Showing posts with label Cosmic energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cosmic energy. Show all posts

Saturday 18 April 2020


Vibrant Health


What is Coronavirus ? It is the 150th Virus in the environment. We do not ever mention any of the other 149 Viruses which our system has adapted beautifully. 
It is a virus just like Chicken pox. It can spread from animal to man & man to woman & back.
How did Coronavirus get its name ?
Because it looks like a Crown

What are the Symptoms of an infection by Coronavirus ?
• Fever increases
• Excessive coughing with sputum
• Body pain, headache, diarrhea and vomiting worsen
• Severe difficulty in breathing
• Heaviness in Chest
• Coughing, headache and joint pains increases more
Grapevine says there is no known cure for Coronavirus. Then what to do ?
Cure can be accomplished only by your own body. No medicine can do it, even for existing diseases.
Known Cure. Lets rename it Known medicine. Correct. There is no known medicine for Coronavirus. But there has to be a remedy, although, unknown to us right now. Lets look for it.
The prevalent concept of treatment is that a disease has a name. That name has a set definition, based on subjective assessment. All patients have to fit into this format. This disease has a medicine. It is assumed that this medicine will cure. But each patient is different. The modality of each symptom is different. Someone is sneezing in the morning someone in the evening. One cough is dry the other is with phlegm. But the medicine does not cater to these modalities. Hence some patients respond, others do not. The cause is another major factor. All this is dependent on the doctor. The chances of success keep dwindling.
However, if we consider other lesser popular methods of treating disease, we come across homeopathy as a system wholly objective and dependent on the individual patient and the modalities of a symptom. A dry cough is a dry cough, irrespective of the cause. If it is in the morning, it has a remedy. If it is in the evening, the medicine changes. It is not dependent on the evaluation of the doctor. The choice of this medicine is not the result of trials on mice or animals but a proving on actual living healthy human beings. Therefore it is accurate.
Developing a vaccine takes a long time and costly research. Even after it has become effective the virus develops a resistance, it changes itself and become immune to the vaccine. Its called mutation. And, we are left helpless again.
It might be in order to investigate along the path of Homeopathy

Is Homeopathy effective against Viruses ?
Yes it is. It has been used for ages against viruses like Chickenpox and Smallpox. It has been effective. The degree may be controversial, but it has been effective. Homeopathy has been used to abort or treat Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, coronaviruses, picornaviruses, rhinoviruses, enteroviruses, herpesviruses.
Homeopathy was very effective against SARS 2002. The symptoms of the current coronavirus are mostly the same as 2002. It is pertinent to note that in Coronavirus cases the bronchi were laden with tenacious sticky mucus.

Should homeopathic medicine be taken as a prophylactic, to prevent coronavirus ?
Yes ! It can be taken. It should be taken. But there is a caution. In most people the homeopathic medicine is likely to bring on the symptoms of the medicine. This is called proving. For example a dose of Ars Alb 30 is likely to trigger a liquid discharge from the nose which will burn the edges of the nostrils and eyes will water. When this happens it will be difficult to judge whether it is a proving or the actual disease. If you had no disease, and were only proving the medicine, you will now get infected in the hospital or be given medicine which should not have been given. Either way it will be dangerous for you. And, what is worse, you will be an unnecessary burden on the medical resources of the country.
Takeaway. Take a prophylactic under the supervision of a doctor.

How long does it take to develop a CONVENTIONAL vaccine for a virus ?
It takes a long time. Probably 12 to 18 months. It may take longer. By then the damage is already done.

Is there some way we can fight this coronavirus for now. We will apologize to the Planet when we survive. ?
The world of humans is trying to fight the Coronavirus with conventional weapons. We have failed so far. Is it possible that we have overlooked a weapon we do have but have not tried ? Judging from the past track record, Homeopathy has successfully treated viruses like Chickenpox and Smallpox basing the prescription on the patient and his symptoms rather than on the disease.
Homeowiz is a software wizard, being used by a small group of researchers. It is not for sale. It is computerized repertorisation. They have offered to release it for use by all doctors of the world for the duration of Cornovirus attack for free. They have listed about 24 general symptoms of a Coronavirus patient. All that a doctor has to do is to De-select the symptoms the patient does not have. Click ‘Get Remedies’ and viola, the top remedies list pops up. It takes less than a minute. The doctor can then chose from the top 4 or 5 remedies. The potency must be selected by the doctor.
Since the symptoms change from day to day. It is advised to use the software every day to determine the remedy required for that day.
This software is meant for use by doctors only. The general public is advised not to indulge in self medication.
The software can only advise. The doctor has to select.
The URL of the site is …
When the home page opens, there will be a Coronavirus on the left. Please click on it. It will guide you and walk you through the software, till you get the remedy.
Takeaway. By doctors is meant all doctors, Allopathic doctors included. It takes less than 5 minutes to learn how to use the software. The instructions are given on the home page.

