Showing posts with label bacteria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bacteria. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 April 2020


Vibrant Health


What is Coronavirus ? It is the 150th Virus in the environment. We do not ever mention any of the other 149 Viruses which our system has adapted beautifully. 
It is a virus just like Chicken pox. It can spread from animal to man & man to woman & back.
How did Coronavirus get its name ?
Because it looks like a Crown

What are the Symptoms of an infection by Coronavirus ?
• Fever increases
• Excessive coughing with sputum
• Body pain, headache, diarrhea and vomiting worsen
• Severe difficulty in breathing
• Heaviness in Chest
• Coughing, headache and joint pains increases more
Grapevine says there is no known cure for Coronavirus. Then what to do ?
Cure can be accomplished only by your own body. No medicine can do it, even for existing diseases.
Known Cure. Lets rename it Known medicine. Correct. There is no known medicine for Coronavirus. But there has to be a remedy, although, unknown to us right now. Lets look for it.
The prevalent concept of treatment is that a disease has a name. That name has a set definition, based on subjective assessment. All patients have to fit into this format. This disease has a medicine. It is assumed that this medicine will cure. But each patient is different. The modality of each symptom is different. Someone is sneezing in the morning someone in the evening. One cough is dry the other is with phlegm. But the medicine does not cater to these modalities. Hence some patients respond, others do not. The cause is another major factor. All this is dependent on the doctor. The chances of success keep dwindling.
However, if we consider other lesser popular methods of treating disease, we come across homeopathy as a system wholly objective and dependent on the individual patient and the modalities of a symptom. A dry cough is a dry cough, irrespective of the cause. If it is in the morning, it has a remedy. If it is in the evening, the medicine changes. It is not dependent on the evaluation of the doctor. The choice of this medicine is not the result of trials on mice or animals but a proving on actual living healthy human beings. Therefore it is accurate.
Developing a vaccine takes a long time and costly research. Even after it has become effective the virus develops a resistance, it changes itself and become immune to the vaccine. Its called mutation. And, we are left helpless again.
It might be in order to investigate along the path of Homeopathy

Is Homeopathy effective against Viruses ?
Yes it is. It has been used for ages against viruses like Chickenpox and Smallpox. It has been effective. The degree may be controversial, but it has been effective. Homeopathy has been used to abort or treat Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, coronaviruses, picornaviruses, rhinoviruses, enteroviruses, herpesviruses.
Homeopathy was very effective against SARS 2002. The symptoms of the current coronavirus are mostly the same as 2002. It is pertinent to note that in Coronavirus cases the bronchi were laden with tenacious sticky mucus.

Should homeopathic medicine be taken as a prophylactic, to prevent coronavirus ?
Yes ! It can be taken. It should be taken. But there is a caution. In most people the homeopathic medicine is likely to bring on the symptoms of the medicine. This is called proving. For example a dose of Ars Alb 30 is likely to trigger a liquid discharge from the nose which will burn the edges of the nostrils and eyes will water. When this happens it will be difficult to judge whether it is a proving or the actual disease. If you had no disease, and were only proving the medicine, you will now get infected in the hospital or be given medicine which should not have been given. Either way it will be dangerous for you. And, what is worse, you will be an unnecessary burden on the medical resources of the country.
Takeaway. Take a prophylactic under the supervision of a doctor.

How long does it take to develop a CONVENTIONAL vaccine for a virus ?
It takes a long time. Probably 12 to 18 months. It may take longer. By then the damage is already done.

