Tuesday 20 February 2018




At this time period the technology of ink & paper did not exist. There were no books or libraries for the rulers & public. Instead they had professional STORY TELLERS. Therefore every thing important was framed up in Sanskrit language as Shlokas, two lined verses / poems.  They are also called by another name - MNEMONIC RECITALS. These poems were recited & retold hundreds of times like our modern Nursery Rhymes & passed on to the next generations till the era of ink & paper arrived. They fell into the category of LISTENING & RECITING, which is labeled as language SPEAKING proficiency.  Now these professional story tellers collectively sat down & attempted to  write down the memorized poems / verses in bits & pieces, half truth half fantasy. At this point they had to elevate themselves to fully honed language proficiency of READING & WRITING, which did not happen over night.  The daring ones would take a calculated risk to alter the history  by adding his-story, and who would know the right from the wrong, the truth from the false. This is how our Epics evolved, from Oral compositions in the head for many many centuries, to the final piece meal written down versions, by half literate apprentices.  God help the posterity.   


Many major religions started to take birth gradually, as a result the subjects had more than one choices. This became the root of the all evils & misery brought about by mankind himself. The great Mahavira gave birth to Jainism. Ayruveda schools sprang up to educate the masses. Gautam Buddha gave us the middle path to please the Almighty. Jesus Christ came down to show case, an even easier way to live our lives by healing ourselves first. Last to arrive on the scene was Mohammed, who was illiterate &  confused. His followers concocted paradoxical rules & rituals of Islam, which are not clear to their followers till today. 


The ignorant & confused common man / woman started to believe in all the wrong things & invisible stuff like the evil spirits, the Devil. They remembered God who they thought lived way up in heaven, to come to their rescue when ever they encountered losses through natural calamities or passing away of a loved one. Many smart people posed as Gods middle men & tricked the ignorant public into helping them out of their predicaments. They would perform weird stomping rituals with a broom, faking to exorcise the devil in the person gone mad or who had lost his mind because of the unexplained mishap in his life. Every Hindu was considered a fortune teller. People equated Hinduism with Religion, Astrology & Palmistry. The craft of deception was taking roots in a big way. Religion became a trade, & that too a very profitable one. People were miserable with their existing conditions & searching for specific answers regarding the fate of their futures & even next births.  


He rounded up his best scholars & writers & compiled  the crude book for Christian followers from the massive scrolls numbering 80 & then kept 4 of them. He destroyed all the rest. This invention grew very slowly bit by bit. 

In 325, at the Council of Nikea, Constantine the Great created the Catholic Church.
In 327 Constantine, known as emperor of Rome, ordered Jerome to translate the Vulgate version into Latin, changing Hebrew first names and corrupting the scriptures.
In 431, worship of VIRGEM was invented.
In 594 PURGATORY was invented.
In 610, the Pope's title was invented.

In 788, the worship of pagan deities is imposed.
In 995, the meaning of kadosh (sided) was changed to saint.
In 1079, the celibacy of priests is tax >> utterly Catholic word.

In 1090, the Rosary was imposed.
In 1184, the Inquisition was perpetrated.
In 1190 indulgences are sold.

In 1215, confession was imposed on priests.
In 1216, the tale of Pope Innocent III about the terror of bread (a god in Greek mythology), which turns into human flesh, was invented.
In 1311, the Batesimo prevailed.
In 1439, the non-existent PURGATORY was dogmatized.
In 1854, the Immaculate Conception was invented.
In 1870, the absurdity of an infallible pope was required, inventing the concept of hiring
There are more than 2500 things invented by this religion to enslave humans with Christianity.


Can any Tom Dick & Harry get up and go to meet the Queen. No way. It is the Queen who decides whom ever, & when ever SHE desires to meet ,not the other way round. Well the Queen is only a Human & it is possible to try and meet up with HER somehow, may be have tea with her & talk about the Kohinoor Diamond in her Crown.