Can we use normal Homeopathy to treat Coronavirus patients ?
Yes, you can. And it will be effective. Coronavirus. Yes, it is scary. We should be scared. Fear is the apprehension of the unknown. Then what is unknown ? One of the unknowns is the strength of our own immunity. Everyone agrees that if immunity is compromised, the virus will be more effective and may even kill. If immunity is good we will survive. So far we have only been talking about prevention. Lets talk about treatment.
First lets get the name Coronavirus out of our hair. If we did not know the existence of this virus we would be afflicted by either Bronchitis or Pneumonia. The symptoms are the same. Homeopathy is based on symptoms and not names.

I have heard that Viruses mutate very fast as compared to Bacteria. I think that is why the flu shot changes every year. That means whatever vaccine we develop is out dated the day it is ready for use ?
That is correct. Viruses mutate very fast. Coronavirus already has two strains. The vaccine being developed is based on the structure of the first strain. By the time the vaccine is ready, the second strain is likely to become more active.
The question you have asked is, What should the world do.
The answer is to develop the vaccine as fast as it mutates. But is it possible? It is. Provided you get science out of the way. You must have heard that a drowning man will clutch even a straw. In the present scenario, a log is being offered, but there are no takers. A Nosode can be developed in one day and distributed to the whole world in the next 5 days, every man woman and child. But science says it has no substance in it. It has not been tested in vivo and in vitro. Past experience with Nosodes says it is the most effective weapon. you will be able to use it against the strain from which it was made. Give the virus no time to mutate.

Does Homeopathy have a system of vaccines ?
Yes, it does. Normal homeopathic medicines are made from plants, minerals and animals. But medicines can be specially made from the sick organs of animals or humans. They can also be made from secretions. These medicines are called Nosodes. These Nosodes can be used as prophylaxis or for treatment.
As compared to a normal vaccine, a Nosode takes only a day or two to make. All you have to do is to take a teaspoon of the spit of a confirmed sick case. Triturate it with 99 teaspoons of sugar of milk for about 3 hours. Now take a teaspoon of this sugar of milk and mix another 99 teaspoons of sugar of milk and repeat. Do this 30 times and we get a Nosode 30. The same can also be done with alcohol instead of sugar of milk. This can be used to prevent, abort or treat a patient with that same sickness.
This method is not new. It has been used for 100s of years. Smallpox has a Nosode by the name Variolinum. Chickenpox can be prevented by a dose of Varicella. Pertussis cures Whooping Cough. These are all viruses.
Just like a vaccine, a Nosode does not require and diagnosis. It can be administered to the public en mass. Unlike a vaccine, we do not need an expert medical man to inject it. You only have to put a globule in the mouth.

Since you recommend the use of a Nosode to fight a virus attack. Why cant we use some existing Nosode ?
Yes we can. The nearest I can think of is Variolinum. Variolinum is a Nosode prepared from the pustule of a Small pox patient. It has been used as a prophylactic against Smallpox for a long time. It definitely cures symptoms of the respiratory track. It should be effective against any virus causing respiratory symptoms. It may not be a 100% protection or cure. But, in the absence of anything better, we should try this medicine in any imminent virus attack.
Of course the final decision will depend on the patient and his symptoms and how the doctor perceives them. Just like a repertory, this writing can only serve the purpose of refreshing a doctor's memory to the existence of Variolinum. Just in case he had overlooked it.

