nothing wrong with him medically. The doctors tried everything but of no benefit. Tarpons condition was deteriorating fast. Finally the family members sought the help of a Sorcerer. He took the doctors and family members into confidence and devised of a plan.
Next day Tarpon was taken to an old cemetery in the night time to the Sorcerer where he was ready with a small dead lizard in his pocket. Tarpon was asked to drink some soap water while he chanted some Mantras. A Bonn fire was lighted to make it look like a ritual. Soon Tarpon started vomiting and in the commotion the Sorcerer threw in the dead lizard in the vomit pool very smartly. When Tarpon’s vomiting spell subsided the doctors joyously reported the success of the operation and pointed to the dead lizard in the pool of vomit. Tarpon saw it with his own eyes and was hexed totally. His body cooperated with his new mental belief; he recovered in two days and went home fully recovered.                                               

Personally, I have treated many patients for different aliments, with only vitamin C, at my father’s clinic when I was a young upcoming apprentice. It always worked. Their belief in my father, as a God like doctor and his medicine, got them to be healed of their sickness in matter of days. Many of them were educated and fairly intelligent, yet their firm belief brought them to my father’s clinic again and again. This just proves our mind has magical powers to heal & influence the functioning of our bodies. The reverse is equally true, which implies that negative thoughts & fatal beliefs do cause malfunctions in our bodies. Therefore be forewarned.


The human mind can be hexed in diametrically opposite directions. This is a true story of Mitchell. She is the mother of a very famous astronaut. She is legally blind and wears very thick glasses to barely feel her way around when she is moving in the house. She is a very pious, God fearing lady and a staunch Christian by faith. One day she was thrilled to learn that Chen Norbord the Reiki Master, was coming to a nearby town to deliver a talk. She believed that Chen was a Christian too like her and he happened to be a friend of her astronaut son. But as luck would have it, her son was not available to drive her to the talk. In the mean time Chen Norbord rang up Mitchell and wished she could make it to his talk. He further suggested that Mitchell should drive down on her own, since her son is tied up elsewhere. Mitchell got her vision restored and drove down 300 km. on her own to attend Chen’s talk. After the talk she confidently drove back another 300 km. without a hitch. It was a miracle that had happened. After two months when her son returned home he too was thrilled at the miracle. During her discussions with her son she found out to her utter surprise, that Chen Norbord was a Non–Christian. This belief devastated Mitchell so badly that her body cooperated with her belief and she lost her vision again.

Words that maim: Since medical doctors are held in high regard, their words, prognosis can act as bullets if not curses, and encourage the patient or the victim to die on time as decided by the doctor. Unintentionally the medical doctors HEX their patients to death. Spooky surroundings, intimidating environment, replete with x-rays machines, dim lights, radiology equipment, all put together produce fear and apprehension. Next you foot a heavy bill payment for all these services and finally the doctor gives his diagnosis, or death sentence:            
You are living on borrowed time, and this narrow blood vessel is a widow maker.
They told me it would only get worse and I would just have to live with it, or die of it.
You are going down hill fast and they said there was nothing more they could do for me.
Your tumor is a ticking time bomb, and all we can do is wait and see what happens.
You are too late to come now for the treatment. The body has become very weak to sustain the high dosage needed to help you.


We never stop hearing. Our auditory fibers are not affected by anesthesia. In the operation theater in a hospital we are very vulnerable to the intentions and suggestions made by the doctors, surgeons and their assistants even though we are unconscious. In one case the intern in the OT unintentionally said that this is the worst case he had ever seen regarding kidney and bladder repair. The victim heard the loose remark of the intern and believed him. The victim’s body started to cooperate with his new belief and he never recovered fully as planned by the surgeon’s. He could never urinate without a catheter. In another case the surgeon was performing a knee operation on a middle aged man. During the operation while the man was unconscious under anesthesia, the surgeon carelessly commented that he has done what he was supposed to do for the knee to come back. This remark was wrongly interpreted by the victim patient that the knee operation had not gone as planned. His body cooperated with his new belief and he started to die soon after his knee operation. How one casual remark can kill a victim is amazing and very powerful force. This is even more effective than the suggestion of a hypnotist.


A medical student learns about germs, microscopic parasites, bacteria, and he develops a syndrome about them. He goes on washing his hands and cleaning himself up to 100 times a day. Sure enough he is never clean enough. He is an excellent example of self hexing. The days of the germ theory are over. Louis Pasteur pioneered this theory hundreds of years ago, when we all were neck deep into very scary diseases like small pox, typhoid, tuberculosis, polio, and rheumatic fever. They have been eradicated almost totally and are fully curable. Today the big killers are none of the above, but different ones which are not caused by our friendly germs. Instead We have cancer, diabetes, heart strokes, allergies, multiple sclerosis, mental sickness, obesity. These diseases are absolutely our doing.


This is the new “germ”. It is an oxygen atom that is missing an electron. This makes it hungry, ravenous, and will not stop till its thirst is satisfied and fulfilled. Therefore it attacks the first neighbor to fill itself up and stabilize. The wrong foods we consume generate the free radicals in our bodies. The only way out of this maze is to combat the enemy at its own game. The big game is ANTI OXIDANTS. Simply reverse the life style and culinary choices. This way you ingest compatible foods which do not cause free radicals and the balance sheet is favorably tipped on the Anti oxidants side. Remember, this is, life, ever renewing on autopilot. We make poor choices in our diets and life styles. No! We have no room for any choice. The market is flooded with poisonous ready to eat snacks and foods. Each package is more harmful than the next one, loaded with sugars, salts, artificial colors and dangerous preservatives. Even god cannot help you, if you continue to consume this trash day in, day out. Coke cola and Pepsi is not a drink but an acid wash. Even wine is ten times better than colas.


That what ever is written in the holy books is the word of God and cannot be questioned!
That going to the church/temple for 2 hrs, once a week will get you to heaven,no effort needed.
That you must protect your land/God by killing others or self!
That you must control children at all times, dominate them and not let go of them.
That shouting/punishing/showing anger will right the wrong and discipline the child.
That there is no quality life without TV/parties/friends/long vacations!
That other people must compliment your looks/clothes/possessions very often.
That lot of money and expensive gifts will make you happy.
That you must switch to new partners to find love in them or new egos eventually.
That there are limited quantities of goods in this world, hence hoard up!
That the world situations and adverse climates are to be blamed for your misery!
That other people’s bad behavior is the cause of your suffering hence nagging, all the time.
That you hate all those who criticize, disagree, abused you in past, hence no forgiveness!
That you must feed your body with four to five meals per day!
That it is normal to own a couple of diseases and slow down, as you age up.
That only a medical doctor and his medicine will heal you, while you continue with your vices, bad choices & show total helplessness.

