Showing posts with label timeliness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label timeliness. Show all posts

Thursday 21 September 2017




In fact, we don’t want to keep our own company because, we really do not like ourselves very much, hence we avoid ourselves by engaging in the company of others & /or stupid distractions, gadgets, media, games, partiesParadoxically, the more I get to know me, the more I can get to like myself. Time is such a commodity that it can easily get sucked up by those around you, unless you consciously decide to slot in a time for your own self!  When was the last time you actually enjoyed your own company without the dependency of another interesting person/tech gadget. Making time for the self is healthy and allows you to regain your balance, rejuvenate your energy, so that when you step back into the world, the family or the work team, you are able to be your self & give more of yourself. This aspect raises your personal productivity. As you give yourself permission for this you will begin to realize that in taking out an hour for yourself, there is tremendous benefit for the self and that you are able to give back quality time, appreciation and attention.  It also allows for the creativity to flourish, thoughts to spring easily & naturally rather than through force. It further slows the thought process, calms the breath, reduces stress levels & allows for a clearer decision making process. The analogy of spending the time to grind the Ax to sharpness or continuing using the dull Ax, unproductively is very fitting here.  


It is an act of Mother Nature that every organism needs time to replenish, refill, and renew - without it the species perishes.  In the same way, what will I be able to give others if I am empty inside?  Often, when I am feeling frustrated, annoyed or irritated at people & situations, it is not because the other party is the problem, but because I am not getting my own needs met. I am not getting ample sleep, rest, space & quiet time.  This results in a raised level of turmoil within my self. Spending time alone is not frightening, as some people think, nor is it a waste of time, nor a reason to feel guilty.  To spend time in solitude walking, thinking & getting to know one’s own mind, thoughts, feelings, emotions is actually incredibly healing. If silence & solitude are scary to us it is because we don’t know ourselves.  Just as in some relationships, we find the people we don’t know quite scary. But once we discover their beautiful facets it becomes another story.


Spending time with ‘The Self does not mean watching TV, interacting on Facebook, playing video games, shopping or reading magazines. It just means that you have mutually exchanged some noise & distraction.
Total waste of such valuable time which is a scarce resource. It’s time to respect and appreciate yourself by taking out quality time for yourself.  You will become stronger, happier, better, more thoughtful, more loving and a more interesting person to be with.  It is in fact one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself. Gossiping, criticizing, idling, dilly dallying, worrying, indolence are a few of the time bandits.  These habits steal our time and attention leaving us very little for when we really need it.  When people say, “I don’t have time”.  They really don’t want to admit otherwise & willingly participate in a newer venture of self reformation.  Learning to be honest with ourselves will help filter unnecessary tasks, habits.  Plan the big change in a small way.  Spend time with yourself each day to get to know yourself. Once a week treat yourself to something special. A meal by yourself, instead of talking, texting & gulping food down, enjoy every morsel you eat. Take a long walk, allow yourself to absorb every detail of the scenery, as though you are seeing it for the first time.  Take time to journal your thoughts, write an article, a poem or a song.  Sit in silence and watch the sun come up and enjoy the wonder of nature and the wonder of your own self.  Meditate on your innate qualities of peace, love and truth and learn to just BE. If I look for the treasures that are deep inside, instead of seeing faults & beating myself up, then I may just make a new friend, inside of me.  Thus the journey of acceptance, forgiveness and self-appreciation begins.


Time is free, but it’s priceless. 
You can’t own it, but you can use it. 
You can’t store it, but you can spend it. 
Once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back. 
Time can be cyclic or linear, rotational or chronological clock. Time has a beginning, end & travels too. Times change & then become regular after sometime. One can experience negative times, bad, critical, dangerous, & uncooperative times also. On the other hand one can experience positive, ameliorating & good times. Timing & timeliness come very handy. Time can stretch long, stand heavy when one is waiting, & stand still in other times.  Biblical times divided time in two halves, before the birth of Christ & after the death of Christ. Everyone had a Past time, will have a Future time but the most valuable Present time is skipped as a pastime. A lifetime is temporary, limited time in the context of Eternal Unlimited Time.  

Time of transformation brings about Time of Creation. If you have the Awareness of time then Reversal of time happens, because Loss of time gets converted into Lots of time. When you have Treasure of time then Time is money for you. Since Time travels in a curve you can complete the Cycle of time by Traveling in time. Now, is the ripe time to enter your Time zone to feel the Quality of time.  The End of your time is reworded as your Time has come - Good bye to now & welcome to Eternity which is frozen Time. 

In times long gone we told the time by the sun, and it didn’t matter too much if we were an hour or so late, or a tad early. But now in the age of split second precision, even one-hundredth of a second can make the difference between win and lose. We need to remember that clocks are our invention. Some may even say that time is our invention. Yet we run around like slaves under the command of the master on the wall. Because ‘time is money and there is ‘no time to lose’, we constantly have to jump to at-tension. A clock is merely a tool that helps keep our life and daily timetable on track. It’s very interesting how this otherwise insignificant piece of metal or the little numbers in the corner of your PC can create so much stress.


