Showing posts with label soul consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soul consciousness. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 August 2017




There are two kinds of galaxies up there: Dwarf galaxies, milky-way galaxies which are always expanding & Andromeda galaxies which never expand. Large cluster galaxies do attract dust, gases, grains, rocks, asteroids and grow into planets only to get smashed up again and again. Cosmic smash up is giving birth to billions of new stars all the time. Dark energy is anti-matter and comprises up to 80 % of the universes total energy. High velocity and extremely high temperatures help generate luminous blasts, supernovas and cosmic artwork lasting for mere 2 to 5 seconds. Circular motion of manifested matter is responsible for powerful forces of gravity around most planets. 

This is the Star Factory.......ever exploding. We are a very small part of One of the MILK-WAY GALAXY in our Solar system.

Can you picture yourself leading a normal life while riding a roller coaster. Well I say it is possible. Standing firmly on our planet Earth we are very fortunate to be alive, stable & safe for hundreds of centuries, leading normal lives as if the planet Earth was STATIONARY, but the truth is otherwise.

The Earth at the equator is rotating and spinning us at 1000 mph, counter clockwise.
The Earth is simultaneously running around the Sun at 67,000 mph, clockwise.
Together the Sun & the Earth are jogging at 43,000 mph around the core of our Solar system. 
In addition our Solar system is racing around the Milky way at 500,000 mph.
Finally the Milky way galaxy itself is additionally sprinting at 600,000 mph around another core point in the giant universe. 

At such high speeds and velocities traversing in FIVE DIMENSIONS we are the source of generating Cosmic energy. We are bound to crash head on, one day and disintegrate into star dust and start all over again. This goes to show that we are always at a new spot, all of our life time, just like the ever moving star ship Enterprize.

Now picture  the level of FRAGILITY of your lone speck of life, on this lone planet racing amidst the star dust. Surely someone is piloting & guiding our SHIP through dense toxic Cosmic Dead Dark Astral Maze.

All over the world, everyone is making intense effort to Reform others & transform self. The Facebook & Twitter are over loaded with Positive messages, videos, & pictures. Seminars, camps workshops are erupting like Volcanoes. it all goes to show that the Global Consciousness is Shifting towards PURITY. It has to because it is destined to be so.


The Tibetan Lamas in their Prime Health, are sending out healing vibrations to uplift the the world from the Astral plane. They speak very softly, sweetly in low pitch & voice tones which stimulates their throat Chakras & raises their sexual vitality because these two are connected together.


The Brahma Kumaris global organization is another giant step towards building up the OMNI-CONSCIOUSNESS of the Planet, one SOUL at a time. The long lost children of Shiva Baba are being located & adopted by Brahma Dada for their upliftment, empowerment, reeducation, reformation, & eventual transformation into Pure beings & Instruments for revealing the FATHER to others.    


The enlightened Yogi is doing his part of the equation with his marvelous GYAN  put very simply, in lighter vein & clearly. His basic tool of Inner engineering is also a life changer for the millions.   

Life is about Awareness & Choices, in this Auspicious Confluence Age. Now the CREATION is at its lowest point of degradation in the Iron Age. Therefore The CREATOR HIMSELF had to  come down to reset it & take all of us Home. We are running out of Time, hence drop being Lazy & Sloppy, instead become Enthusiastic & Zealous.   Assess for yourself where you stand:

Impure                                               Pure
Tamopradhan                                    Satopradhan

Body conscious                                   Soul conscious
Peaceless                                           Peacefull
Fine                                                   Refine
Bhogi                                                 Yogi
Bondage of karma                               Bondage of service

Hell - Knowledge now                          Paradise – Blank mind
Constructive – Destruction                   Establishment     
Basket of burden                                Crown of light                                    
Speaking out                                      Sending out vibrations

Light (shinning)                                  Light (feather)
Light (soul)                                        Flight (of love)
Devotion                                         Remembrance  (Raja Yoga)  
Child of man & woman                        Child of Brahma (mouth born)
Birth                                                  Adoption

Attached                                            Free  
Mine(my limited stuff)                        Mine(unlimited Virtues)
Mineful                                              Mindful
Sorrowful                                          Supersenuous joy                             
Stone intellect                                   Sharp intellect 

Transfer (new world)                          Transform (self now)
He willed                                           Our willpower
Shells                                               Diamonds
Stork                                                Swan

