Showing posts with label auspicious time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label auspicious time. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 October 2016

LIFE IS A PLAY OF TIME - stairway to heaven / spiral to hell




Time can be cyclic or linear, rotational or chronological clock. Time has a beginning, end & travels too. Times change & then become regular after sometime. One can experience negative times, bad, critical, dangerous, & uncooperative times also. On the other hand one can experience positive, ameliorating & good times. Timing & timeliness come very handy. Time can stretch long, stand heavy when one is waiting, & stand still in other times.  Biblical times divided time in two halves, before the birth of Christ & after the death of Christ. Everyone had a Past time, will have a Future time but the most valuable Present time is skipped as a pastime. A lifetime is temporary, limited time in the context of Eternal Unlimited Time. 


Time of transformation brings about Time of Creation. If you have the Awareness of time then Reversal of time happens, because Loss of time gets converted into Lots of time. When you have Treasure of time then Time is money for you. Since Time travels in a curve you can complete the Cycle of time by Traveling in time. Now, is the ripe time to enter your Time zone to feel the Quality of time.  The End of your time is reworded as Your Time has come - Good bye.     
Eternity is frozen time, the abode of the Supreme Soul Shiva. It is the world of Negative Entropy, Stillness, Silence & Peace. No loss of power / energy  happens here. 


The Creator is the Extra-terrestrial source & force that reverses the effect of time - from degeneration to regeneration.  Shiva operates at the end of time & at the beginning of time. The Omega & The Alpha. Confluence Age is the time of total transformation. Shiva needs a million souls to assist HIM in this Herculean Auspicious Task. A major shift in the Critical mass of Collective Consciousness will bring about the desired change.  Change in Consciousness creates changes in the quality of your time.  It is Kairos time too. The right opportune moment, the Supreme moment, when the dimension of depth increases with the instant.  Soul consciousness changes you & your Karma. The future is coming towards you & you are mentally connected with it in advance. You begin to behave as if you are already in Golden Age & let go of the Iron Age. By shifting your sense of Awareness to Spiritual orientation you give Higher Value to what you are than what you have.  By moving forward in time a powerful Soul will attract what is necessary & a weak Soul will lose it all. Everything else is moving in negative energetic time, but you are moving in the opposite direction into positive energetic time. This positioning is form of leadership - you lead the way & others follow you. Diamond time is ameliorating time & it is superimposed upon regular time. 


It is DHARMA of time too.  During the Golden Age it becomes the STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN. In this time period you have a few sensible people living Joyfully. Everything is in its purest form. The decline, the entropy begins here from day one.  

During the Iron Age it becomes a SPIRAL TO HELL. In this time period you have eight Billion people struggling sorrowfully. Maximum decline has taken place by now & it is the ripe time for the start of the Confluence Age, the establishment of the new order once again. Time bid us be gone.  


Be in tune with the spin of the Earth. At the Equator of the Earth the linear  speed is 900 miles per hour. This matches with the number of breaths we take in one hour = 15 breaths per minute X 60 minutes in one hour = 900. Time is deep rooted into our human body & its systems. The biological clocks operate without our awareness, they are on auto pilot. Extraordinary life is equivalent to RIDING THE WAVES OF TIME. The sense of time is the cosmic connection of the individual with the planets. So the fundamental question arises - ARE YOU IN TUNE WITH TIME OR OUT OF TUNE.  


Material Values come from thinking of yourself as an Object. You say my body is male or female. If it is Mine, it is a possession, just an object. But if you say that it is Me, that means I am an Object too.
Q - Are you a possession or a possessor? Who is the possessor of this possession named Body?
A - The real you is the Immortal Soul, who at this time, has a black male body & in the past had a white female body. This Body is warm mud packaged  in a leather bag, with bones to give it a shape. Incidentally the leather bag comes in different colors & textures. The Anatomy is same in every case.  The body is your equipment, or the costume, your are not this equipment or the costume. The Soul is made up of love, purity, peace, power, Bliss & innate wisdom. This intelligence radiates a different positive energy which changes the quality of time & matter. The dominant reality is the Soul & the secondary reality is the body.