With all of the above beliefs look, tarry, question yourself, where you are heading to.


We are made up of hundreds of emotions located snugly in the invisible body: hate, anger, fears, shame, guilt, gloom, blame, grief. All long lasting emotions. And some short lasting ones too: joy, ecstasy, elation, laughter, love. These emotions act like MICROWAVES and cook up the corresponding organs inside our bodies. What happens when you over cook, your pop corns in the microwave, by just 15 seconds extra? They burn up and become black. You destroy them fully. Can you imagine what happens when you leave your microwaves of negative emotions ON, all of the time? You kill yourself. Starting from the invisible outside, going to the physical insides of your body. The cause is outside and the effect happens inside. Your doctors have one common word for all these emotions which is STRESS.


Everything has a CAUSE, a starting point, so does sickness, illness, and disease. The starting point with humans is thoughts, feelings, emotions, and attitudes. A simple solution is to close your eyes, in meditation as often as possible.
External stimuli or events in real life trigger off basic thoughts of fears and doubts, which evolve into feelings. These feelings can be positive or negative: Feelings of insecurity, no self worth, and being unloved.  
In time, feelings are experienced as emotions of joy or hate.  Hurt, sorrow, and even grief are the bad ones. Next, these emotions cause in time, our reactions and behavior to graduate one notch up. Behavior can be constructive or destructive: Shouting, blaming others, withdrawing, taking all things personally are examples of destructive behavior. Our behaviors lead to moods & attitudes as time progresses. Attitudes again can be good or bad. Masking, hiding, being shameful, compulsions, and addictions are the bad ones. Finally, moods precipitate as stress resistance. We refuse to change ourselves for better. This is our destiny in the making – our own doing. We are the creators of our Destiny starting with Thoughts & progressing gradually to feelings, emotions, behaviors, moods, & attitudes. We are also true escapists and put the blame on God for deciding our destiny.


Instead, we get busy changing others, controlling others, escaping anyhow, postponing, by absorbing ourselves into meaningless activities. Fearful of transformation, we refuse to change ourselves. We harbor these negative emotions, all the time, if not most of the time. These emotions are triggering off hormones in our bodies. They stimulate the Hypothalamus and Pituitary glands to secrete hormones in the high doses that are dependent upon the kind of emotions we harbor. We have excess of 3000 very complex chemicals in our bodies which must be kept in a very fine balance, 24/7. Joyful, calm, lovable emotions trigger off hormones in just the right quantities, no more, any less. Just the optimal quantity!  On the other hand hateful, angry, grief ridden emotions, trigger off hormones in excess quantities, into the body. These hormones are no less than steroids and very powerful chemicals. They cause havoc and upset the delicate balance at cellular level. These steroids like hormones act upon the foods, we eat or import into our bodies. Foods are converted into energy which is required by our ever active bodies. The imbalance happens, when we have excess of wrong type of steroids and surplus of the wrong kind of foods. These foods can not be metabolized effectively and they end up in our blood stream making it almost fatal. 


Each soul in the beginning inherits the Original Pure seven seeds.
Over many births it picks up it own mixed bag of seeds which are carried forward.
Then it internalizes from parental behavior most of the acquired seeds - heredity transfer.
Further it acquires many more powerful seeds from schools, friends, & environment.
At this point it has the option to self plant choicest seeds through Autosuggestion & will power.
Depending upon the active seeds the mind generates habitual random trespasses & intentions.
These tiny sprouts grow uncontrolled into high speed Thoughts: waste, negative, toxic, positive.
Gradually they snowball into strong Feelings, both good & bad.
Very soon they are experienced as powerful Emotions, mostly unman-aged, some managed.
In turn they generate internal mental noise & vibrations.
These vibrations have power to dislodge & dislocate the important Vortexes of energy Chakras.
The next in line are the Auras which get distorted & the health rays start to droop down.
This leads to Imbalance of the Life Force Energies which further pull down the health rays.
The cause of the disease in the Casual body manifests at this point.
The cause acts like a microwave to germinate Cognitive Dissonance, long lasting one.
In turn the brain gets triggered either Optimally or excessively.
This sensitive stimulation is transferred to the hormonal glands to produce rightly or wrongly.
Resulting in flooding of chemicals in the blood stream with acceptable hormones or toxic steroids.
The body reacts to the critical levels by constricting vessels, crimping nerves, & cramping muscles.
This directly impacts the system as a whole into Hypertension.
Culminating into Pain, many times unbearable.
Leading to treatment  with medicines by a doctor or hospitalization.
These harmful medicines lead to further suffering with multiple side effects.
Logical stage of dehydration takes place with heavy medications.
Now a full fledged disease has been created and the doctors give it a big name too.


This is a very crucial cross road from where you have two choices : to go down or to go up. Most of us are in the middle rung of the ladder of Health, that being APPARENT HEALTH - We think we are healthy enough, but realistically we are not. Mere absence of disease is not good health. The cause lies in our unawareness of wasteful & neutral thought patterns & habits arising from seeds of hurt, anxiety, worry, fickle, faithless, & inhibited.  Our unconscious choice of seeds & eventual thought patterns lead us downwards one rung to MARGINAL HEALTH - The cause of this stage is negative thinking arising out from seeds of lust, inferior. defective, ugly, victim, loser & crushed. The lowest rung of the ladder is Ill health. This is a serious matter but the cause is very much in our control if we choose to do so. It is the perpetual pattern of Toxic thoughts arising from the seeds of Ego, jealousy, pride, greed, selfish, rude, & cheating.   

The other path that takes you up on the ladder of Health is that of discipline & self control. One rung up takes you to OPTIMUM HEALTH - people in this category are very much conscious of their physical bodies & wish to stay in perfect shape most of their lives. Actors, singers, musicians, athletes, fall in this category of mania for good physique. They earn millions through the display of their bodies & skills. They also spend at least 2 hours everyday in the gym, rain or shine & eat frugally exercising total discipline in all aspects of their living. They have Positive thinking patterns, which grows from the seeds of contentment, helpful, love-full, aware, easy, quiet & happy. Finally the top most rung is that of VIBRANT HEALTH - This is attained by a select few who venture very hard in the field of Elevated thoughts, regular meditation, & Raja yoga. Saints, yogis, toddler children, fall in this beautiful category. The basis of such perfect health are the seeds of Peace, affection, kindness, giving, generous, honesty, & soul consciousness.    

