Sunday 23 July 2023



A Paradigm Shift - YouTube  - Story of the Intelligent Crow  - Click on the You tube icon in blue.




The human body is an island of billions and billions of bacteria, living together in harmony, multiplying, dying, and cooperating with each other. Sometimes fighting jointly against the intruders to kill and devour them, just to keep us alive a little longer.              

A cruise ship is also a floating island, moving slowly from point A to point B. Many times, this ship gets infected by one sick person and the whole ship is contaminated with a particular kind of virus. Now, it must be quarantined for long periods and fumigated to get rid of that virus.



I am asking you a simple question? Would you visit such an infected ship for just a short tour? I will additionally pay you $200 to go on this tour. Your answer would be a big NO!  Why may I ask? Obviously, you are afraid of picking up the virus for yourself. You are a healthy person; your immune system is in good condition, disease free, and still not willing to take this risk. Subsequent question arises.  In sickness, why would you ever visit a hospital or a clinic, which has for sure hundreds of viruses and diseases? To top it all, you are not very healthy at that moment, and your internal immune system is down. Yet, you visit the hospital, & many times get admitted into the hospital for some kind of treatment. What is your logic to visit a hospital in such a precarious condition? 

You surely catch a couple of germs and viruses and get further infected, instead of getting treated by the doctor. You are bound to die eventually. Of course, we have statistics that prove this point. Innumerable deaths because of hospital related infections and errors on part of the staff & equipment’s.



The safe way out, is to get the doctor to visit you in your own home. House calls are very popular in India and other places.

Personally, I have escorted my own father on hundreds of house calls, in our hometown as his apprentice, assistant, and driver. This is the only way you can reduce the chances of additional infections and compounding the situation. We as a family always avoid going to hospitals and prefer to treat ourselves with ancient proven home remedies, despite having first class medical aid in house. Further preventive measures are taken to ensure we never fall sick. Routine consumption of onions, garlic, ginger, turmeric, and various other spices is a sure way to stay healthy always, by keeping the infections at bay.



Let’s us get the real story for the first time. It is an eye opener. Our rich Arab merchant Tabaa with a big ego and a bigger bank balance falls sick very badly. So, what do we do? We ring up 911 and get him to the hospital as quickly as possible. Inside the hospital, Tabaa is admitted into a ward onto a hospital bed and an army of “doctors” start to experiment on the poor merchant. These ignorant doctors are specialists who have been trained to treat the EFFECT and not the real CAUSE of the sickness. Very soon the nurse lines up a rainbow of medicines on his side table. Why so many of them? One pill is for the blood vessels to dilate thereby lowering the blood pressure. But this drug also causes the heart to speed up therefore the second pill to slow down the heartbeat. Further both these drugs cause fluid retention, hence the third pill, for evacuation of the retained water – DIURETIC PILL. 

These medicines are chemicals, very powerful and harmful, which are going to upset the delicate balance inside and cause more problems. First & foremost, these chemicals are foreign matter for our body and the intelligent human system does not recognize them as user friendly, hence they are rejected straight away. Our bodies have a very low rate of absorption of such foreign matter. Thus, most of the high doses of concentrated chemicals are washed away into the urine and stool by the little water left behind in Tabaa’s body, further dehydrating the weak body even more. This dehydration causes more complex problems for the pitiable merchant and the treating doctors.


THE HYDRAULIC HIGHWAYS in the body come to a grinding crawl, and traffic jams spreads all over the body. Deteriorating condition of Tabaa is wrongly interpreted by the doctors, who plan to increase the dosage of medicines. The vicious cycle of medicines and dehydration continues for another week to ten days. Hit and trial! Now we come to the hazardous vital part of the medication, the side effects. One medicine has at least six side effects. It you are being treated with five medicines, then you would end up with thirty side effects, many of them irreversible. Go figure, it out for yourself the benefits of allopathic doctor – medicine model. All these above drugs do cause dizziness, headaches, hallucination depression, insomnia, liver, & kidney damage, of course irreversible. So, what are these learned doctors’ doing to our Tabaa is beyond my imagination. Treating him or killing him. Finally, Tabaa is about to die, & the doctors declare a Medical Emergency. They raise their hands in desperation and give up. Tabba is immediately transferred to the ICU – Intensive Care Unit. Surprisingly nothing INTENSIVE is happening inside the ICU. Abruptly, all medicines are stopped, discontinued which were causing severe dehydration and taking Tabaa downhill to his death. Here, he is put on intravenous hydration.  Saline water is injected directly into the blood stream to ease the traffic jams in the heart-lung route. The heart pump was struggling to pump thick toxic blood is now working slightly better. Next Tabaa is put on 100% oxygen. Gradually he is breathing good quality oxygenated air after a long period. The rich man’s dirty blood gets oxygenated now for the first time and starts to rebuild new cells in the body. The body begins to recover slowly and return to normal. The rich merchant opens his eyes and starts to throw his weight around. He is agitated, emotional, and angry at the doctors for not fixing him up right, the first time and fast enough. He wants super specialists to be flown in at his expense to have a second opinion.



