Wednesday 8 July 2020





Last Year we fought a WINNING BATTLE with 149 Viruses taking a heavy death toll of 10 million & no RAISED EYEBROWS. This year we think & feel that we are fighting a LOOSING WAR with 149 + Covid Virus with a minor death toll of 0.5 million - go figure.

The incorrigible residents of the planet Earth, living carelessly in the last lap of the Iron Age, need very strong lessons to come back to their original purity.



Puff & it is gone in an instant. All it takes is a nano sized microbe / virus to separate the BODY from the SOUL. Once the Soul is gone ahead to incarnate into a newer Body, the old Body disintegrates & must be cremated quickly to contain the diseases.  Our careless ways of living & dishonoring this Valuable LIFE is not acceptable to nature / God, hence this arm twisting through the presence of Covid 19 was urgently required. God cannot be present everywhere, therefore HE sent Covid 19 to represent HIM.  The vital lesson to be imbibed is to Live CONSCIOUSLY, in all activities, thinking & speech. We Mortals were living as if we are IMMORTALS & fully convinced that DEATH will happen to others only.



Jet setting, globetrotting, feasting on dead animals, misbehaving bisexually, using children for gratification & greed for more & more of everything possible. All the above went for a toss in a jiffy of imposed LOCK DOWNS coupled with SELF ISOLATIONS. The air borne Virus came as a wave over the whole planet giving us the REALISATION that life is fragile – handle it with care & prayerful attitude. The frantic movements of the eight billion people came to a halt. Every event was cancelled for the time being.  Pleasure seeking out of the homes in foreign lands stopped suddenly. People became desperate for socializing, but it could not happen. Covid 19 taught us the lesson of INTROVERSION. Seek pleasure from WITHIN. Do not be dependent upon others to give you joy & happiness. Focus on SELF to find happiness & people were forced to do it, this way. The timid ones who were accustomed to unconscious habits & skewed ways of living went mad with the sudden loss of liberty / freedom, into the spiral of MENTAL HEALTH.



Selfish motives & Ego driven politicians fight losing battles to confiscate neighboring countries forcefully by killing innocent people.  Unable to manage their own vast countries & population, these greedy pigs’ resort to ethnic wars to capture more of what does not belong to them. Power & wealth in the hands of the select few 1 % is detrimental for the rest 99 % who languish in extreme poverty & bondage. The bad KARMA has returned as Covid 19, wiping out one & all alike, with no regard for boundaries, race, color, of status. The wicked politicians would be wiped off too very quickly even before they know it. The main lesson to be learnt here, from Covid 19 is of COOPERATION & COMPASSION towards every single being. Every country may be Independent but remains very much dependent upon others for mutual benefits of commerce & trade.  Our survival is based on INCLUSIVENESS & not exclusiveness. It was very evident when the whole world came to a standstill for three months.



True LOVE from near & dear ones has evaporated into thin air. Instead False LIKES from far away strangers has crept in. Our daring narcissistic repressed feelings have surfaced up, with the help of Internet technology & free time at hand during forced lock-downs. I-phone facilitates SELFIES to display our bodies partially covered with expensive clothes & instant posting on Instagram / Facebook.  Then we wait for the likes to build up. Checking & waiting is all that we do now. This is a strange new wave of SELF GRATIFICATION. God help us get through it, & HE did his part by sending in Covid 19 to give us the jolt / shock treatment. The FALSE PRIDE of our beautifully looking Bodies has been shattered by a microscopic VIRUS which can cause this body to collapse in an instant – beware. Use your valuable time at hand to build up your immunity if you wish to survive, instead of building up your empty pedestal of LIKES which have ZERO value in themselves. The lesson to be picked up here is that of DISINTEREST in this old Iron aged world & sickly people with VICE-FULL Sanskars. Make a U-turn now & become Spiritually inclined to the Soul within. Listen to the voice inside by developing sensitivity for the subtlety in Life.



Hard cover book

Rohit Khanna – Soul conscious mostly.











Thursday 7 May 2020




The greatest EVIL on the planet is IGNORANCE…leading to suffering. In KNOWLEDGE you cannot suffer, please understand this.

PRAYER- An ignorant weak soul begging for perishable stuff, from an unknown ENTITY up in the sky.... RESULT anger/sorrow.


REMEMBRANCE – A knowledgeable student soul, making effort of being in the company of HIS Creator out of Love for the union…RESULT contentment/bliss.



