Tuesday, 18 April 2023






BELIEFS are our rigid acceptance laced with fear & sadness of professional opinions of medical doctors & their half-baked prognosis affecting possible outcomes in our lives. It amounts to complete surrender on our part to their guess work diagnosis. You brought IN CANCER, only you can get it out of your system.

Since medical doctors are held in high regard, their words & advice can act as bullets if not curses & encourage the patient to die on time as decided by the doctor. Unintentionally the medical doctors HEX their patients to death.           

You are living on borrowed time this narrow blood vessel is a widow maker.

They told me it would only get worse & I would just have to live with it or die of it.

You are going downhill fast & they said there was nothing more they could do for me.

Your tumor is a ticking time bomb, & all we can do is wait and see what happens.

You are too late to come now for the treatment. The body has become very weak to sustain the high dosage needed to help you.


PLACEBO / NOCEBO EFFECT – Conditioning Expectation Meaning are three aspects of this phenomenon. External stimulus creates specific Internal experience & responses. Suggestibility leads to association giving expectations. Aspirin tablet will heal headaches. Doctors medicine will cure the maladies.

At a football game, in California, it was announced on public address system that 6 to 7 people might have suffered food poisoning from the soda stall. Very soon some 200 people reported sick because of the Nocebo effect. There were many in the 200 group, who never went near the soda stall. Next day it was reported on the radio that the soda was not contaminated, soon they all became well suddenly because of the Placebo effect. The body cooperates immediately. Our mind has phenomenal powers, unknown to us.

A pious lady, purely vegetarian, unknowingly eats & relishes a pork sandwich. Then, when someone reminds her of the non-vegan pork, in the sandwich, she starts to vomit out. Hexed by herself, her body reacts instantaneously.

The human mind can be HEXED in diametrically opposite directions. This is a true story of Mitchell. She is the mother of a very famous astronaut. She is legally blind and wears very thick glasses to barely feel her way around when she is moving in the house. She is a very pious, Godfearing lady & a staunch Christian by faith. One day she was thrilled to learn that Chen Norbord the Reiki Master, was coming to a nearby town to deliver a talk. She believed that Chen was a Christian too like her & he happened to be a friend of her astronaut son. But as luck would have it, her son was not available to drive her to the talk. In the meantime, Chen Norbord rang up Mitchell & wished she could make it to his talk. He further suggested that Mitchell should drive down on her own, since her son is tied up elsewhere. Mitchell got her vision restored & drove down 300 km on her own to attend Chen’s talk. After the talk she confidently drove back another 300 km. without a hitch. It was a placebo miracle that had happened. After two months when her son returned home, he too was thrilled at the miracle. During her discussions with her son, she found out to her utter surprise, that Chen Norbord was a non-Christian. This belief devastated Mitchell so badly that her body cooperated as a nocebo with her belief & she lost her vision again.                                                 


INTELLIGENCE – Invisible consciousness within us that sustains life inside. Every cell in our body has innate intelligence of its own. It supports, maintains, protects & heals us every moment. Put attention on this Intelligence & give it a plan, a Template, a Vision with specific orders & believe in its magic to Reconstruct the broken-down body or heal the expanding Cancer. 


PRINCIPLE OF QUANTUM PHYSICS – That mind & matter are not separate elements. We are Divine Creators. We as unintentional NOCEBOs are always creating the Damaging aspects in our bodies & systems by default. Same thoughts, usual choices, old actions, identical behavior, familiar experiences, same feelings manifest as same shattered BIOLOGY.

Giving action a new meaning, thus adding Intention behind it. Learning to be PLACEBOs is to understand to put more consciousness & purposeful Energy into it.


MIND IS BRAIN IN ACTION - It is generally random activity of the brain most of the time. Unconsciously it controls heartbeat, digestion, breathing. Consciously it can observe & decide the desired destiny. It is Awareness to paying attention & being in the present moment. The persistence, conviction & focus to maintain potential future lies within the Human Mind which is automatically connected with Infinite Mind for Epigenetic Instructions for Transformation.