We come to the third most important aspect of ICU, and that is of emotions. If the patient is agitated and anxious, how can he be helped? So, the doctors give him a strong dose of Morphine.

Basically, they want their peace of mind, so they put this agitated patient to sleep. But something wonderful happens for the benefit of the patient and the doctors paradoxically. The patient’s main switch of microwaves is put in off mode, forcibly. There are no emotions in the invisible body now; therefore, it starts to heal itself quickly and naturally. When the main switch of “microwaves of emotions” is turned off, involuntarily or voluntarily the body heals itself. The idea here is to put your brains main switch, OFF, voluntarily, all day long, and keep the microwaves of emotions, OFF too. You do it like BUDDHA on your own, keep calm, content, and blissful in every situation, or else the doctors will have to do it for you forcibly, with morphine. The moral of the story is, if you do not live in your own personal ICU most of the time, then you will end up in a hospital ICU, like our friend Tabaa. In short hydrate, oxygenate, & be in love. The topmost emotion is LOVE. Be in joy & loving mode always. Be spiritually connected to the source, living in abundance mode, full of gratitude, equanimity, & compassion.                                              




Quantity of food consumed is the biggest factor contributing to sickness and disease. The most expensive study was undertaken to analyze the above criterion, in natural circumstances without subjecting the species in confined environments.  This study was unlike the laboratory ones done with rats and mice in very crowded and controlled parameters. The birds of different countries were selected for studies. They were narrowed down to pigeons, sparrows, and crows.  Meticulous observations of each species over many years resulted in the following conclusions. These birds live off the same food that we humans eat and consume. Our left over’s thrown into garbage bins or scattered on the floors, is what they feed on. The crows are so smart that they will rip open the garbage bags with their sharp beaks and hunt out the food hidden in them. The pigeons and sparrows have such sharp eyesight that they pick up even the tiniest of the food particles lying on the ground, from great heights & large distances, surveying every inch of the land many times over.

The Canadian and American birds thrive on pizzas, hamburgers, and French fries.

North Indian birds devour wheat preparations, spicy cooked meats & lentils.

South Indian birds relish rice preparations, cooked fish, vegetables, and various curries.

Chinese birds consume cooked rice, potatoes, and various insects. 

These flying creatures travel over large distances flapping their wings hunting for their food. Their secret to good health is moderation. We have never ever found any bird overeating, even when they come across large chunks of food. Additionally, they have no means of transportation to carry away these chunks of food for storage and reuse in future. They have their fill and then let go by flying away happily. We can safely conclude that quality and kind of food ingested does not matter at all. What matters most is the quantity of food consumed? Since we humans habitually tend to overeat, we suffer with sickness and diseases. Of course, level of activity and exercise is extremely important too, since we do not have to venture out and hunt for long hours on foot, for our portion of food. Instead, we drive up to the super stores, buy cartloads of packaged foods, stock it up in our fridges and then the never-ending party begins. Heat and eat without even thinking.



If you DO NOT live in your NATURAL ICU all the time, hydrating consciously, deep breathing with awareness, putting the Mind’s main switch in OFF mode, then you will surely end up in a HOSPITAL ICU.