Is there some way we can fight this coronavirus for now. We will apologize to the Planet when we survive. ?
The world of humans is trying to fight the Coronavirus with conventional weapons. We have failed so far. Is it possible that we have overlooked a weapon we do have but have not tried ? Judging from the past track record, Homeopathy has successfully treated viruses like Chickenpox and Smallpox basing the prescription on the patient and his symptoms rather than on the disease.
Homeowiz is a software wizard, being used by a small group of researchers. It is not for sale. It is computerized repertorisation. They have offered to release it for use by all doctors of the world for the duration of Cornovirus attack for free. They have listed about 24 general symptoms of a Coronavirus patient. All that a doctor has to do is to De-select the symptoms the patient does not have. Click ‘Get Remedies’ and viola, the top remedies list pops up. It takes less than a minute. The doctor can then chose from the top 4 or 5 remedies. The potency must be selected by the doctor.
Since the symptoms change from day to day. It is advised to use the software every day to determine the remedy required for that day.
This software is meant for use by doctors only. The general public is advised not to indulge in self medication.
The software can only advise. The doctor has to select.
The URL of the site is …
When the home page opens, there will be a Coronavirus on the left. Please click on it. It will guide you and walk you through the software, till you get the remedy.
Takeaway. By doctors is meant all doctors, Allopathic doctors included. It takes less than 5 minutes to learn how to use the software. The instructions are given on the home page.

Can we use normal Homeopathy to treat Coronavirus patients ?
Yes, you can. And it will be effective. Coronavirus. Yes, it is scary. We should be scared. Fear is the apprehension of the unknown. Then what is unknown ? One of the unknowns is the strength of our own immunity. Everyone agrees that if immunity is compromised, the virus will be more effective and may even kill. If immunity is good we will survive. So far we have only been talking about prevention. Lets talk about treatment.
First lets get the name Coronavirus out of our hair. If we did not know the existence of this virus we would be afflicted by either Bronchitis or Pneumonia. The symptoms are the same. Homeopathy is based on symptoms and not names.

I have heard that Viruses mutate very fast as compared to Bacteria. I think that is why the flu shot changes every year. That means whatever vaccine we develop is out dated the day it is ready for use ?
That is correct. Viruses mutate very fast. Coronavirus already has two strains. The vaccine being developed is based on the structure of the first strain. By the time the vaccine is ready, the second strain is likely to become more active.
The question you have asked is, What should the world do.
The answer is to develop the vaccine as fast as it mutates. But is it possible? It is. Provided you get science out of the way. You must have heard that a drowning man will clutch even a straw. In the present scenario, a log is being offered, but there are no takers. A Nosode can be developed in one day and distributed to the whole world in the next 5 days, every man woman and child. But science says it has no substance in it. It has not been tested in vivo and in vitro. Past experience with Nosodes says it is the most effective weapon. you will be able to use it against the strain from which it was made. Give the virus no time to mutate.

Does Homeopathy have a system of vaccines ?
Yes, it does. Normal homeopathic medicines are made from plants, minerals and animals. But medicines can be specially made from the sick organs of animals or humans. They can also be made from secretions. These medicines are called Nosodes. These Nosodes can be used as prophylaxis or for treatment.
As compared to a normal vaccine, a Nosode takes only a day or two to make. All you have to do is to take a teaspoon of the spit of a confirmed sick case. Triturate it with 99 teaspoons of sugar of milk for about 3 hours. Now take a teaspoon of this sugar of milk and mix another 99 teaspoons of sugar of milk and repeat. Do this 30 times and we get a Nosode 30. The same can also be done with alcohol instead of sugar of milk. This can be used to prevent, abort or treat a patient with that same sickness.
This method is not new. It has been used for 100s of years. Smallpox has a Nosode by the name Variolinum. Chickenpox can be prevented by a dose of Varicella. Pertussis cures Whooping Cough. These are all viruses.
Just like a vaccine, a Nosode does not require and diagnosis. It can be administered to the public en mass. Unlike a vaccine, we do not need an expert medical man to inject it. You only have to put a globule in the mouth.

Since you recommend the use of a Nosode to fight a virus attack. Why cant we use some existing Nosode ?
Yes we can. The nearest I can think of is Variolinum. Variolinum is a Nosode prepared from the pustule of a Small pox patient. It has been used as a prophylactic against Smallpox for a long time. It definitely cures symptoms of the respiratory track. It should be effective against any virus causing respiratory symptoms. It may not be a 100% protection or cure. But, in the absence of anything better, we should try this medicine in any imminent virus attack.
Of course the final decision will depend on the patient and his symptoms and how the doctor perceives them. Just like a repertory, this writing can only serve the purpose of refreshing a doctor's memory to the existence of Variolinum. Just in case he had overlooked it.

