Wednesday 17 August 2016



That love does not mean, leaning upon,
And company, does not mean security.       

That kisses are not contracts,
And presents are not promises.

That even sunshine burns,
If you get, too much of it!

That you really, can endure,
And you really, have worth.   

That you begin to accept your defeat,
With the grace of an adult,
Not the grief of a child.

To build all your roads, on today, because,
Tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain for plans.

To plant your own garden and decorate your own soul,
Instead of waiting for someone else, to bring you flowers.                                               

To love, unconditionally someone now,
Instead of bringing flowers, to his grave!

The subtle difference,
Between holding a hand,
And chaining a soul!


Life is about choices. We make poor choices, we fail miserably. When we make good choices, we succeed beautifully. If we choose to live in the past, we ruin or miss the boat of the present. And by choosing to live in the present at all times we secure the future too. Another critical factor is TIME. We have only this life, so we got to act now. Death is on our heels, we can die anytime, hence the urgency to decide right now.  What is to be decided? We have to choose between, AWARE and CONSCIOUS, or unaware, and unconscious. We have to wake up from our slumber and sleep. We got to shake out from our EGOS the cover of inflated ego. We have to shed away our hypnotic trance of worldly matter and choose to be fully aware of everything around us at all times.
AWARENESS  means how much we eat, and what we eat. Do we keep on smoking and drinking without brakes? If we do then we got to smoke every cigarette with total awareness and concentration as if it is a meditation. Go slow on love making and do it with complete awareness. Love making should last three to four hours instead of ten or fifteen minutes. Then it becomes a meditation. Meditation is forced stillness, no mind, no thoughts. Total stillness!
If we choose desire fullness, we are asking for trouble, bondage, and slavery. We make ourselves into slaves of our desires. We have hundreds of desires and there are two outcomes of every desire that you have. Either they are fulfilled or unfulfilled. A couple of desires do get fulfilled and they bring you happiness, joy for a short period of time. This creates greater greed for more desires to be fulfilled and thus the vicious cycle begins and it never ends too. Now for the other part! Most of your desires will be unfulfilled causing you to become angry, irritated, agitated, with yourself and your circumstances, situations, and people. Your sadness, anger, rejection is long lasting type. The vicious circle begins here too. Being desire full makes you greedy, jealous, atheist, hateful, and very angry. 

On the other hand when we choose to be desire less, then we choose to be free, happy, and masters of ourselves. We already have what we need. We never use up 90 % of the possessions we own. They just lie there and rot. What we desire or want is not what we need. When we choose to be desire less we have positive feelings of joy, love, spirituality, abundance, and equanimity. These emotions are responsible for our good health and make us disease free.
Personally, I try to remain in total awareness mode & in constant connection with the Cosmic Energy. I  am  for ever thankful to the universe for all the abundance bestowed upon me so far &  always provide me with what I wish for. Praying for five minutes in a day is not enough & total waste of effort. It has to be a continuous 24/7 mental make up akin to a back ground music to your daily chores/work. Going to the church or temple for two hours every Sunday will not get you to heaven up there, because hell & heaven are right here on this planet in your own neighborhood. Detachment happens as a bye product of having 200 % faith & trust in the Cosmic Energy which I have developed over the years.   


I am the lord, your God. You shall have no other Gods before me.
It means single mindedness and total surrender.

You shall not make for yourself a graven image.
This boils down to being happy & content always, no matter what.

You shall not take the name of lord in vain.
it forewarns you that partial belief/faith is no good - 110 % only.

Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
This is an indication to be fully aware and conscious at all times.

Honor your father and mother.
It is counseling us to accept and pay back our dues with love.

You shall not kill.
An advice to remain a vegetarian, have compassion & empathy.
You shall not commit adultery.
It suggests being truthful, trustworthy, and monogamous. 

You shall not steel.
This is an admonition to be honest and never hoard up.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
A clear directive to love thy neighbor and think of peace.

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house, wife, maid, ox, & ass.
It is cautioning you to be free of greed and lust and all negativity.

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.
This is the biggest lesson of all lessons, to be charitable, 
forgive and forget for your own benefit. No brooding or whining, period. 


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