Know HIM, See HIM, Listen to HIM, Obey HIM, Copy HIM, Follow HIM, Like HIM, Love HIM, Belong to HIM, Remember HIM, Be around HIM, Assist HIM, Reveal HIM,




Going into silence

Embodiment of power of silence

Lost in sweet silence in one second

Accompanying Baba in the subtle region in silence

One moment Incorporeal/Auyakt form, next Angelic – Bap/Dada

Angelic soul devoid of old sanskars & world, becoming deity

Master of your mind – my sweet Baba, lovely Baba

Authority over your Intellect, Mind & Sanskars  - stable

Stable & concentrated in the awareness of I my Baba & my pure world.

Lost in spiritual bliss of Confluence age & Baba’s Love

Eternal points of light I & Father in the supreme abode

Going up to Baba to shine as a Light house for the world

Stabilize in the stage of Sun of Knowledge / Master Almighty authority & send out rays of all powers, to the impoverished souls.

Seated on Baba’s Heart throne with a crown & Tilak

Going up as an Angel to heal the world’s souls in distress

Stable from corporeal to IN- corporeal in a second.

Switch on your awareness of an elevated soul.

This one may be Iron but I am Divine, so have compassion

Discuss of self-realization: Brahmin, Angel, Pure Soul, Deity, Worthy of worship.





Let Baba dribble the rubbery soul upto the subtle region.

Be a shuttle cock for Baba & Dada to play game of badminton.

Shoot penalty kicks while Bapdada defend the goal post.

Shrink the expanded body mind to the core of soul point.

Arrive in subtle region for service & hover in shape of Infinity between Baba & Dada. Stop. Slice the EARTH vertically & horizontally into multiple segments. Rope up the Earth from bottom to top & LIGHT up the configuration – dazzling white rays. Stay for a while in this state….



Do I trust the DRAMA & act upon Shrimat?


Do I have the FAITH that I am a soul & not this body?

How much LOVE I have for the Father?

Am I distracted often by form of beauty & name?

Merge the weaknesses of self & others to adjust / accommodate the situation. Become malleable like gold without any alloy – Pure.

Become contractors to make this world NEW. Demolish all Obstacles & build anew on them.

By asking / desiring you make the other soul weaker more & make a beggar out of yourself – shame on you. Live in SIMPLICITY bare minimum needs.

Clean up & declutter the heart & the mind first, make room for the good stuff.  Throw away mental jealousy, quiet verbal dislike & silent broad casted criticism for anything anybody.

Fill up / have pure / elevated thoughts / feelings / good wishes / love / cooperation / virtues for others all day.

Bestow on others what Baba has given you & keeps giving too. Therefore, donate with full richness, fullness & abundance. Return of the above is Karma of Happiness which keeps multiplying for ever….in your account.

Remain in the awareness of your SPIRITUAL PERSONALITY HIGHER STAGE / elevated vibrations & exude PLEASANTNESS / BLISS / JOY / sense of ABUNDANCE.

Experience of being merged in HIS love, in the Ocean of love. Fear is about future, Anger is all about past & Soul consciousness is about being in the present – following Shrimat, connecting & Sakash will happen automatically.

Research into one specialty & become a Search light to remove ignorance. Shine as HOLY STARS, from the Earth.



Hard cover book

Rohit Khanna: IN – ACCURATE


Saturday 18 April 2020


Vibrant Health


What is Coronavirus ? It is the 150th Virus in the environment. We do not ever mention any of the other 149 Viruses which our system has adapted beautifully. 
It is a virus just like Chicken pox. It can spread from animal to man & man to woman & back.
How did Coronavirus get its name ?
Because it looks like a Crown

