Showing posts with label aeration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aeration. Show all posts

Thursday 28 July 2016



BRAIN too is a sensory organ.  But where is the MIND.  What feeds the Mind is the INTELLECT - Which can be either Sharp  or Dull. Generally dull & shut off by default.  


Our heart is also a sensory organ and compliments the Autonomic nervous system. The feelings of disgust, frustration, bring up jagged and irregular heart rhythms.  These rhythms interface with the brain’s higher centers, affecting how we feel, think, perceive and perform, of course, very poorly. This is” cortical inhibition”. This pattern of signals, tells the brain, that all is chaotic. Such an excess of mental and emotional noise in the brain causes it to go into overload. It is this overload that interferes with our capacity for paying attention, learning, remembering important details and maintaining our mental stability.                 

On the other hand, when our heart experiences loving, appreciative, positive feelings, it sends out smooth and harmonious rhythms to the brain. This is “cortical facilitation”. This results in faster reaction times and we can think more clearly. We can see more options and solutions to our problems and situations that we would otherwise not have been able to see.

We can learn to switch negativity to positivity by consciously attempting to do so. Breathe slowly and deeply through the area of the heart. Self-generate a positive feeling like appreciation or care. By doing these two things, you can shift the pattern of signals; the heart sends to the brain, reducing the inner noise and helping the three brains work together in harmony. This will stabilize your emotions and start to recharge your energy accumulators. You have the capacity, to get back your original self, just as you were born, fully hydrated and zero emotions.

The art lies in understanding the secrets of long healthy life, disease free living, and absence of old age complications. The top secret is to live by HEART and not by head, as we normally do. What is your heart? It is a mechanical pump which has a very small horse power, yet very powerful one and a complex maze of pipelines and valves. In short it is the most sophisticated hydraulic system ever in the world. The length of our arteries, veins and capillaries is so huge that they can go around the earth once. Imagine thousands of kilometers of microscopic pipelines being pumped with a very advanced fluid, called blood, 24/7 without ever stopping or shutting down for maintenance. Five liters of blood keeps circulating through very thin capillaries tubes all day long with full force of 120 systolic / 80 diastolic, mm Hg.


In olden days around 1847, blood pressure was measured by inserting into the artery, a glass capillary tube which had to be at least 7 feet high to offset the force of the pumping heart, with calm emotions inside you. In angry moments, the blood pressure shoots up so high that the doctors required a 14 feet high glass tubing to offset the increased force of the poor heart. You can visualize the damage occurring inside the heart, when you get mad with anger and revenge over trifles, over false sense of perceptions of Family Honor, and verbal castigation's on intangibles like religion, which of course is concocted by man with Stone Age intelligence & brought forward into today.


This also implies that the fluid called blood has to be of low viscosity, like water and easily flow able at all times of your lifetime. But that does not happen. We are so busy chasing valueless stuff, money, cars, houses, possessions, false images, temporary fame, name, that we forget to drink enough water and hydrate ourselves to keep the blood thin and flowing easily. So what happens is just the opposite. The persistent neglect, of hydration month after month and year after year, gets us dehydrated heavily, making the blood thick and sticky, just like honey. It refuses to flow. Also lifetime of unhealthy eating, bad habits, and shallow judgments makes our blood highly toxic, very viscous and thick additionally.


What happens is pretty easy to tell? A small pump with a low horse power is pushed to its limits to keep pumping thick, toxic, sticky blood through 1,60,000 km of pipeline without stopping. Remember that you would require many times higher horse power to pump a liquid into microscopic pipelines or tubes. This small heart of yours has to pump and push even harder to get oxygenated blood into those microscopic capillaries embedded deep between layers and layers of fat. The heart muscles get fatigued very soon and give up on you. Consequences are deadly or near fatal. The heart pump gets over loaded with all the extra work to be done. The heart muscles become over worked and fail. The result is heart failure or cardiac arrest. The heart is crying out loudly, “I cannot go on any more, I am sorry.” The pump motor has ceased and you are deceased. In short you killed yourself. I call it suicide: A slow silent deliberate killing. If you do not die of cardiac arrest then you are sure to die of cancer, because the blood cannot get into those fine capillaries, and they start to wither away, atrophy and turn cancerous. 


