Showing posts with label prayers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayers. Show all posts

Thursday 28 July 2016

HOW TO MAKE PRAYERS WORK FOR YOU - get on the same page

A monk meditating on the top of a mountain...



Thoughts are like a loaded gun. They have the power to change reality in a major way. All thoughts are concentrated in corpus coliseum, mid-section of the brain.                   


What we wish may be obtained by knowing how to THINK correctly. A strong Will is a mental force, ever on alert and active. Indomitable Will is more of an auto hypnotic suggestion.  Intentions, wishes are the mental pushes too. Prayer is a way of manipulating others, restricting their freedom and choices. We cause operator error. 


We set aside personal agendas.  “MY WILL be done on earth, instead of THY WILL be done on earth” {as it is heaven}. We assume ourselves as an agent of Almighty, and instruct HIM to change his Divine plans and blueprints. We presume to know, how to run the world.  But do we know how to run the world? This is the reason why prayers back fire. It can and does malfunction in many unpredictable ways and cause additional problems for us. Praying for something that belongs to another!  God, let me win this match, this lottery. Let my son come first in class. When you pray for winning for one team you are praying for the defeat for another team. This is operator error. We are killing and torturing by thousands in the name of God. We end up, that we are right and they are wrong. How can you judge or be the judge?

Prayer is the ultimate backup device, which we resort to, to fix things up. We interfere in God’s tightly coupled system, inviting disasters.  Faith and trust: What is the level of your trust in the existence of cosmic energy? If it is 99 % forget it, it is no good. It has to be 110 %.  Complete faith and total surrender. If you pray for spiritual success, but entertain thoughts of possible failures, you are doomed. It is like sending someone on an errand, only to have him attacked by bandits on the way.  It defeats your purpose. 


If you claim that you have full faith in cosmic energy, then you should be ashamed, to worry about anything, no matter what happens to you. Since you do worry, it proves that the level of faith is lacking. Evil eye gaze! Why we close our eyes when we pray?  The reason is that we want to be in isolation with ourselves and concentrate on the cosmic energy. It is a safeguard against harmful influence of looking on another with envy, for our own benefit. We are susceptible to the evil eye when we are at the peak of our prosperity and happiness. It is the extension of the mind capable of influencing what is seen. Terresa was smart enough to paint a black spot on the face of her beautiful child to protect her from such evil eye gazes. It is bad manners to compliment a mother upon the beauty of her child in the Mediterranean countries. If you do so by mistake, she will beg you to criticize some part of the child or spit it out. Admiration and envy function as a curse. It brings it to the attention of fate, so take it back.   


Praise makes us to blush. Our ears and cheeks become red with excess blood rushing in these areas. The mere thought of pineapples makes our mouth water up.  What does a small syntax “I LOVE YOU” do to our bodies?  Our bodies under goes a miraculous transformation, when we hear those magic words. You are teleported to an entirely different world. Whining! It your internal noises just like the buzzing of a bee. You are never free of complaints, problems, and preoccupation. You attract negativity, strokes, accidents and violence, by virtue of your defective thinking, and disbelief in the cosmic energy. 

What is the difference between a saint and a greedy person?  Both eat food. The sin lies in their thoughts and intentions. The greedy person is always thinking of food and more food. He lives to eat. The saint hardly thinks of food and he eats, frugally, to live. Once upon a time this saint and the greedy were stranded on an island where food was very scarce, and rescue was a week away. The greedy person was frantic with hunger from day one, while the saint openly declared that he was proceeding on a fast, lasting a week and happily lived on the island for all seven days, without food. Same circumstances, similar situations cause two people to react in diversely opposite ways, depending upon their intentions.


Beat this one?  Tulip is a newly married woman cooking a meal for her beloved, boyfriend Todd: how wonderful are the feelings inside the woman and imagine the quality of the food being prepared with all the love and affection?  The second scenario, Tami a middle aged woman with four children is also cooking a meal. She is compelled to cook for her alcoholic addicted husband Tapas: how frustrating are the feelings inside this woman and what a meal the husband and children are getting with all the disgust & hate?

Now, is time to reflect on the kind of food you are ingesting from fast food, quick fix, chains? All these companies work for a profit and make sure you never get your money’s worth. This food is purely mechanical, devoid of all good emotions, love and healthy ingredients. Obviously you got to start learning how to cook from scratch, and get the forgotten cooking culture into the family, back again.


It is a built in biological inheritance.  They make sense in the context of evolution and survival of the fittest. Harmful prayers are like curses or spells. They are permits to be used without being noticed. You cannot be criminally convicted for thinking out a harmful prayer or curse.  We have the power to choose to harm others with our thoughts, but they always backfire on us.     


An average mother Treen, living in Halifax, worries unnecessarily and wrongly about her daughter Timple, living in a faraway city of Calgary. Treen makes mental images of all the wrong things that can happen to Timple darling living in Calgary. What if, she slips and falls down on the stairs and breaks her backbone. What if, she over eats and has food allergies. What if, her kidney fails and she gets bed ridden. These thoughts and mental images are reinforced many times a day and many days in a month. Treen is functioning as a Shaman or witch, mentally seeing the harm intended for Timple. She instigates a prayer to avert all the above possibilities. Her mental images actually create the Reality. Timple honestly gets into the above situations. The phone rings in Halifax that Timple has fallen down the stairs and broken her backbone. Now, Treen gets into greater level of anxiety. She created the harm that she wanted to pray away, how foolish?  