 What is Immunity and how to build it ?
Immunity is the ability of your body to fight disease, infection or poison. How to build it? Million dollar question. Plethora of literature exists with the God Lord Google. Oh !!! I nearly forgot. Now a days we have some smaller gods too; Whatsapp, Instagram and Facebook. But, what I would like to bring to your notice is the ancient art of sub lethal poisoning. You ever heard of Vish Kanya ? In ancient India, small girls were administered sub lethal doses of snake poison and its antidotes alternatingly. They developed an immunity to most poisons. A snake bite could not kill them. They were used to kill enemy kings.
The fact of the matter is that when you feed the body on a small dose of poison, the body has the ability to develop antibodies. And comes out stronger. In recent times this technique is called Isopathy. Is it being used now a days. Yes it is. Most vaccinations follow this technique.
Lets see what we should do.
Eat healthy food to build a good body so that it can produce antibodies when attacked.
Vaccinate yourself against specific viruses. These are those sub lethal doses.
When a new virus attacks the human race we will eventually develop a herd immunity against it. I am sure a lot of people died when Smallpox first hit the world. But then, we manged, we did not have TV.
This was revision. Now please get this out of the way. Lets look at things another way.
The human race has evolved and is still evolving and getting better with each generation. But we have also inherited a disposition to sickness. We call them allergies. Each of us is unique as to how we react to a particular stimulus or trigger. Exposed to cold we each react differently. In homeopathy we call this human weakness, Psora. It is alleged by homeopaths that if we were not afflicted by Psora, we would be immune to most disease, bacteria or viruses. We would be immune to almost any functional change by any disease, be it Syphilis or AIDS. The only thing that could harm you could be physical injury.
Do we have an answer to this Psora ? Yes the world of homeopathy has developed a vaccine from the lesions of the very disease. Is it sub lethal ? Yes it is. The dose is so small that is is called Nanopathy. In fact no laboratory can find any molecule of the original disease. The name of the medicine so produced is Psorinum. It is currently used by homeopaths on the basis of symptoms noted by a few healthy people who proved it hundred years ago.
What should we do to fight diseases produced by bacteria or viruses ?
What I am going to say now is hypothetical. I am going into a world of fantasy. The reality will be dealt with by your doctor. Remember, this forum is for reading only, for any sound advice you have to go to your doctor.
Assumption. 100% of the world has been or will be affected by some virus.
We all go to our respective doctors. They all prescribe Psorinum 200 one dose. We all take it. Some of us will develop functional reactions. By some I mean about 20%. These reactions only indicate that something was wrong with us to start with. In about a month all reactions will pass off. Reactions are never fatal. We come out stronger. We have immunized ourselves against most diseases. We can take on any virus; new or old. Virus can mutate. Yes. Let it. We will still be able to fight it.
This will be real immunity. In the bargain, its possible, it might just be possible, that we get back our ability to produce our own Vitamin D.

Rohit Khanna – IN-SIGHT

Friday 15 September 2017



To understand the term VALUE, we will start with ANTI -VALUE first so that we get the full grasp of the meaning.

Anti-values can be classified into the following six categories by ascending order:
(1) the act of destroying the earth-of annihilating humankind and all other living organisms;
(2)  the act of mass killing of people by initiating a war or committing treason;
(3)  the act of murdering or causing death to a human being;
(4)  the act of damaging the body of a human being;
(5)  the act of greatly harming society;
(6)  all other crimes not covered by the above.

Higher values can be classified into the following five categories in descending rank:  absolute values such as absolute truth, absolute purity, absolute silence, absolute love, absolute knowledge. To this we can add political values, social values, legal values, cultural values moral values, educational values, scholastic values, industrial values, athletic values, values of life, medical values, values of language, technical values and emotional values. In addition to values in our life, all things have natural values including monetary values.


Reality does not change depending upon your beliefs, and perceptions. Beliefs do not establish truth. How do we acquire these harmful beliefs?  We internalize them from our environment, parents, teachers, role models, when we are very young, innocent, raw, and quite impressionable. Belief formation is spontaneous and involuntary. What are beliefs? They are mini programs in our memory. We internalize the age old beliefs handed down form one generation to another, pretty much Stone Age stuff.                     
We go through life struggling with these programmed hard disks which refuse to take in new and correct information from reality and everyday events. We are totally biased with these age old perceptions and notions that act like filters or brackets in our life’s experiences. In short the world events happen to us objectively, while we experience them subjectively through our filters, totally opposite angles and view points. What is the solution to this faulty programming problem? Simple! Format your hard disk or floppy, and leave it blank as it was, when you were born. It would be even better if you reprogram it as you wish it now, master of yourself. You are in charge of your life. Do it now, rewrite your own program?  Be alert, be aware of this malfunction. This is the root of all problems, misery, and suffering. Majority of the people do not want to do it themselves. They are again afraid of the unknown as usual, or they do not know where to start or how to go about it.                        
Belief is your conviction of the truth, of a proposition without its verification. You believe in many things because everyone around you believes in them, of course without verification. In many other things, you are made to believe through repetitive coaching, counseling, advertisement watching, and radio listening. As a result of the entire above overload of information, you come to believe in many things very powerfully, dangerously, and wrongly. The belief engine chugs away, strengthening old beliefs, spewing out new ones, rarely discarding any. We can sometimes see the foolishness in other people’s beliefs, but it is difficult to see the same error in our own beliefs.
A young boy Tamy aged 8, was asked by his friend Tanner, aged 10, who is your father? Then Tamy said, my dad obviously. How do you know this fact for sure, asked Tanner?  Because my dad told me so. Well, go and ask your mother again. Only, a mother can tell you who your real father is, and no one else. The best part is that you got to believe your mother too, no matter what she tells you.  The first belief of all your hundreds of beliefs happens to be the belief of your biological father. Goops! Did I trigger some doubt in you? 

