Monday 4 March 2019


Help is on the way........


Q - What percentage of our being is gross & how much of it is subtle / invisible.
A - The gross body is in minority standing at 1% compared to the 99 % subtle component enveloping & permeating it.

Q - At 1% of total being, can we accept Greys Anatomy as the complete Users manual. 
A - No way, It is a digression from the main subject of the Invisible over lapping bodies which comprise of 99%.

Q - Did you know that the last chapter in Grays Anatomy deals with BED SIDE MANNERS of the doctor to be.
A - Well this small chapter is actually the main BIG one. The rest is kindergarten stuff. A good successful doctor treats his patients more with his Bed side manners than with his medicine. In reality all medicines act as a Placebo, not to mention their harmful side effects.

Q - Do you have a legitimate users manual for this marvelous self sustaining mechanism / machine. If not then, how to acquire one.
A - By learning & imbibing spirituality & soul consciousness, which makes up majority of the total body. The minor 1% is automatically taken care of by this invisible one.

Q - How does one pick up this soul consciousness business.
A - Meditation is the only way IN : still the body, silence the mind & connect your soul to the Supreme soul directly. No agent required.

Q - What is the consciousness of the soul.
A - It is the discriminating aspect of the Intellect component of the soul.

Q - What is the content of the soul that is eternal & carried forward to the next birth.
A - It is the subtle portion of the Sanskars / seeds component of the soul, the balance portion is made up of gross sanskars, through which we act all the time.

Q - What holds together the eternal soul to the temporary perishable body.
A - It is the glue of KARMA that bonds them together. If you settle your karma on your own, in full consciousness, then nothing can hold you back here on Earth. Also, if your body were to break down somehow, then too the soul must exit.

Q - What is death & is it a reality of life.
A - Death is a fiction, because it is merely the mid point of transition from this birth to the next one. It is the loss of consciousness, followed by the separation of the soul from this body.

Q - What is the purpose / function of death.
A - The prime purpose is to leave this old costume in full consciousness of contentment, happiness & carry forward the subtle sanskars to the next birth of your choice of deities & pure land.

Q - Is death a pain in the heart or calm joy in the mind.
A - The outcome depends upon the decision made much beforehand the event of death. This decision is typically based on the quality of life lived by you.The first outcome belongs to the average body conscious person, while the latter outcome belongs to the trained meditative soul conscious being.

Q - What is the practice of Dying Alive.
A - Meditating soul conscious beings regularly practice Raja Yoga, as part of their daily routine, dying alive to this old world & seeing their entire life in fast forward mode. It is equivalent to SELF SERVE at the SOUL CLEANUP STATION located in the Subtle region. The second option is FULL SERVICE for which the price you pay is the punishment / suffering & humiliation.

Q - Does death happen suddenly or gradually in multiple defined stages.
A - Death takes place very gradually : first the dissolution of the five elements of the gross body take place one by one, next the encapsulation of the two drops, white & red & the consciousness takes place, followed by the intermediary stage & the onward progression to the next birth.

Q - Do you die when you go to sleep every night.
A - Spiritually YES, because the soul is free to leave the body to go on astral travels. Medically NO, because the body is alive & living.

Q - Is the moment of death also the moment of Enlightenment.
A - Definitely YES, because the consciousness loses it capacity to DISCERN, thus experiencing ALL INCLUSIVENESS of the Infinite Eternity.  



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