Turn (change)                                   Return(HIS love)
Go fast                                             Come first
Reality                                              Royalty
Tree                                                 Seed
Expansion                                         Essence
Reasons (negative)                            Solutions (Positive)

Heart failure (physically)                    Disheartened (spiritually)
Off mood (awareness)                       Off switch (awareness)
Dis – content                                    Content                                                 
Down trodden                                   Elevated
Vicious                                             Virtuous  
Donation                                         Cooperation
Ownership                                       Trusteeship
Realise                                         Real eyes (3rd)
Light                                            Might
Stumble                                          High jump
Tension                                          At-tension
Upset                                           Set up

Gift                                             Lift 
Sensible                                          Senseless
All rounder                                      Around all
Past                                              Passed
Op Position                                      Position
I ‘m possible                                    Possible
Mountain                                         Cotton-wool

MISERY                                          BLISS

Controlling                                       Cooperating
Correcting                                        Comfortable
Comparing                                       Content
Competing                                       Composed
Criticizing                                        Caring

Complaining                                    Calm
Cursing                                           Creative
Contemptuous                                 Clean
Conning                                          Cheerful
Craving                                           Connected
Cruel                                               Compassion

Cheating                                          Celibate 
Careless                                           Careful
Conceited                                         Coaching
Cautious                                          Charitable    
Cold                                                Celebrate
Checking                                         Courageous
Closed                                             Confident 
Crushed                                           Concentrated

Control your own mind instead of controlling others & the world, because you are attempting the IMPOSSIBLE &  stepping  into HIS domain. Beware of the consequences / backfire.

Rohit Khanna -  IN-SOUND .... barrier 


Wednesday, 12 October 2016

LIFE IS A PLAY OF TIME - stairway to heaven / spiral to hell




Time can be cyclic or linear, rotational or chronological clock. Time has a beginning, end & travels too. Times change & then become regular after sometime. One can experience negative times, bad, critical, dangerous, & uncooperative times also. On the other hand one can experience positive, ameliorating & good times. Timing & timeliness come very handy. Time can stretch long, stand heavy when one is waiting, & stand still in other times.  Biblical times divided time in two halves, before the birth of Christ & after the death of Christ. Everyone had a Past time, will have a Future time but the most valuable Present time is skipped as a pastime. A lifetime is temporary, limited time in the context of Eternal Unlimited Time. 


Time of transformation brings about Time of Creation. If you have the Awareness of time then Reversal of time happens, because Loss of time gets converted into Lots of time. When you have Treasure of time then Time is money for you. Since Time travels in a curve you can complete the Cycle of time by Traveling in time. Now, is the ripe time to enter your Time zone to feel the Quality of time.  The End of your time is reworded as Your Time has come - Good bye.     
Eternity is frozen time, the abode of the Supreme Soul Shiva. It is the world of Negative Entropy, Stillness, Silence & Peace. No loss of power / energy  happens here. 


The Creator is the Extra-terrestrial source & force that reverses the effect of time - from degeneration to regeneration.  Shiva operates at the end of time & at the beginning of time. The Omega & The Alpha. Confluence Age is the time of total transformation. Shiva needs a million souls to assist HIM in this Herculean Auspicious Task. A major shift in the Critical mass of Collective Consciousness will bring about the desired change.  Change in Consciousness creates changes in the quality of your time.  It is Kairos time too. The right opportune moment, the Supreme moment, when the dimension of depth increases with the instant.  Soul consciousness changes you & your Karma. The future is coming towards you & you are mentally connected with it in advance. You begin to behave as if you are already in Golden Age & let go of the Iron Age. By shifting your sense of Awareness to Spiritual orientation you give Higher Value to what you are than what you have.  By moving forward in time a powerful Soul will attract what is necessary & a weak Soul will lose it all. Everything else is moving in negative energetic time, but you are moving in the opposite direction into positive energetic time. This positioning is form of leadership - you lead the way & others follow you. Diamond time is ameliorating time & it is superimposed upon regular time. 


It is DHARMA of time too.  During the Golden Age it becomes the STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN. In this time period you have a few sensible people living Joyfully. Everything is in its purest form. The decline, the entropy begins here from day one.  

During the Iron Age it becomes a SPIRAL TO HELL. In this time period you have eight Billion people struggling sorrowfully. Maximum decline has taken place by now & it is the ripe time for the start of the Confluence Age, the establishment of the new order once again. Time bid us be gone.  