The fundamental problem for all mankind can be summed up in one word: IGNORANCE. It is the lack of knowledge of the functioning of this Universe. Our upbringing and programming of the mind is so damn faulty, that we end up as failures. A sense of duality is deeply ingrained, when we are very impressionable and innocent. We feel division of self, leading to feelings of uneasiness. We scream on top of our voices, “All is not well with me”. We act as inadequate, unfulfilled, and incomplete. These emotions are reinforced many times over resulting in self condemnation, self demeaning and limited in multiple ways. We believe that we are seriously crippled and handicapped in major facets, physically, intellectually, psychologically, and spatially.

We live in a state of not accepting ourselves as we, thus want to be different, from whom we are. Now, we have a full fledged internal war, perpetual conflict of ideologies, and personalities. The agony and dilemma of choices, this girl or that woman leaves us helpless and overwhelmed with hundreds of fears. On top of all this we are plagued by dozens of likes and dislikes. All of the above negativity ruins our true sense of perception of the Universe and all that is happening in it to us. We become seekers, seeking, desiring, wanting, a never ending wanting. We are conditioned to be beggars of happiness. We come to believe blindly in many things out of fear and clouded judgments. A belief is a judgment prior to gaining knowledge and subject to verification by inquiry. Since we have no mindset of inquiry and inclination to verify, we continue to hold on to our baseless beliefs till death.


The darkness of ignorance can be removed by the light of knowledge of self. Who we really are? This single piece of information makes a world of difference in our lives. It also turns the tables on us. It is important to be wise than to be otherwise. We are matter vivified by Consciousness. We are pure Awareness, which is limitless, formless, all pervasive, timeless, action less and self effulgent. We are complete, totally liberated and perpetually happy beings. We are joyful beings at peace with ourselves and happily doing what ever must be done. This miraculous secret is concealed very intricately inside us and it can be unraveled only by ourselves, with our own effort and lots of hard work.


The creator is the Ocean of permanent insitu Contentment, Happiness, Joy & everlasting Bliss. In comparison we humans are excited, seeking physical bodily, short lasting pleasures, as a response to a stimulus from the material world or from our memory of a similar happening in the past. Just as you work hard to earn money, the same way you must work even harder to earn peace. Money can buy comforts but not peace. Money can buy a super comfortable bed & a house but it can not induce sound sleep. Successful people, CEO’s, executive heads, displaying miserable attitudes, are conveying a wrong message to the young ones, that material success brings happiness, NO it does not.


My name is Shiva, the benefactor, the seed & a point of concentrated light. Brahma Kumari’s  call me Shiva Baba affectionately. Literately speaking, Benevolent Father   

I am a Supreme Being, a soul like you, an infinitesimal pin point of energy which comprises of an intellect, mind & Sanskars. 

I have a personality to which you all can relate to easily.  

My qualities & attributes are always constant because I do not ever enter the world of matter. They are: Purity, Power, Peace, Knowledge, Love & Bliss.  

I reside in the incorporeal world, far away yet only a thought away from you. Here in the land of Nirvana / liberation there is total silence & stillness.  It is my home and home of all you souls. 

From here golden red light radiates & permeates to every corner of the universe from my oval shaped pearl. MY signatures are all over your planet, yet I am not Omnipresent.

Consider me as your father, mother, teacher, guru, beloved, & best friend, all in one and ONE in all. 

You can communicate with me with the help of Raja Yoga & receive whatever you seek in your multiple lives, when away from home (paramdham). You do not need a middle man, a deity, or a Mantra to connect to me.  

It happens only at this auspicious time every cycle. Therefore wake up from your sleep and do not miss this golden chance to unlimited inheritance of 21 births in golden age from the Father directly.

First meditate & begin your inward journey by focusing the mind on the point of light behind the third eye, your soul & vehicle to travel upwards into the spiritual dimensions. 

The power of silence cannot be over emphasized here. Stabilize your vibrating frequency at 2-4 cycles per second from 16 or more. This will bring you in tune with MY frequency & WE then connect together. Now experience your essence. 

To travel upwards you must have enough stock of fuel of positive, elevated thoughts in your savings account. Churning spiritual knowledge will produce high quality fuel for your lift off. Finally visualize MY red light as a laser beam & climb on it to get propelled up to ME anytime. 


