Wednesday 28 June 2023




The Existence of the EXISTENCE is the COSMIC INTELLIGENCE. In the beginning this Intelligence was in a state of INVOLUTION, a point, AVYAKTA the state of nature before Creation. It appeared as NOTHING, almost a Black Hole in a Dark space. Gradually the EVOLUTION of this dormant entity began. It is this ALMIGHTY, EVER PRESENT, UNFOLDING INTELLIGENCE, that we call GOD. Everything exists through Eternity. No beginning No end.  One day this vast Universe will disintegrate, dissolve & again Involve into its finer state to complete one cycle / KALPA. This magic repeats till eternity. The Evolution takes us from very FINE forms to Finer forms to gross & grosser. From Infinite to finite & from Atomic to finite too.


The finest of all is the SOUL, then comes FALSE EGO, immediately followed by INTELLIGENCE and the mighty MIND of the human beings, which is of course fashioned from ETHER. 

AKASHA – is the second on the line of Evolution. Omnipresent, all penetrating, Existence crisscrossed with a web of Intelligence.

PRANA – is the Vital Life Force Energy, which is embedded in this Akasha, to be evolved gradually in the third stage.

UNIVERSE is the subsequent grosser material evolution, which is a compound of Subtle Akasha & Vibrating Prana. Universe in turn is enveloped in three overlapping worlds. The Material world, the Mental world & finally the Spiritual world. Everything here is in a state of changing Flux, just like your traffic on the highways, or the chunks of flowing waters in a river. When the Absolute Intelligence is processed or perceived through TIME, SPACE & CAUSATION entities, then only it Manifests as the material Universe. The World of ours is just a projection of Infinite Existence into the Plane of CONSCIOUSNESS.


SOUND / SHABAD / VIBRATION - Manifesting word of GOD – OM / AUM

A is the root of the sound, pronounced without touching any part of the tongue or palate.

U rolls from root to the end of the sound.

M is the last series, pronounced with closed lips.

OM is a good company to keep in Mind. Molecular vibrations never cease. Word & thought are inseparable. Word is the external component & Thought is the internal part. There exists a natural connection between the WORD & the thing signified / recalled. Matter is the permanent possibility of Vibrations / sensations.

Through levels of Vibrations, we can reach / travel to different planes of Ether / Universe. I vanish here, appear there. Reiki Master can arouse his vibrations & transmit them to another, over long distances. Healing can be transmitted Consciously / unconsciously through ETHER /AKASHA, since it is one continuous substance with no gaps on every plane of Existence. He rouses the dormant Prana of the patient.




Multiple steps are involved in this simplistic looking exercise of perceiving objects & Ideologies. First, we have the External five INSTRUMENTS / INDRIYAS to capture the information presented to us. The eyes, nose, ears, fingers & mouth are the points for inputs. All the rest of processing happens Internally, mostly unconsciously. The NERVE CENTER in the brain receives all the information & compiles it to make sense out of it. The eyes can only look at the object, but the nerve center sees the object. The ears will hear the sounds, but nerve center will listen to them. The mouth can eat the food, but the nerve center will taste the food. The fingers can touch the object, but the nerve center will feel it. The nose will inhale the contents in the air, but the nerve center will smell the odors.

MANAS the memory bank of emotional spectrum is actively involved it this initial process of gratification of senses & addictions by daydreaming & reliving the Past. All this action & reaction is further complicated by EGOISM / AHAMKARA the spoiled arrogant child of the Manas, before being presented to a determining Faculty named BUDDHI / Intellect for any concrete decisions. Manas can be clouded by doubts from Vasana or governed by Buddhi which never happens. At the next stage the CHITTA gets activated when waves / ripples / whirlpools of THOUGHTS / VRITTIS stir up the medium of the Mind field. Eventually these vibrations will disappear but remain in the atoms & molecules as memory. This mess is over seen by the Intelligent master, the JIVA which is basically PURSHA in bondage for the final perception of its meaning. It is this Intelligence that is percolating through all the stages of Mind field & working out its own interpretation.


First you drink the Wine of DESIRES, Then the scorpions sting of JEALOUSY at the success of others gets you, Next the Demon of PRIDE overpowers you completely.  

If Pursha gives up & does not stand behind the Mind, it falls to pieces & is as good as nothing. The Mind has three states. One is TAMAS full of Toxic darkness, second is RAJAS the active kind full of power & enjoyment, while the third one is the SATTVA which is intensely active but full of serenity, & calmness in which the ripples cease & the mind becomes still. When the whirlpools / Vrittis die down they become very fine vibrations which are retained in the JIVA as SAMSKARS / Seeds.  A minor trigger from external nature will make the seeds come alive in the mind as ripples / waves. These Samskars become INSTINCTS upon reincarnation.

Pursha is beyond all laws of causation. This soul has no qualities of emotions or sexuality. Nature is there to help Pursha to become free. Its freedom percolates through layers of mind & matter, which keep him covered. He who has conquered the Internal nature, controls the whole Universe.

There are two planes in which the human Mind works. First is the CONSCIOUS plane in which all work is accompanied with the feeling of Egoism. Next comes the UNCONSCIOUS plane where all work is absent from feeling of Egoism. The beating of the Heart, the assimilation of food & all the Internal traffic in the Body is happening Unconsciously. Then there is yet another plane of SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS, which too is absent from the feeling of Egoism.  In SMADHI a Yogi goes beyond SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS.

GOD is the Perfect PURSHA, Infinite, Omnipresent & interpenetrating all around, inside us. HE is the DYNAMO from where the power current leaves, energizing everything in its path & completes the circle back to Itself.




DIRECT PERCEPTION / PROOF – When two of our perceptions do not contradict each other.

INFERENCE – When you deduce the thing signified from a sign.

DELUSION / VIKALPA – When you jump to conclusion immediately without considering its meaning.

MEMORY – Recalling impressions of whirlpools in Chitta to consciousness.

DREAM – In sleep when a peculiar type of ripple throws Chitta into a whirlpool of memory.

SLEEP – Embraces feeling of voidness.

BRAIN – is the soft vinyl long playing disc.

MIND – is the sharp needle to make grooves on the Vinyl.

THOUGHTS – are the grooves / streets in the brain’s vinyl. They sometimes crowd in your mind.

GREY MATTER – is the collection of grooves named as Memory.

PRANA – is the force that tries to make new grooves / channels / streets in the brain.

CREATIVITY – is allowing Prana to make as many new channels as it desires, no holding back.

VADA – Scriptures which are argumentative.

SIDDHANTA – Scriptures which are decisive & conclude.

ATTACHMENT – that which dwells on pleasure, hence the need to continue endlessly.

AVERSION – that which dwells on pain, hence the need to get away as quickly as possible.

Every motion is cyclical. It completes a full circle. A straight line infinitely projected will end in a circle. There cannot be good without evil or evil without good. So is with love & hate. They must come back to the source, like a Boomerang.


ROHIT KHANNA - Before knowledge Insane, after knowledge IN-SANE



Hard cover book

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