 What is Immunity and how to build it ?
Immunity is the ability of your body to fight disease, infection or poison. How to build it? Million dollar question. Plethora of literature exists with the God Lord Google. Oh !!! I nearly forgot. Now a days we have some smaller gods too; Whatsapp, Instagram and Facebook. But, what I would like to bring to your notice is the ancient art of sub lethal poisoning. You ever heard of Vish Kanya ? In ancient India, small girls were administered sub lethal doses of snake poison and its antidotes alternatingly. They developed an immunity to most poisons. A snake bite could not kill them. They were used to kill enemy kings.
The fact of the matter is that when you feed the body on a small dose of poison, the body has the ability to develop antibodies. And comes out stronger. In recent times this technique is called Isopathy. Is it being used now a days. Yes it is. Most vaccinations follow this technique.
Lets see what we should do.
Eat healthy food to build a good body so that it can produce antibodies when attacked.
Vaccinate yourself against specific viruses. These are those sub lethal doses.
When a new virus attacks the human race we will eventually develop a herd immunity against it. I am sure a lot of people died when Smallpox first hit the world. But then, we manged, we did not have TV.
This was revision. Now please get this out of the way. Lets look at things another way.
The human race has evolved and is still evolving and getting better with each generation. But we have also inherited a disposition to sickness. We call them allergies. Each of us is unique as to how we react to a particular stimulus or trigger. Exposed to cold we each react differently. In homeopathy we call this human weakness, Psora. It is alleged by homeopaths that if we were not afflicted by Psora, we would be immune to most disease, bacteria or viruses. We would be immune to almost any functional change by any disease, be it Syphilis or AIDS. The only thing that could harm you could be physical injury.
Do we have an answer to this Psora ? Yes the world of homeopathy has developed a vaccine from the lesions of the very disease. Is it sub lethal ? Yes it is. The dose is so small that is is called Nanopathy. In fact no laboratory can find any molecule of the original disease. The name of the medicine so produced is Psorinum. It is currently used by homeopaths on the basis of symptoms noted by a few healthy people who proved it hundred years ago.
What should we do to fight diseases produced by bacteria or viruses ?
What I am going to say now is hypothetical. I am going into a world of fantasy. The reality will be dealt with by your doctor. Remember, this forum is for reading only, for any sound advice you have to go to your doctor.
Assumption. 100% of the world has been or will be affected by some virus.
We all go to our respective doctors. They all prescribe Psorinum 200 one dose. We all take it. Some of us will develop functional reactions. By some I mean about 20%. These reactions only indicate that something was wrong with us to start with. In about a month all reactions will pass off. Reactions are never fatal. We come out stronger. We have immunized ourselves against most diseases. We can take on any virus; new or old. Virus can mutate. Yes. Let it. We will still be able to fight it.
This will be real immunity. In the bargain, its possible, it might just be possible, that we get back our ability to produce our own Vitamin D.

Rohit Khanna – IN-SIGHT

Monday, 9 October 2017



The lifespan of Mayflies is one day, while the lifespan of elephants is 100 years. Cats live up to 10-12 years, while Dogs die between 14-16 years. The expiry date of animals and other marine life is fixed. The biological clock has a built in timer. These animals rarely fall sick. They die fit and keep good health right up to their last day. These species have to keep in excellent health in order to hunt for their food. Also they do not have any relatives and friends to look after them in their days of sickness. They do not over eat ever. Have you not seen cows and cattle sitting on the green grass & relaxing after their sumptuous meal? They do not look at the grass with greedy & lusty intentions till their next meal time.                         

