Thursday 16 January 2020



SANSKARS are of two kinds : Dormant or Active. Dormant ones are the forgotten Virtues, while the active ones are all the most used Vices.


In this Iron aged loop of Vicious Sanskars, the Intellect is lethargic, asleep & dulled by the function of not being used at all. The seeds of Vicious Sanskars easily sprout & creep into the Inert Mind automatically by force of habit from recent memory or upon external stimuli. We continue to experience false pleasure, through our sense organs, stuck in this loop of Body consciousness, till our last breadth. We operate from the seeds to the mind directly with no assistance from the Intellect at all.


In this Confluence aged loop of mixed Sanskars, the Intellect is woken up, polished by Baba’s Gyan through Murli reading & churning. The chosen few get pulled into making serious effort to start the use of their defunct Intellects. The aim, objective & handsome reward of a Paradise is drilled into the adopted Brahmins daily to motivate them to transform & live a  life of purity, with full attention, total alertness to every thought & constant Remembrance of the Supreme Soul.


This altered Intellect triggers the Dormant Virtuous Sanskars to get activated gradually. These new seeds now attempt to sprout & steal into the inert Mind, occasionally for it to experience something different for a change for the first time. This mild temporary intoxication of peacefulness & happiness is very inviting & the poor starved soul yearns for more of it. The latent & potential powers for extra energy are tapped for the first time by the struggling soul as it practices greater Introspection, in this new found loop of being in the present moment. The teacher - Father is very patient because HE knows His children from the last cycle, that they are slow learners. This transient stage is complex because we are operating from the mixed seeds, some good & mostly bad to the mind, with much assistance from the altered Intellect, depending upon our alertness & awareness.   


In this Golden aged loop of Pure Sanskars, the Intellect is fully open, extremely sharp, totally alert at all times, every second. The Intellect is locked into Soul consciousness mode, to achieve Zero defect production of limited, pure thoughts in the mind, arising from only Virtuous Sanskars. In this time period the few Virtuous sanskars become active & the many Vicious sanskars are pushed into the dormant chamber. Now we are back to square one, operating from the seeds to the mind directly with little or no assistance from the Intellect.
We perceive & carry out all activities without the sense organs, thus creating Neutral Karma during this time period.  


Mind feels, perceives, Interprets, & experiences what ever is fed into it, from the seeds / sanskars / stimuli.  By itself it is inert, a blank screen for display to the body.


Intellect is the Judge, who deciphers, calculates, computes, compares, discerns, discriminates & finally makes weighted choices to act, if awake & alert.


Lust is in the Body & the reproduction act happens rarely, when needed. On the other hand, Sexuality is in the Mind recreating the act, continuously, day & night. The subtler forms of sexuality are mental pornography, Trespassing, Day dreaming with imaginary lovers, Dreaming during sleep at night to complete the left over chasing. We never mastered the art of switching off the mind, when it is idling / not required.       

Rohit Khanna : IN-SIGHTED


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