What are the Symptoms of an infection by Coronavirus ?
• Fever increases
• Excessive coughing with sputum
• Body pain, headache, diarrhea and vomiting worsen
• Severe difficulty in breathing
• Heaviness in Chest
• Coughing, headache and joint pains increases more
Grapevine says there is no known cure for Coronavirus. Then what to do ?
Cure can be accomplished only by your own body. No medicine can do it, even for existing diseases.
Known Cure. Lets rename it Known medicine. Correct. There is no known medicine for Coronavirus. But there has to be a remedy, although, unknown to us right now. Lets look for it.
The prevalent concept of treatment is that a disease has a name. That name has a set definition, based on subjective assessment. All patients have to fit into this format. This disease has a medicine. It is assumed that this medicine will cure. But each patient is different. The modality of each symptom is different. Someone is sneezing in the morning someone in the evening. One cough is dry the other is with phlegm. But the medicine does not cater to these modalities. Hence some patients respond, others do not. The cause is another major factor. All this is dependent on the doctor. The chances of success keep dwindling.
However, if we consider other lesser popular methods of treating disease, we come across homeopathy as a system wholly objective and dependent on the individual patient and the modalities of a symptom. A dry cough is a dry cough, irrespective of the cause. If it is in the morning, it has a remedy. If it is in the evening, the medicine changes. It is not dependent on the evaluation of the doctor. The choice of this medicine is not the result of trials on mice or animals but a proving on actual living healthy human beings. Therefore it is accurate.
Developing a vaccine takes a long time and costly research. Even after it has become effective the virus develops a resistance, it changes itself and become immune to the vaccine. Its called mutation. And, we are left helpless again.
It might be in order to investigate along the path of Homeopathy

Is Homeopathy effective against Viruses ?
Yes it is. It has been used for ages against viruses like Chickenpox and Smallpox. It has been effective. The degree may be controversial, but it has been effective. Homeopathy has been used to abort or treat Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, coronaviruses, picornaviruses, rhinoviruses, enteroviruses, herpesviruses.
Homeopathy was very effective against SARS 2002. The symptoms of the current coronavirus are mostly the same as 2002. It is pertinent to note that in Coronavirus cases the bronchi were laden with tenacious sticky mucus.

Should homeopathic medicine be taken as a prophylactic, to prevent coronavirus ?
Yes ! It can be taken. It should be taken. But there is a caution. In most people the homeopathic medicine is likely to bring on the symptoms of the medicine. This is called proving. For example a dose of Ars Alb 30 is likely to trigger a liquid discharge from the nose which will burn the edges of the nostrils and eyes will water. When this happens it will be difficult to judge whether it is a proving or the actual disease. If you had no disease, and were only proving the medicine, you will now get infected in the hospital or be given medicine which should not have been given. Either way it will be dangerous for you. And, what is worse, you will be an unnecessary burden on the medical resources of the country.
Takeaway. Take a prophylactic under the supervision of a doctor.

How long does it take to develop a CONVENTIONAL vaccine for a virus ?
It takes a long time. Probably 12 to 18 months. It may take longer. By then the damage is already done.

Is there some way we can fight this coronavirus for now. We will apologize to the Planet when we survive. ?
The world of humans is trying to fight the Coronavirus with conventional weapons. We have failed so far. Is it possible that we have overlooked a weapon we do have but have not tried ? Judging from the past track record, Homeopathy has successfully treated viruses like Chickenpox and Smallpox basing the prescription on the patient and his symptoms rather than on the disease.
Homeowiz is a software wizard, being used by a small group of researchers. It is not for sale. It is computerized repertorisation. They have offered to release it for use by all doctors of the world for the duration of Cornovirus attack for free. They have listed about 24 general symptoms of a Coronavirus patient. All that a doctor has to do is to De-select the symptoms the patient does not have. Click ‘Get Remedies’ and viola, the top remedies list pops up. It takes less than a minute. The doctor can then chose from the top 4 or 5 remedies. The potency must be selected by the doctor.
Since the symptoms change from day to day. It is advised to use the software every day to determine the remedy required for that day.
This software is meant for use by doctors only. The general public is advised not to indulge in self medication.
The software can only advise. The doctor has to select.
The URL of the site is …
When the home page opens, there will be a Coronavirus on the left. Please click on it. It will guide you and walk you through the software, till you get the remedy.
Takeaway. By doctors is meant all doctors, Allopathic doctors included. It takes less than 5 minutes to learn how to use the software. The instructions are given on the home page.

Can we use normal Homeopathy to treat Coronavirus patients ?
Yes, you can. And it will be effective. Coronavirus. Yes, it is scary. We should be scared. Fear is the apprehension of the unknown. Then what is unknown ? One of the unknowns is the strength of our own immunity. Everyone agrees that if immunity is compromised, the virus will be more effective and may even kill. If immunity is good we will survive. So far we have only been talking about prevention. Lets talk about treatment.
First lets get the name Coronavirus out of our hair. If we did not know the existence of this virus we would be afflicted by either Bronchitis or Pneumonia. The symptoms are the same. Homeopathy is based on symptoms and not names.

