Showing posts with label life is verb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life is verb. Show all posts

Friday, 5 August 2016

LIFE IS AN EXCLAMATION - get the thrill out of it



Life is evolutionary and planetary exuberance. It is more like a verb. It is Autopoietic, Self-making.  Life is open to universe and itself. Beach sand is usually silicon dioxide, but so are the innards of a main frame computer. But computer is not a pile of sand. The main frame computer is intelligent thinking stuff manufactured from stupid stuff like sand.                          


Life too is a nexus of increasing sensitivity and complexity in a universe of parent matter that seems stupid and unfeeling in comparison. Life is Holographic like a drop of ocean water. That drop of water contains all life form on microscopic scale just as it exists in the big ocean. Life is transmutations of earth’s air water and sunlight into cells, bacteria. Life is self-renewing and fungi as recyclers help us to keep the entire planet brimming with life form, terra firma. It is matter gone wild, capable of choosing its own direction in order to indefinitely stall the inevitable movement of thermodynamic equilibrium–Entropy. Entropy is the universal tendency for order to breakdown into disorder, just like the rest of the Milky Way and beyond into the other worlds.  Fortunately for us, Earth and human physiology are islands of negative entropy. We are living off solar energy, borrowed from our sizzling neighbor the Sun.


Bacteria living in intimate associations gave rise to myriad chimeras, mixed beings of which we represent a tiny fraction of an expanding progeny. Life is the strange new fruit of individuality evolved by symbiosis: swimming, conjugating, bargaining, and dominating through corporeal mergers.

Today we have large corporations surviving the economic downfall by bargaining and mergers too. These disparate beings invented meiotic sex, programmed death and complex multi cellularity, to evolve and survive the competition of overcrowding and limited resources exactly like it is happening now, on our planet of 7 billion people, plus 10 billion live stocks.

Bacteria can swim, photosynthesize, cause decay, detect light, produce alcohol, ferment sugars, use up carbon dioxide and hydrogen, convert waste into methane, waft hydrogen, fix nitrogen, fabricate glues, precipitate magnetite, rust and iron oxides.


Let us go back another 2000 million years–The Earth’s surface had just started to cool down and life began as No Nucleus bacteria. We had a variety of them to complement each other. Halophiles were salt loving, while Thermophiles were heat loving. Do you see thread of survival, LOVE. You survive only when you are in love and loving, be it heat, friendship, salt or methane gas. It is the basic emotion which keeps the world going. We had metal workers in Cynobacteria and nitrogen fixers as Heterocyst. Finally, we had our own heating gas producers, the Methogens. Overcrowding, hunger, and thirst lead to the evolvement of a better variety of bacteria, INDIVIDUALITY, as cell membrane. In the beginning we had unicellulars, named as Protists and latter on multicellulars, called as Protoctisis. These guys worked hard for millions of years, to give us and finally evolve into Ribosomal DNA / RNA molecules.


Then it took another million years to get to fungi, and plants. Gradually, we had sea creatures who were salt water loving. Latter on we got fresh water loving species, and finally the amphibian animals, including we humans, who are oxygen loving. We ended up loving each other, and procreating in the process, as a bye product, while we basically remained Cosmic Energy or God loving. 


What is Matter?  Never Mind! – What is Mind?  No matter!  We are back to square one, where we started. Things are physical parts of Thoughts and Thoughts are the mental parts of Things. Does it look very complicated?  Let’s go deeper into the matter, or the heart of the matter.


All matter is made up of small particles called molecules. Molecules themselves are a cluster of even smaller stuff called Atoms. Atoms vibrate so fast that they appear motionless. Matter vibrates so slowly that it appears motionless, too. Atoms themselves are not alone. They have Protons, Electrons and Neutrons.


These sub atomic particles are not only minuscule but they are separated by lots of space called Voids. Voids mean empty space, literally nothing. Surprisingly, these Voids are mysteriously imprinted with information, called innate intelligence. This essential stuff is thinking Non-stuff. It is pulsating with invisible intelligence. This intelligence reaches out into chaos (Void) and from Quantum Soup forms beautiful symmetries.


