Showing posts with label thinking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thinking. Show all posts

Monday 8 August 2016



The universe runs on autopilot. There is no entity as God that is controlling on a day to day basis. All things living and non-living are self-sustainable, self-renewing, and self-sufficient. All fruits and vegetables have seeds in them. These seeds when sown will grow up into fruits and vegetables and again they will have new seeds in them too. Animals and humans too procreate, then become old and die. The new generation does the same thing and life continues on autopilot. The spiritual aspect of this autopilot is KARMA - the laws of CAUSE & EFFECT.  God and Morality were invented by man for the subjugation of the masses, who were illiterate, poor and unskilled. Of course there exists Cosmic Energy which is the equivalent of God.   


“Mind body system is set up to meet all needs spontaneously”.

As children, we grow up to master our physical bodies and a small amount of brain, and mental faculties. We develop just 10 % of our brain in our lifetime.  Whereas the power of the mind is phenomenal. We have the power to manifest anything that we truly desire. Telepathy has happened with almost everyone on many occasions. It is common to find help arrive from nowhere when you are stuck up in a difficult situation. The education system needs to be redesigned to develop at least 50% of the brain through meditation techniques, right in childhood days when everything is brand new, untouched, and ready for learning. 

Personally, I have experienced help arrive from nowhere at the time of my need. During the summer of 2005 I was getting my kitchen renovated. The plumber asked me to provide him with a big washer for the sink with a 2 inch hole. Such a washer was not available in any store. I stood at pier 21, where a couple of tall ships were tied up, tormented by the idea of manifesting it somehow. Low and behold one of the owner operator of one tall ship walked up to me and started talking. I told him of my predicament, and asked him if he had a repair facility inside his ship. He gladly offered to drill a 2 inch hole in a small aluminum disc for me. In a matter of 15 minutes I had the desired part in my hand and that too free of charge. An unknown foreigner from Poland came to my rescue as if he was placed there by cosmic forces.   


“All minds are joined together.”

We share a common self and are not separated”. We are wrongly taught that we are unique individuals. But the fact is otherwise. We are so well connected with everyone that all minds living or dead can come to our rescue if we know how to. Nostrdamus’s mind is always available to us if we can tune in to his vibrations, just like tuning on a radio. Every one of us has two or more spirit guides before birth and immediately after birth. When we grow up we loose their touch and feel separated. But in reality, we are never alone.

Personally, I have two spirit guides who look after me all the time. Their names are Alpha and Beta. They sit on my shoulders overlooking all that I do or about to do. I am pretty friendly with both of them and normally, I order them around to do my errands for me. They always oblige willingly and without fail. It is a matter of 200 % trust in the cosmic energy and my spirit guides. To give you a glimpse of some of my special errands for my Alpha and Beta, here is one of them. Whenever I am required to travel, I call upon my spirit guides to clear up all the obstacles and kinks in the travel route much ahead of the actual event, from home to home. In the car they are sitting on top of the head lights, in the plane they are sitting on the ends of the wings, making my travel very safe and enjoyable. I travel in peace on my very own “magic carpet”. Additionally each of these spirit guides is assigned to look after my two children 24/7, thus helping me to practice detachment & not influence their lives with foolish thoughts of worry for their welfare. This is exactly how we can do distance Reiki. Since we are all connected, I can send  or redirect cosmic energy to any one who requests it, across the continents. Telepathy works on the same principle too.


“Your body is the material result of all intentions you ever had”. 

That’s right. After death your last thought becomes the template for your next life. If you were a rich person with millions to spare and you died suddenly, what would be the last thought on your mind?  OH! What will happen to my millions and estate? This is precisely the thought you will harbor, which is the thought of LACK OF MONEY, despite your millions. With this template of poverty, you are bound to be born as a poor child in Africa or Afghanistan. If you happened to be a prosperous old woman with half dozen children and you died suddenly. What would be your most likely last thought on your mind?  OH! What will happen to all my children? You carry the thought of LACK OF CHILDREN despite six healthy children. With this template of childless, you are bound to be born as a barren woman, person with no children, or as a prostitute in Canada or Australia. You asked for it, you got it.