I have heard that Viruses mutate very fast as compared to Bacteria. I think that is why the flu shot changes every year. That means whatever vaccine we develop is out dated the day it is ready for use ?
That is correct. Viruses mutate very fast. Coronavirus already has two strains. The vaccine being developed is based on the structure of the first strain. By the time the vaccine is ready, the second strain is likely to become more active.
The question you have asked is, What should the world do.
The answer is to develop the vaccine as fast as it mutates. But is it possible? It is. Provided you get science out of the way. You must have heard that a drowning man will clutch even a straw. In the present scenario, a log is being offered, but there are no takers. A Nosode can be developed in one day and distributed to the whole world in the next 5 days, every man woman and child. But science says it has no substance in it. It has not been tested in vivo and in vitro. Past experience with Nosodes says it is the most effective weapon. you will be able to use it against the strain from which it was made. Give the virus no time to mutate.

Does Homeopathy have a system of vaccines ?
Yes, it does. Normal homeopathic medicines are made from plants, minerals and animals. But medicines can be specially made from the sick organs of animals or humans. They can also be made from secretions. These medicines are called Nosodes. These Nosodes can be used as prophylaxis or for treatment.
As compared to a normal vaccine, a Nosode takes only a day or two to make. All you have to do is to take a teaspoon of the spit of a confirmed sick case. Triturate it with 99 teaspoons of sugar of milk for about 3 hours. Now take a teaspoon of this sugar of milk and mix another 99 teaspoons of sugar of milk and repeat. Do this 30 times and we get a Nosode 30. The same can also be done with alcohol instead of sugar of milk. This can be used to prevent, abort or treat a patient with that same sickness.
This method is not new. It has been used for 100s of years. Smallpox has a Nosode by the name Variolinum. Chickenpox can be prevented by a dose of Varicella. Pertussis cures Whooping Cough. These are all viruses.
Just like a vaccine, a Nosode does not require and diagnosis. It can be administered to the public en mass. Unlike a vaccine, we do not need an expert medical man to inject it. You only have to put a globule in the mouth.

Since you recommend the use of a Nosode to fight a virus attack. Why cant we use some existing Nosode ?
Yes we can. The nearest I can think of is Variolinum. Variolinum is a Nosode prepared from the pustule of a Small pox patient. It has been used as a prophylactic against Smallpox for a long time. It definitely cures symptoms of the respiratory track. It should be effective against any virus causing respiratory symptoms. It may not be a 100% protection or cure. But, in the absence of anything better, we should try this medicine in any imminent virus attack.
Of course the final decision will depend on the patient and his symptoms and how the doctor perceives them. Just like a repertory, this writing can only serve the purpose of refreshing a doctor's memory to the existence of Variolinum. Just in case he had overlooked it.

 What is Immunity and how to build it ?
Immunity is the ability of your body to fight disease, infection or poison. How to build it? Million dollar question. Plethora of literature exists with the God Lord Google. Oh !!! I nearly forgot. Now a days we have some smaller gods too; Whatsapp, Instagram and Facebook. But, what I would like to bring to your notice is the ancient art of sub lethal poisoning. You ever heard of Vish Kanya ? In ancient India, small girls were administered sub lethal doses of snake poison and its antidotes alternatingly. They developed an immunity to most poisons. A snake bite could not kill them. They were used to kill enemy kings.
The fact of the matter is that when you feed the body on a small dose of poison, the body has the ability to develop antibodies. And comes out stronger. In recent times this technique is called Isopathy. Is it being used now a days. Yes it is. Most vaccinations follow this technique.
Lets see what we should do.
Eat healthy food to build a good body so that it can produce antibodies when attacked.
Vaccinate yourself against specific viruses. These are those sub lethal doses.
When a new virus attacks the human race we will eventually develop a herd immunity against it. I am sure a lot of people died when Smallpox first hit the world. But then, we manged, we did not have TV.
This was revision. Now please get this out of the way. Lets look at things another way.
The human race has evolved and is still evolving and getting better with each generation. But we have also inherited a disposition to sickness. We call them allergies. Each of us is unique as to how we react to a particular stimulus or trigger. Exposed to cold we each react differently. In homeopathy we call this human weakness, Psora. It is alleged by homeopaths that if we were not afflicted by Psora, we would be immune to most disease, bacteria or viruses. We would be immune to almost any functional change by any disease, be it Syphilis or AIDS. The only thing that could harm you could be physical injury.
Do we have an answer to this Psora ? Yes the world of homeopathy has developed a vaccine from the lesions of the very disease. Is it sub lethal ? Yes it is. The dose is so small that is is called Nanopathy. In fact no laboratory can find any molecule of the original disease. The name of the medicine so produced is Psorinum. It is currently used by homeopaths on the basis of symptoms noted by a few healthy people who proved it hundred years ago.
What should we do to fight diseases produced by bacteria or viruses ?
What I am going to say now is hypothetical. I am going into a world of fantasy. The reality will be dealt with by your doctor. Remember, this forum is for reading only, for any sound advice you have to go to your doctor.
Assumption. 100% of the world has been or will be affected by some virus.
We all go to our respective doctors. They all prescribe Psorinum 200 one dose. We all take it. Some of us will develop functional reactions. By some I mean about 20%. These reactions only indicate that something was wrong with us to start with. In about a month all reactions will pass off. Reactions are never fatal. We come out stronger. We have immunized ourselves against most diseases. We can take on any virus; new or old. Virus can mutate. Yes. Let it. We will still be able to fight it.
This will be real immunity. In the bargain, its possible, it might just be possible, that we get back our ability to produce our own Vitamin D.