Each soul is different because of their journey of 84 or less births & interactions with hundreds of other souls.  They are not wrong, bad, foolish, immature just DIFFERENT. Get into their shoes and feel their pain, suffocation, entrapment, helplessness. Their troubled mind/sanskars is causing a troublesome behavior uncomfortable for us.  Hence have empathy for them & not take on their pain/sorrow. Even if we create hurt in response to their behavior we need to counsel our mind gently. What is natural for me is impossible for them. Hence have unlimited compassion for them. Pure loving thoughts for these souls. Modify your behavior towards them with humility, love & care. This creates healing vibrations for us & them too.


A tree gives fruits & flowers even if we shake it, stone it or cut it. Therefore be strong like a tree & always give love, good wishes to all. Do not entangle with the energy of other souls. No conflict with anyone’s negative sanskars. Be with them but remain untangled, detached observer, like a father watching over his toddler, like Shiva Baba watching over us, the impure souls with love & total understanding.  Finish the root of cause of irritation. It is only a programming of the mind. If I accept their bad habits, no effect on me, no irritation.  Tolerate externally, silently is when we understand & resolve internally. Negative thoughts, turbulent energy vibrations, powerless words have no effect on others. It is futile. Hence save your precious energy. If pain gets accumulated, the result is damage. If we suppress pain the wound will be on the soul which you will relive (past) many times over, becoming added baggage. Karma is recorded on the soul permanently, consequences will be experienced in future & present times.

CREATOR HAS NO EXPECTATIONS - because they are an Invitation to Irritations

Happiness grows in direct proportion to our acceptance & inversely proportional to our expectations. Longer the list of expectations more dissatisfied unhappy we will be. We seek acceptance from others because we feel happy & nice. But we need to accept ourselves first as we are. Are you a good company to yourself. If yes, then can you live all alone in solitary confinement happily. Think it over. To be beautiful means to be ourselves, as we were originally at birth.  


Consider me as your father, mother, teacher, guru, beloved, & best friend, all in one and ONE in all. You do not need a middle man, a deity, or a Mantra to connect to me. You can communicate with me with the help of Raja Yoga & receive whatever you seek in your future lives, away from Home. It happens only at this auspicious time every cycle. Therefore wake up from your sleep and do not miss this golden chance to unlimited inheritance of 21 births in golden & silver ages, from the Father.
First meditate & begin your inward journey by focusing the mind on the point of light behind the third eye, your soul & vehicle to travel upwards into the spiritual dimensions. The power of silence cannot be over emphasized here. Stabilize your vibrating frequency at 2-4 cycles per second from 16 or more. This will bring you in tune with MY frequency & WE then connect together. Now experience your essence. To travel upwards you must have enough stock of fuel of positive, elevated thoughts in your savings account. Churning spiritual knowledge will produce high quality fuel for your lift off. Finally visualize MY red light as a laser beam & climb on it to get propelled up to ME anytime. Daily practice at Amritvela 4.00 AM can help you get to the highest level of consciousness : NIRSANKALP SAMADHI – free from active thought. Please keep trying MY child till you succeed, because I help only those who help themselves.  

Rohit Khanna - Before Insane, Now IN-SANE hence IN-DEPENDENT

Monday 8 August 2016



The universe runs on autopilot. There is no entity as God that is controlling on a day to day basis. All things living and non-living are self-sustainable, self-renewing, and self-sufficient. All fruits and vegetables have seeds in them. These seeds when sown will grow up into fruits and vegetables and again they will have new seeds in them too. Animals and humans too procreate, then become old and die. The new generation does the same thing and life continues on autopilot. The spiritual aspect of this autopilot is KARMA - the laws of CAUSE & EFFECT.  God and Morality were invented by man for the subjugation of the masses, who were illiterate, poor and unskilled. Of course there exists Cosmic Energy which is the equivalent of God.   


“Mind body system is set up to meet all needs spontaneously”.

As children, we grow up to master our physical bodies and a small amount of brain, and mental faculties. We develop just 10 % of our brain in our lifetime.  Whereas the power of the mind is phenomenal. We have the power to manifest anything that we truly desire. Telepathy has happened with almost everyone on many occasions. It is common to find help arrive from nowhere when you are stuck up in a difficult situation. The education system needs to be redesigned to develop at least 50% of the brain through meditation techniques, right in childhood days when everything is brand new, untouched, and ready for learning. 