Can the same Earthling ever dream of meeting up with Creator / God. Impossible, totally impossible. Firstly no one knows Who HE is, & where we can find HIM. Secondly What & How will we have a dialogue with HIM because HE has no access to human organs of speech.        


What is the form of Almighty. Where is the proof that HE exists at all. Till the arrival of the Confluence Age there are no answers.  If you have set aside all the questions & now rely on blind faith in HIS existence, then such single pointed saints / people become great souls for the common man. HE does impart flashes of Visions, but they are of no use in this life or any other life. At the end of the Iron Age HE does make HIS appearance to a select few, gives HIS Introduction & asks us to reform ourselves, become Pure & Virtuous. No human can know or realize God up till the auspicious time, when HE decides to reveal HIM self by taking a pure body / chariot on loan. This lucky chariot happens to be the  friendly known soul of Krishna, who is now turned Ugly, impure, Tamopradhan, in his last 84 th birth.  The creator, very affectionately called Shiv Baba by HIS adopted children, the Brahma Kumaris, & Kumars, opens up a Hospital cum University to impart the Alchemy of Knowledge first hand.  HIS Shrimat is the Original GITA which sharpens our Intellects & we start making effort to become Pure souls again, just like we did in the last cycle & every cycle. Shiv Baba too is a Pure Soul, a point of light but Ocean of all Virtues.     


In the beginning of the Kalpa or the start of the four Ages, there was One land mass known as Bharat, the Golden Sparrow. On this lone small Pure continent, the First Prince Krishna & Radhe began the long journey, with Love Abundance & Equanimity. The climate was very conducive, springtime through out the years, because of the horizontal positioning of the Earths Magnetic poles. Soon they were Crowned as Emperor & Empress by their own subjects. Everyone  portrayed Divine manners & subscribed to One Deity religion. They ruled for 9 dynasties as Lakshmi & Narayan in the start of the Golden Age. From here they stepped into the Silver Age as Sita & Rama to rule over the hearts of their subjects for another 12 dynasties to come in absolute peace, because there was no other land to conquer or another religion to divide them. Such a Paradise will be remembered by its inhabitants as Heaven at a latter time to come.  


The Golden Sparrow was rich in Gold, Jewels, valuable spices beyond imagination. The relatively minor fiefdoms around Bharat wanted to conquer this paradise & make it their home. Persia invaded Bharat & ruled the Indus Valley. Then came Alexander the great who had conquered almost the rest of the world. The Greeks were not to be left behind, so they too ruled over Hindustan. Soon the Turks invaded from the north & ruled the Indus Valley. Finally the Mohammedans made their way starting with Ghazni who shamelessly plundered 17 times and took away all the riches of the Golden sparrow. The other noble Mohammedans were the Mongols who ruled as if it is their own land & helped in the development & advancement of the country.  The greedy Britishers too started their assault with East India Company in Bengal. Before the blink of an eye they established their rule by installing Warren Hastings as their first Governor  General of India.  Their wrath & hate for the Indian people is known to whole world.  


At the start of the Copper Age, after a lapse of 2500 peaceful years, the down fall of humanity began & all the Purity down played into Impurities & Vicious Vices. Ravan & Maya appeared on the scene, drowning the whole continent in Lust, jealousy, anger, killing, greed, ego & attachments. The tectonic plates shifted & more land was added to the existing continent which was now renamed as Hindustan. People started to migrate to newer unknown lands with the sole greed for their own kingdoms & self proclaimed kings. Now the stage was set for wars between multiple kingdoms with different religions & values. The one large Kingdom of Bharat disintegrated into 16 smaller states / kingdoms. During one such unfortunate  partition / division, the Egos of  two clans got the better of them & there was a big war.  This mighty battle lasted 18 days on the plains of Kurukshetra. The Kauravas lost everything & the Pandavas won the graveyard that was left behind. This Epic is narrated as Frametales - a story within story, was called THE MAHABHARTA WAR.   600 years latter when this Epic was first written down, it was named JAYA with just 8800 verses. It took three years to pen it down on crude hand made paper. JAYA means spiritual victory over self and there are no LOSERS in this battle. Then after another couple of years they added some more verses to total it to 24,000 verses and renamed it as BHARTA, which describes clan fighting over land ownership. With some more passage of time many more verses are added to total it to 75,000. Now it is  renamed it as VIJAYA meaning material victory with one LOSER & another winner. Finally another bright writer musters up guts to add more of the stuff to increase the total to 100,000 verses plus. Now it is once again renamed as MAHABHARTA which means the wisdom of the land. The big lesson to be learnt from this Frametale  is that no body ever wins in a war, both sides are LOSERS  in the end.


