Time pressure alters our behavior. Deadlines in our work routines imply threats. Lots of deadlines mean you must eventually die. The story of nervous cook illustrates this point very well. The world famous chef Kim was once asked if he could cook up an omelet in two minutes. He confidently said yes and agreed to perform the act on national TV. There was competition among many famous chefs. Kim had cooked up hundreds of omelets, always in much less than two minutes but without the time pressure. On the assigned day the stop watch was set for two minutes. The master chef was under time pressure. He started off quite well but under the pressure of meeting the deadline of two minutes he fumbled, panicked and failed miserably in front of the national audience. He himself was at a loss to understand the phenomenon.
This present moment is a Space–Time event within the eternal continuum. This moment is as it should be. Everything is acceptable as part of larger identity. Today does not exist in isolation. It is like a deep shoal of endless river of life. If we defile today we exert a bad influence down stream on tomorrow. You are living in hope, a promise in the future. Ambition is misleading and mischief. I will be happy when and if I have lots of money, cars, lavish house, and respectable position, status in the community. It means that Today must be sacrificed for tomorrow. The more things you accumulate, more precious time is wasted at the cost of this one life you have in hand. This life is your only opportunity. You have the capacity to be happy, by exercising your will power to choose now. Transcending the barriers of time: past, present and future! It is totally possible to cross over any time simply by concentrating and meditating. When thoughts arise in your mind and pass out alternatively in succession, there is Time. Fewer thoughts mean less passage of time. No thoughts mean no time. Time stops. No concept of duration of time. Shadow following the substance!
Act now! Time is slipping away. The tiger of death is approaching fast. You must reach Home quickly. If you value your soul you will make an honest effort. For everyone to be that patient in this life is an arduous task to ask. For they live very fast now and die young. They do not know how to live, because they live by Time. They must do their tasks in a certain perimeter of time or they shall never accomplish them. As long as they feel that way, they shall never accomplish it. They will have only lived by time and that will be the only accomplishment in this life and next life too.
Minutes, hours are only fragments of eternity. Time is objective, but our bodies react to subjective time as recorded in our memories. Time can be speeded up or down. Speed at which time travels is another dimension in our lives which affects us deeply. Elucidating this point we have an interesting riddle for your mind. There was a young lady named BRIGHT, who’s speed was much faster than light. One day she traveled in a relative way and returned on the previous day. We are all tightly bound by time as you have experienced first hand during your vacations. Time is the interval between two events. When you are in the Now, time Stops, no interval, only event.
That man is free, who is conscious of being the author of the laws, he must obey. How? You eliminate the chain of cause and effect. Linear passing of Time is an illusion. Time can go backwards, forwards, can slow down, or move faster. It can contract and expand too.
Jesus divided Time. All time is in reference to Jesus Christ. BC - Before the Birth of Christ! AD - After the Death of Christ! What happened to 33 years he lived? They do not account for them at all in any calendar? Back then, birthdays were irrelevant. It was the death dates, which were recognized and recorded. Some how that made sense! That way you can judge some one’s accomplishments and decide whether or not, to recognize them.
The present moment is so atomic, so small that you cannot move in it, you can only be in it. You cannot DESIRE in it. Desire needs future, more time. If you are ambitious you need an entire life time to achieve all that you desire at the cost of today. Time exists because of human desire. It creates future. The mind manufactures it all. Your moods decide how time will move in a relative way.
Timing and timeliness are the cause of our emotions. On a holiday everything seems to go very smoothly. On a long vacation you are 100 % relaxed and you have the best of the emotions in you: joy, happiness, calm, and carefree. You are exhilarated and time seems to fly past you. The vacation seems to be shrinking, like you just started yesterday. When you are making love on a cruise ship, time stands still or seems to stand still even though the ship is moving. But come Monday all hell breaks loose and you all are tensed up. You are desperate in the early morning rush hour stuck in a traffic jam. Time is running out, you are getting late for office. Then your neighbor walks into your office to discuss his problems. You are bored to death by his presence. Time stands heavy. In pain time lengthens and tends to stop. If a loved one is on a death bed and in their last stage, then time will hang up. Hell is eternal.
Timing and timeliness have a purpose. The purpose is to enable us to make our choices. The fundamental choice to experience peace or conflict; love or hate; action or indolence; today or tomorrow.
Rohit Khanna - In tune with time therefore content.