These lovely creatures are devoid of emotions, the hard core emotions like: guilt, shame, jealousy, hatred, hurt, grief, attachment, anxiety. They fully live in the present moment very easily, and never in the future or in the past. Unlike humans, their upbringing is very short, simple and uncomplicated. Thus they have no inhibitions or false beliefs of any kind. They are guided by their reptilian instincts and they survive very well, and procreate a lot. In their world there is no difference between a rape and an intercourse. It is called mating and there is a fixed season for it to happen.          

The story of human beings is very different. Our moment of death is not fixed at birth like other animals. We die at variable, wide ranging ages. The life span during Roman era was 27 years. Today, it is all time high, at 75 years because of medical advances & hygiene improvement. Let us take the case of two people, twins; Terry and Tarry, two brothers born of the same genes, parents and brought up in almost identical life style. They grow up and marry two different girls; Tolly and Tiffy, who come from separate backgrounds and have big egos too. The twins interact with their new partners in totally diverse ways. Surprisingly, Terry dies at 47 years, while the Tarry dies, at 94 years. It all boils down to emotions, feelings, attitudes. We unnecessarily worry about the future which is not here yet, a mystery and constantly brood about the past which is already gone, is history, and rarely living in the present, which is all you have. Just like the animals we too have an inbuilt healing system, body’s natural, self-healing system. It works only, if left alone to work it out.

   death at cellular level helps us to live on

What is life? You must have seen a flowering tree surely. Everyday you see the plant; it has flowers blooming, all over. Next day, new flowers again, blooming on it. Following day, new flowers, replace the fallen ones. The old flowers fall off and die, and in its place new ones bloom up. The flowers are dying constantly, but the tree lives on, sometimes for hundred years.


Water and gases react with one another and we have life. When oxygen, water and sunlight interact, we have life. Basically all life is microscopic, very tiny cells, and bacteria. In human beings, trillions of cells combine together, to create an organ. Then many organs combine together, to create creations, life like insects, worms, animals, birds and humans. These microscopic cells have infinite intelligence and wisdom of their own. It is called innate intelligence. They have a very short life span like the flowers; say 24 hours to 48 hours. In this short period they work very hard, perform their jobs, give birth to new ones, train them as per ISO 9000 standards and die finally. This is the way life continues. It is like a relay race. Life is transferred from one dying cell to next new cell.


Our human bodies are made up of hundreds of different types of cells: liver cells, brain cells, heart cells, bone cells, skin cells. In every organ at any point of time millions of cells are dying and the exact same number of new cells is being born, anew. In other words, our body resembles a graveyard, or a battlefield to be more precise. This implies that there is an extreme urgency, to get rid of the dead cells, quickly or else they will decay and become toxic, like the dead bodies in a battle field. Thus there exists a very fine balance which has to be maintained in every category, of our organs. What does this explain?  It goes to show that, in a very short period the whole organ is replaced by brand new cells, and this is an on going process 24/7, for as long as you live. Therefore, the physical body has NO EXPIRY date.

The anatomical structure is so wonderful, that it resembles a miracle in action. Let me ask you a dumb question at this stage. How old is your body? Mind you, I am not asking your age. It is, believe me, very young, brand new.  If the body, your hardware, is brand new, then what constitutes your age.  It is your soft ware, memory, education, thinking patterns, beliefs, convictions, and superstitions, brought forward of course. The invisible outer covers are old & ancient while the physical inner core is always brand new. These covers are as old as your chronological age, in terms of years, on this planet.


The next obvious question would be where is the disease? When the body is brand new, then exactly, where, is the disease?  Logically speaking, there should be no disease, at all, ever. The fact is just the opposite. Let us re-frame the question more accurately. Where is the cause of the disease? Yes that is better. The cause of our disease is in the mind, your mind, of erroneous education, thinking patterns, beliefs and convictions, which is located in the invisible covers over the body.
Coming back to the delicate balance, of cell death and growth, we have two ways, in which this balance can be upset or disturbed. First case is, more cells dying, leading to organ shrinkage. Second case is, less cells dying, leading to organ enlargement. In both cases you have to die. When cells die in balanced fashion, we live. On the contrary, when cells live on, or learn not to die, then we die. You see the point. At cellular level, death is very important and most essential, for us to live on, for life to go on. Death is happening within us every second, yet we are mortally afraid of dying. This fear sometimes snow balls into mental conditions. We are carrying a miniature graveyard inside us and yet we dread the inevitable, our short journey to the earthly graveyard, and our final home for this perishable body.        