Rohit Khanna- In-dweller


Friday 16 June 2017




It is the primal wave movement.  The source of this rhythm lies in the swelling and receding of the motions of pelvis & abdomen. Breathing is a global body experience.   Every breath massages all the internal organs for good health automatically. We feel the body through the medium of breath. Listen to your breathing and know who you are. Inhabit your body with full awareness. Entering stillness within the breath. Observe how the breath is inside the breath Pause & be still. Inhalation is born out of this stillness and exhalation returns to this stillness. Allow yourself to become luminous stillness. Soul shining star. Witness thoughts from this stillness, & you will get to peacefulness. The capacity for aliveness & pleasure permeates every cell.


History of breath gives us the knowledge of our childhood wounds, trauma, fears & chronic insecurities. We must open up to these & consciously breath them out. Don’t wait for the crisis to change your lives. Hurry up sickness, is an epidemic these days. Make choices, slow down, spend time lavishly, then you will have more of it. Healing with the breath is an ancient art lost in time. Affirm loudly that each breath is transforming me into thine image of purity, perfect happy soul.

What we are and what we wish to know are not separate. It is the same thing. The finger pointing at the moon. We are awakened consciousness. The very nature of the breath arising from within us announces this message over & over again.  Celebrate your own homecoming. Mindfulness is to mind the breath, is to decide, that this very moment is yours to own it. To extricate self from the past & pull of future, gradually come to peace with ourselves, one thing at a time with full attention.  When not at peace, we feel righteous anger, a justifiable disappointment.  Solution is to be choice-less.


Marriage of two psyches, two histories, two perspectives, but one relationship can be infinitely complex & potentially confusing. We are wedded to the living pulsing life force in your beloved & everyone else. This natural cycle, where sexual desire waxes & wanes like the cycle of moon, allows us necessary periods of solitude, self reflection, and regeneration to make deep connection with self, the soul. But we are trained for scheduled performances.  Choose mindful spontaneity consciously. Hugging is redefined for your benefit. How much of your body & self you make accessible to the other partner. Intimacy is touching from inner body.  Allow feeling parts of ourselves. They remain untouched & disconnected from their lovers, a complete sense of alienation.  Try touching with soft organs, circulating fluids, the breath that moves through all these, the heart beating, lungs inflating & deflating, feel how your partner yields to you, where you open up, & surrender to her, where you hold back.  Lovemaking is letting go. The greater the effort in all parts of the body, the more blocked will be the fragile wave of sex. Pause and feel the breath soften. Simply follow the natural flow and melt into sleep.


Meditation based on breath. This is my first breath in, inhale fully deeply & hold.   That is my last breath out, breath out fully & hold again. Live as if it is the last day on earth.  Watch the parade of jumbled & negative thoughts dancing on the screen of your mind. It does not mean renouncing all the things one enjoys. Rather you are renouncing true pleasure & delight by being mind-full of every breath.  Instead of working from rigid assumptions base, we start to take bearings from the reality of present. Cultural & social forces that are holding us hostage at the end of our lives, we may stand baffled that we have striven so hard & so long for things we never wanted in the first place.  It is a myth of successful person.  To be someone and get there, quickly, anyhow, madly rushing through life. It is surely a mirage.  


The aim is to channel Prana Shakti into 26 points sequentially for 20 seconds per point.  Breath in, hold for 20 seconds or more, chant mentally – OM CHITANYA CHITANYA SWAAHA slowly, exhale breath. Reflect on these 26 points with colored air & suggest activation of consciousness has emerged. Repeat the exercise twice ascending first then descending order.

Soles,  Calves, Thighs  - in pairs
Genital, Navel, Heart
Lungs, Palms, hands, shoulders. – in pairs
Eyes, ears, eyebrows – in pairs
Neck, Mouth, Nose. 

Rohit Khanna - IN-DWELLER


Thursday 15 June 2017




Are you ready for this challenge. The prerequisites for your success in this venture are many. Two most important ones are : Will power of Hercules & Unbending discipline of steel. Apart from the above you must examine & put aside your conventional beliefs, convictions, bad habits, & question your shallow schooling / education about your miraculous ANATOMY & CHEMISTRY of food.

The human stomach is analogous to a micro brewing beer Vat. Three core aspects stand out in this regard. 

A} The precise temperature control of the contents in the Vat like Stomach.
B} The breakdown to very fine particle size of the inputs & flow-ability in a semi liquid state.
C} Zero tolerance to dilution of the contents with foreign liquids of any kind. 

Dual Pathways to Energy : 

The Anaerobic route does not use Oxygen & it takes place in the Muscles of the body. The complex Disaccharide Sugars in Carbohydrates & Starches are subjected to a chemical treatment named Glycolysis & broken up into Monosaccharide components which are easily injected into our Blood stream through the Liver. This magic happens inside the Bacteria Cell walls/envelope. The inside of the cell is jelly like Cytoplasm hence no exposure to Oxygen filled environment.

The Aerobic route uses Oxygen & takes place in the Alimentary canal starting with the mouth & continuing till the small intestines. The starches are broken up in the mouth with the help of Enzyme called Alpha Amylase / Ptyalin into simple sugars and further by pancreatic Amylase & other juices into Maltose. Subsequently into Glucose with the help of enzyme called Maltase.  At this point it is ready to be injected into the blood stream through the liver.

The breakdown of Proteins happens in the stomach with the help of Enzyme called Pepsin into Peptide chains. The Gastrin hormone in the blood stimulates the stomach walls to produce Pepsinogen which further tickles the glands to manufacture copious amounts of Hydrochloric acid to maintain a pH2 level for efficient breakdown. Subsequently in the small intestines with the help of more enzymes like Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, & Carboxypeptide the breakdown continues into Amino Acids. At this point the body can use up the AA or store them up as Urea with the help of Urea Cycle, Deamination process in the liver. Yet another option is to store up Polypeptides as alpha Keto acids using the Catabolism process or convert them into Glucose & store up as Fat using the Ploymerization process with the help of enzymes like Ribonucleic acids & Ribosomes. This stored up Fat is recycled into other AA when ever needed by the body. Fats are also emulsified into Fat droplets with the help of Bile salts in the stomach region.

