Wednesday, 17 August 2016




A lung cancer patient continues to smoke defiantly & demands medical care - equivalent to pouring money & effort down the drain.


The world is crazy about freedom. The obsessions with freedom, in all aspects of life, have taken a heavy toll, on our lives.

Freedom to copulate with same sexes! 
Freedom to live together, without getting tie down by marriage!
Freedom from the hassles of cooking elaborate family meals!
Freedom to be nude at the sea beaches and clubs!
Freedom of speech and action!
Freedom to be medically treated without discrimination and questioning!
Freedom to sue people for millions over trifles, soft injuries, defamation and controversial acts, encouraging intolerance!
Freedom to commit heinous crimes on innocent public and latter on plead guilty,  gladly slaughter pigs, cattle, and chicken for food consumption and base pleasure!
Freedom to pollute the planet’s precarious ozone layer by all means, with the attitude – WHO CARES, DOES IT MATTER!
Freedom to stockpile nuclear armaments, even though they will never be used and if ever used, will result in total annihilation!  
Freedom means, absence of interference, and having the power and resources to fulfill ones own potential!


Total freedom has its own demerits, which are pretty obvious here.
The transition from total slavery to absolute freedom is complete, but at what price. An extremely big price of course, which is our mental, physical health and well being!

Since the average cohabitation lasts merely four to five years, the disastrous side effects are innumerable, the basic one being, absence of the uniting, bonding family unit. Eventually you get broken homes, confused young minds, foster parenting, single parent upbringing, manipulative baby sitters, loveless day care homes, pain of separation from last partners, loneliness, hate filled years, and stress of readjustment with the new, future partners. The tragic part is that these new partners are also going through the same negativity. So now you have two of the same kind together, under the same roof. This is what total freedom gets them.         
Their young ones grow up in the above high flux environment and follow the same path of freedom, becoming sexually active at tender ages of thirteen and fourteen, smoking, drinking, and even venturing into drugs while ignoring their schooling, skills development and studies. The most common syntax coming from young ones in their households is, “This is my life, leave me alone, I know what I am doing.” Really! There is no room for any reprimanding or mid course correction with these up coming skewed citizens in the making. All the above, is augmented by the greed of high consumption of everything: foods, drinks, smokes, fossil fuels, cars, and computer gadgets. Four hundred billion dollars of good food, is wasted every year, in North America alone, believe it or not.
The culture of cooking from scratch, at home is totally absent because they were never a witness to it when growing up at home.  Therefore they have no value for food, hence good food and half finished meals are thrown in the garbage without a second thought. Merely assembling a meal or salad from separate packages is not considered cooking. From the freezer to the microwave is all they learnt and know for survival. Throwing in uncooked ingredients into a baking dish with cheese sprinkled around also does not qualify as cooking. Cooking culture is single most important factor for good health and disease free living. Their dependence on pre-packaged food is lubricating the wheels of food industries and it must stop to reverse the damage. 
The highly developed countries have national health care plans for their citizens, but paradoxically, they suffer from poor health. Simply pouring in more and more money, into the health care plans does not ensure good health at all. Good health depends upon preventive medicine, self control, and meaningful freedom. The existing syndrome of doctor – medicine and costly treatments are merchandise and gets you no where, except back into the clinics and hospitals again and again till you die. The West has lower life spans compared to Japan who spend half as much on health care and end up with higher life spans. On the other hand China and India which is one third of the world put together, have no health care plans at all for their citizens, and yet they have comparable decent life spans. The east is under nourished, yet has manageable problems. The west is over nourished, still has abundant problems.


The big reason being deep cultural roots, religious beliefs and mindsets, imposing self control on the general public and masses. Since the basic family unit is still intact in these not so developed countries, the peer pressure works very effectively when young ones go astray on the high consumption and harmful routes of loosing self control. They are rescued by low cost alternative medicine. The conventional Allopathic doctor – medicine system is supplemented by various other cheaper systems: Tai–chi, Reiki, Pranic healing, grandmothers recipes,  kitchen spices and herbs, Homeopathy, Yunani medicine, Aruvedic medicine, Earology, Reflexology, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Mudra Techniques, Marma Techniques, Magnet Therapy, Yoga, Hydro Therapy, Auto urine therapy, Aroma Therapy, crystal and gemstones healing, to name a few of them. Most of them are self administered, easy and dirt cheap, to acquire. The underlying premise is self control and limiting harmful inputs into your body specially the toxic and dehydrating poisonous allopathic medicines with their positive compounding side effects. You treat your illnesses temporarily with strong doses of medicines which will eventually, be recalled, after a couple of years, leaving you permanently damaged with many more side effects. Death is the only solution in site for most of us.              
Total freedom in the West, allows you to continue smoking a pack of highly toxic cigarettes per day and pursue treatment of lung cancer concurrently. A diabetic patient will vehemently swear that he cannot let go his sugar loaded muffins, cookies, chocolates, and coke yet the treatment and medicines must be made available to him. It is his right. It does make quite a lot of sense in his “well frog world”. The hefty overweight bully wants to loose a couple of pounds but he will not give up his French fries, fried chicken, cheese loaded pizzas, and of course the weekly 12 cans of beer. Very soon he will require a heart bypass or a pace maker. He too must have it, because it is his right.  All these excessive calorie intake, and high consumption is very stupidly balanced by a sedentary life style of luxury cars and computer related desk jobs in their small wishful well. If 5 % of the population is conscious of their health and can be spotted running, jogging, and exercising strict control on the inputs into their bodies, it does not make the rest of the 95 % population healthy.
We are busy working two jobs, bringing up children, both parents working or separated, trying our best to live false lifestyles; Expensive cars, big houses, and bigger debts on credit cards!  Therefore these corporations are needed, to satisfy our needs. We find them very convenient. We are overworked, therefore lazy and ignorant hence gullible too. These companies brain wash us with their mind manipulating, loud 30 second commercials into buying their products. We are targets of their HEXING, thus dis-empowering us totally, that we can not do, without their harmful products.
The fast food well frogs make us believe that Burgers & French fries do not cause obesity.
The Cigarette manufacturing well frogs make us believe that smoking does not cause cancer.
The cold drink well frogs make us believes that carbonated drinks or pop do not cause diabetes.                      
The oil well frogs also make us believe that burning of fossil fuels do not contribute to global warming.
We end up making wrong choices and paying a big price twice. First a couple of dollars for pre-processed high sugar and sodium, ready to eat goodies and later on hundreds of dollars, when we fall sick by consuming them in large quantities everyday. It is up you to see through their game, of filling up their banks accounts, at the cost of our lives.