POWER OF INTENTION & WILL – Your job as a PLACEBO is to WILL with Imagination & Imagery of the New restructured Cancer free Body. Direct your Intention with Joy, Inspiration & elevated emotion onto the Future Picture of you.  At this point no mental chatter, no analyzing, no thinking, no obsessing & no trying. Focus on the correlation of Change with greater Conviction. The Body begins to believe in the Future Shape of Body. Continue to observe repeatedly the decided Destiny. Cells begin to reorganize & signal new Genes in new ways to heal & reconstruct.


HOW OUR BIOLOGY WORKS – The story begins with Neurons our nerve cells in the brain. We have 100 billion of these & each one of them has 40,000 tree like tentacles for Information exchange, learning & storage. Thoughts are the numerous actors in the story playing out various acts mostly bad & some good. Every thought produces a chemical named Neurotransmitter like Serotonin / dopamine which fire up neurons like electrical sparks to make connections with other neurons. This circuit from root to branch is called Synaptic connection which goes directly into the memory of our brain.

Every Neural network produces additional chemical protein named Neuropeptides to alter Epigenetic cells to activate cell receptor sites for DNA selection & regulation resulting in Production of Proteins. DNA uses instructions imprinted within its individual sequences to produce Proteins which are the raw material of primary importance to maintain the body functions.

Depending upon external stimuli which could be temperature, attitude, trauma, food, alcohol, toxins, viruses, or Bacteria, DNA produces specific protein whose content matches with the MESSAGE wrapped inside it. It decodes the Intention & looks for corresponding Chromosomes in the coiled DNA, which is covered with protein sleeve, to be unwrapped to explore the DNA & further read & activate. Next, it makes a new protein named RNA which exits the Gene cell to be assembled into a brand-new protein with altered code to reconstruct the bodies’ structure & functions as desired & previously decided by you as a Placebo, consciously, strongly & firmly.  


LOVE MAKING – Internal state changes external Reality. The Intention of making Love originates in the Frontal lobe of our Brain which is translated into Chemical messages transported by Neuropeptides to the Genes. Genes have Nucleic acids like Oxytocin inside them. These are squirted out into the system in micro amounts by external stimuli of TOUCH or CUDDLE acting like an ON/OFF switch. These powerful chemicals change our chemistry into Feelings of Trust & Love which are further amplified into bulldozing Emotions.


STEM CELLS – The Impossible becomes possible here. These are undifferentiated biological cells that become Specialized raw potential that the body needs. Blank slates are activated & morphed into new cells of all kinds for the body.


THE NEW YOU, HOW TO GO ABOUT – Decide what you want to change about yourself, inside your body. Begin with one most important change that is on top of the WISH LIST. It could be CANCER or Tumor.

Hold clear & firm Intention of Change.

Add heightened emotional energy to it.

Feel the new Internal Experience.

Visualize as if it has already happened.

New Beliefs, new perceptions, new attitudes manifest as new Biology. Make Mind Matter. Settle down cross legged on floor or bed. Rest your awareness in space between your eyes. Sense the energy of this space. Next move onto the ears, nose, mouth, chin, neck, arms, chest, shoulders, back, spine, thighs, knees, feet & the entire body, sensing the energy in & around every organ. Now move into the space of the entire room, outside the room walls & finally all the space in the universe.

Become no body, no one, nothing, no where, in no time, just Pure Consciousness. Imagine self as Vibrations, Waves of matter. Plant your seed/thought/intention in the blackness of this Infinity. Invest your energy in the unknown infinite field of potentials from where everything is possible. State your first Intention clearly & loudly. Increase the amplitude of this firm decision. Increase the energy of this desire to alter the hardwired programs in the brain.  

Allow your body to respond to this new Mind with heightened emotions which will change the biology. Surrender the old past into new possibilities & allow the Quantum field to resolve in a way that is right for you. Become an Observer & see the change happening in your body. How would you live anew, feel in a new way. Bless your soul & give thanks for the new life in a new body. Leave with your signature of Gratitude, that the event has already happened.  

ROHIT KHANNA - a confirmed Placebo.





Hard cover book


 A Paradigm Shift - YouTube  - Story of the Intelligent Crow



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Very enlightening writeup uncle!!