Personally, I have experienced help arrive from nowhere at the time of my need. During the summer of 2005 I was getting my kitchen renovated. The plumber asked me to provide him with a big washer for the sink with a 2 inch hole. Such a washer was not available in any store. I stood at pier 21, where a couple of tall ships were tied up, tormented by the idea of manifesting it somehow. Low and behold one of the owner operator of one tall ship walked up to me and started talking. I told him of my predicament, and asked him if he had a repair facility inside his ship. He gladly offered to drill a 2 inch hole in a small aluminum disc for me. In a matter of 15 minutes I had the desired part in my hand and that too free of charge. An unknown foreigner from Poland came to my rescue as if he was placed there by cosmic forces.   


“All minds are joined together.”

We share a common self and are not separated”. We are wrongly taught that we are unique individuals. But the fact is otherwise. We are so well connected with everyone that all minds living or dead can come to our rescue if we know how to. Nostrdamus’s mind is always available to us if we can tune in to his vibrations, just like tuning on a radio. Every one of us has two or more spirit guides before birth and immediately after birth. When we grow up we loose their touch and feel separated. But in reality, we are never alone.

Personally, I have two spirit guides who look after me all the time. Their names are Alpha and Beta. They sit on my shoulders overlooking all that I do or about to do. I am pretty friendly with both of them and normally, I order them around to do my errands for me. They always oblige willingly and without fail. It is a matter of 200 % trust in the cosmic energy and my spirit guides. To give you a glimpse of some of my special errands for my Alpha and Beta, here is one of them. Whenever I am required to travel, I call upon my spirit guides to clear up all the obstacles and kinks in the travel route much ahead of the actual event, from home to home. In the car they are sitting on top of the head lights, in the plane they are sitting on the ends of the wings, making my travel very safe and enjoyable. I travel in peace on my very own “magic carpet”. Additionally each of these spirit guides is assigned to look after my two children 24/7, thus helping me to practice detachment & not influence their lives with foolish thoughts of worry for their welfare. This is exactly how we can do distance Reiki. Since we are all connected, I can send  or redirect cosmic energy to any one who requests it, across the continents. Telepathy works on the same principle too.


“Your body is the material result of all intentions you ever had”. 

That’s right. After death your last thought becomes the template for your next life. If you were a rich person with millions to spare and you died suddenly, what would be the last thought on your mind?  OH! What will happen to my millions and estate? This is precisely the thought you will harbor, which is the thought of LACK OF MONEY, despite your millions. With this template of poverty, you are bound to be born as a poor child in Africa or Afghanistan. If you happened to be a prosperous old woman with half dozen children and you died suddenly. What would be your most likely last thought on your mind?  OH! What will happen to all my children? You carry the thought of LACK OF CHILDREN despite six healthy children. With this template of childless, you are bound to be born as a barren woman, person with no children, or as a prostitute in Canada or Australia. You asked for it, you got it.


Each soul goes on a shopping spree with its two spirit guides and makes all the decisions for it. The soul chooses the personal tasks and world tasks first. Next it chooses the kind of pain it wants to endure on earth in the next life, your learning school. Further, it selects its form of body it will go into, mentally challenged or physically challenged. Your soul decides upon the challenge it wants to handle on earth. Finally comes the time to zero in on the choice of parents, time and place of its birth. All that you are today is made to your very order, tailor made to your own whims and fancy. You cannot blame anyone, or fate now, and not even your parents, because you choose them, when you were a soul on a cosmic shopping spree, mostly based upon your previous accumulated Sanskars / Seeds

Personally, I chose my lovely parents, who did their best to bring up, all four of us by enduring many hardships and working for 92 long years non-stop, 24/7.  I opted for a normal body, without any deformities in this life. My personal task is to try and achieve Nirvana, the state of permanent Bliss.  Therefore when I die my last thought would be happy thought of being with the Creator / Cosmic energy. This tough task requires lot of hard work and preparation. My world task is the sharing and education of the public about the Invisible Stuff, through personal example and authoring some books. I walk my talk. I also selected the time of my birth so that I could be an Aquarian and be ahead of my time. Fortunately my two spirit guides: Alpha and Beta are still with me to assist me in this life and next life too.  


“Whatever you focus on expands in life & Reiki amplifies it".

If you focus on your studies you do well in the exams and class. You focus on scarcity in life you will have nothing. If you keep complaining and repeating how unwell and diseased you are, your disease will expand infinitely, because that is what you keep asking and wishing for. You need a much focused train of thoughts to achieve an orgasm during love making. A large number of women never achieve an orgasm in their lives, because they harbor multiple emotions on their minds, unlike men. This universe is similar to a GENE of the Aladdin’s lamp. What does the Gene always says to you? “YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND, MASTER”. Therefore be very careful what you wish for, ask for, even jokingly, because the universe is designed to manifest what you ask for. It reads your intentions very accurately and quickly. Do you see the Auto Pilot now?