Rohit Khanna – IN-SIGHT

Saturday 11 April 2020

THE ART OF EXITING LIFE – four easy steps.

THE ART OF EXITING LIFE – four easy steps.


Alpha the Creator
Auspicious Time
Coming of the Beloved
Hunt for old Shoe
Adopts LKK’s Chariot
Reform & Refine
Beta the Creation
Brahma & Brahmins
Baba’s Self Introduction
Supreme Pure Soul
Point of light
Children too points
Realize this image
Alchemy of Divine
Secrets of Drama
History of 3 Times
Geography of 3 Worlds
Hospitals for Weak Souls
Schools for Emperors
Impart Truth / Shrimat
Instill Faith & Trust
Induce Raja Yoga
Encourage & pamper
Injections of Murli
Infuse enthusiasm
Discern & decide
Step into BK clan
IN-quire & Understand
IN-toxication of Rebirth
IN-sight of IN-heritance
IN- fatuation of Company
Love of belonging
IN-visible IN-carnation
IN-form & Transform


Renounce all Vices/Lust
Detach & Withdraw
IN-trospect in silence
Discipline of Desireless
Pure through Celibacy
Awake at Amritvela
Connect for Synergy
Empower with Zeal
Collective Murli class
Listen attentively
Enjoy deep aspects
Absorb essence
Visualize & fill up
Lingering taste
Imbibe accurately
Cogitate & churn
Embody & treasure
Sustain all day
Soundless Chant
Realize SELF
Freedom & Liberation
Check Change Course
Merged in Love
Bodiless stage
Soul Conscious 24/7
Divine Canopy
Exude Pleasantness
Finish Karmic debt
Stop new karma
Light & easy yogi
Speed up Lift off
Angelic stage


Reformed Soul
Total transformation
Extreme austerity
Autonomous mind
Openly honest
Obedient IN-trument
Patiently lenient
Humbly tolerant
Relax-fully courteous
Respectfully merciful
Love-fully IN-clusive
Mature IN-tegrity
Spontaneous Bliss
Pleasing Demeanor
Briefly articulate
Attitude of Gratitude
Serenity in Harmony
Contentment of Attainments
Embodiment of Virtues
Carefree Emperor
Sparkling forehead
Worthy of Worship
Refined Soul
Transparent Body
No body & Nobody


IN Remembrance
Ever-ready Right-hand
IN-cognito others first
Smiling Cheerfully
Politely Comforting
IN-spire Abundance
Appreciate Qualities
IN-fuse Reconciliation
Approve with Kindness
Gently caring
Influence with Vibrations
Extend cooperation
Facilitate Progress
Reverence & Compassion
Benevolence & Empathy
Dance in Delight
Wonder of Drama
Charm with Humor
Play Soul Consciously
Radiate Magnetism
Glow with Joy
Show sensitivity
Neutral actions
Donate Good wishes
Shower Blessings
Karma Yogi
Tireless Angel

Rohit Khanna – IN-SANE

Wednesday 1 April 2020



A] Casual Intimacy of BODIES, who were strangers before they met, is labeled as endless LUST.

B] Unconscious Intimacy of your SOUL with your BODY is surely a Wasted LIFE.