Be in tune with the spin of the Earth. At the Equator of the Earth the linear  speed is 900 miles per hour. This matches with the number of breaths we take in one hour = 15 breaths per minute X 60 minutes in one hour = 900. Time is deep rooted into our human body & its systems. The biological clocks operate without our awareness, they are on auto pilot. Extraordinary life is equivalent to RIDING THE WAVES OF TIME. The sense of time is the cosmic connection of the individual with the planets. So the fundamental question arises - ARE YOU IN TUNE WITH TIME OR OUT OF TUNE.  


Material Values come from thinking of yourself as an Object. You say my body is male or female. If it is Mine, it is a possession, just an object. But if you say that it is Me, that means I am an Object too.
Q - Are you a possession or a possessor? Who is the possessor of this possession named Body?
A - The real you is the Immortal Soul, who at this time, has a black male body & in the past had a white female body. This Body is warm mud packaged  in a leather bag, with bones to give it a shape. Incidentally the leather bag comes in different colors & textures. The Anatomy is same in every case.  The body is your equipment, or the costume, your are not this equipment or the costume. The Soul is made up of love, purity, peace, power, Bliss & innate wisdom. This intelligence radiates a different positive energy which changes the quality of time & matter. The dominant reality is the Soul & the secondary reality is the body.


The mentality of Iron Age is going towards materialism, driven by material values. Material Values & materialism cause the mind to move into negative vibrations, which lead to Ego, a false Image of Self. Comparison generates toxic inner experiences in terms of possessions. You say I have less & those people have more. You are confusing two very important different values. WHAT YOU HAVE & WHAT YOU ARE? This basic confusion leads to corruption of mind & goals. Impurity is indulging in vicious activities. acting out lustfully for temporary gratifications with little awareness of the consequences that come along in future times, to make you miserable. Vices are reflections of Virtues, lateral inversions of the images, hence not easily recognizable, therefore overlooked easily.


Soul consciousness is the intention to look behind the Mask - Who Am I?  Third eye is Souls ability to perceive non physical things. It is not possible to see a Soul. You can only understand it & when you realize it , you shout with excitement - I SEE. It is an INSIGHT. Soul is the intelligent glow behind this visible living, breathing, active, moving mask. Soul is gender-less, neither male nor female. Consciousness too is gender-less. The energy of the soul gets depleted continuously as time goes by. When you sleep the soul goes into space of Silence & returns - sleep dead. Now try to Die alive too.  Why we talk so much & repeat a lot - because we are afraid of SILENCE. Your body has the DNA of your biological parents, while your Soul has the DNA of your Spiritual parents. The real you has God's DNA, which translates to unlimited in every aspect. God whispers - You can be like me too. At the least you can behave like Angels right now. Angels have no conflict inside & outside, no entanglements like the innocent lord. Apply this Knowledge into your life, change & become an embodiment of it.


Meditation comes very handy to achieve this goal of Total Silence & no activity in the mind.  A prerequisite to successful meditation is Attention. The constant alertness of attention is watching every thought, which is the basis of our Destiny. Thought - Feeling - Emotion - Attitude - Personality - Energy radiated out - Destiny - Energy on its way back.  It requires moment by moment attention, one thought at a time. Thoughts are the building blocks of Consciousness. Purity is consciously living a Virtuous life. It means restraining self from acting out Vicious activities which make you uncomfortable in the present moment & putting a full stop, observe & steer away / change course of thought patterns to elevated ones. Pure vision is one of them. Seeing goodness in other souls, their specialties, or not seeing at all. Force of Love creates miracles.


My name is Shiva, the benefactor, the seed & a point of concentrated light.  Brahma Kumari’s   call me Shiva Baba affectionately. I am a Supreme Being, a soul like you, an infinitesimal pin point of energy which comprises of an intellect, mind & Sanskars. I have a personality to which you all can relate to easily.  My qualities & attributes are always constant because I do not ever enter the world of matter. They are: Purity, Power, Peace, Knowledge, Love & Bliss.  I reside in the incorporeal world, far away yet only a thought away from you. Here in the land of Nirvana / liberation there is total silence & stillness.  It is my home and home of all souls. Here golden red light radiates & permeates to every corner of the universe from my oval shaped pearl. MY signatures are all over your planet, yet I am not Omnipresent.


