Showing posts with label grammar.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grammar.. Show all posts

Monday 23 July 2018


Economy of Thoughts can enhance your Productivity


Have you noticed that it often only takes a few minutes to do that same thing that we previously spent hours thinking and worrying about? We can waste so much time just thinking about the action rather than getting on and doing it. Tackling the ironing, writing that report, planning a get together… so much energy could be saved if we just did it rather than just thinking about it first.


We all know how to economise on our food or our wardrobe, yet how many of us think to economise on our thoughts? Every thought created that is not utilized can be said to be a waste thought. And not only does it go into the bank account of my personal wasteful thinking, but I am also ‘dumping’ waste into the world. Vibrationally and karmically this is not good.


Why is the atmosphere so heavy in some places? It’s possibly due to a surplus of thoughts – whether misunderstanding, confusion, anger or sorrow. We consciously or subconsciously pick up on these heavy vibrations. Even in a home, where members of the same family do not talk to each other, the atmosphere becomes heavy and loaded with too many waste and negative thoughts.


We live at a time when we are completely overloaded with information, and a lot of it is negative. It is very easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of thoughts that just result in hesitancy, confusion and maybe even sleepless nights.


A lot of our stress can be attributed to the dozens of (often little) things that we ‘just never seem to get around to’. They appear on our to-do list day after day, they fester at the back of our minds and may even wake us up in the middle of the night.


Like the satisfaction gained from clearing out clutter from the cupboards, we also gain a great sense of freedom from clearing the clutter that is occupying our minds, and it can be as simple as just making a decision to just ‘get on with it. if we can make a habit of clearing away the old stuff before we start anything new then we can also create some new healthy habits that will stand us in good stead for the future.


If we give our mind a discipline or a routine to follow, then there are no decisions to be made, actions become automatic and we create less waste. If for example, you know you have to go to school from 7am-2pm or go to work from 9am-5pm every day, then there is no margin to even entertain anything else. In the same way, if we decide to allocate a certain time to do something and just do it, then it is out of the way, and we will often realise that it was not the big black cloud that we thought it was, in fact it was probably much easier than we had anticipated and the feeling of having the burden lifted makes it well worth the effort. There are so many little things that we can make into a daily habit or routine, so, after a while, we find ourselves doing them on autopilot. For example, a friend of mine has decided to learn a new language, and has made a habit of listening to lessons each time she does some ironing. So two tasks that were pending day after day, have now become an enjoyable duo. I like to listen to TED talks whilst I am walking, and it’s great to know that I am keeping the body and mind fit at the same time. But in the past exercising was one of those things that somehow rarely got ticked off the to-do list.


Another way to deal with them is to evaluate… if something is taking up a lot of headspace and yet it’s just not getting resolved, then is it really needed? Instead of worrying and fretting about it, just decide to let it go. ‘Don’t sweat the small stuff’ as they say! And maybe then we will have the time and space for the things we really want to do. A critical factor must be to recognize the important things in our life and somehow fit them into our day. There is a great sense of accomplishment when we get things done. An idea implemented, or a vision brought to life gives us a great inner feeling. So if you have been thinking to write that book or climb that mountain, just do it… NOW!

It’s time… to clear the clutter and create some healthy habits so then we can do the things we really want to do, and do them NOW!



Putting a ‘full stop’ to certain life events is sometimes not so easy and we often find ourselves inserting commas and exclamation marks instead.  Why is it so difficult to apply this tiny point at times and to move on?

In English grammar the full stop normally comes at the end of a sentence to denote the end of a statement, and before we start the next one: a place where one feels it’s time to duly stop.  In the drama of our life too, if we have not arrived at this ‘end’ state in our mind, then we will forever elongate our ‘life sentence’ with extra commas.  And in fact, when a sentence goes on for too long, it can become cumbersome and quite impossible to grasp.  So too, when something drags on for too long in one’s life, it can become not only annoying and frustrating, but one can get stuck in the old energy of one’s negativity.

The best way to enjoy a story or a good read is to have frequent stops; and regular intervals.  This allows us a moment to digest what has gone before and to prepare for what is to come.   
Understand a full stop as a start of a new thought, not merely the end of an old one.  It is an opportunity to begin something anew.  Look forward and not behind.  Learn from the past and then let go.  The only way to change the past is to create a better future.


Instead of commas we sometimes accentuate our life with exclamation marks: those high tones of expressions of wonderment, amazement and disbelief.  However, we then get surprised and feel let down when we come across the imperfections because we had created an illusion of a perfect person or situation.  Knowing that we don’t live in a perfect world and we can all be fallible, allows us to not have unreasonable expectations and stay stable in our feelings and responses.

Knowing that this whole play of life is just about a bunch of actors playing their parts together on one stage reduces the blows and shocks, and waste thoughts.  Today they may be ‘Superman’ and tomorrow not so super, however, they are just playing their part.  Condemn the act not the actor.  Do not confuse the role and costume with the soul.  Raja Yoga meditation teaches us that every soul in their original nature is pure and divine.  Look at that originality, the soul, not the one in process on stage right now.


If putting a full stop means to apply the brakes, then faulty brakes means we are unable to stop at the right time and place.  Hence it raises the question whether we ever maintained our brakes in the first place, or just went about our life expecting never to crash!  Maintaining our mind every day with pure, positive and powerful thoughts, will ensure that we don’t collide and stay focused on our journey.


It is easier, and can take only a second, to apply a full stop in a state of complete soul consciousness.  In the eternity of things, nothing material really matters.  In the awareness of being a body we struggle to preserve our image by writing volumes.  With the pen of our actions, we justify and embellish our ego, we seek confirmation and approval, we argue and quarrel – and the story never ends........


Full stop is about closure, not so much with the other party, as much as it is about respect for the self.  If you are unable to put a full stop, then how will you begin a new chapter?  Honour yourself, by putting a stop to waste thoughts and a need for further drama in your life.  If you still wish to ride the roller coaster of emotions, then it will be hard for you to experience a constant high.


The final full stop is indicative of ‘The End’.  Where, after all the action, thoughts move into a silent, contemplative stage.  The story is over and nothing more can be added.  How often throughout the day are we able to apply this full stop – not half a stop - to the various stories running in our mind, in order that we can experience peace and tranquility. So stop procrastinating, find a creative and enjoyable way to get the little things done, so that they are out of your head.

IT IS TIME… to put a complete full stop.  Learn from the past and then let go.  Take the pen of action into your own hand and begin a new chapter in your life.  As new stories arise in your mind, keep them short and keep applying the brake.  When you put the final stop in your life at ‘The End’, your novel should be worth reading over and over again.

Personally, I use lots & lots of FULL STOPS in my Blogs & writings. I keep my sentences short as possible, so that even a teenager can make sense out of this heavy.

Rohit Khanna - IN-VALID