Let us elaborate the point fully. We will take a peek, of what is going on outside & inside your body. You go to the barber and have a hair cut. After three months, you have to visit him again. New hairs have come up, in a matter of three months. You cut your nails by one centimeter today. After one week you got to cut them again. In five weeks you have a complete new nail. When you nick yourself with a kitchen knife, what happens? The wound heals itself, in a couple of days. New skin grows over the cut. What do you collect when you vacuum your house? Dust!  NO! It is your dead skin particles. New skin is replacing your outer covering, of the body.
Taking a queue, from above, if all this is happening on the outside, then, what is going on inside the body?  Obviously, the same phenomenon is taking place. All the organs are being replaced too. When you are involved in a car accident and break a couple of bones, what happens then?  You are put in a cast, for three to six months and the broken bones grow back again, solid as a rock.


Our body is capable of transmuting everything it needs from anything you consume. Our body manufactures soft bees wax for the ears, hard enamel for the teeth, tough nails for the fingers, complex acids, enzymes, bile, for the stomach, and super sensitive hormones for our multiple explosive moods. We do not consume any of the above stuff, yet the body produces them for our survival. It keeps our mouth and eyes moist all the time, provides a continuous electrical charge to the heart muscles to keep on pumping without stopping, automatically shunts and reroutes blood, from one area to another where it is needed most. It gives us specific signals to start eating food, drinking water, and go off to sleep and shut down temporarily. Our body is programmed for auto pilot and we do not know about it.  


Nature too is highly capable of transmuting everything from one common raw material the soil, the good earth. We have, by top soil’s grace, hundreds of fruits, vegetables, herbs, trees, forests and flowers for our enjoyment and consumption. One stupid looking dirt and clay like feeling mud, produces sweet dates, juicy cane sugar, wine grapes, sour lemons, delicious pineapples, tangy oranges, bitter gourds, spicy chilies and liquorish fennel.  By employing techniques of grafting and transplanting we have successfully grown as many as 250 varieties of mangoes on one single tree. We are so successful in negating nature that today we grow and consume most fruits without seeds in them. The era of seedless crops is here to stay. How is this planet going to sustain itself is beyond my comprehension? Cows consume ordinary inert stuff labeled as grass, and produce copious amounts of rich fluid like milk, which has butter, calcium, yogurt, cheeses, and cream. This is nature’s magical transmutation.


Tirlok is a hard working honest rickshaw puller and laborer in the underdeveloped state of Bihar India. He does not earn enough money to afford a balanced diet for himself. All his life he subsists on dry roasted gram flour dough, raw onions and green chilies with some vegetables thrown in. With some luck, he can surprise himself with a cup of tea. This staple diet is repeated twice a day, every day for 70 to 80 years. He is healthy even at the ripe age of 70 because he can not afford to fall sick. He is largely content with his fate and life style. Working for almost 12 hours in the burning sunshine, 7 days a week, he falls asleep instantly at night. At sun rise he is back to same grinding routine.
Tumchi, his counter part in China, is also a hard working laborer in a stone quarry on minimum wage. He too is very poor to afford a balanced diet. Tumchi’s staple diet twice a day consists of, low grade rice accompanied by a watery soup with any living thing he can cheaply buy. His choice of living thing is limited to fish, rat, snake, lizard, or snail. He too is moderately content, healthy, and rarely falling sick. In conclusion, what is common between Tirlok, Tumchi and others like them?  Very active work life, lots of sunshine, fresh air, good sound sleep, moderate emotional contentment and very little complaining.  Their body manufactures everything it needs from such simple, limited diets of just one variety. More than half the worlds 4 billion people fall into this category and they survive pretty well, without complaining of course.
In another specific research experiment, chickens and hens were fed on zero calcium diet for months and months, yet they produced beautiful eggs, with rich calcium shells and surprised everyone. This is nature at its best working silently and magically. The most fascinating example is about our 300 pound polar bears. What do they feed on? They live off fish, seals and just that. One variety all year round and their body do the rest of magic.       