Without realizing it we have replaced our internal body clock and intuition with the clocks on the walls, and watches on our wrists. Do we really need to make the clock our constant companion if we are totally in tune and on pulse with our instinctual inner clock? We often proclaim that time is speeding up, but are the hands of the clock really turning faster, or could it just be our minds that are racing? We may say that we are ‘running out of time’, or that we have ‘lost time’. Occasionally we have to ‘find time or ‘make time but in truth, time is the constant, it will continue to tick away minute by minute, hour by hour. It is how we perceive time and what we do with it that is important. With peace and calm as our companions, we are able to make clear and immediate choices. When the mind is still like a lake, then it can also give serenity to those around it. So too when I am at peace, I am able to make those around me, peaceful and focused. It’s Time to revert back to our instinctual inner clocks. Living life by mechanical clocks is not healthy for body, mind & spirit. We can’t lose time, find it or make it, but by becoming a master of time, we can make him our best friend instead of the stupid Rolex tick-tock!


In a world where many of our resources are running out, we seem to forget that time is an equally important asset that is running scarce.  We forget that ‘life’ and ‘time’ have a connection and that there is only a certain window of opportunity in which to do the things we want to achieve.  Our life is precious  we don’t have oodles of time nor has science managed to invent a gadget that can create extra time!  So how am I using my time, and how can I make the most of it? Time is just a measurement of an event or experience.  Therefore we should really be event managers and not time managers!  If we are chasing our tail all the time, then that means we have not mastered time.  We are still a slave to the clock. 


One in which there is a feeling of order and sense of calm. Our measure of time has indeed changed over the last 150 years.  A single day does not seem to last as long as it did for our forefathers!  They used to watch the sun rise & then set again!  Yet with the advent of electricity, we don’t even get time to look out the window. We used to write our love letters and send them by ship across the oceans  in those days we had the patience to wait for a reply, which took another three months!  Now with ‘watsapp’ and various instant messaging tools, we question the integrity of our partner if we have not heard from him or her within a few minutes!


We spend more time as human ‘doings’, than as human beings.  More and more, people are rushing to get onto their next ‘thing’ or next ‘high’.  And in the process, they miss the magical joy of the moment.  In a state of mindfulness, we enjoy the task at hand. We save time this way. In life everything has its own time, place and season.  There is a season in which to till the soil, a season in which to plant the seeds, a season in which to reap the harvest or enjoy the fruits of hard work.  Most of all be flexible.  If things aren’t going the way you planned, it’s not the end of the world.  Hence if you can understand the rhythm of the seasons, you can begin to be more patient with yourself. It’s Time to realize that I am the master of time; there is no shortage of time.  Break the illusion that there will be more time in the future!  What I need to do, I need to do it now.  Don’t listen to the internal committee of useless and negative thoughts; take courage, prioritize what is important in your life and take that first step.  Once you step onto the boat the rest is plain cruising and you’ll have the time of your life!


There is a great deal to learn from sports.  In cricket every run is important, in running every sprint, in tennis every point, in swimming every lap, in basketball every net.  Being behind a few points, may not matter at first, but this small lead is enough to give your opponent the confidence to gallop ahead and then you are forever playing catch up or as in chess forever trying to free up your pieces for the rest of the game. Where the game is time sensitive, every second is crucial and cannot afford to be wasted.  Records are broken by the second.  The difference of winning or losing can be a determined in a fraction of second.  And the winner cannot allow his/her vision to be distracted for even a second.  For the winner, the destination, the target, the aim is right there in front of their eyes. 


In daily life too, every second is an opportunity to win hearts.  It’s totally in our hands how we hold the ‘bat’ and in which direction we hit the ‘ball’!  Love,  friendship must to be won with love, blessings, not coercion or compulsion. Sweetness begets sweetness, anger begets anger.
Every thought creates every moment, every hour, every day and every week.  As we think, so we create our present reality.  We may believe it’s just one negative thought, but before we know it, it has taken hold of our feelings and emotions and there is a resistance in our actions.


Real life is a bit different from sport, where the only objective is to out do your opponent and win at any cost.  If we create the same rules of win/lose in our personal lives then our premise will be that one has to lose in order for the other to win.  In daily life however, since we are vying for the heart which is more encompassing and embracing, win/win outcomes are indeed possible and we just have to learn to ‘serve’ generously and graciously with our feelings! Relationships are indeed an investment and will reap generous dividends if you have invested prudently.  Constantly withdrawing from the balance will not leave me much ‘at a time of need’. I need to ensure that I am giving and not just taking, or if I have taken, then to ensure to return something back immediately before the account depletes too quickly.  But the winner takes a step further; he does more than the average, he gives more of himself than the average athlete!