Each soul goes on a shopping spree with its two spirit guides and makes all the decisions for it. The soul chooses the personal tasks and world tasks first. Next it chooses the kind of pain it wants to endure on earth in the next life, your learning school. Further, it selects its form of body it will go into, mentally challenged or physically challenged. Your soul decides upon the challenge it wants to handle on earth. Finally comes the time to zero in on the choice of parents, time and place of its birth. All that you are today is made to your very order, tailor made to your own whims and fancy. You cannot blame anyone, or fate now, and not even your parents, because you choose them, when you were a soul on a cosmic shopping spree, mostly based upon your previous accumulated Sanskars / Seeds

Personally, I chose my lovely parents, who did their best to bring up, all four of us by enduring many hardships and working for 92 long years non-stop, 24/7.  I opted for a normal body, without any deformities in this life. My personal task is to try and achieve Nirvana, the state of permanent Bliss.  Therefore when I die my last thought would be happy thought of being with the Creator / Cosmic energy. This tough task requires lot of hard work and preparation. My world task is the sharing and education of the public about the Invisible Stuff, through personal example and authoring some books. I walk my talk. I also selected the time of my birth so that I could be an Aquarian and be ahead of my time. Fortunately my two spirit guides: Alpha and Beta are still with me to assist me in this life and next life too.  


“Whatever you focus on expands in life & Reiki amplifies it".

If you focus on your studies you do well in the exams and class. You focus on scarcity in life you will have nothing. If you keep complaining and repeating how unwell and diseased you are, your disease will expand infinitely, because that is what you keep asking and wishing for. You need a much focused train of thoughts to achieve an orgasm during love making. A large number of women never achieve an orgasm in their lives, because they harbor multiple emotions on their minds, unlike men. This universe is similar to a GENE of the Aladdin’s lamp. What does the Gene always says to you? “YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND, MASTER”. Therefore be very careful what you wish for, ask for, even jokingly, because the universe is designed to manifest what you ask for. It reads your intentions very accurately and quickly. Do you see the Auto Pilot now?

Personally, I thank the cosmic energy every day, for providing me with everything I need. I never get angry on any occasion, hence the chance of an argument, war of words, or a fight does not arise. I keep smiling at the futility of this exercise when my dear ones raise their voice, shout and fight with me over trifles. I can see through their gimmick and reason of the fight, which happens to be the way they were brought up, no fault of theirs. They are upset with themselves, not with me. I am just a punching bag for them, and I offer smilingly to be one, which is more troubling for them. You cannot fight with a stone wall or a punching bag, you need another like-minded ignorant human to fight first and feel miserable afterwards for weeks to come. This is how life slips by you. They may label me as weak, coward or simply mad, because I chose not to react in the same language as theirs. This is what Brahma Kumaris & every religion teaches you to practice in everyday life.         


“Focused intention is enough to accomplish a result”.               

They automatically seek fulfillment. How do you learn to play music or sing songs? Practice and more practice. How do you become a sports player? Hard work and dedicated effort is needed. When you start this process in childhood the results are unparalleled. Same thing with intentions, desires, wishes. You write them down, read them aloud every day, think of them being already delivered to you and you are enjoying their fruits. Every one of us is aware of the SELF-FULFILLING PROPHESY. It can be positive or negative, either way. DESIRE, IMAGINE, WILL, CREATE, MANIFEST. You are capable of big things. You have the capacity to manifest anything: good or bad, it’s up to you. Believe in your powers to manifest. Believe very strongly, without any doubts: 110 % always.  ASK, BELIEVE, AND RECEIVE.  Act as if you have already got it.

Personally, I have no problem at all in my life. Things happen automatically when you are connected to Cosmic Energy earnestly. In 1998 we had to migrate to Canada, the waiting time of 4 years vanished only for us and we got the landed immigrant visas in record time of 8 months. The personal interview for the whole family was also waived, which again is rarity. Finally the whole settlement process in Canada went so smoothly that our uncle and aunt were astonished at the speed of the events. We call our uncle Columbus jokingly, because he was the first one to come to Canada Halifax in the year 1958. Since then he has help settle down 36 families. My first job, our own house, school for children, and transport manifested as if a Gene was doing it for us at our command. Now life is even better at 66 when I am fully retired with all pension benefits and a very comfortable part time job which leaves me lots of spare time for my passions of Swimming & Ice skating.
  Rohit Khanna - IN - TENT & IN - DWELLING