In olden days, a couple of hundred year’s back, before bread was invented, every one lived off, meats and wines, more meats and wine. The kings, queens, moguls, pharaohs, rulers, statesmen and their slaves had animals slaughtered, meat roasted and washed downed with wines. Excessive meat in their diets resulted in surplus of iron in the blood, termed as Hemi iron. The simple solutions to this major disease were to treat it with, “blood letting”. A couple of cuts were made in the ankles and legs to allow the blood to run out for a specific time. The other solution was to let a leach suck the blood out. This helped in balancing out the excess iron. We have the same problems today too, but the treatments are far more complicated and ineffective.


Now, we come to the million dollar question? Where is the Brain?  O K you got this one right. The brain is in the head or the skull. Next question! Where is the MIND? Where is memory? Where is your Past, which you never seem to forget? The MIND is located out side the physical body, all around you. We need huge area to store up 90 years of stupid experiences. Hence our software is located outside our bodies.
Here in the outer layers, your beliefs, notions, and superstitions that you inherited from your ancestors are embedded. You inherit the total package of emotions, attitudes, mannerism, habits, from your parents. You pick up all, by virtue of being with them, day in and day out. You internalize everything automatically. I call this total package as “genes”. I will qualify it further as “emotionally enveloped genes”. They are the invisible part of our bodies and they are the cause of all our diseases and sickness by default, or good health, sometimes.  We definitely, need to rewrite the Gray’s Anatomy.                                    
In advanced countries we have exactly the opposite situation. People struggle to live on expensive balanced diets, much polluted indoors, practically no sun shine and very little activity coupled with shallow breathing. The bottom line is that the quality of blood running in their arteries is toxic, viscous, and poorly oxygenated, which is the fundamental cause of all man-made diseases. Beauty within, is being redefined as the quality of blood running in the heart lung system. The fundamental parameters for Royal/top class blood are: PH tending to alkaline, OXYGEN carried away at 95 percent, NITRIC OXIDE gas dissolved at optimum, SUGAR and SALT on the negative side and hydraulic fluid flowing effortlessly through the longest network of pipeline. This quality of blood is the actual “ROYAL BLOOD” and not as you believe otherwise.  

Personally, I firmly believe that our bodies have no expiry date, if given the chance and circumstances. If Noah lived for 950 years back then, it should be possible now too. I know of a whole village in Russia where everyone of its inhabitants lives up to 180 years on an average and that too healthy fit at 180. So I have reset my biological clock to 150 years plus, instead of the usual 90 years. This seems to be working for me very well. My body is working backwards to achieve the end result, keeping me young, youthful, and disease free. The power of the mind is miraculous indeed. Further I am extremely lucky to have long living genes inside me. My grand father and father both lived beyond 90 years in healthy states walking and active. As a child, I have accompanied my parents on early morning long and brisk walks on most of my vacations, when my other siblings were asleep and unwilling to participate in such healthy habits.
I am extremely conscious of the inputs into my body, including the quality of thoughts. When I was 40 years old I had charted out my life’s blue print related to mental health and body. Till 50 I would eat more vegetables and one piece of flat bread at every meal. At 60 I had firmly resolved to eliminate wheat and rice totally and I did so. After 65 I wanted to live on mostly raw foods which too have been implemented successfully. This single action on my part has helped me bring down my body weight to a desirable level of 140 pounds. I am so happy to feed my body with cosmic energy through raw foods and silently whispering the Mantra “Let Cosmic light shine."