The Anatomy of Breakdowns : Lock & Key mechanism. 

Enzymes are Protein molecules with 3D shapes. They act as the Locks and attract complementary substrates as Keys to match up. The chemical reaction of breaking down gets completed & the substrate is released, thus freeing up the locks to dock with more matching keys.      

CANE SUGAR    is   SUCROSE  broken up into   FRUCTOSE + GLUCOSE
MILK SUGAR    is   LACTOSE   broken up into   GALACTOSE + GLUCOSE

FRUCTOSE is the killer component of your sugars, beware.

Processed sugars are devoid of Iron, Calcium, Potassium, &  other minerals which are needed by the human body. Therefore SWITCH BACK to Jaggery / Brown sugar for the sake of your own health. Additionally SWITCH OVER to CLARIFIED BUTTER from processed oils which are taking a heavy toll on your health, only  to help profit the pharmaceutical companies & doctors. 

Personally, I have always been consuming the above two ingredients & the result is a DISEASE FREE body even at 72.   

Keeping in mind all the above aspects of the brewing beer Vat like stomach the following TEN COMMANDANTS have been formulated to aid & lead you to Vibrant health which manifests as fountain of youth subsequently. 

1} Thou shall consume all your micro-sized meals from Sunrise to Sunset. The stomach is influenced by the heat & light of the mighty Sun & functions best during daylight hours.

2} Thou shall ingest small quantities of food, which can be accommodated in the palms of your two hands at any one meal.

3} Thou shall eat solid food at room temperature or piping hot state. Frozen or cold foods lower the temperature of the stomach & result in sludge formation which refuses to move forward / downwards causing physical distress / uneasiness.

4} Thou shall drink a large tumbler of Luke warm water twenty minutes before every meal. This is a must because your body will need this neutral liquid to make up copious amounts of rich ALKALINE SALIVA & other complex digestive acids, enzymes, hormones when you begin to eat your solid food.Water has memory in the form of vibrations. Drink slowly with attitude of gratitude. 

5} Thou shall maintain the potency of powerful digestive acids by refraining from mixing any foreign liquids, along with your solid food, like milk, wine, beer, alcohol, water, cold drinks, fruit juices. This is a serious matter because dilution of powerful acids will delay & surely stop the digesting process. Never drink cold water all day long. This drip irrigation fools the body into redirecting the water to wrong regions like the brain. 

6} Thou shall attempt to enjoy one item of solid food at one meal. Mixing too much variety in one sitting clashes with each other & confuses the stomach. It just shuts down leaving you with undigested food, gas generation & its entrapment which results in extreme pain. Seven course dinners & massive buffets are a sure quick way to the grave. Starches sugars & proteins interact with each other to produce harmful chemical reactions. Therefore eat them separately. Examples of single item meal are as follows :

Dark bread/toasted whole wheat bread/flat beard with butter.
Platter of meats/sea food/fish - two cups equivalent
Cooked vegetables - one cup
Raw vegetables, fruits, salads without proteins - two cups
Cooked Lentils or lentil soups - one cup

7} Thou shall cook, prepare or assemble your own food in silence & soul conscious awareness. In case your loved ones are cooking your food then make sure they are kept contented & happy at all times. This is the only way you are going to ensure that positive love-full vibrations go into your food first & latter on in your system. Imagine yourself ingesting unhygienic street food cooked by a dissatisfied unpleasant angry person, who is compelled to do this for a living/profit.

8} Thou shall eat in micro sized bites, chew slowly with mouth shut & masticate the morsels of food in soul awareness till it is liquid in the mouth itself. Please note that food is digested in the mouth & absorbed in the stomach. This habit will make you feel fuller & allow you to eat less. which is the pathway & secret to Vibrant health. Thou shall drink lots of water all day BUT NEVER WITH FOOD.

9}  Thou shall walk away from the ever inviting but dangerous platters of cakes, pastries, sweets, ice creams, puddings, milkshakes which are over flowing with harmful sugars ( Fructose). At this point your single item meal has used up all the available INSULIN in your system. These sugary desserts if consumed now will end up in your blood stream which I dare say will prove FATAL. Go ahead & kill yourself with a piece of sweet. How ever we have beautiful alternatives for your sweet tooth now, if you can not resist the temptations, like dates, figs, cinnamon, licorice, molasses, jaggery, maple syrup, & sweetest of all honey.

10}  Thou shall also focus on the elimination process of the body. Early morning drink the first glass of Luke warm water with lemon juice & 10 drops of tinctures Neem/Turmeric/Ginger. The second glass of Luke warm water must have 5 spoons of ground mixture of Flax seeds, Chia seeds  & Psyllium husk. This regime will ensure total & easy evacuation of the unwanted elements from the body. It acts like a internal rope broom which ensures absolute cleaning. In the beginning you may have to sit down & walk like a crow to get the rigid bowels moving into new habit. 



This is a very crucial cross road from where you have two choices : to go down or to go up. Most of us are on the middle rung of the ladder of Health, that being APPARENT HEALTH - We think we are healthy enough, but realistically we are not. Mere absence of disease is not good health. 

The cause lies in our overall unawareness. We are overloaded with wasteful thought patterns & habits arising from seeds of hurt, anxiety, worry, fickle, faithless, & inhibited.  

Our unconscious choice of seeds & eventual thought patterns lead us downwards one rung to MARGINAL HEALTH - The cause of this stage is negative thinking arising out from seeds of lust, inferior. defective, ugly, victim, loser & crushed. 

The lowest rung of the ladder is Ill health. This is a serious matter but the cause is very much in our control if we choose to do so. It is the perpetual pattern of Toxic thoughts arising from the seeds of Ego, jealousy, pride, greed, selfish, rude, cheating & CONTROLLING THE SPOUSES, CHILDREN, WHOLE WORLD. It is a sure highway to INSANITY - Go figure.    

The other path that takes you up on the ladder of Health is that of discipline & self control. One rung up takes you to OPTIMUM HEALTH - people in this category are very much conscious of their physical bodies & wish to stay in perfect shape most of their lives. Actors, singers, musicians, athletes, fall in this category of mania for good physique. They earn millions through the display of their bodies & skills. They also spend at least 2 hours everyday in the gym, rain or shine & eat frugally exercising total discipline in all aspects of their living. They have Positive thinking patterns, which grows from the seeds of contentment, helpful, love-full, aware, easy, quiet & happy. 