The Pandavas were in two minds before the start of the war.  Arjuna did not want to fight & kill his own cousins. There were no Gods, no incarnations of Vishnu, neither Krishna, nor Rama during this degraded period of Dwapar Yuga. Therefore the depiction & presence of Godly Krishna as Arjuna's  Charioteer & adviser is a concocted fantasy by the writers of this Epic. The so called sermon which contains the essence of Hinduism has been inserted on purpose & forms the  GITA portion of the Epic. However the Original Bhagvad GITA was spoken by Shiva during the Confluence Age to HIS student Brahmins. This memory of God Shiva speaking the teachings of GITA has been reenacted / borrowed & purposefully inserted, for the benefit of the mankind in the Epic. Stories were written to create Ideals & inspire  the people to follow them. 


The key elements contained in the GITA are summarized for your benefit. 
Do your duty / Karam joyfully by detaching from its outcome. 
Detach yourself from all luxuries & desires to perform activities as HIS instrument.  
The eternal soul changes its perishable costume / body upon death. Therefore be flexible & adaptable in this temporary world.
Manage your anger which has a downward chain reaction to delusion, confused memory, destruction of reason leading to your annihilation.
Knowledge is wrapped in several layers of desires. Rip open the wrappers to get to the core of Gyan.  


A  faint memory of the beautiful Paradise like Golden Sparrow & Benevolent God existed in the minds of the common man, laden with vices, attachments, lust & drowning in his own misery. Anyhow he desperately wanted to connect back with the almighty God, even for just a quick glimpse. The smart middle men saw this as their big opportunity to convert this pressing need into a roaring trade. False claims about the secrets of Yoga & multiple pathways to God were ready for the gullible troubled common man. All he had to do was to cough up the price for the particular pathway he preferred out of the many offered to him by the greedy touts & charlatans.


When there is One, who will fear whom. The thinker & the thought are one & same, hence misery disappears. When you see through the prism of Ignorance, it appears many & therefore feels separate from one another & HIM. Trouble begins when man has more than one choices. That religion which sanctions one wife or this one which allows four wives simultaneously. Living in compact home located in a Valley or a sprawling glass house on top of the mountain. A fair slim maiden is more desirable than a dark plump female. If not this one then which one will I choose. Misery is a combination of Fear, Jealousy, hatred, competition & limitations. It is the inner mental conflict in the Soul which is torn between the world of matter, flesh & world of Spirit. The presence of Celestial beauties / virgins in heaven is totally wishful thinking & baseless, because souls have no physical bodies for any interaction. The tools of lust & pleasure are left behind on Earth.


Yoga is simply the union of this miserable soul on Earth, with the Supreme Blissful Soul in Eternity above. It is also the method to remove Ignorance which is the cause of restless mind & transcend its limitations. Mind is difficult to control. It wanders like a butterfly rarely resting at any one branch / flower.  


Bhakti is unerring Devotion lead by the heart of the devotee. The luke warm aspirant stood no chance against the earnest hankering aspirant. Our limited intellect can not conceive the Infinite Super Being. HE is beyond our reach of finite thought & speech. Therefore in our limited ways we created Material Symbols to comprehend the Infinite limitless God. Pretty naive & childish on our part. We were very pleased with our selves to have created Idols, Gigantic Images, Lingams of all kinds & sizes. Further we set them up in powerful costly shrines & kept them locked up from the public. The trustees of these places made their own rules & started extorting money to view these inanimate Images / Idols. This is how religion became a profitable trade for the lucky few.   