  Rohit Khanna - IN-SCULP  &  IN-FINITE

Friday, 5 August 2016

LIFE IS AN EXCLAMATION - get the thrill out of it



Life is evolutionary and planetary exuberance. It is more like a verb. It is Autopoietic, Self-making.  Life is open to universe and itself. Beach sand is usually silicon dioxide, but so are the innards of a main frame computer. But computer is not a pile of sand. The main frame computer is intelligent thinking stuff manufactured from stupid stuff like sand.                          


Life too is a nexus of increasing sensitivity and complexity in a universe of parent matter that seems stupid and unfeeling in comparison. Life is Holographic like a drop of ocean water. That drop of water contains all life form on microscopic scale just as it exists in the big ocean. Life is transmutations of earth’s air water and sunlight into cells, bacteria. Life is self-renewing and fungi as recyclers help us to keep the entire planet brimming with life form, terra firma. It is matter gone wild, capable of choosing its own direction in order to indefinitely stall the inevitable movement of thermodynamic equilibrium–Entropy. Entropy is the universal tendency for order to breakdown into disorder, just like the rest of the Milky Way and beyond into the other worlds.  Fortunately for us, Earth and human physiology are islands of negative entropy. We are living off solar energy, borrowed from our sizzling neighbor the Sun.


Bacteria living in intimate associations gave rise to myriad chimeras, mixed beings of which we represent a tiny fraction of an expanding progeny. Life is the strange new fruit of individuality evolved by symbiosis: swimming, conjugating, bargaining, and dominating through corporeal mergers.

Today we have large corporations surviving the economic downfall by bargaining and mergers too. These disparate beings invented meiotic sex, programmed death and complex multi cellularity, to evolve and survive the competition of overcrowding and limited resources exactly like it is happening now, on our planet of 7 billion people, plus 10 billion live stocks.

Bacteria can swim, photosynthesize, cause decay, detect light, produce alcohol, ferment sugars, use up carbon dioxide and hydrogen, convert waste into methane, waft hydrogen, fix nitrogen, fabricate glues, precipitate magnetite, rust and iron oxides.


Let us go back another 2000 million years–The Earth’s surface had just started to cool down and life began as No Nucleus bacteria. We had a variety of them to complement each other. Halophiles were salt loving, while Thermophiles were heat loving. Do you see thread of survival, LOVE. You survive only when you are in love and loving, be it heat, friendship, salt or methane gas. It is the basic emotion which keeps the world going. We had metal workers in Cynobacteria and nitrogen fixers as Heterocyst. Finally, we had our own heating gas producers, the Methogens. Overcrowding, hunger, and thirst lead to the evolvement of a better variety of bacteria, INDIVIDUALITY, as cell membrane. In the beginning we had unicellulars, named as Protists and latter on multicellulars, called as Protoctisis. These guys worked hard for millions of years, to give us and finally evolve into Ribosomal DNA / RNA molecules.


Then it took another million years to get to fungi, and plants. Gradually, we had sea creatures who were salt water loving. Latter on we got fresh water loving species, and finally the amphibian animals, including we humans, who are oxygen loving. We ended up loving each other, and procreating in the process, as a bye product, while we basically remained Cosmic Energy or God loving. 


What is Matter?  Never Mind! – What is Mind?  No matter!  We are back to square one, where we started. Things are physical parts of Thoughts and Thoughts are the mental parts of Things. Does it look very complicated?  Let’s go deeper into the matter, or the heart of the matter.


All matter is made up of small particles called molecules. Molecules themselves are a cluster of even smaller stuff called Atoms. Atoms vibrate so fast that they appear motionless. Matter vibrates so slowly that it appears motionless, too. Atoms themselves are not alone. They have Protons, Electrons and Neutrons.


These sub atomic particles are not only minuscule but they are separated by lots of space called Voids. Voids mean empty space, literally nothing. Surprisingly, these Voids are mysteriously imprinted with information, called innate intelligence. This essential stuff is thinking Non-stuff. It is pulsating with invisible intelligence. This intelligence reaches out into chaos (Void) and from Quantum Soup forms beautiful symmetries.