C] Conscious Intimacy of your SOUL with your BODY, paying complete Attention & constant Alertness, can be called a Fruitful LIFE, worthy of adoption by the Creator.

D] Pure Intimacy of your SOUL with the Creators SOUL with total Awareness at all times is termed as LOVE.


Mr. Smith, a young farmer was suffering from ailments of the Heart. He had to be operated, for an open heart surgery. He was brought in on the stretcher. The Doctor said to the ward boy - TAKE MR. SMITH & HIS BODY INTO THE OPERATION THEATER. The operation did not go as was expected because of the complications. Now the Doctor said to the ward boy - TAKE THE BODY OUT OF THE OPERATION THEATER. Now the smart Question arises - WHERE IS MR. SMITH?/ WHERE HAS HE VANISHED?  Is the Doctor hiding Mr. Smith somewhere? - go figure.


Material Values come from thinking of yourself as an Object. You say my body is male or female. If it is Mine, it is a possession, just an object. But if you say that it is Me, that means I am an Object, too. Two objects in one living mechanism, how come.

Q - Are you a possession or a possessor? Who is the possessor of this possession named Body? 
A - The real you is the Immortal Soul, who at this time, has a black male body & in the past had a white female body. This Body is warm mud packaged  in a leather bag, with bones to give it a shape. Incidentally the leather bag comes in different colors & textures. The Anatomy is same in every case.  The body is your equipment, or the costume, your are not this equipment or the costume. The Soul is made up of love, purity, peace, power, Bliss & innate wisdom. This intelligence radiates a different positive energy which changes the quality of time & matter. The dominant reality is the Soul & the secondary reality is the body. 

Your body is a vehicle and soul is the driver of this vehicle. Just as you are the driver of your Mercedes, so is the soul of this human vehicle. You sit in the automobile and take control of it, use it to move from point A to point B. Sometimes you are careless & get involved in a head on collision with another Mercedes. In this almost fatal  accident, the air bags save you, but the car is dead or total. Now the Insurance company bails you out to buy a new Mercedes. On the same lines when the body becomes old & diseased it dies and it’s occupant or the In-dweller  the soul does not die. It is bailed out by the Divine, from the worn out body & assigned to a brand new baby body, therefore YOU are eternal - know this fact for sure. 

Rohit Khanna - IN-COGNITO

Monday 9 March 2020


Step by step in slow motion

The Reality of my life cannot die, for I am Indestructible Consciousness. I am Infinite, Space less, tireless & beyond Body, Thought, & Utterance, beyond all Matter & Mind. I am Endless BLISS.   

To attain conscious awareness of the Creator & of our-Souls eternal oneness with Him.

Concentration – consists in freeing the attention from distractions & focusing it on any elevated THOUGHT. Basically, it amounts to being a master of your five senses, total self-sovereignty.

Contemplation consists of holding that elevated THOUGHT for a long time. Looking at it from all angles, exploring its subtle meanings by churning it over.


Sit still with a straight spine, preferably on the floor with legs locked in & palms facing upwards, resting comfortably on the thighs. Take a few deep breaths & exhale the stagnant air out completely. Settle down with normal breathing. Cover up your fidgety eyeballs with the shutters of your eyelids. Lock the eyelid doors & shut out the wild dance of tempting scenes. Hold them still too. Fix the gaze of restless eyes on the spot between the eyebrows, very gently, loosely & effortlessly.


Now loosen your mind from the Consciousness of the Body Weight. Leave behind the heavy bundle of bones tied in the thick cloth of flesh. Untie the nerve strings, weighing down your soul. Drop your mind into the bottomless well of your heart, that is bubbling with life giving blood. Keep your attention tied to the heart till you feel its rhythmic beating. Meditate on this mental freedom & new ability of the soul to fly & hover up to Infinity. Imagine, dwell & dream. Transfer thy consciousness to the inner world.    


I am happy in the Happiness of dear ones, who are on Earth or in the great beyond.
Divine Love is the Magnet that attracts all Blessings & Blessedness.