The second function of the heart is to pump the dirty, sticky, toxic blood into the lungs to be cleaned up and made pure again and again. Blood is a reusable hydraulic fluid. The lungs are a wonderful marvel of engineering. They have a capacity of holding 5 liters of air in every breath. Yes exactly 5000 cubic centimeters of oxygenated air. The surface area inside the lungs is 2500 square feet, equal to the area of a lawn tennis court.


Here inside the lungs the dirty blood full of dead cells, toxins, carbon dioxide, monoxide, and no nutrients comes in contact with the air we breathe in. So much blood is exposed yet not a drop spills or leaks out. What amazes me is the fact that blood does not clot up in this area? If you cut yourself, anywhere on the skin, the oozing blood comes in contact with the same air and clots up immediately to help you from bleeding to death. Your blood contains an important lifesaving chemical called clotting factor. It is very vital for our survival in times of accidents and fights.


This way it gives out all the toxins and absorbs in the oxygen and nutrients and becomes fresh and pure. The Hemoglobin gets saturated with oxygen and thus travels to the brain and other organs in the body. It is a pure engineering marvel and cosmic miracle. If the cells do not get oxygen, they become sick and die. When the brain does not get oxygen, it mal functions and creates further problems for our body. We are oxygen loving bundle of bacteria. We function best when the breathing is at its highest point, just like when you are making love to your mate.

That’s why they say breath is life. When you are hardly breathing or breathing in a very shallow manner then disease sets in and death is imminent. Finally when you stop breathing, you are deceased or dead. But again we lead meaningless lives, preoccupied with television, computers, video games, working, worrying for small stuff, studying, and all these activities which force us to breathe in a very shallow manner.


We inhale just 100 to 500 cc of air in every breath compared to the capacity of 5000 cc. Imagine human beings using only 10 % of their lung capacities. The lower 40% stale air inside the lungs is never expelled out. It stays inside and causes local pollution in our blood. The residual air is the primary pollutant. The upper 40% of extra air of our total lung capacity is never used up. We never breathe in or inhale this part. Hence by and large most of us operate between 40% - 60% range or less. This is very poor performance on our part. It does not make sense if you work hard, make lots of money, eat richly, dress lavishly, but have dirty toxic blood running in your arteries. Does it make any sense? NO! Never; hence be aware of the delicate internal world, instead of being foolishly aware of outside worldly stuff. It does not help you in anyway.


How you breathe is another big factor in your survival. We are normally mouth breathers, taking in all the dust, microbes, and pollutants. The cold dirty air hits our throats and larynx, causing it to dry up in the process. Nature gave us a nose for a reason. We rarely use it fully, and if we did we would benefit tremendously. The nose heats up the incoming air, cleans it and by passes the throat area. But you got to be first conscious of this fact then and then only it becomes possible. A clean nose is a prerequisite, which is a rarity. Nose has another very important function to play when we inhale. The Nitric oxide gas producing glands work only when we use our noses. This gas is fully soluble in blood. It helps dilate the microscopic capillaries and allows the blood to reach the smallest crevices in our body which are buried deep under thick layers of fat. When this does not happen, the cells atrophy and die and cancer starts to build up. It is all in your hands, or in your nose power to live incrementally or die slowly. Nitric oxide gas very cleverly interacts with oxygen radicals to form Metabolites that destroy pathogens inside our bodies.


Living an oxygen starved life is the starting point of most of the diseases, sickness, and poor health. We further complicate matters by living in closed, fully sealed, air tight houses and offices for at least eight months in a year if not more in cold regions of the world. Everyone knows that the inside air is 100 times more polluted than the outside air. We make our houses air tight basically to keep the cold part outside, but this way we keep the oxygen out too. Hence our homes are more of gas chambers, heated though. We also take pride in sharing the little oxygen trapped in the house with our beloved pets, cats and dogs. So we end up inhaling, breathing stale air, full of carbon dioxide and monoxide. We are wrongly programmed to additionally light up Tea-lights in our gas chambers to use up the balance quantity of oxygen left behind. In World War II, Hitler exterminated millions of Jews by putting them in toxic gas chambers. Today, we are killing ourselves, by living in our own personal “GAS CHAMBERS”.