Consider me as your father, mother, teacher, guru, beloved, & best friend, all in one and ONE in all. You can communicate with me with the help of Raja Yoga & receive whatever you seek in your multiple lives, when away from home. You do not need a middle man, a deity, or a Mantra to connect to me. It happens only at this auspicious time every cycle. Therefore wake up from your sleep and do not miss this golden chance to unlimited inheritance of 21 births in golden age from the Father.


First meditate & begin your inward journey by focusing the mind on the point of light behind the third eye, your soul & vehicle to travel upwards into the spiritual dimensions. The power of silence cannot be over emphasized here. Stabilize your vibrating frequency at 2-4 cycles per second from 16 or more. This will bring you in tune with MY frequency & WE then connect together. Now experience your essence. To travel upwards you must have enough stock of fuel of positive, elevated thoughts in your savings account. Churning spiritual knowledge will produce high quality fuel for your lift off. Finally visualize MY red light as a laser beam & climb on it to get propelled up to ME anytime. Daily practice at Amritvela 4.00 AM can help you get to the highest level of consciousness : NIRSANKALP SAMADHI – free from active thought. Please keep trying MY child till you succeed, because I help only those who help themselves. 

His world drama is the biggest comic play ever scripted. Unfortunately it is not directed by HIM. It is directed by TIME & KARMA - go figure.


                          AFTER KNOWLEDGE IN-SANE


Wednesday, 10 August 2016



What can you give, you have nothing of yours. You came empty handed, yet the magnanimous Creation looks after you so well. All the stuff in the world belongs to nature, not you. You only move it from here to there and call it yours. Giving what is surplus for you, is not giving. Give the most precious / valuable thing of yours – your life. This too you cannot give it away because then you would be dead. At best you can share yourself with others. Now we come to the fundamental question? Who are you? An eternal Soul, a point of light & energy just like an Atom.  You can only receive. Therefore receive gracefully with the consciousness of your soul, and that would be equivalent to GIVING.

Give like a cow while you are alive - Milk                                 

Do not give like a pig after you die - Pork   


Soul is powerful, indestructible, pen drive which only works when plugged into a human body. Now we can train the soul to feel love for ourselves & others.  Love is a basic quality of the soul and it can emerge with lots of hard work through Raja Yoga. We express & feel, Pure Love through the heart, directly & spontaneously. Love is not an emotion, but a state of Being – Pure energy:  When we respond creatively & spontaneously. It is what we are & what we give our self without wanting anything in return. Love cannot be described, it can only be felt, like the taste of pineapple.


Love has many meanings and connotations. Sneh – friendly love, affection, attraction. Prem – brotherhood, compassion, companionship. Pyar – physical need, passionate love, desire of ownership. Life has to end but love does not.


Love permeates every particle of creation. It is the divine power & balancing force in creation. Love like rain can nourish from above, drenching couples with soaking joy. Joy comes from wanting others to be happy. You make me love you. Falling in love is permission to feel love, it binds and heals. The sweetness of emotion is love, and then it becomes joy. Make the emotion more pleasant to have Bliss. Love all fearlessly and consciously to maintain growth and flow. We are talking of Love and not lust, people, therefore beware. Do love now without conditions, instead of bringing flowers to my grave.


Love is a convenient illusion & conclusion of the other person. Soon it turns to boredom because of too much familiarity, gradually growing bitter. Love crumples because you like something more about another one. Love is reflective too. Hate me today but love me soon, if you persist. Love is a mutual benefit scheme. You want to own something which is not yours, without a payback, sorry it is not happening. You fall in love to eliminate self in order to love the other. In reality you splash about & drown in it. Love is an effusion or energetic emanation that surges forth from the deepest part of the consciousness: those radiations of love stimulate the endocrine glands of the entire organism, and they produce millions of hormones that invade the blood vessels filling them with extraordinary vitality.

A perfect marriage is the union of two beings (souls), one who loves more and another who loves better. Only great souls can & know how to love. In order for love to exist, there needs to be affinity of thoughts, affinity of sentiments, identical mental preoccupation. It is the consecrations of two souls anxious to express in a deducible manner what they inwardly live.

LOVE  - Natural state of soul – just give unconditionally, 
                                                - otherwise perish with diseases. 

