Friday 21 April 2017



If you make an effort to see IN-SIDE you are bound to get to the bottom of it.

TO BE OR NOT TO BE,          
TO DO OR NOT TO DO,                               

SPIRITUAL NETT WORTH : Currency - Peace, sound sleep, piece of mind.

You seem to be winning by loosing internal battles in absolute ignorance. This life was given to us with the sole purpose of making it worthwhile. The fundamental question is What is your Spiritual Nett Worth. This income earned in this valuable life is easily carried forward to next Cycle of births.


On one side, you have extreme Body Consciousness coupled with weak will power. On top of this you are totally unaware of your environment resulting in a careless attitude towards life. Additionally your level of ignorance is boundless leading to utter Indolence & lethargy. To add fuel to the fire, you brought forward some really negative Sanskars/seeds. Latter on you acquired a host of pretty nasty Sanskars while growing up. Then you developed die hard habits & auto reflexes to continue on the path of blind faith. Wrong beliefs, desires, & greed catapulted you into a spiral of unman-aged emotions. Ego & anger always had the upper hand in your case.


On the other side you have the fortune of Soul Consciousness coupled with strong will power. On top of this you are fully aware of your environment resulting in utmost attentiveness & alertness to perform every action in a premeditated manner. Additionally you are very knowledgeable & enthusiastic to act upon new ideas. You have succeeded in emerging your original Sanskars having grown up in a spiritual & disciplined environment. This helped you to instill positive habits inside you on the path of Truth. All your actions & karmas were well thought out giving you a bouquet of managed emotions only. Contentment, Humility & Peace played a preferred role in this case.


In the middle you have the TUG OF WAR from one extreme to the other extreme, till weak side gives in or the strong side wins over. In the beginning of the dilemma the heart sensory organ functions to persuade  and then towards the end the brain sensory organ takes over.

PEACE : It is a state of tranquility, calm, quiet environment, which follows after CONFLICT RESOLUTION happens. Therefore understanding Conflict & its resolution becomes paramount. Personal Peace is a state of BEING QUIET / Still inside & outside. When every one around us, attains this state, then Harmony prevails & that land is called PARADISE. Here the Question of Conflict does not arise, ever. Remember, Arms are for HUGGING & not for Hitting, Shoving, Pushing, Bullying, Hurting or Over Powering.    

CONFLICT - Internal : Differing perspectives about the REAL you/self & the PROJECTED EGO of you/self. The Real you is hidden, natural, pure, peaceful & easy going. On the other hand the Projected Ego of self by the self is exposed, totally false, tainted, agitated & critical of everything & everybody. The Real you is Original, Eternal, & untainted. By comparison the Projected Ego is amassed, acquired, built up from yard sales of traits that the others have discarded & put out for disposal - go figure.   

Conflict resolution must happen first on the Internal level by having a desire to understand & finish the mental violence / tug of war. The absence of strong LIVING VALUES is the root cause of mental chaos. Honesty, Humility, & simplicity are the very basic ones to imbibe right from the early years of childhood. We can imbibe these only if our parents / caregivers / caretakers had them for us to copy.

CONFLICT - External : Differing view points, incompatibility between two people / groups /nations causes irritation which escalates into conflict. Now the external persona of False Egos  interacts, creating resentment, over flowing into bitterness. Greed for owning natures resources, Disrespect for the Dignity & Worth of every Human Being, & Dishonoring the differences / uniqueness of others, becomes the basis of Conflicts, battles & eventually wars. Lack of Tolerance, Cooperation, Unity, Responsibility & Self-Respect are the remaining Living Values which too must be imbibed in childhood, for people to live in Harmony, Happiness & overflowing Love for each other.

First the component of Conscience tickles, goad's us to reconsider indulging in derogatory actions. Often we give in very easily & indulge in wrong actions, deeds because we never learnt the art of listening to our sleeping Conscience.   
Second component that come into play is Intuition. This is also termed as Gut feeling. In this super fast world where is the split second to consult our unerring helper of Intuition for a second opinion. It is again very easily over ridden / over ruled in the favor of going ahead with the decision to Indulge & repent latter on.

Third aspect of the heart organ is the Sixth sense. We are supposed to be the masters of our thoughts, feelings & emotions, but sadly we are just the opposite, big time Slaves. All of the above three components are more developed in our female partners, therefore they are used more often by them, to arrive at wiser decisions. The male counter part of the equation is an impulsive fool, who does not have these components of the heart and is therefore at a loss to use them when needed. He often gets into quick-sand situations & sinks into oblivion. The females invariably outsmart & out live the males.

Forth component of Intellect, belongs to the brain organ. This tool is mostly blunt or mildly sharp through out the life time of the owner. It is in this region that the mental Tug of war begins & never seems to end. The acquired Sanskars & die hard habits are a very strong influence which sweep aside all the justifications of the half developed Intellect when ever the tough decisions have to be implemented, hence the recurring Indulgence of negativity & its perpetual loop. What is urgently required is the open & razor sharp Intellect to allow the owner to function in the Soul conscious category, all the time.

Fifth aspect is that of Will Power. It is a self help tool. The owner uses Auto suggestion to plant new seeds / Sanskars to replace the old die hard habits, instead of going to a Hypnotist for external help. A determined mind can do this exercise on a regular basis to achieve spectacular results. It is like ordering from inside to do the right thing, instead of allowing the body to Indulge in negativity under the influence of the external worldly attractions..

Sixth component of the brain is Discipline. It is the Re-defining of the self. It is a set of fresh parameters for a Stress free harmonious living. Here the owner consciously discards the acquired stone-age old beliefs & replaces them with new practical meaningful ones which brings about an enhanced level of comfort & happiness. It is the starting point of living with awareness & full attention.

Rohit Khanna - Before, Insane - Now IN-SANE & IN-TOXICATED


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