There is yet another function of your heart. Can you guess this one? It is an important function and you know it from day one. It is LOVE. We are all love products. When two people, our parents made love, we were born. In the initial years, we get so much love that you cannot measure or keep track of. Both parents shower love on their children initially. Latter on things go wrong and we start replacing love with material things, toys, possessions and other loveless pursuits. Then more things go wrong and we are loaded with hate & hatred. 


To get back into ‘love mode’ we have to again start loving ourselves first. Love our bodies; love our selves correctly, and intelligently. If I come to your house and ask for a glass of water, how can you serve me a glass of water when your own pitcher or fridge is empty? So, the secret is to love yourself enough, and fill up your “pitcher”. When you are totally filled up with love then and then only you can love another person. Today when you tell a woman, I love you; it sounds hollow, its meaningless and a false promise. 


Absence of love brings in all the other terrible negative EMOTIONS which cause havoc in our bodies. These emotions disturb the delicate balance of hormone production and cause cancers, diseases and death. There are 200 varied emotions and corresponding 200 diseases. People who love themselves truly, do not smoke, drink alcohol, or over eat, and remain vegetarians by and large, eating salt and sugar in moderation only. Food does kill and heal as well. Today we even conduct our jogging, exercises and work outs in indoor gymnasiums, sharing the polluted air. This is how we make the dirty blood dirtier, defeating the purpose of exercise. How is government’s health care plan going to help you, I wonder? 

LOVE - Natural state of soul – just give unconditionally 
If Closed & rigid to love    then     ARTHRITIS          
If Unable to give love & allow the flow then    ASTHMA
When not open to love & bitter then      DIABETES
When In Denial about love then     CRIPPLED
If negating love to self then     ALLERGY
If Afraid to lose love in future then       PARALYSIS
If Already lost love in past then, Sorrow       &     HEARTACHE
When attached to love in present, it is mine then       BLINDNESS
If seeking love & affirmations in present then       INCONTENANCE (lustful)
If craving for more love in present then        ADDICTION
When In confusion & restless in present then       INDIGESTION
When Controlling others in present then        INSANITY
No love for work/job then           FATIGUE

By starving our emotions we become Humorless, rigid and stereotyped.
By repressing them we become literal, reformatory, and holier.
By encouraging them, they perfume.
By discouraging them, they poison. 

Personally, I hum softly, intentionally to facilitate me into deep nasal breathing when I am driving, working, standing waiting, cooking, or doing any activity, specially walking. Humming forces, me to exhale out fully, and create vacuum inside the lungs. Fresh air automatically rushes in to fill up the vacuum. I never breathe through my mouth because it is unhygienic, childish & I would be deprived of my share of Nitric oxide. My room is never heated throughout the winter and the windows are always open, slightly, even at minus 30 degrees centigrade, and more open at zero degrees. Five minutes under the covers is enough to let me sleep in comfort, off my own body heat. When you lie flat on your back and breathe deeply the fresh oxygenated air, then body produces ton of heat and very interesting dreams. Breathing through the nose is my passion therefore I keep my nasal passages fully clean at all times. It helps me to be in constant touch with Cosmic Energy too. As an engineer I fully understand how fragile this microscopic pump is and even the slightest overloading can be catastrophic. Hence the quality of blood in the pump-pipeline system is maintained at its optimum levels of hydration and oxygenation, of course on plus side always helps. I love my self with a passion, so that I do not miss out even one day of my short stay on this beautiful Planet Earth’s guest house, by falling sick. Drinking water abundantly, eating basically vegan diet selectively in moderation, exercising by walking and swimming adequately, and consciously keeping my main switch of emotional microwaves in off mode are my strict timetables. In future, as I get older, I plan to switch over to ice skating in winters and golfing in summers. By falling sick I do not intend to become a burden on my family, neighbors, and society. I firmly believe that keeping fit is my prime responsibility. My father in his 92 years did become unwell on three or four occasions, when he would go on liquid diet and lots of rest, but definitely no medicine. The doctor knew well that medicines have more side & dehydrating effects than the power to cure. Since I love my self adequately first, I am capable of giving love to others around me. I love all humans. I do strike friendship with strangers very quickly, and get into trouble with my spouse for doing it.