Finally the top most rung is that of VIBRANT HEALTH - This is attained by a select few who venture very hard in the field of Elevated thoughts, regular meditation, & Raja yoga. Saints, yogis, toddler children, fall in this beautiful category. The basis of such perfect health are the seeds of no memory, Peace, affection, kindness, giving, generous, honesty, & soul consciousness.  



Friday 21 April 2017



If you make an effort to see IN-SIDE you are bound to get to the bottom of it.

TO BE OR NOT TO BE,          
TO DO OR NOT TO DO,                               

SPIRITUAL NETT WORTH : Currency - Peace, sound sleep, piece of mind.

You seem to be winning by loosing internal battles in absolute ignorance. This life was given to us with the sole purpose of making it worthwhile. The fundamental question is What is your Spiritual Nett Worth. This income earned in this valuable life is easily carried forward to next Cycle of births.


On one side, you have extreme Body Consciousness coupled with weak will power. On top of this you are totally unaware of your environment resulting in a careless attitude towards life. Additionally your level of ignorance is boundless leading to utter Indolence & lethargy. To add fuel to the fire, you brought forward some really negative Sanskars/seeds. Latter on you acquired a host of pretty nasty Sanskars while growing up. Then you developed die hard habits & auto reflexes to continue on the path of blind faith. Wrong beliefs, desires, & greed catapulted you into a spiral of unman-aged emotions. Ego & anger always had the upper hand in your case.


On the other side you have the fortune of Soul Consciousness coupled with strong will power. On top of this you are fully aware of your environment resulting in utmost attentiveness & alertness to perform every action in a premeditated manner. Additionally you are very knowledgeable & enthusiastic to act upon new ideas. You have succeeded in emerging your original Sanskars having grown up in a spiritual & disciplined environment. This helped you to instill positive habits inside you on the path of Truth. All your actions & karmas were well thought out giving you a bouquet of managed emotions only. Contentment, Humility & Peace played a preferred role in this case.


In the middle you have the TUG OF WAR from one extreme to the other extreme, till weak side gives in or the strong side wins over. In the beginning of the dilemma the heart sensory organ functions to persuade  and then towards the end the brain sensory organ takes over.

PEACE : It is a state of tranquility, calm, quiet environment, which follows after CONFLICT RESOLUTION happens. Therefore understanding Conflict & its resolution becomes paramount. Personal Peace is a state of BEING QUIET / Still inside & outside. When every one around us, attains this state, then Harmony prevails & that land is called PARADISE. Here the Question of Conflict does not arise, ever. Remember, Arms are for HUGGING & not for Hitting, Shoving, Pushing, Bullying, Hurting or Over Powering.    

CONFLICT - Internal : Differing perspectives about the REAL you/self & the PROJECTED EGO of you/self. The Real you is hidden, natural, pure, peaceful & easy going. On the other hand the Projected Ego of self by the self is exposed, totally false, tainted, agitated & critical of everything & everybody. The Real you is Original, Eternal, & untainted. By comparison the Projected Ego is amassed, acquired, built up from yard sales of traits that the others have discarded & put out for disposal - go figure.   

Conflict resolution must happen first on the Internal level by having a desire to understand & finish the mental violence / tug of war. The absence of strong LIVING VALUES is the root cause of mental chaos. Honesty, Humility, & simplicity are the very basic ones to imbibe right from the early years of childhood. We can imbibe these only if our parents / caregivers / caretakers had them for us to copy.

CONFLICT - External : Differing view points, incompatibility between two people / groups /nations causes irritation which escalates into conflict. Now the external persona of False Egos  interacts, creating resentment, over flowing into bitterness. Greed for owning natures resources, Disrespect for the Dignity & Worth of every Human Being, & Dishonoring the differences / uniqueness of others, becomes the basis of Conflicts, battles & eventually wars. Lack of Tolerance, Cooperation, Unity, Responsibility & Self-Respect are the remaining Living Values which too must be imbibed in childhood, for people to live in Harmony, Happiness & overflowing Love for each other.

First the component of Conscience tickles, goad's us to reconsider indulging in derogatory actions. Often we give in very easily & indulge in wrong actions, deeds because we never learnt the art of listening to our sleeping Conscience.   
Second component that come into play is Intuition. This is also termed as Gut feeling. In this super fast world where is the split second to consult our unerring helper of Intuition for a second opinion. It is again very easily over ridden / over ruled in the favor of going ahead with the decision to Indulge & repent latter on.

Third aspect of the heart organ is the Sixth sense. We are supposed to be the masters of our thoughts, feelings & emotions, but sadly we are just the opposite, big time Slaves. All of the above three components are more developed in our female partners, therefore they are used more often by them, to arrive at wiser decisions. The male counter part of the equation is an impulsive fool, who does not have these components of the heart and is therefore at a loss to use them when needed. He often gets into quick-sand situations & sinks into oblivion. The females invariably outsmart & out live the males.

Forth component of Intellect, belongs to the brain organ. This tool is mostly blunt or mildly sharp through out the life time of the owner. It is in this region that the mental Tug of war begins & never seems to end. The acquired Sanskars & die hard habits are a very strong influence which sweep aside all the justifications of the half developed Intellect when ever the tough decisions have to be implemented, hence the recurring Indulgence of negativity & its perpetual loop. What is urgently required is the open & razor sharp Intellect to allow the owner to function in the Soul conscious category, all the time.

Fifth aspect is that of Will Power. It is a self help tool. The owner uses Auto suggestion to plant new seeds / Sanskars to replace the old die hard habits, instead of going to a Hypnotist for external help. A determined mind can do this exercise on a regular basis to achieve spectacular results. It is like ordering from inside to do the right thing, instead of allowing the body to Indulge in negativity under the influence of the external worldly attractions..

Sixth component of the brain is Discipline. It is the Re-defining of the self. It is a set of fresh parameters for a Stress free harmonious living. Here the owner consciously discards the acquired stone-age old beliefs & replaces them with new practical meaningful ones which brings about an enhanced level of comfort & happiness. It is the starting point of living with awareness & full attention.

Rohit Khanna - Before, Insane - Now IN-SANE & IN-TOXICATED


Wednesday 19 April 2017







This is a very crucial cross road from where you have two choices : to go down or to go up. Most of us are on the middle rung of the ladder of Health, that being APPARENT HEALTH - We think we are healthy enough, but realistically we are not. Mere absence of disease is not good health. 