Chanting / Japa was invented for the troubled man. It is the rosary which is threaded with incoming & outgoing breaths. Repeat the Mantra /Japa in the rhythm of your breath.

Prayer & Worship are intense longing for God. Who weeps for God. No one complained of losing God or celebrated finding HIM. Our attitude towards HIM determines our relationship with HIM.


Attempts to connect & be in Union with God through Intense Devotion is termed as BHAKTI YOGA.

The method of discrimination by which we can realize our Identity with the Supreme Existence is JANA YOGA. It is the science of Wisdom.

The gift of detachment by which we can govern all our duties without entanglements of work through which we are engaged is called KARMA YOGA. It is the science of work.

The methodology by which we can control our mind itself, which is the cause of all our miseries is labeled as RAJA YOGA. It is the science of the  Soul taught by Supreme Soul, the Raja HIMSELF.    

Rohit Khanna - IN-ESCAPE & IN-FANCY

 ALL e-books by ROHIT KHANNA on Amazon.com - CLINK ON THE LINK BELOW




Tuesday 23 January 2018



Talking specifically about Asian women, in the name of rituals, they are laden with elaborate ornaments; some have ancient concepts while all have scientific reasoning.  Tilak/Bindi is applied on the spot between eye brows on the forehead, as this is considered a major nerve/chakra  point that holds the core energy of our body. This point is the region of Adnya-chakra and thus applying a tilak signifies a subtle pressure to the point with facilitates balanced blood and energy supply to the facial muscles.

Gold is in itself something that makes most of us happy. Its influence on the wearers health and life are more important than a fashion statement that it portrays when worn for display. Anytime you feel slightly stressed or depressed, you can always open up the Jwellery Chest & feel the positive rich vibrations to motivate you in this low state.


Pure gold (24-karat) when applied on an area of infection or a sore spot, heals the wound & controls infection. Gold possess an energy that brings warmth, soothing vibrations to the body to aid in healing,  When the body relaxes and the blood vessels aren’t as constricted, blood can move through the spaces more easily. Since all healing is the growth of new cells replacing the dead cells, the body heals much faster, just as those people who have learned to meditate and use the other various arts of relaxation testify to this effect. 
Creation & Spread of Divine consciousness
Activation of Shakti energy
Creation & Emission of Blissful energy 

Relaxing Effect

Gold is believed to have a relaxing effect. In India & many other parts of the world, Jwellery is made with 22 carat gold. The feel of pure gold is beyond words. It loses its effectiveness when combined with other metals. Gold is a great de-stressor. Since ancient times gold has been possessed for up lifting your mental attitudes, emotional states & SELF ESTEEM.

Blood Circulation

Use gold to improve blood circulation which in turn regulates the oxygen flow to every part of our body. This helps to keep yourself fit and away from sicknesses.

Regulates Body’s Temperature

Gold is used to regulate the body’s temperature control mechanism which protects us from outside temperature variations and further it also boosts immunity.

Arthritis Symptoms

It has been observed by doctors, & confirmed by research that wearing gold on the skin can improve & alleviate rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in a significant proportion of sufferers.

Gold is never consumed. Gold changes shape & hands, but its quantity remains almost fixed. About 75,000 tonnes  of gold was imported into India in the last seventy years,after independence, the same quantity would be lying with most families / bank vaults / temple vaults even today. The total quantity of gold mined till today is about 1,95,000 tonnes. India's share works out to 40 % roughly. Hence the name of GOLDEN SPARROW is very fitting & appropriate. All this gold will go down into the earth, when the natural calamities take over, paving way for the Golden Age, the land of Paradise, where palaces are made of gold & diamonds.