Personally, I thank the cosmic energy every day, for providing me with everything I need. I never get angry on any occasion, hence the chance of an argument, war of words, or a fight does not arise. I keep smiling at the futility of this exercise when my dear ones raise their voice, shout and fight with me over trifles. I can see through their gimmick and reason of the fight, which happens to be the way they were brought up, no fault of theirs. They are upset with themselves, not with me. I am just a punching bag for them, and I offer smilingly to be one, which is more troubling for them. You cannot fight with a stone wall or a punching bag, you need another like-minded ignorant human to fight first and feel miserable afterwards for weeks to come. This is how life slips by you. They may label me as weak, coward or simply mad, because I chose not to react in the same language as theirs. This is what Brahma Kumaris & every religion teaches you to practice in everyday life.         


“Focused intention is enough to accomplish a result”.               

They automatically seek fulfillment. How do you learn to play music or sing songs? Practice and more practice. How do you become a sports player? Hard work and dedicated effort is needed. When you start this process in childhood the results are unparalleled. Same thing with intentions, desires, wishes. You write them down, read them aloud every day, think of them being already delivered to you and you are enjoying their fruits. Every one of us is aware of the SELF-FULFILLING PROPHESY. It can be positive or negative, either way. DESIRE, IMAGINE, WILL, CREATE, MANIFEST. You are capable of big things. You have the capacity to manifest anything: good or bad, it’s up to you. Believe in your powers to manifest. Believe very strongly, without any doubts: 110 % always.  ASK, BELIEVE, AND RECEIVE.  Act as if you have already got it.

Personally, I have no problem at all in my life. Things happen automatically when you are connected to Cosmic Energy earnestly. In 1998 we had to migrate to Canada, the waiting time of 4 years vanished only for us and we got the landed immigrant visas in record time of 8 months. The personal interview for the whole family was also waived, which again is rarity. Finally the whole settlement process in Canada went so smoothly that our uncle and aunt were astonished at the speed of the events. We call our uncle Columbus jokingly, because he was the first one to come to Canada Halifax in the year 1958. Since then he has help settle down 36 families. My first job, our own house, school for children, and transport manifested as if a Gene was doing it for us at our command. Now life is even better at 66 when I am fully retired with all pension benefits and a very comfortable part time job which leaves me lots of spare time for my passions of Swimming & Ice skating.
  Rohit Khanna - IN - TENT & IN - DWELLING  

Thursday 4 August 2016



Timothy and Tammy are celebrating their 5th birthday. They are identical twins born on 11th February.  Their parents, Talbot and Tracy have organized a special party for their two little adorable sons. Talbot is rich merchant living in luxury at a farm house located at the out skirts of the famous town of Chandigarh. Tracy comes from a background of armed forces brought up by a dictator like father, an active commander of the Indian navy. The back lawns are beautifully decorated with balloons, flowers and twirling colorful ribbons. A small stage has been setup for the sole purpose of entertainment of the young children. About two dozen kids from the neighborhood have been invited for this very occasion today. A two tier gigantic cake can be seen in the dining area of the lawns. The kids are having a blast without any inhibitions what so ever. But something very special awaits them all. It is the magic show that is going to surprise them in a moment.      


Tommy the magician appears on the stage suddenly as if by magic. He requests all children and adults to take their seats so that he can start his show of the evening. The excited boys and girls quickly scramble for the best seats in the front and the adults too gather around for the spectacle of the evening. The magician is a smart man, lean, tall, displays a black hat and matching long flowing tunic with full sleeves of course. He starts off with a riddle. How much is two plus two? All the kids reply in unison – FOUR. Are you sure the magician admonitions? Of course reply the kids. But he says no you are all wrong. It is FIVE. Then he starts to produce four different color handkerchiefs from his bare hands: red, green, blue and yellow. Tommy puts all these four colorful handkerchiefs in his hat. He places the hat upside down on a table beside him and gets his magic wand. Abracadabra! Abracadabra! And he produces one single handkerchief, the fifth one, with all four colors, from the hat. Next he magically makes a white pigeon fly away from that colorful piece of cloth. All the children including the adults are dumb founded at this slight of Tommy’s hand.  The show goes on and on.                             
HUMAN MAGIC IS AN ILLUSION                                                   

What is magic? It is an illusion. It is the slight of the hand. The items are so well concealed that they seem to appear from thin air. But for a five year old it is absolutely astonishing and no less than a miracle. Next a woman is put inside a box and the box is cut into two halves with a sharp saw. One half holds her head and the other half holds her feet and these two halves are ten feet apart. Amazingly magical, unbelievable but true. You see it right in front of your eyes. It all applied physics and little ingenuity combined with expert craftsmanship. So everything is happening within the laws of physics and nature. Tommy the magician performs these tricks many times in a day. It is like a routine for him, but magic for the children and us.