Human life form is itself a very high embodiment of evolutionary generosity, sensitivity, and tolerance developed over long eons. Life, having once come into existence will continue forever. It is a watery membrane, bound encapsulation of space-time. Bacteria, never having gone extinct, continue to protect us as their populations grow prodigiously. We as bacteria, are immortal, but as human beings, are mortal, very fragile.


Human beings are a bundle of bacteria, which use up oxygen to generate energy and survive. But now microbes, find us very attractive as a desirable food, dead or alive. They are the Pathogens in service, to clean up our human environment. We, with are nomadic past, are still adjusting to the idea that in a closed system, the fruits of our labor and loins cannot be accumulated endlessly. They must be distributed, returned to the system whence they came from. This is a difficult lesson to learn. The matter of our bodies, our possessions, and our wealth is not ours. It belongs to the Earth, Biosphere. It must be returned again and again. Changes are the norm and remember it forever. We live in a sensuous world where details determine food and mate choices that in cases spell the difference between life and death, between procreation and barrenness.       


Life is an external dance. The movements of the dance are choreographed through Awareness. Life is analogous to a pail of muddy water. When the water is stirred and wavy you cannot see the reflection of the sun in the water. But when the stirring and waves have been stopped by meditation, the surface of the muddy water in the pail becomes still then you can see the reflection of the sun. This is an allegory and the explanation is as follows. Muddy stands for all the dirty, foul, spiteful thoughts in our head. The stirring and waves in the water mean that we have mind full of excitement, duality, and confusion. The still water surface stands for the quietude mind using meditation to bring about Quiescence. Sun implies Cosmic Energy’s reflection in the still waters.


It is very much possible to earn GRACE with repeated meditation and utter faith in cosmic energy. Grace is the divine dispensation that waves the payment of Karmic debts, in this very life. Meditation is the way out of linear Time. Deep meditation takes you into a sense of timelessness or eternity, where the karmic chains break away. It is here that the karmic debts are cancelled when you transcend your Ego.


Karmic forces act on individuals existing out there, separate from the world. But when you meditate and be one with the universe and the world, the karma is overcome. Karma is cosmic justice. Dues have to be paid when a lesson of life is not learned. Dues pile up as huge debts. Learn the system, the foreign language of silence. The ignorant drown in the ocean, in which the mystics swim. 


Self-effort will make an angel out of you. Few people try to develop the potentials of their bodies, mind, and soul. Rest of us are, victims of circumstances of their past, and ignorance based beliefs. Our mind has convinced us of many limitations we imposed on ourselves. We never exercise our free will in anything. It is killed in childhood for the fear of hurting others. To idle is to harm self. You ossify and become a fossil. Live creatively now or never, live rightly now, this life and not the next life. Assert yourself. You are not a bird or a beast. You have to break the bonds of delusion and choose now. We can choke with mud of accumulated ignorance or cleanse it by dredging with the shovel of knowledge. The fundamental choice between remaining bound and enslaved or to awaken up from sleep and your hypnosis of ego has to be made now. Now is the gateway to Eternity.     

Personally, I was brought up in the standard God fearing environment, but very quickly I understood and changed to God loving/Cosmic Energy loving. The influences came from my mother who was attracted to universal teachings of Radha Swami & me to Awakening with Brahma Kumaris, and Lala Hardyal’s book “Hints on self-culture”. Being a part of medical family, I experienced pain & sickness from very close quarters, which prepared me for accepting death as a very natural and common phenomenon. I live in a detached mode because we are here temporarily for a short time and then gone. Each one of us rises up after death but awareness makes all the difference. I have concrete plans to die in meditation with no thought on my mind. Our last thought becomes the template for next life, and I do not wish to provide Nature with any template for next life. This is my personal task to try for Nirvana. I may not succeed but I would have the satisfaction that I tried and a respectable carried forward karma account for the next life, just in case.

   Rohit Khanna -  IN-SIGHTED therefore EXCITED