Human life form is itself a very high embodiment of evolutionary generosity, sensitivity, and tolerance developed over long eons. Life, having once come into existence will continue forever. It is a watery membrane, bound encapsulation of space-time. Bacteria, never having gone extinct, continue to protect us as their populations grow prodigiously. We as bacteria, are immortal, but as human beings, are mortal, very fragile.


Human beings are a bundle of bacteria, which use up oxygen to generate energy and survive. But now microbes, find us very attractive as a desirable food, dead or alive. They are the Pathogens in service, to clean up our human environment. We, with are nomadic past, are still adjusting to the idea that in a closed system, the fruits of our labor and loins cannot be accumulated endlessly. They must be distributed, returned to the system whence they came from. This is a difficult lesson to learn. The matter of our bodies, our possessions, and our wealth is not ours. It belongs to the Earth, Biosphere. It must be returned again and again. Changes are the norm and remember it forever. We live in a sensuous world where details determine food and mate choices that in cases spell the difference between life and death, between procreation and barrenness.       


Life is an external dance. The movements of the dance are choreographed through Awareness. Life is analogous to a pail of muddy water. When the water is stirred and wavy you cannot see the reflection of the sun in the water. But when the stirring and waves have been stopped by meditation, the surface of the muddy water in the pail becomes still then you can see the reflection of the sun. This is an allegory and the explanation is as follows. Muddy stands for all the dirty, foul, spiteful thoughts in our head. The stirring and waves in the water mean that we have mind full of excitement, duality, and confusion. The still water surface stands for the quietude mind using meditation to bring about Quiescence. Sun implies Cosmic Energy’s reflection in the still waters.


It is very much possible to earn GRACE with repeated meditation and utter faith in cosmic energy. Grace is the divine dispensation that waves the payment of Karmic debts, in this very life. Meditation is the way out of linear Time. Deep meditation takes you into a sense of timelessness or eternity, where the karmic chains break away. It is here that the karmic debts are cancelled when you transcend your Ego.


Karmic forces act on individuals existing out there, separate from the world. But when you meditate and be one with the universe and the world, the karma is overcome. Karma is cosmic justice. Dues have to be paid when a lesson of life is not learned. Dues pile up as huge debts. Learn the system, the foreign language of silence. The ignorant drown in the ocean, in which the mystics swim. 


Self-effort will make an angel out of you. Few people try to develop the potentials of their bodies, mind, and soul. Rest of us are, victims of circumstances of their past, and ignorance based beliefs. Our mind has convinced us of many limitations we imposed on ourselves. We never exercise our free will in anything. It is killed in childhood for the fear of hurting others. To idle is to harm self. You ossify and become a fossil. Live creatively now or never, live rightly now, this life and not the next life. Assert yourself. You are not a bird or a beast. You have to break the bonds of delusion and choose now. We can choke with mud of accumulated ignorance or cleanse it by dredging with the shovel of knowledge. The fundamental choice between remaining bound and enslaved or to awaken up from sleep and your hypnosis of ego has to be made now. Now is the gateway to Eternity.     

Personally, I was brought up in the standard God fearing environment, but very quickly I understood and changed to God loving/Cosmic Energy loving. The influences came from my mother who was attracted to universal teachings of Radha Swami & me to Awakening with Brahma Kumaris, and Lala Hardyal’s book “Hints on self-culture”. Being a part of medical family, I experienced pain & sickness from very close quarters, which prepared me for accepting death as a very natural and common phenomenon. I live in a detached mode because we are here temporarily for a short time and then gone. Each one of us rises up after death but awareness makes all the difference. I have concrete plans to die in meditation with no thought on my mind. Our last thought becomes the template for next life, and I do not wish to provide Nature with any template for next life. This is my personal task to try for Nirvana. I may not succeed but I would have the satisfaction that I tried and a respectable carried forward karma account for the next life, just in case.

   Rohit Khanna -  IN-SIGHTED therefore EXCITED