Wednesday 10 October 2018

SELF SOVEREIGNTY FOR VIBRANT HEALTH - over Desires, Decisions & Destiny

SELF SOVEREIGN - over Desires, Decisions & Destiny - a prerequisite for entry into the Golden Age

HAVE SELF RESPECT - stop begging

Most of us, resort to desiring, wishing, wanting, daydreaming, praying for things. These things never materialize in our lives. The nett result is anger targeted at self & the world, for the unfulfilled desires. We position ourselves in such vicious loops, which depreciates our softness & respect for self value, time & again.

Desiring happens from the deep rooted seeds of Addictions & COMPULSIONS acquired over time in bad company. It is the need to do something whether it is appropriate or damaging. Such base actions are also termed as TENDENCIES, wrong habits, & strong INCLINATIONS, leading us to an abyss of no return.

Scarcity of SELF VALUE can not be remedied by money, recognition, affection or attention. Since it exists internally therefore external abundance can never fill it up.

PAY ATTENTION to tracking your attention

A conscious choice is a well thought out RESPONSE, on the other hand most of us use the unconscious choice of reflex REACTION & repent latter. INSPIRATION is a common phenomenon but getting truly INSPIRED to get into action is a very rare sight. Intention is the unseen reason behind the creative & responsible action / experience.    

Most women want to have an orgasm but are unable to focus enough on the act to achieve it. The consequences of conception & prolonged bondage drives them nuts & their thinking becomes scattered. Reasons are chemical & numerous which are deeply connected with their anatomy of child bearing to caring for them till adulthood. On the other hand most of the men can have an orgasm just by visualizing the act, without the physical involvement of their sweet heart, in the privacy of their dens. 

You create human experience, you desire, be it happiness, pleasure or sorrow & grief. The fundamental choice is ours to make. We must take complete responsibility of our experiences in life. We are the makers of a meaningful life & totally capable of relationships of substance & depth. Relationships are intimate arenas where you are bound to encounter frightened parts of your Personality & of others too. Harmonious relationships are built on Cooperation from all parties. Finally Cooperation manifests as Co-creation. This magic Inspires all & everyone around the drama. Closely related is the virtue of SHARING. Give all that you can & accept all that is given gracefully. What is the point in holding back or hoarding.


What looks in, looks out. If you participate in a CAUSE, you automatically participate in the EFFECT too. When you Create turmoil inside in your Consciousness, you are definitely building up arsenal for World War outside. Do we all want PEACE, then just do the reverse of the above & create the silent Peace inside yourself first. Exude Grace, Harmony & Bliss, after all your very existence is dependent on HIS GRACE. The sky is the Canopy of HIS Grace….


This life time is merely one chapter of the complete BOOK of your SOUL, which can have a maximum of 84 chapters & minimum of one chapter, depending upon the effort you make right now during the Confluence Age. Awareness of your Attention & Intention will also determine the variety of CONTEXT in different chapters. If you remain Unmindful then you run the risk of the Content becoming  CON-TEXT, repetitive & of no value to anyone. Personality / Physical costume on the other hand is your vehicle for the Soul to express & act. It is your best friend & a vessel designed for a single voyage. When one expedition is over the soul discards it & moves on to another newer vessel.  


INTENTION is the use of your WILL to discriminate, to create new or change something that already exists. It is a commitment to accomplish an objective. Intention of the SOUL is fixed & totally different from the variable Intentions of the Mind - Body combo. Power of split second Choice is what makes us mortals as Human beings with higher Intellect. We all have visions of big & important tasks, but bringing those visions into the world of reality with the use of our WILL power, is totally different. Conscious choice requires awareness of INTENTION. Do you want to go through life as a PASSENGER or a DRIVER. In dicey situations & standing on junctions of cross roads, always position your WILL between IMPULSES & ACTIONS. Pause a little, step back for a moment from the happening, Introduce a dose of Intention, & finally Create something different / new instead of the usual outcome. Just to warn you that Intention is not an Expectation, which happens to be a close cousin of Daydreaming & Desiring.


INTUITION is another multi-sensory tool for your aid. You must learn to value your INSIGHTS. Very often we use the cliche, I sense something fishy or I have a hunch that something is going to go wrong. It is for sure that we all know or can sense, more than what our five senses reveal to us. When we put a hyphen in this intuitive word it becomes self explanatory IN-TUITION… dear happy soul please give tuition to your self inside. It is an unerring form of knowledge planted inside us, but rarely used.  


TEMPTATIONS are urges to act negatively, which are provoked by external stimuli. Fortunately they are gifts from the Universe that illuminate NEGATIVITY in us so that we can recognize it before the act is committed. They are opportunities to choose differently or suffer the painful & destructive consequences. Temptations steal into your system & dis-empower you completely. A close cousin is INSTINCT, your automatic response to an external stimuli. I remember my childhood prayer which runs as follows. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 

The final EXIT of the SOUL from this land to the land of ETERNITY is so very important that we need to practice our Dress Rehearsal every moment. It is an SOS call with no time to waste / ponder, & which demands instant action to UNDRESS this Earthly costume & depart on the final journey. Are you ready for it. 

Rohit Khanna - IN - FORMAL & IN - FERTILE

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