Monday 26 November 2018



RESPONSIBILITY - the other is responsible for what you feel.

HAPPINESS - your happiness can only be found out there in the world.

SUCCESS - is Hedonism, it has something to do with consumption, accumulation & achievement.

SECURITY - it is dependent on that material stuff called money.

LOSS - that you have something to lose. You came empty handed into the world.

IDENTITY - a mistake that you are somebody, in reality you are a spark of energy / soul.

LOVE - it must be acquired from someone else, a stranger to begin with.


That you must protect your land/God by killing others or self!

That whatever is written in the holy books is the word of God and cannot be questioned!

That going to the church/temple for 2 hrs per week will get you to heaven.  no effort needed.

That you must control children at all times, dominate them & not let go of them.

That shouting/punishing/showing anger will right the wrong & discipline the child.

That there is no quality life without TV/parties/friends/long vacations!

That other people must compliment your looks/clothes/possessions very often.

That lot of money, lavish vacations & expensive gifts will make you happy.

That you must switch to new partners to find love in them or new egos eventually.

That there are limited quantities of goods in this world, hence hoard up!

That the world situations & adverse climates are to be blamed for your misery!

That other people’s bad behavior is the cause of your suffering & you can change them, by nagging, all the time.

That you hate all those who criticize, disagree, abused you in past, hence no forgiveness!

That you must feed your body with four to five meals per day!

That it is normal to own & boast about a couple of diseases & slow down, as you age up.

That only a medical doctor & his medicines will heal you, while you continue with your vices, bad choices, & display total helplessness on your part.


The supreme Soul Shiva, is a concentrated pointed of effulgent light. Corporeal Human Beings with limited know how, venture into the incorporeal world to expound God. They dilute HIM in their ignorance. The dilution happens by the process of dispersion & diffusion of an entity into space,  matter, air & water. This is their way of dissolving the most powerful entity in the Universe, but it still exits in another powerless form, everywhere. Now they believe that they have made God OMNIPRESENT. The half baked scholars & novice scripture writers pen down this false belief in the sacred scriptures which becomes impossible for the readers & laymen to believe otherwise. The common person is being HEXED, mind manipulated into this fundamental mistake.


The next conclusion that is imposed upon the ignorant worshipers is that God exists inside every one of us. There is no need to search for HIM outside of you. We can all claim that we are Gods, which is pretty vague again for the common person on the street. The creative scholars come up with a bright idea to replace Incorporeal God Shiva with  a Corporeal Divine being for the easy understanding & comprehension of the layman. They call Him KRISHNA, our first prince of the Golden Age, alternatively RAMA another Divine being of the Silver Age. Since seeing is believing, this concept takes off very well & the difficult to perceive REAL God Shiva is side tracked for the next 2500 years.  


The biggest IGNORANCE is that we are ASLEEP inside but AWAKE outwardly. Most of us are partially asleep outwardly too. How are you expecting to conquer the self, let alone the  world.

We are the WANDERERS whose eyes are open, looking, but they do not see, register accurately what they look at.

What are the FOUNDATIONS of our lives & living. They are the unwanted baggage of stone age BELIEFS handed down from our ancestors 2500 years back, bent & twisted on their way down by every generation as they deemed fit. There was, nor is NO RIGHT OR WRONG just DIFFERENT points of viewing, because each one of us are different. There was, nor is NO GOOD OR BAD just MISTAKES, which must now be corrected & rectified.

EGO - is the biggest mistake. You gradually build up this mistaken Identity out of ATTACHMENTS to things & people.

Ego is the single most cause of all forms of DARKNESS,
INNER TURMOIL, STRESS, SUFFERING, SORROW, MENTAL VIOLENCE, UNHAPPINESS, & PHYSICAL VIOLENCE. The reason of course is the series of small mistakes, errors added on day by day, year by year. Go figure for yourself where to start.

Ego generates emotional suffering, exponentially expanding into violence, which enables the disintegration of
relationships. Starting from a single home & spreading to villages, towns, countries & finally the whole world.


CRITICIZING - Our intention is that of ATTACK, with the hope of fixing them or getting revenge by making them suffer. It back fires on self raising the emotional states of irritation, frustration resulting in ANGER.

ARGUING - Our intention is that of correcting & convincing with the hope of proving them wrong & implying that we are right. It back fires on self raising the emotional states of fear, hypertension resulting in SUFFERING & SULKING.

COMPLAINING - Our intention is that of upsetting & making the atmosphere tense over trifles by exhibiting that I am not getting what I want. Having great expectations from the others, to please you constantly. Definitely it back fires on self raising the emotional states of whining, moaning, groaning & remaining perpetually unsatisfied.

CONDESCENDING - Our intention is that of looking superior by looking down upon others & defending your narrow point of view. Surely it back fires on self raising the emotional states of fear, insecurity & doubt.

CONTROLLING - Our intention is that of changing the behavior of others, by implying SHOULD & HAVE TO according to our method, my way or this manner. Obviously it back fires on self raising the emotional states of irritation, frustration & hopelessness.

COMPETING - Our intention is that of overcoming & wining, no matter what, by becoming inconsiderate towards others. It is pretty selfish. By a long shot it back fires on self raising the emotional states of fear, anxiety & suffering.

MANIPULATING - Our intention is that of having our say by using coercion, blackmail & deceit on a physical level. Mind manipulation is done on an emotional level by HEXING, by planting irreversible thoughts & concepts. When it is done on a social level it is termed as MARKETING & ADVERTISING. This time it does not back fire on self. We succeed in our ventures by bringing in results of mass hypnosis.     


Ignorance endorsed by heaven is faith - go figure.

Faith freezes your mind. Stupid Beliefs block you & prevent you from seeking higher dimensions.

God fearing has become a virtue, which is now a socially accepted phenomenon

Suffering is physical, fear of suffering is mental.

Laziness + sleepiness + carelessness + Complaining = slander without substance

If you believe in paradise then, should we send you there.

Believing that this Vessel is ME is Insanity. It has become a socially accepted Insanity.

Insanity is crossing the line. Getting angry, going mad then a little gap coming back. One day no coming back - asylum. Mentally ill, physically ill, clinically ill.  

Incentive to fall sick - good hospitals, free health care.

The child learns that by faking illness he gets attention.

It must the opposite rather, it pays to be TRUTHFUL & JOYFUL. Parents & schools to note.

Chronic ailments are self-enforced. Not in ease = disease. Selectively going the medicine route

Responsible way of living is being in Health not a patient. Good reasons to live miserably

Rohit Khanna - IN-FATUATED


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