Monday 8 August 2022






Manifestation - you attract what you are automatically.

Prerequisites for Manifestation.

Gratitude, Abundance mode, Positivity.

I have enough, I am happy, I am in love, I accept all.

Visualization, Will power, Faith & mental painting.

Watch, Observe, Silence, Relaxed, Simple.

Mindfulness, Focused mind, Awareness, Attention.

Intention, Consciousness, Equanimous, Innocent.

Ask Believe Receive.

You are the Ocean, you are the wave, why look for support.


We are not, as we think we are - 99% Invisible.

What ever you focus on, expands in life, Reiki amplifies it.

Higher life force draws in lower life force.

Atoms vibrate so fast that they appear motionless.

Matter vibrates so slowly that it appears motionless too.

Voice tone affects the molecular structure of our body.

Apoptosis - programmed cell death, helps us to live on.


Faith - HE belongs to you.

Self confidence - You belong to HIM.

Impossible - You finding God, HE finds you if fortunate.

Guru - Transparent mind, can see through.


Will Power - Thoughts in unison.

Destiny - Thoughts out of unison.

Feeling connected can destroy any Karma.

Grace - is the divine dispensation, that waves off Karmic debts.

Gene - Your wish is my command, master, whispers Cosmic Energy.


Misery - is sitting & replaying a TRAGIC MOVIE of your past.

Negativity - This will not work for me, surely it will not.

Suffering is based on wrong perceptions/notions/illusions.

Mental noise - thinking words chattering together.

Hurt - Gods pinch to bring us into the present.


Love is a seed; plant it & see the magic.

Too much loving is suffocating.

Excessive expressing of love empties you.

Possessing love makes it ugly.

Hurt - no response to love.


Universe is a big Mind, endless expansion, call it eternity.

Reality implies Oneness.

Cosmic Energy is known as quantum soup.

Cosmic Consciousness - As above, so below.

Body - always new, glow of consciousness.

Nirvana is harmony of self elements. It is SUCHNESS.

True freedom means no mission, no purpose.

It is only a game, all fun, just pure ecstasy.


Spirituality - Religion in action, imbibed into the personality.

Responsibility - Ability to respond favorably to any situation.

God is watching, so behave yourself, He is a free babysitter for naughty adults at no cost.

You say you are humble; sorry it is for others to say that you are humble or otherwise.

Praise - makes us to blush.


Letter FIRE written with flames - Try to Feel the heat.

WATERY letters - Try to feel the coolness & humidity.



Hard cover book

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