The cause lies in our unawareness of wasteful & neutral thought patterns & habits arising from seeds of hurt, anxiety, worry, fickle, faithless, & inhibited.  
Our unconscious choice of seeds & eventual thought patterns lead us downwards one rung to MARGINAL HEALTH - The cause of this stage is negative thinking arising out from seeds of lust, inferior. defective, ugly, victim, loser & crushed. 

The lowest rung of the ladder is Ill health. This is a serious matter but the cause is very much in our control if we choose to do so. It is the perpetual pattern of Toxic thoughts arising from the seeds of Ego, jealousy, pride, greed, selfish, rude, cheating & CONTROLLING THE SPOUSES, CHILDREN, WHOLE WORLD. It is a sure highway to INSANITY - Go figure.    

The other path that takes you up on the ladder of Health is that of discipline & self control. One rung up takes you to OPTIMUM HEALTH - people in this category are very much conscious of their physical bodies & wish to stay in perfect shape most of their lives. Actors, singers, musicians, athletes, fall in this category of mania for good physique. They earn millions through the display of their bodies & skills. They also spend at least 2 hours everyday in the gym, rain or shine & eat frugally exercising total discipline in all aspects of their living. They have Positive thinking patterns, which grows from the seeds of contentment, helpful, love-full, aware, easy, quiet & happy. 

Finally the top most rung is that of VIBRANT HEALTH - This is attained by a select few who venture very hard in the field of Elevated thoughts, regular meditation, & Raja yoga. Saints, yogis, toddler children, fall in this beautiful category. The basis of such perfect health are the seeds of Peace, affection, kindness, giving, generous, honesty, & soul consciousness.    

FOR YOUR MENTAL HEALTH'S SAKE - Eliminate all internal mindful conflicts by being totally transparent, 24\7. No secrets, no lies, no hiding, no double standards. Beware of the  brewing bitterness inside & faking politeness outside. Pay attention to constant negativity & rejection towards the other soul while displaying superficial acceptance when in public.  


FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL HEALTH'S SAKE - Earn an income of Blessings from the spouses family members by giving up Egoistic attitudes, trying to control everyone, suppressing others to cover up your Low Self Confidence. Make a Herculean effort to  maintain  harmonious relations for your peace of mind. 


FOR YOUR CHILDREN'S SAKE - Be exemplary Role Models 24\7. Definitely God is not watching us, therefore HE planted children around us. These copy cats are imbibing it all; your voice tone, mannerisms, gait, intentions, out bursts of anger & foul language. They pick up, so called GENES, through vibrations emitted, & behavior displayed by you. 


FOR GODS SAKE - Transform yourself first & subsequently influence others around you peacefully & silently. They are known friendly souls, who had to come back to settle their Karmic debts with you, therefore understand this & cooperate faithfully for your own personal benefit. 

FOR YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH'S SAKE - Keep the home cooks satisfied, contented & Joyful at all times to avoid consuming toxic food spiked with hate, resentment, disgust, sorrow & curses, served to you & prepared by them. All they have is your downfall & destruction on their minds, if their well being is not taken care of. 



Are you ready for this challenge. The prerequisites for your success in this venture are many. Two most important ones are : Will power of Hercules & Unbending discipline of steel. Apart from the above you must examine & put aside your conventional beliefs, convictions, bad habits, & question your shallow schooling / education about your miraculous ANATOMY & CHEMISTRY of food.

The human stomach is analogous to a micro brewing beer Vat. Three core aspects stand out in this regard.

A} The precise temperature control of the contents in the Vat like Stomach.
B} The breakdown to very fine particle size of the inputs & their flow-ability in a  semi liquid state.
C} Zero tolerance to dilution of the contents with foreign liquids of any kind. 

Keeping in mind all the above aspects of the brewing beer Vat like stomach the following TEN COMMANDANTS have been formulated to aid & lead you to Vibrant health which manifests as fountain of youth subsequently. 

1} Thou shall consume all your micro-sized meals from Sunrise to Sunset. The stomach is influenced by the heat & light of the mighty Sun & functions best during daylight hours.

2} Thou shall ingest small quantities of food, which can be accommodated in the palms of your two hands at any one meal.

3} Thou shall eat solid food at room temperature or piping hot state. Frozen or cold foods lower the temperature of the stomach & result in sludge formation which refuses to move forward / downwards causing physical distress / uneasiness.

4} Thou shall drink a large tumbler of Luke warm water twenty minutes before every meal. This is a must because your body will need this neutral liquid to make up copious amounts of rich ALKALINE SALIVA & other complex digestive acids, enzymes, hormones when you begin to eat your solid food.Water has memory in the form of vibrations. Drink slowly with attitude of gratitude. 

5} Thou shall maintain the potency of powerful digestive acids by refraining from mixing any foreign liquids, along with your solid food, like milk, wine, beer, alcohol, water, cold drinks, fruit juices. This is a serious matter because dilution of powerful acids will delay & surely stop the digesting process.

6} Thou shall attempt to enjoy one item of solid food at one meal. Mixing too much variety in one sitting clashes with each other & confuses the stomach. It just shuts down leaving you with undigested food, gas generation & its entrapment which results in extreme pain. Seven course dinners & massive buffets are a sure quick way to the grave. Starches sugars & proteins interact with each other to produce harmful chemical reactions. Therefore eat them separately. Examples of single item meal are as follows :

Dark bread/toasted whole wheat bread/flat beard with butter.
Platter of meats/sea food/fish - two cups equivalent
Cooked vegetables - one cup
Raw vegetables, fruits, salads without proteins - two cups
Cooked Lentils or lentil soups - one cup

7} Thou shall cook, prepare or assemble your own food in silence & soul conscious awareness. In case your loved ones are cooking your food then make sure they are kept contented & happy at all times. This is the only way you are going to ensure that positive love-full vibrations go into your food first & latter on in your system. Imagine yourself ingesting unhygienic street food cooked by a dissatisfied unpleasant angry person, who is compelled to do this for a living/profit.

8} Thou shall eat in micro sized bites, chew slowly with mouth shut & masticate the morsels of food in soul awareness till it is liquid in the mouth itself. Please note that food is digested in the mouth & absorbed in the stomach. This habit will make you feel fuller & allow you to eat less. which is the pathway & secret to Vibrant health.