PERSONALLY, I switch off my microwaves of negative emotions voluntarily. I am in joy and loving mode always, spiritually connected to the source, living in awareness of abundance, full of gratitude, equanimity, and compassion. Life in Halifax, Canada is as good as being in paradise. I could not have asked for more. When my Canadians friends ask me why I came to Canada, my answer is that I was brought to Canada by the cosmic forces. I live my life like a hot air-filled balloon, & I go wherever the Cosmic wind takes me. In the month of May 1999, the cosmic winds brought me to Canada Halifax, and I came along willingly having full trust in it. I have limited my input of food to the barest minimum for the last 40 years. The reason being, I want my food quota of lifetime to last me till my last day of 150 years. I do not want my doctors telling me that my sugar or rice quota is over at 60. If a celebration is planned in the coming week, I go on a full day fasts before and after the celebration, at the same time I am very selective at the feast itself. This ritual helps me to live a focused life with complete awareness. My secret recipe to combat hunger during meals is a filler mixture consisting of puffed wheat & rice, dry roasted peanuts & gram (channa).   


Keeping in mind all the above aspects of the brewing beer Vat like stomach the following TEN COMMANDANTS have been formulated to aid & lead you to Vibrant health which manifests as fountain of youth subsequently. 

1} Thou shall consume all your micro-sized meals from Sunrise to Sunset. The stomach is influenced by the heat & light of the mighty Sun & functions best during daylight hours. It is your Solar powered furnace.

2} Thou shall ingest small quantities of food, which can be accommodated in the palms of your two hands at any one meal.

3} Thou shall eat solid food at room temperature or piping hot state. Frozen or cold foods lower the temperature of the stomach & result in sludge formation which refuses to move forward / downwards causing physical distress / uneasiness.

4} Thou shall drink a large tumbler of Lukewarm water, very slowly sip by sip, twenty minutes before every meal. This is a must because your body will need this neutral liquid to make up copious amounts of rich ALKALINE SALIVA & other complex digestive acids, enzymes, hormones when you begin to eat your solid food.

5} Thou shall maintain the potency of powerful digestive acids by refraining from mixing any foreign liquids, along with your solid food, like milk, wine, beer, alcohol, water, cold drinks, fruit juices. This is a serious matter because dilution of powerful acids will delay & surely stop the digesting process.

6} Thou shall attempt to enjoy one item of solid food at one meal. Mixing too much variety in one sitting clashes with each other & confuses the stomach. It just shuts down leaving you with undigested food, gas generation & its entrapment which results in extreme pain. Seven course dinners & massive buffets are a sure quick way to the grave. Starches sugars & proteins interact with each other to produce harmful chemical reactions. Therefore, eat them separately. Examples of single item meal are as follows:


Dark bread/toasted whole wheat bread/flat beard with butter.

Platter of meats/sea food/fish - two cups equivalent

Cooked vegetables - one cup

Raw vegetables, fruits, salads without proteins - two cups

Cooked Lentils or lentil soups - one cup

7} Thou shall cook, prepare, or assemble your own food in silence & soul conscious awareness. In case your loved ones are cooking your food then make sure they are always kept contented & happy. This is the only way you are going to ensure that positive love-full vibrations go into your food first & latter on in your system. Imagine yourself ingesting unhygienic street food cooked by a dissatisfied unpleasant angry person, who is compelled to do this for a living/profit.

8} Thou shall eat in micro sized bites, chew slowly with mouth shut & masticate the morsels of food in soul awareness till it is liquid in the mouth itself. Please note that food is digested in the mouth & absorbed in the stomach. This habit will make you feel fuller & allow you to eat less. which is the pathway & secret to Vibrant health.

9}  Thou shall walk away from the ever inviting but dangerous platters of cakes, pastries, sweets, ice creams, puddings, milkshakes which are overflowing with harmful sugars (Fructose). At this point your single item meal has used up all the available INSULIN in your system. These sugary desserts if consumed now will end up in your blood stream which I dare say will prove FATAL. Go ahead & kill yourself with a piece of sweet. How ever we have beautiful alternatives for your sweet tooth now, if you cannot resist the temptations, like dates, figs, cinnamon, licorice, molasses, jaggery, maple syrup, & sweetest of all honey.


10}  Thou shall also focus on the elimination process of the body. Early morning drink the first glass of Lukewarm water with lemon juice or 10 drops of tinctures Neem/Turmeric/Ginger. The second glass must have 5 spoons of ground mixture of Flax seeds, Chia seeds & Psyllium husk. This regime will ensure total evacuation of the unwanted elements from the body.



ROHIT KHANNA – The most fortunate Soul on the planet.




Hard cover book


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