If Closed & rigid to love    then     ARTHRITIS             

If Unable to give love & allow the flow then    ASTHMA

When not open to love & bitter then      DIABETES

When In Denial about love then     CRIPPLED

If negating love to self then     ALLERGY

If Afraid to lose love in future then       PARALYSIS

If already lost love in past then      SORROW   &   HEARTACHE

When attached to love in present, it is mine then       BLINDNESS

If seeking love & affirmations in present then    INCONTENANCE 

If craving for more love in present then        ADDICTION  

When In confusion & restless in present then       INDIGESTION

When Controlling others in present then        INSANITY

No love for work/job then           FATIGUE


Monday, 8 August 2016



The universe runs on autopilot. There is no entity as God that is controlling on a day to day basis. All things living and non-living are self-sustainable, self-renewing, and self-sufficient. All fruits and vegetables have seeds in them. These seeds when sown will grow up into fruits and vegetables and again they will have new seeds in them too. Animals and humans too procreate, then become old and die. The new generation does the same thing and life continues on autopilot. The spiritual aspect of this autopilot is KARMA - the laws of CAUSE & EFFECT.  God and Morality were invented by man for the subjugation of the masses, who were illiterate, poor and unskilled. Of course there exists Cosmic Energy which is the equivalent of God.   


“Mind body system is set up to meet all needs spontaneously”.

As children, we grow up to master our physical bodies and a small amount of brain, and mental faculties. We develop just 10 % of our brain in our lifetime.  Whereas the power of the mind is phenomenal. We have the power to manifest anything that we truly desire. Telepathy has happened with almost everyone on many occasions. It is common to find help arrive from nowhere when you are stuck up in a difficult situation. The education system needs to be redesigned to develop at least 50% of the brain through meditation techniques, right in childhood days when everything is brand new, untouched, and ready for learning. 

Personally, I have experienced help arrive from nowhere at the time of my need. During the summer of 2005 I was getting my kitchen renovated. The plumber asked me to provide him with a big washer for the sink with a 2 inch hole. Such a washer was not available in any store. I stood at pier 21, where a couple of tall ships were tied up, tormented by the idea of manifesting it somehow. Low and behold one of the owner operator of one tall ship walked up to me and started talking. I told him of my predicament, and asked him if he had a repair facility inside his ship. He gladly offered to drill a 2 inch hole in a small aluminum disc for me. In a matter of 15 minutes I had the desired part in my hand and that too free of charge. An unknown foreigner from Poland came to my rescue as if he was placed there by cosmic forces.   


“All minds are joined together.”

We share a common self and are not separated”. We are wrongly taught that we are unique individuals. But the fact is otherwise. We are so well connected with everyone that all minds living or dead can come to our rescue if we know how to. Nostrdamus’s mind is always available to us if we can tune in to his vibrations, just like tuning on a radio. Every one of us has two or more spirit guides before birth and immediately after birth. When we grow up we loose their touch and feel separated. But in reality, we are never alone.

Personally, I have two spirit guides who look after me all the time. Their names are Alpha and Beta. They sit on my shoulders overlooking all that I do or about to do. I am pretty friendly with both of them and normally, I order them around to do my errands for me. They always oblige willingly and without fail. It is a matter of 200 % trust in the cosmic energy and my spirit guides. To give you a glimpse of some of my special errands for my Alpha and Beta, here is one of them. Whenever I am required to travel, I call upon my spirit guides to clear up all the obstacles and kinks in the travel route much ahead of the actual event, from home to home. In the car they are sitting on top of the head lights, in the plane they are sitting on the ends of the wings, making my travel very safe and enjoyable. I travel in peace on my very own “magic carpet”. Additionally each of these spirit guides is assigned to look after my two children 24/7, thus helping me to practice detachment & not influence their lives with foolish thoughts of worry for their welfare. This is exactly how we can do distance Reiki. Since we are all connected, I can send  or redirect cosmic energy to any one who requests it, across the continents. Telepathy works on the same principle too.


“Your body is the material result of all intentions you ever had”. 

That’s right. After death your last thought becomes the template for your next life. If you were a rich person with millions to spare and you died suddenly, what would be the last thought on your mind?  OH! What will happen to my millions and estate? This is precisely the thought you will harbor, which is the thought of LACK OF MONEY, despite your millions. With this template of poverty, you are bound to be born as a poor child in Africa or Afghanistan. If you happened to be a prosperous old woman with half dozen children and you died suddenly. What would be your most likely last thought on your mind?  OH! What will happen to all my children? You carry the thought of LACK OF CHILDREN despite six healthy children. With this template of childless, you are bound to be born as a barren woman, person with no children, or as a prostitute in Canada or Australia. You asked for it, you got it.