9}  Thou shall walk away from the ever inviting but dangerous platters of cakes, pastries, sweets, ice creams, puddings, milkshakes which are over flowing with harmful sugars ( Fructose). At this point your single item meal has used up all the available INSULIN in your system. These sugary desserts if consumed now will end up in your blood stream which I dare say will prove FATAL. Go ahead & kill yourself with a piece of sweet. How ever we have beautiful alternatives for your sweet tooth now, if you can not resist the temptations, like dates, figs, cinnamon, licorice, molasses, jaggery, maple syrup, & sweetest of all honey.

10}  Thou shall also focus on the elimination process of the body. Early morning drink the first glass of Luke warm water with lemon juice or 10 drops of tinctures Neem/Turmeric/Ginger. The second glass must have 5 spoons of ground mixture of Flax seeds, Chia seeds  & Psyllium husk. This regime will ensure total evacuation of the unwanted elements from the body. Now you qualify for any intake into your body. 


Negative pranic  : Garlic, Onion, Asafoetida (hing),  Chillis, Eggplant, Tea. Coffee.  These foods are basically  very powerful medicines, so why should we be consuming them on a regular basis. If you continue to do because your grandfathers did so, then do it at the risk of your own health.

Neutral pranic  : Potatoes & Tomatoes. 

Positive Pranic : Ash gourd, Coconut, Honey. There are many tribes in the world whose staple diet consists of  such highly positive pranic foods alone. 

Rohit Khanna -  IN-CHARGE therefore IN-DEPENDENT


 A Paradigm Shift - YouTube  - Story of the Intelligent Crow


LINKS FOR THE BOOK   50 th wedding anniversary of Nanu & Nani





Wednesday 5 April 2017





A very significant quality of the human mind is to act & react upon all thoughts regardless of their being real or imaginary, from the present context or from the memory bank of the past. The power to discern & decide lies with the Intellect & not the mind. Intellect will only work when we are attentive & fully aware of every intention, thought & feeling, which is a rarity. Mind is the soil & Intellect is the Gardner, while your memory holds all the seeds, which you wish to harvest from.


Mentalism is the output of the mind in action. A thinking mind is said to a working mind. It is generating impulses of energy as thoughts. It is a runaway train whose brakes have failed & there is no way of stopping it. We are totally handicapped in this matter of the invisible mind which has no mechanism to switch it off or shut it down, even slow it down temporarily.


The constant & continuous output of our mind is in the manifestation of Intentions, thoughts, desires & feelings of all varieties & sizes. Majority of these are negative & handful of them are positive. These energy impulses are the inputs for the network of three major brains: Medulla, Thalamus, Amygdala  & a whole chain of glands:Hypothalamus, Hippo-campus, Pituitary, Thymus, Thyroid, Pineal, Gonads, Skin, Adrenal, & Heart,  intimately connected & dependent upon each other. They are spread throughout the human body. These energy impulses trigger & stimulate  the brains to produce very sensitive & powerful chemicals called Hormones. These primary hormones further excite the chain of glands to manufacture secondary hormones, which are injected directly into our blood stream for instantaneous results, mood swings, elation, sorrow & corresponding actions in the body.


The duration & level of the excitation of the glands determines the quantity of the hormones pouring out of the glands into the blood stream. The negatively charged energy impulses are very powerful and long lasting. The net result is over dose of hormones which  work  as  steroids for the delicate body. This over dose becomes responsible for the chaos & havoc in the human system, many times even fatal. This mental internal turmoil is transmuted into anger, rage, shouting, barking,  heightened heart beat, quicker breathing, excessive sweating, redness of the face, in short out of control. The onlooker sums up the whole scene as - HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND. On the other hand positively charged energy impulses are delicate & of short duration. They act upon the glands optimally to manufacture microscopic & right quantities of hormones, which further become responsible for peace, contentment & bliss in the human body. The same onlooker sums up this scene as - A HARMONIOUS & BALANCED MIND.


In all we have about 300 chemicals & hormones being squirted out by a host of glands.  Even if one of these hormones was to go out of the specified range, either become short in supply or become excessively abundant in supply then we can be in big trouble. One such hormone is Cortisol to site an example. Excess of Cortisol in the system will burst the heart open and you are dead meat,  on the other hand a dead person can be revived by injecting the same Cortisol directly into his heart sometimes.


Human mind is analogous to your domestic kitchen. You are cooking your beautiful recipes with much care & total involvement. Some of the ingredients for your special recipe will be imported from the outside world while the rest of them will be picked up from the in house pantry & the stocked up kitchen shelf. On the same lines external stimuli from the outside world starts the mental cooking process of recipes. On the way additional ingredients are hand picked from the active memory & the remaining ones are fished out from the passive mental storage of the mind. Together you grind, sieve, mix knead, & bake or cook up a recipe in the form of Intentions & thoughts. Gradually they expand like your bread/cake in the oven into strong feelings. The final product is almost ready to be plated artfully and garnished tenderly as EMOTIONS which you display to the outside world.       


You are the Master Chef of your minds kitchen where such beautiful dishes are cooked up & presented to the world for tasting & judging as positive emotions or elevated emotions. The perfect cake / bread happens when all the ingredients are mixed in the exact proportions by weight,  volume & the   methodology of cooking followed to the last detail. Imagine a careless cook who misses out on just one item say salt. Instead of the recommended half spoon he adds three full spoons. What will be the result of such a mistake. Total disaster of course.
Now imagine a novice cook who messes up on all the ingredients of the recipe. Definitely not a palatable dish, either it is hard as a brick or watery uncooked paste.  This is exactly what happens in our minds kitchen when we do not MIND OUR MIND.  Toxic emotions of negativity are brought into the minds kitchen and we cook up unpalatable recipes. These emotions trigger the glands to secrete hormones in excess quantities thus spiking our blood with multiple steroids resulting in Heartaches, heartburn's,  heart-attacks. When such lifestyles are repeated over & over again then we suffer from poor health often requiring costly hospitalization. 



Intentionality of the master chef or a home cook plays a major role in the physical kitchen. Let us first take the case of a young bride cooking for her charming beloved husband. She is peeling vegetables with emotion of cheerfulness, chopping them playfully, grating some vegetables with emotion of affection & slicing others with contentment. In the  next stage of cooking, she slow cooks her vegetable soup in a dreamy trance of togetherness. Before serving she tastes the soup very tenderly & pours the wholesome soup into two bowls with care. Now she garnishes them with mint & coriander leaves lovingly. On the arrival of her beloved she serves the bowl of soup with emotion of soulfullness. Herself, she sits down besides her husband and eats very slowly & responsibly. This is the quality of nourishment that she & her beloved are getting, full of loving vibrations. 