Do not be surprised if I reveal to you that in India & many other enlightened parts of the world, people consume Gold & Silver in the form of paper thin foils pasted on sweets & savories. It enhances the looks of the edible items & tempts the onlookers / public to buy in bulk. By consuming Gold & Silver in such micro quantities it helps build immunity, which fights off all diseases, when they pop up in the body. Even before this edible system was invented, the places of worship / temples used ingenious ways of making the common public, consume Gold Silver & Copper ions without their knowledge. At the end of the prayer ceremony, the temple priest would pick up a copper vessel full of milk, clarified butter, water & honey to be distributed in very small quantities with the help of a Golden spoon, often stirring the concoction containing a Silver coin additionally inside the vessel. This system of In-jesting three important ions prevented people from getting the seasonal colds, flu cough, & other minor ailments.   
Have you ever wondered why women wear all the elaborate jewellery that they wear? Especially women from the olden times. India has its roots deep in the history of science. There are some logical security & scientific reasons behind every jewellery piece worn by women in India.

1. Earrings: An important nerve that connects brain, cervical and kidney passes through the right ear. If the right amount of pressure is managed, then it will keep the kidney and bladder healthy. That is why people pierced their ears and started wearing earrings. 

2. Nose ring: Apparently women who get their nose pierced, experience less pain while delivering their baby. Ayurveda associates the spot where nose is pierced with female reproductive organ. A theory states that nose piercing connects with emotional, romantic and sexual propositions too. Some say it also prevents a woman from getting hypnotized because it controls brain wavelength. 

3. Bangles: Bangles increase a woman’s blood circulation level and reverts back the energy that is passing through her outer skin. This is possible because of the circular shape of the ornament Along with the cute tingling sound, it also benefits the women’s health. 

4. Toe rings/Bichiya : The theory of wearing toe rings is that it regularizes menstrual cycle with even intervals. It is also said that the nerves in toes is connected to the uterus and passes through the heart. When a married woman wears these rings and does her regular chores, the friction revitalizes her reproductive organ. Generally these rings are made of silver and it is also said that silver absorbs energy from the earth and passes it to the body, that refreshes the entire body. The 2nd toe has a vein that is connected to the uterus. When women wear a silver toe ring it strengthens their womb and regulates a healthy menstrual cycle. These tiny silver toe rings provide the subtle pressure on the vein, which regulates the blood flow up to the uterus and strengthens it. This pressure also helps keep the blood pressure in control, eventually calming the person. It gradually helps in successful and speedy conception and healthy gestation cycle.

5. Wedding finger Ring: The reason why people wear rings on the third finger  is, that the nerve passing through this finger is evenly spread through brain neuron cells. Frequent metallic friction is good for the person’s health and helps them to handle life with ease and confidence. That is why people all across the globe believe in wearing rings many of them one ring on each finger & the thumb. 

6. Index finger ring: Generally the kings wear a prominent sized ring on their index finger to exhibit their power. Now all egoistic people do the same. Their king could be HUMBLE but these ordinary people are HAUGHTY & selfish.  

7. Mangalsutra: Mangalsutra is also worn to control body pressure levels and regularise blood circulation. It is also a symbol of love and commitment between a married couple.

8. Hip/Belly Belt: Hip/belly belts are not regularly used these days, but they prevent saturation of fat in the waist and maintain a woman’s figure. Wow! Guess women who are really concerned about their figure should get back to wearing these belts.

Next time men crib about women taking too long to get dressed, show them the benefits of taking all that extra time.


Symbolically, silver is connected to the moon, and yin modalities of Chinese philosophy. The color is said to stimulate calmness and tranquility, as it evokes the qualities of reflection, coolness and space. Since ancient times, human beings have sought healing properties in gemstones and minerals. From the just-for-fun aspect of mood rings to amulets designed to ward off certain dangers, it’s not hard to find jewelry purporting mystical powers. At any swap meet or jewelry mart, you’ll encounter sellers hawking stones that they claim have healing properties. From Native American turquoise to alchemy miracles, there’s a long history of belief systems wrapped up in the healing powers of gems and metals. Indeed, royals originally wore gem-studded crowns not only as symbols of wealth and power, but also as protection against ills and evil.