The solution lies in thinking of positive mental images about darling Timple. Even better would be, not thinking at all about her daughter and leaving her alone. Good health, lots of children, easy life, happy and safe environment will happen, when you do not interfere in your children’s world or the cosmic world. It would be best for Treen to be busy with her own life, instead of interfering knowingly or unknowingly in her daughter’s life with her stupid mental images, labeled as worry of a mother for a daughter. What did worry do to her daughter? It put the poor child in a hospital for a long time to come which she never wanted in the first place. All of the above is brought forward from the stone ages through our ancestors. It has to change now, and stop totally.


A good prayer should be open ended help. We do not know what is good for us, only cosmic energy knows it all. Just like a magnet, a prayer has both negative and positive poles. A fire can be used for constructive and destructive purposes, both ways. Hence a neutral prayer may go as follows: neutral as far as possible.

May the best thing happen?

Let there be a balance of living and dead cells in my body.

Help me become strong and wise.

Thank you for everything.

You have provided for me in excess already.

Do not pray for any specific purpose or outcome in a particular situation.

Everything is happening the way it was supposed to happen. Basically a neutral prayer puts your agitated mind at ease, which creates the frame work for subsequent good things to manifest.


There is no God, who is controlling everything and everybody.  Why would God want to do all this hard work, when things can be put on autopilot. The autopilot is Cosmic Energy.

Thoughts - Think with your eyes open, of a horse in a jungle and you are riding this horse. Of course you can think of this image but it is little hazy and mostly black and white.               

Imagination - Now close your eyes and imagine about a white horse in a green bushy jungle, with you riding this horse dressed up like a cowboy. This is even better and more vivid and realistic. It has all the colors, and emotions associated with it.

You Dreaming  -  Go to sleep and dream of riding a white horse, in a beautiful jungle, you are decked up like Tobin hood, with all the noises of birds, animals and plants. This scene is very real. In your dream you could fall down from the back of the horse and break your leg. But the very next moment, you wake up from your sleep. There is no horse, no jungle, and no broken leg. The whole dream has vanished into thin air, yet it appeared extremely realistic.                                     

God Dreaming – If our dreams can seem so very real as above, then how realistic would be God’s Dream? Definitely God’s dream would be far superior to yours and mine. How life like, would be the characters of God’s dream? Unmistakable three dimensional living beings, just like us. You got it! We are God’s dream. God is asleep and he is dreaming up the entire set of planets and all solar systems. Today they tell us He is asleep, which is as good as absent. This world is extremely fragile, do not ring the church bells and temple gongs loudly, lest we wake Him up and then we all would vanish, since we exist only, in His dream or as long as He dreams. This also proves that this material world is an illusion, for us as human beings. Hence chill out and do not worry about trifles. Finally, there is no point in praying. God is asleep. When and if you do pray, they will most certainly backfire, and get you into bigger trouble.
 This life is all a dream, a dream within a dream. We dream this world, we dream that we die and take birth in another body. And in this birth we dream that we have dreams. All kinds of pleasures and suffering alternate in these dreams , but a moment comes when waking up happens. In this moment, which we call realizing the Self, there is the understanding that all the births, all the deaths, all the sufferings and all the pleasures were unreal dreams that have finally come to end

Prayer happens when you talk to the Cosmic energy - Deep Begging
Meditation happens when Cosmic energy talks to you-Shut up, you got it already.            


The point here is that cosmic energy speaks no language, as you would understand. Cosmic energy communicates through silence. Silence is complete absence of noise. Be aware, very alert, and fully awake. So learn to relax and silence your mind by driving away all that noise in your head and be mindful internally. Get into neutral gear and meditate. Focus your mind on emptiness, nothing; void, vacuum and you have it all. Finally the route to being fully aware is to breathe deeply and slowly, focusing your mind on the breath alone. Your breath is the only bridge between you and the cosmic energy. Your last breath breaks this bridge and first one connects it. This is the way you live in the NOW, in the present moment, because this present moment is your PRESENT from the cosmic energy to you.                       


Standing firmly on our planet Earth we are very fortunate to be alive and safe. The Earth at the equator is rotating and spinning us at 1000 mph, counter clockwise. It is simultaneously running around the Sun at 67,000 mph, clockwise. Together the Sun and the Earth are jogging at 43,000 mph around the core of our solar system. In addition our solar system is racing around the Milky Way at 500,000 mph. Finally the Milky Way galaxy itself is additionally sprinting at 600,000 mph around another core point in the giant universe. At such high speeds and velocities our planets are the source of generating cosmic energy. We are bound to crash head on, one day and disintegrate into star dust and start all over again. This also goes to show that we are always at a new spot, all of our life’s time, just like the ever moving star ship Enterprise.  Why have we not yet crashed & evaporated into the rest of the Cosmos, instead, lasted for millions of years ?  Answer - Because Some ONE is Piloting our Ship & will keep it safe till ETERNITY.  

The associated HEAVENLY NOISE, the first sound ever generated and eventually heard, is the sound of “AUM”. When we concentrate on this sound by uttering it ourselves, during meditations we get connected to the Cosmic energy. It is pronounced and hummed as follows, lasting up to one minute. “AAAAAUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMM”  This is the PULSE of the Universe at 8 cycles per second.