Now we come to the million dollar question? What is a miracle? When nature performs magic, it is a miracle for us. Miracles happen to attract us to cosmic energy: The parting of the seas for the followers of Jesus Christ to cross over; the revelations of the future events to Nostradamus four hundred years ago!


The untimely blossoming of the trees and showering of sandal wood flowers, at the hour of Buddha’s death, purely out of reverence for the departed soul, on its LAST journey! Everything happens within the Buddhist universal law of CAUSE and EFFECT. This means that Karma, one’s doing as a Cause would bear fruit, the corresponding effect, eventually; no matter how long it may take, sometimes many lifetimes. But we, well frogs are not aware of all the laws and subtleties of nature.


Our man Issac Newton confirms the above universal law with his own law of motion. “An object will tend to remain at rest or continue to be in uniform motion in a straight line, unless acted upon by an external force.” This is also known as the law of inertia. On a calm day the water on the ocean shore is as still as a mirror. While on a windy day the scene is totally different. Giant waves of water keep coming towards the shore and continue till the wind, the external force behind the waves, dies down.

Newton’s second law deals with conservation of energy. “It states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed”. This means that matter evaporates or sublimates into energy and energy manifests into matter, magically. This is an interchangeable phenomenon. Solar heat can be trapped and converted into electricity, through solar panels. The same electricity can then be used to generate heat by running a blower.  Clouds manifest into snow and rain. Snow changes back into water when the climate becomes warmer. Finally water again changes into clouds when the weather becomes even hotter. This way matter becomes extinct for us and energy from nowhere manifests into matter magically, like snowflakes from the sky.


Sadly, this law relates to matter only, and fails miserably, when we  deal with the complex subject, of human bodies and the, all powerful, intangible mind, which has capacity to change material things. The mere mention of a lemon produces copious amounts of saliva in our mouths, instantly and automatically. The presence of a beautiful woman can and does bring about, lots of changes, in a man. From red ears, blushing with pink cheeks, a faster heart beat and partial erection are possible, in a matter of seconds. The appearance of celebrities, like Beatles and Bieber can trigger, ten thousand girls, to go into fits of, squealing, howling, and crying with joy, for hours together. Wet dreams are no less than a miracle. The object of our affection, and chase, again, another wonderful woman, in our night dreams, is purely imaginary, but the ejaculation takes place, actually and physically. The invisible mind is working on overtime, even when we are asleep.                                                                                                      


Same laws govern our births and deaths too. We never become extinct, after our departure, nor is our, birth real. The soul does not enter the body or leave it, at death. We merely gain consciousness, at birth and loose it, at death. Simply change of form. If existence is real, there should be no extinction at all. Hence it is an illusion.

There is only IMPERMANCE. Life lasts, for a very short period of 90 years and then changes its form and moves on. 90 years is very short, time span, compared to the life of our planet, of 90,000 billion years. Our existence is equivalent to a blink of the eye. There is no ETERNALISM and no ANNHILATION. Hence the concept, of a higher personal God and we as his children is illogical. Definitely, this concept was invented by a crafty human mind like Constantine way back.

Religion was an invention of that time. It was the need of the hour. Religion is the opium, for the masses. Our man Albert Einstein too said, “I believe in Spinoza’s God, who reveals himself in the lawful harmony of all that exists, but not in Personal God who concerns himself with the fate of the doings of mankind”.  Therefore have compassion, towards all beings.  Do not cling to anything and bring about misery upon yourself.  Totally confused already and we have not even started.

Personally, I was convinced right from my childhood that there is no personal God up there, because if he did exist then science should have discovered Him and we would have known him more intimately and socially. Since no body had seen him or talked to him in all these centuries, it was safe to conclude that such a being did not exist. He is not a ghost to be afraid of. With this premise I lived my life fearlessly and guilt free. This straight forward logic coming from a small child was a big self-esteem booster. As time passed and I advanced in life I understood for sure that human beings can have super powers if given a chance to develop them, mentally and spiritually. Finally I was pulled into this whirlpool with Reiki, and the cat is honestly out of the bag. We can live disease free, happy, and content. It is possible to manifest anything we wish for with little hard work on our part. The basic realization of the fact that I am a pure peaceful soul, full of love and forever connected to THE SOURCE makes me a super being. 

Rohit Khanna - IN-DWELLING