The benefits of silver are derived from its electrical and thermal conductivity. Its ability to generate an electrical field that distributes electrical vibrations & heat impulses around the body. Positively-charged silver ions create a conductive field that reflects electromagnetic radiation away from the body, much like a mirror reflects light. This field stimulates the body’s existing conductivity, improving blood circulation, temperature balance, and general healing.


These positively-charges silver ions also bind to negatively charged oxygen receptors in bacteria, destabilizing their metabolic enzymes and causing them to suffocate. It is a powerful antimicrobial agent that aids in cold and flu prevention, wound healing, and skin care. When applied in the right quantity and manner, silver also provides protection against harmful electromagnetic radiation from cellphones and other electronics. 


Silver threads are weaved & worn as a piece of clothing  against the skin, where it is able to interact with your skin’s natural conductivity and provide the most benefits for any potential skin irritations, circulation trouble, or temperature imbalance. Externally it provides a “shield” against everyday germs, bacteria  & electromagnetic radiation.


Silver is best worn when the immune system is weak. Also during challenging environments, toxic urban environments, mega inter connected office spaces, where we face heightened exposure to dust bacteria, & electronic vibrations. Wearing silver gloves while working on your laptop, will significantly improve your comfort level, energy, and immunity by blocking your wrist’s exposure to electrical fields, as well as preventing the spread of flu viruses in the over crowded offices. Wearing silver clothing on the plane during travels, will keep you clean and germ free, adding to your overall comfort too


Wearing silver eye masks brings about sound sleep, due to the cooling properties of Silver, its incredible softness, and the knowledge that you are protected from germs and radiation.


Jewellery used in body modification can be simple and plain or dramatic and extreme. The use of simple silver studs, rings, and earrings predominates. Common jewellery pieces such as, earrings are a form of body modification, as they are accommodated by creating a small hole in the ear.


Padaung women in Maynmar place large golden rings around their necks. From as early as five years old, girls are introduced to their first neck ring. Over the years, more rings are added. In addition to the twenty-plus pounds of rings on her neck, a woman will also wear just as many rings on her calves. At their extent, some necks modified like this can reach 10–15 inches long. The practice has health impacts and has in recent years declined from cultural norm to tourist curiosity. 


Tribes related to the Paduang, as well as other cultures throughout the world, use jewellery to stretch their earlobes or enlarge ear piercings. In the Americas, Labrets have been worn since by Innu and First Nations peoples of the northwest coast. Lip Plates are worn by the African Mursi and Sara people as well as some South American peoples.


In many cultures, jewellery is used as a temporary body modifier; in some cases, with hooks or other objects being placed into the recipient's skin. Although this procedure is often carried out by tribal or semi-tribal groups, often acting under a trance during religious ceremonies, this practice has seeped into western culture. Many extreme-jewellery shops now cater to people wanting large hooks or spikes set into their skin. Most often, these hooks are used in conjunction with pulleys to hoist the recipient into the air. This practice is said to give an erotic feeling to the person and some couples have even performed their marriage ceremony whilst being suspended by hooks.

Rohit Khanna - IN-JECT & IN-BREED


Thursday 4 January 2018



HE is waiting for us… to take us home.

Our heart is beating, keeps on repeating,
we are waiting for YOU, to take us home….

YOUR love encloses, all of these roses,
& when shall be our next meeting,

Cause Love, you know, that time is fleeting
Time is fleeting,  time is fleeting.

When we look at YOU, the blue heaven seems to be deeper blue,
& we can swear that, Creator himself seems to be looking through,

Ju ju... Ju ju... We will never part from you,
& when shall be our next meeting,
That time is fleeting, time is fleeting.

Spring is the season, that drops the reason,
Of lovers who are truly true,

Young birds are mating, while YOU are waiting, 
YOU haunt us, say do YOU want us.

& if it is so, when are we meeting,
Cause YOU know that, time is fleeting, time is fleeting.

Our heart is beating, keeps on repeating,
We  are waiting for YOU, to take us home….

Rohit Khanna - IN-FANCY  &  IN-CLINE