Now that you landed yourself in deep trouble, of poor health you expect the government to help you out, with an all paid for health care plan. You seriously believe that the doctors and their medicine are going to fix you up. Till today there has not been a single success story in the medical history. These doctors are always treating the effect, your symptoms. They have no clue about the cause. They are not trained to look for the real causes. Majority of the causes happen to be the wrong choices that you made with regards to the harmful inputs into your body. The balance of the causes is invisible stuff, which are absolutely out of the realm, of your medical doctors. – explained in subsequent chapters fully.

Reckless living, poor choices, leads most of us straight into the hands of cancer, the first stage of death. Surprisingly nature has the cancer fully contained and limited to one organ. Then we go to our learned doctors for treatment. They perform invasive surgeries to arrive at the diagnosis. These simple tests cause big time damage by proliferation of the cancer/disease. In their ignorance they have put you on a slow road to death already. They continue their onslaught of medications and chemotherapy. This therapy kills all the good cells too and destroys our immune system. Once the immune system is wrecked, death is inevitable. It is postponed for the time being only. The chances of these doctors making mistakes are pretty high additionally, and we are at their mercy. Then we have to ingest their toxic medicines which could be spurious or expired, leading to further complications, side effects, and allergies. Doctors are making their fortunes by misleading you into a possible cure. Have you ever come across a person who survived this deep penetrating destruction of chemotherapy? Impossible to find one!

On the other hand, the government’s judicial system will put you behind bars, for refusing to take such a dangerous and fatal treatment. Putting us in prison makes them feel good but it does no good to the poor patients. They are after us either as guinea pigs or for profit. Good luck with your justice system and the learned doctors. I do not blame the helpless, public for pursuing better, safer, more natural and cheaper treatments, elsewhere in the world. It is a free world, let them go ahead.
  Personally, I refused to be examined and tested by invasive methods for my prostate, when my family doctor advised me for the above. Subsequently I brought up the proliferation point and he was in a dilemma. I challenged him that I would never have cancer of the prostate because I consume pumpkin, Chia seeds & lemon juice everyday. I do not think of old age complications at all. An active sex life keeps my microwaves of melancholy switched off, hence no question of prostate cancer/any other disease. It is all mind over matter. The treatment of prostate cancer involves hormonal therapy which cuts off your testosterone production to starve only one kind of the dozen cancer cells. Next they try to kill the balance cancer cells by radiation. In the end some cells do escape and continue to grow within, back to square one where you started. Additionally they have compromised your natural immune system which is not capable of fighting the fresh wave of cancer cells any more. If you do get treated again then you are sure to die sooner than you would have, if left it untreated. 


I have been brought up in a medical environment by my doctor dad and highly educated mom, to respect the marvelous human body, take extra care about it, and above all never to misuse or abuse it. Therefore I follow the preventive medicine route and avoid falling sick, instead of the normal route of carelessness and going in for the invasive and costly treatment of Allopathic Medicine, which was, incidentally, available in house, free of charge. Active life style to include racket games, & swimming, has helped build me into a strong person. Mostly vegan diet and eating in moderation was the second factor contributing to our good health and strong immune systems. I still remember accompanying my parents on early morning brisk walks during my childhood days. 

Rohit Khanna - IN-AWE of the Creator & Creation


 A Paradigm Shift - YouTube  - Story of the Intelligent Crow




Hard cover book

MAKE EDUCATION EASY & FUN - as in play schools


I have a secret wall not very wide,                   
It is in me pretty deep inside,                                

It blocks my heart on every side,
And helps emotions there to hide

You cannot reach in, I cannot reach out,
You wonder what this reaching is about.

My secure wall results from insecurity,
Each time my heart was hurt with ferocity,
The scars within grew worse at high velocity.
So stone by stone I built the wall,
That is now so thick, it will not fall.

Please understand that it is not about you,
I want to break through and show myself,
A little love will really help from thyself.

So bit by bit chip at my wall,
Till stone by stone it starts to fall.
I know the process will be slow,
It is never easy to let go the flow,
Of failures and feelings of low

I try so hard to break the wall,
But seem to get no where at all,

For stone upon stone I made a track,
And left between them not a crack

The only way to make it fall,
Is the little imperfection in the wall?

I did my best but there are still,
A few flaws to cut through if you will.

Please use each flaw to cause a crack,
To throw a stone off the track

For just as stone by stone was laid in vain,
With every hurt and every pain,
So stone by stone the wall will break,
As love replaces heart ache

Please be the one who cares enough,
To find the flaws in this stuff.    

Rohit Khanna - IN - SECURE, ALWAYS - easy yogi