If people seem to be playing games with you, then choose not to be against them, choose not to be their opponent  this is exactly what gives them power over you; one-up man-ship.  Most conflict occurs when there is an opposition created, a rivalry, a “them” and an “us”, you versus me.  But if we can see ourselves on the same side, two people wanting the same thing  then we are not enemies, but partners.  We both want the same thing; we are just going about it from different angles.  So take courage and change the rules of the game! Timing too is pivotal in ‘triumphing’ our relationships; it takes a certain spiritual discernment to know what to say, as well as when and how to say it.  What will be that prize-winning word or statement that will touch the soul, secure trust and launch an alliance?  Sometimes due to our embarrassment or ego we miss the opportunity to say what we genuinely wanted to say and that moment is lost forever. Sometimes accepting defeat is also part of the game.  But remember, we may have lost the battle, but we have not lost the war.  We may have lost the argument, we may have lost the match, but the surfer knows, there will always be another wave! It’s time to pay attention to every thought, every second, to every moment and every breath, for the winner pushes himself more than the average athlete.  In every breath let me remind myself that I am a soul, a point of light, a radiant energy, and glowing, shining mirror.  Give more than you take.  And don’t become hopeless because another wave is on its way right now!

time is an illusion

That man is free, who is conscious of being the author of the laws, he must obey. How? You eliminate the chain of cause and effect. Linear passing of Time is an illusion.
Act now! Time is slipping away. The tiger of death is approaching fast. You must reach Home quickly. If you value your soul you will make an honest effort. For everyone to be that patient in this life is an arduous task to ask. For they live very fast now and die young. They do not know how to live, because they live by Time. They must do their tasks in a certain perimeter of time or they shall never accomplish them. As long as they feel that way, they shall never accomplish it. They will have only lived by time and that will be the only accomplishment in this life and next life too.
The present moment is so atomic, so small that you cannot move in it, you can only be in it. You cannot DESIRE in it. Desire needs future, more time. If you are ambitious you need an entire life time to achieve all that you desire at the cost of today.  Time exists because of human desire. It creates future. The mind manufactures it all. Your moods decide how time will move in a relative way.  
Timing and timelines are the cause of our emotions. On a holiday everything seems to go very smoothly. On a long vacation you are 100 % relaxed and you have the best of the emotions in you: joy, happiness, calm, and carefree. You are exhilarated and time seems to fly past you. The vacation seems to be shrinking, like you just started yesterday. When you are making love on a cruise ship, time stands still or seems to stand still even though the ship is moving. But come Monday all hell breaks loose and you all are tensed up. You are desperate in the early morning rush hour stuck in a traffic jam. Time is running out, you are getting late for office. Then your neighbor walks into your office to discuss his problems. You are bored to death by his presence. Time stands heavy.  In pain time lengthens and tends to stop. If a loved one is on a death bed and in their last stage, then time will hang up. Hell is eternal. Timing and timeliness have a purpose. The purpose is to enable us to make our choices. The fundamental choice to experience peace or conflict; love or hate; action or indolence; today or tomorrow.
Time pressure alters our behavior. Deadlines in our work routines imply threats. Lots of deadlines mean you must eventually die. The story of nervous cook illustrates this point very well. The world famous chef Kim was once asked if he could cook up an omelet in two minutes. He confidently said yes and agreed to perform the act on national TV. There was competition among many famous chefs. Kim had cooked up hundreds of omelets, always in much less than two minutes but without the time pressure. On the assigned day the stop watch was set for two minutes. The master chef was under time pressure. He started off quite well but under the pressure of meeting the deadline of two minutes he fumbled, panicked and failed miserably in front of the national audience. He himself was at a loss to understand the phenomenon.  
This present moment is a Space–Time event within the eternal continuum. This moment is as it should be. Everything is acceptable as part of larger identity. Today does not exist in isolation. It is like a deep shoal of endless river of life. If we defile today we exert a bad influence down stream on tomorrow. You are living in hope, a promise in the future. Ambition is misleading and mischief. I will be happy when and if I have lots of money, cars, lavish house, and respectable position, status in the community. It means that Today must be sacrificed for tomorrow. The more things you accumulate, more precious time is wasted at the cost of this one life you have in hand. This life is your only opportunity. You have the capacity to be happy, by exercising your will power to choose now. Transcending the barriers of time: past, present and future! It is totally possible to cross over any time simply by concentrating and meditating. When thoughts arise in your mind and pass out alternatively in succession, there is Time. Fewer thoughts mean less passage of time. No thoughts mean no time. Time stops. No concept of duration of time. Shadow following the substance!

 Rohit Khanna - Before Knowledge Insane, After knowledge IN-SANE