I stayed long reveling with all of you dancing with my variously costumed thoughts, drinking the wine of my feelings & my mundane will. I have now forsaken the intoxication of Delusion.
Goodbye muscles, bones & bodily motions.
Farewell breath. I cast thee away from my breast.
Adieu heart throbs, emotions, thoughts & memories.
Bye-bye blue house of heaven.
So long stars, celestial celebrities & your dramas on the screen of space.
Ta-ta flowers with your traps of beauty & fragrance.
Salutations to the warm embrace of sunshine.
Leave taking from the cool soothing comforting breeze.
Cheerios entertaining music of man.
I am flying Home in a plane of Silence. I go to feel my heart throb in Him. I have always been in the sacred presence of my Father.
I was lost, Father, in the wastelands of wrong beliefs, now I can not find my way Home. Please rise on the darkness of my mental sky & be the polestar of my groping mind. Lead me to thyself, who art my Home.


I close my physical eyes & dismiss the temptations of matter. I peer through the darkness of Silence until my eyes of relativity open into one inner eye of Light. When my two eyes that behold good & evil become single & behold in everything, only the divine goodness of the Creator.


I was a prisoner carrying a heavy load of bones & flesh, but now I have broken the chains of my muscle-bound body by the power of RELAXATION. I am free now. I shall try to go within. I enter the dim corridor through the door of the Spiritual Eye & speed on until at last the river of my life flows into the Ocean of life & loses itself in Bliss.


Look at a light & close your eyes. Forget the darkness around you & watch bright red color within your eyelids. Look more intently into violet red color. Imagine it becoming bigger & bigger. You are the wave of light, a ripple of Peace floating on the surface of the sea of light. Now watch carefully the little wave tossing on the Ocean of light. A little shallow wave going wide & deep into the Ocean of Peace. Peace is the Ambrosial wine of Spirit flowing in a Drama of sad & happy dreams, on the stage of experience. Once again fix your mind inwardly between the eyebrows on the shore less lake of Peace. Watch the eternal circle of rippling peace around you spreading outwardly to the forehead, to the heart & to every cell in your body. This flood of Peace flows over the boundaries of your mind & moves in infinite directions.


Listen to the cosmic sound of AUM. A great hum of countless atoms in the sensitive right side of your head. Hear its pounding Roar spreading through the brain, spine, heart & every tissue. It holds all matter in manifestation like the words of speech in your head. Matter & bodies melt into the Universe & you melt into soundless voice & sound melts into all shining light, which enters the bosom of Infinite Joy.

His laughter caught my heart. His Joy invaded my sorrowful being as I swung in a hammock beneath the pines under the blue sky. I felt the sky astir & His presence moving through me. My body became still, my power of Silence dug into my bosom, until a bottomless well of Bliss sprang up. All things in the Creation drank of me. Then satisfied they plunged into the waters of my Immortality. All melted in the Ocean of my all dissolving Silence.  


Eternity yawns at me below, above, in the left & on the right, in front & behind, within & without. With open eyes I behold myself as the little body. With closed eyes I perceive myself as the cosmic center around which revolves the sphere of eternity & bliss.


Teach me to open the gate of Meditation that alone leads to Thy blessed presence.
Teach me the mystery of my Existence, O beloved Father.
Teach me to worship Thee in breathlessness & deathlessness.
Teach me to reclaim my birth right & to live as an Immortal.
Teach me to behold Thy face in the mirror of my stillness within.
Teach me to think of Thee until Thou dost become my only Thought.
Teach me to find Thy presence on the alter of my constant Peace & in the Joy that springs from deep Meditation.
Teach me to drink the everlasting Nectar of Joy found in the Fountain of MEDITATION.


I am the irresistible Fire of Smiles. I will help weeping ones to smile, by smiling myself, even when it is difficult.
I have buried / cremated dead disappointments in the cemeteries of yesterday.
I will water them with Self confidence & faith & wait for the Divine to give me the rightful harvest.
I will not become Lazy & mentally ossified.
I will not be overactive, able to earn money but unable to enjoy life.
I will Meditate to maintain true Balance.
I will perform all duties serenely & saturated with Peace.
I will light the match of Smiles so that my gloom veil will disappear. The soul is hiding behind the accumulated darkness of ages.
I will admire the good qualities of all nationalities & will not put my Attention on their Errors.
I will break the boundaries of Self Love.
I will drink Vitality from the Golden Fountain of Sunshine.
I will drink Peace from the Silver Fountain of Mooned Nights.
Today I open the door of my calmness & let the footsteps of Silence gently enter the temple of all my activities.
Today I will sow the seeds of Wisdom, health, prosperity & Happiness.
I saturate myself with the perfume of Thy presence & I wait to Waft with the breeze, the Aroma of Thy Message of LOVE to all.

Rohit Khanna: IN-VINCIBLE