Let us explore the intentionality of another woman in a second case. A middle aged woman is compelled to cook for her abusive alcoholic husband. She grinds the spices with the emotion of gloom &  mixes the ingredients with curses. She kneads dough with moisture of melancholy & bakes her bread with emotion of remorse. In a separate pan vegetables are cooking on the burner of  hate & left to simmer with repentance. Latter on she stir fries veges with her wounds of abuse. Her lentils boil on fire of anger in another pot. In the mean while, oil for garnishing is heating up with restlessness. On week ends she opts for slow cooking with emotions of resentment or quick pressure cooking with rage. Morning breakfasts are usually microwaved with sorrow, or cold served with resignation. The evening beverage is brewed in a bag of depression & afterwards decanted in utter disgust.  The alcoholic husband is being served with an over dose of negativity & harmful vibrations.


The quality and quantity of seeds left in the soil of the mind, determines the yield of the harvest of thoughts. Hybrid seeds will yield a rich harvest while no seeds or cheap seeds will yield a harvest of weeds. On the other hand if you intentionally plant seeds of cash crops with auto suggestion in the soil of your mind, then you can hope to reap an excellent harvest of cash crops. Intellect provides the drip irrigation through attention & fertilizers through awareness to the soil of the mind. An alert intellect also acts as a scare crow to over see the growth of the crops & protects them from undesirable elements. In the absence of the qualities of intellect, the soil of the mind goes to waste, thus generating weeds  of tall grass in the form of waste thoughts, unchecked.


The seeds of negativity which give rise to toxic thoughts are listed below for your consideration & perusal.

Complaining  Comparing  Competing  Correcting  Criticizing  Checking  Controlling  Cheating  Craving  Conning  Careless  Cursing  Childish  Crying 

There is an urgent need to switch & replace the above undesirable seeds with the following Positive elevated seeds. These will allow you to cultivate positive thoughts in abundance.

Comfortable  Confident  Courageous  Calm  Charming  Cheerful  Clean  Content  Cooperative  Composed  Celibate  Creative  Clarity  Coaching  Caring

If the above Change over of C s is not executed in your life, then be prepared for the following Consequences of Mentalism happening inside your body. 

Cramping of the muscles 
Constricting of the vessels 
Crimping of the nerves

The above three Conditions in your body will result in PAIN as follows.
Spondilitus pain in the neck
Migraine pain in the head
Asthmatic pain in the chest
Anginal pain in the heart
Dyspepsia pain in the abdomen
Colic pain in the intestines
Arthritis pain in the joints

Pain is a signal for the body to hydrate, oxygenate & switch off the microwaves of negative emotions which are over cooking the respective organs to destruction. It is not a signal for you to swallow a pill of Tylenol.


Death is not the end. Death of what. Death of the body, the person or the soul in the body. The moment we are born, we start marching towards our death. It is on the horizon. You can either see it & accept it or deny it. The wise person will accept it & live in peace till death arrives. The foolish egoist person will vehemently deny it & live in fear of dying inwardly, but outwardly in denial mode. This mental conflict is what actually kills him much ahead of his time of death.

The reality is that soul is eternal & never dies. Matter follows the law of entropy, but the soul does not. Therefore understand this truth & wisdom. Be carefree of dying. The second aspect is to be in preparedness for the final moment & leave the body gracefully, in full consciousness. The art of dying alive can help you achieve this state of preparedness. The fear of dying is one of the biggest fears. This can be only understood & reconciled early in life. Once this is done half the battle is already won. Our state of mind & thought patterns determines the success or failure of living our lives. Most of the people fall into the following categories, which can help them in mid course correction, if they so desire.


INVINCIBLE - I can not die. I will live forever. These highly conceited people are Dictators, God fathers, Dons.
INDISPENSABLE - I can not afford to die yet. How will they carry on without me. I am indispensable.  They always have unfinished agenda to back up their illusionary cause.


HANG GLIDERS - They hang on to possessions, bank accounts, personal secrets, hiding valuables. Death is so near, yet clutching to physical things & living beings.
EGO OF ETERNITY - Arrogance of remaining alive in peoples hearts & minds after death. Desire for name & fame till eternity.
EGO OF HUMILITY - These people present themselves as very humble persons outwardly, but inwardly desiring  long funeral processions upon their death.


CREMATORS - Digging out their long dead past & reliving it again & again today. They are truly grave diggers ruining their present too. They will relate their past stories 55 times if not less to one & all with renewed enthusiasm every time.
COMPOSERS - Sifting through decomposed garbage for something. Reliving their recent dead past.
COLLECTORS - Today is sacrificed for yesterday. They are garbage processors in the foul smelling environment of past. Looking backwards instead of looking ahead.


IDLERS - Non working class of people, retirees, physically challenged, mentally challenged. Busy with TV, Internet, computers, games, gossip.
WORKAHOLICS - No vacations at all, working to make more money, more real estate. Can not remain idle, must be doing something, some activity.
HUNTERS  - These people are always hunting for newer relationships, lust fulfillment, seeking love, appreciation from others. They are party animals.


External stimuli or events in real life trigger off basic thoughts of fear, doubts, or happiness & joy. These thought impulses of energy evolve into even stronger energy packets of feelings. Feelings can be positive or negative.  Insecurity, low self worth or contentment & self confidence. In time feelings are experienced as emotions  of bliss or hate. Gradually these emotions snowball into reactions & behavior, which can be either constructive or destructive. Shouting, blaming or talking sweetly & taking responsibility are examples of behavior. Our behavior leads to fixed  patterns of moods and attitudes as time progresses. Attitudes again can be good or bad. Some examples are, being shameful, masking, addictions or politeness, speaking up & honesty. Finally, attitudes precipitate as stress resistance and we refuse to change for the better. This is our Destiny in the making, our own doing. We are the creators of our destiny starting with the quality of thoughts & progressing to destiny of our choice very quickly if we have the will & intention to get there. We wrongly blame God for deciding our destiny before hand. Start by changing your C s, happy peaceful souls.

Rohit Khanna - IN-SIGHTED hence IN-TOXICATED.