Tuesday 9 August 2022



the longest message on twitter can be 140 characters long only.

this is the age of instantaneous action, results & knowing.

of course, google comes to our rescue.


to be or not to be

to progress or to stagnate.

let’s make some hard choices, now.


you have no personality of your own.

you are a product of media, negative & hollow

you are molded into what others think of you, about you.

accept the present state inside.

deprogram self, using will power.

say no to temptations with awareness.

kill that tv/computer/phone & free yourself.

self discipline, become a master of five senses.

get your stars out, shine them.

sing your song & be yourself.

active relaxation, try new things, like using both hands.

sit quietly silently, talk to self.


be inquisitive - change yourself

be creative, invent games, entertainment.

be child like, no shame, no embarrassment.

be a finisher now, no procrastination.

be always conscious.


optimistic first, peaceful right now no matter what.

think of now/today.

create a vision of purpose.

dream on, don’t simply respond to circumstances.

don’t wait, have specific goals.

confidence verses fear, pessimism.

just be unexpected always.

move your goal posts ahead every time.

self motivation pays.

stay focused, right side of bed or brain.

have the right chemicals inside, hormones do the job.

get happy now, rest will follow automatically.

easy yogi.

mind sets for successes.


believe in self, progress

really believe in moving mountains.

burning desire generates energy, skills.

choose positive channel, right attitude.

go first class always.

give me the good word or none.

stay big, look confident.

self confident, i can do it.

self starter, take initiative & be proactive.

start your engine mechanically.

be a crusader.

you move the spirit, supercharge yourself.


practice courtesy - others first.

put service first, be human.

help others - it is instant karma.

appreciate strangers, do special things.

be grateful about your health.

be like-able, lighter to be lifted.

make people feel important.

use cheerful words.



trade minds with others.

invest in yourself.

concentrate on your assets.

managed solitude pays off.

set back is a lesson - research it.

salvage bad situations - go forward.






Hard cover book



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