The mentality of Iron Age is going towards materialism, driven by material values. Material Values & materialism cause the mind to move into negative vibrations, which lead to Ego, a false Image of Self. Comparison generates toxic inner experiences in terms of possessions. You say I have less & those people have more. You are confusing two very important different values. WHAT YOU HAVE & WHAT YOU ARE? This basic confusion leads to corruption of mind & goals. Impurity is indulging in vicious activities. acting out lustfully for temporary gratifications with little awareness of the consequences that come along in future times, to make you miserable. Vices are reflections of Virtues, lateral inversions of the images, hence not easily recognizable, therefore overlooked easily.


Soul consciousness is the intention to look behind the Mask - Who Am I?  Third eye is Souls ability to perceive non physical things. It is not possible to see a Soul. You can only understand it & when you realize it , you shout with excitement - I SEE. It is an INSIGHT. Soul is the intelligent glow behind this visible living, breathing, active, moving mask. Soul is gender-less, neither male nor female. Consciousness too is gender-less. The energy of the soul gets depleted continuously as time goes by. When you sleep the soul goes into space of Silence & returns - sleep dead. Now try to Die alive too.  Why we talk so much & repeat a lot - because we are afraid of SILENCE. Your body has the DNA of your biological parents, while your Soul has the DNA of your Spiritual parents. The real you has God's DNA, which translates to unlimited in every aspect. God whispers - You can be like me too. At the least you can behave like Angels right now. Angels have no conflict inside & outside, no entanglements like the innocent lord. Apply this Knowledge into your life, change & become an embodiment of it.


Meditation comes very handy to achieve this goal of Total Silence & no activity in the mind.  A prerequisite to successful meditation is Attention. The constant alertness of attention is watching every thought, which is the basis of our Destiny. Thought - Feeling - Emotion - Attitude - Personality - Energy radiated out - Destiny - Energy on its way back.  It requires moment by moment attention, one thought at a time. Thoughts are the building blocks of Consciousness. Purity is consciously living a Virtuous life. It means restraining self from acting out Vicious activities which make you uncomfortable in the present moment & putting a full stop, observe & steer away / change course of thought patterns to elevated ones. Pure vision is one of them. Seeing goodness in other souls, their specialties, or not seeing at all. Force of Love creates miracles.


My name is Shiva, the benefactor, the seed & a point of concentrated light.  Brahma Kumari’s   call me Shiva Baba affectionately. I am a Supreme Being, a soul like you, an infinitesimal pin point of energy which comprises of an intellect, mind & Sanskars. I have a personality to which you all can relate to easily.  My qualities & attributes are always constant because I do not ever enter the world of matter. They are: Purity, Power, Peace, Knowledge, Love & Bliss.  I reside in the incorporeal world, far away yet only a thought away from you. Here in the land of Nirvana / liberation there is total silence & stillness.  It is my home and home of all souls. Here golden red light radiates & permeates to every corner of the universe from my oval shaped pearl. MY signatures are all over your planet, yet I am not Omnipresent.


Consider me as your father, mother, teacher, guru, beloved, & best friend, all in one and ONE in all. You can communicate with me with the help of Raja Yoga & receive whatever you seek in your multiple lives, when away from home. You do not need a middle man, a deity, or a Mantra to connect to me. It happens only at this auspicious time every cycle. Therefore wake up from your sleep and do not miss this golden chance to unlimited inheritance of 21 births in golden age from the Father.


First meditate & begin your inward journey by focusing the mind on the point of light behind the third eye, your soul & vehicle to travel upwards into the spiritual dimensions. The power of silence cannot be over emphasized here. Stabilize your vibrating frequency at 2-4 cycles per second from 16 or more. This will bring you in tune with MY frequency & WE then connect together. Now experience your essence. To travel upwards you must have enough stock of fuel of positive, elevated thoughts in your savings account. Churning spiritual knowledge will produce high quality fuel for your lift off. Finally visualize MY red light as a laser beam & climb on it to get propelled up to ME anytime. Daily practice at Amritvela 4.00 AM can help you get to the highest level of consciousness : NIRSANKALP SAMADHI – free from active thought. Please keep trying MY child till you succeed, because I help only those who help themselves. 

His world drama is the biggest comic play ever scripted. Unfortunately it is not directed by HIM. It is directed by TIME & KARMA - go figure.


                          AFTER KNOWLEDGE IN-SANE