Each soul goes on a shopping spree with its two spirit guides and makes all the decisions for it. The soul chooses the personal tasks and world tasks first. Next it chooses the kind of pain it wants to endure on earth in the next life, your learning school. Further, it selects its form of body it will go into, mentally challenged or physically challenged. Your soul decides upon the challenge it wants to handle on earth. Finally comes the time to zero in on the choice of parents, time and place of its birth. All that you are today is made to your very order, tailor made to your own whims and fancy. You cannot blame anyone, or fate now, and not even your parents, because you choose them, when you were a soul on a cosmic shopping spree, mostly based upon your previous accumulated Sanskars / Seeds

Personally, I chose my lovely parents, who did their best to bring up, all four of us by enduring many hardships and working for 92 long years non-stop, 24/7.  I opted for a normal body, without any deformities in this life. My personal task is to try and achieve Nirvana, the state of permanent Bliss.  Therefore when I die my last thought would be happy thought of being with the Creator / Cosmic energy. This tough task requires lot of hard work and preparation. My world task is the sharing and education of the public about the Invisible Stuff, through personal example and authoring some books. I walk my talk. I also selected the time of my birth so that I could be an Aquarian and be ahead of my time. Fortunately my two spirit guides: Alpha and Beta are still with me to assist me in this life and next life too.  


“Whatever you focus on expands in life & Reiki amplifies it".

If you focus on your studies you do well in the exams and class. You focus on scarcity in life you will have nothing. If you keep complaining and repeating how unwell and diseased you are, your disease will expand infinitely, because that is what you keep asking and wishing for. You need a much focused train of thoughts to achieve an orgasm during love making. A large number of women never achieve an orgasm in their lives, because they harbor multiple emotions on their minds, unlike men. This universe is similar to a GENE of the Aladdin’s lamp. What does the Gene always says to you? “YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND, MASTER”. Therefore be very careful what you wish for, ask for, even jokingly, because the universe is designed to manifest what you ask for. It reads your intentions very accurately and quickly. Do you see the Auto Pilot now?

Personally, I thank the cosmic energy every day, for providing me with everything I need. I never get angry on any occasion, hence the chance of an argument, war of words, or a fight does not arise. I keep smiling at the futility of this exercise when my dear ones raise their voice, shout and fight with me over trifles. I can see through their gimmick and reason of the fight, which happens to be the way they were brought up, no fault of theirs. They are upset with themselves, not with me. I am just a punching bag for them, and I offer smilingly to be one, which is more troubling for them. You cannot fight with a stone wall or a punching bag, you need another like-minded ignorant human to fight first and feel miserable afterwards for weeks to come. This is how life slips by you. They may label me as weak, coward or simply mad, because I chose not to react in the same language as theirs. This is what Brahma Kumaris & every religion teaches you to practice in everyday life.         


“Focused intention is enough to accomplish a result”.               

They automatically seek fulfillment. How do you learn to play music or sing songs? Practice and more practice. How do you become a sports player? Hard work and dedicated effort is needed. When you start this process in childhood the results are unparalleled. Same thing with intentions, desires, wishes. You write them down, read them aloud every day, think of them being already delivered to you and you are enjoying their fruits. Every one of us is aware of the SELF-FULFILLING PROPHESY. It can be positive or negative, either way. DESIRE, IMAGINE, WILL, CREATE, MANIFEST. You are capable of big things. You have the capacity to manifest anything: good or bad, it’s up to you. Believe in your powers to manifest. Believe very strongly, without any doubts: 110 % always.  ASK, BELIEVE, AND RECEIVE.  Act as if you have already got it.

Personally, I have no problem at all in my life. Things happen automatically when you are connected to Cosmic Energy earnestly. In 1998 we had to migrate to Canada, the waiting time of 4 years vanished only for us and we got the landed immigrant visas in record time of 8 months. The personal interview for the whole family was also waived, which again is rarity. Finally the whole settlement process in Canada went so smoothly that our uncle and aunt were astonished at the speed of the events. We call our uncle Columbus jokingly, because he was the first one to come to Canada Halifax in the year 1958. Since then he has help settle down 36 families. My first job, our own house, school for children, and transport manifested as if a Gene was doing it for us at our command. Now life is even better at 66 when I am fully retired with all pension benefits and a very comfortable part time job which leaves me lots of spare time for my passions of Swimming & Ice skating.
  Rohit Khanna - IN - TENT & IN - DWELLING