Saturday 17 August 2019


INTELLECT  is vastly different from  INTELLIGENCE

Human beings use Intellect as a tool to survive on this over crowding planet.

The Creator uses Intelligence to keep this vast creation in balance.

Lower mind uses Intellect with the help of acquired memory & false Identifications, to project out virtual realities to itself & others.

Higher mind operates directly with Intelligence which is actual reality of pure consciousness with no prior memory at all, & can not/does not project anything to anyone.

Intelligence is beyond the thought process, automatic, proactive & takes care of our breathing, heart beating, digestion, hormone balancing, shunting of blood & its aeration, organ function, cell regeneration just to keep us alive & brand new in the physical body.

Intellect is limited by its nature to dissect & discriminate. It is further handicapped by the five senses which are outward bound in perpetual cycles / samsara of reactions to external stimuli resulting in reflex actions based on minuscule & archaic  memory.    
The merchandise & product of Intellect are numerous, spanning a very wide spectrum. They are spurious, low quality cheap stuff with many harmful side effects which can prove fatal at times. It is best understood with examples.


Habitual trespasser
Drained resentment
Depleted despair
Powerless victim
Indulgent gossiper
Lonely slave
False beliefs
Acquired dogmas
Alloyed illusions
Guilty of grief
Slow resistance
Toxic criticism
Closed judging
Scattered over-thinking


Jealous by comparison
Disconnected through defeat
Unworthy through exclusiveness
Worrying over confusion
Asleep in arrogance
Noise of inner conflict


Negatively righteous
Aggressively egoist
Ignorantly devotional
Passionately nagging
Viciously dominating
Imposingly inadequate
Obsessively controlling
Abusively irritating
Deceitfully addictive
Bitterly sulking
Violently peace-less

Intelligence consciousness will up lift you to great heights. This window of opportunity is very small & available to the lucky few who are ready to put in the herculean effort to transform themselves. It is happening right now at Mount Abu if you care enough.

To experience Intelligence first hand, turn inwards, look hard with complete concentration & meditate with the King Himself. The merchandise of this product is extremely elevated & supremely Blissful.


Introspect in silence
Discipline of desire-less
Detach to withdraw
Embody the treasures
Soul conscious 24/7
Cogitate & churn
Absorb essence
Empower with zeal


Pleasing demeanor
Self sovereignty
Extreme austerity
Pure through celibacy
Royalty through loyalty
Obedient instrument
Creatively economical
Flexible yet stable
Worthy of worship
Briefly articulate
Serenely harmonious
Spontaneous Bliss
Love-fully inclusive
Equanimously accepting
Respectfully merciful
Patiently lenient
Openly honest
Completely autonomous
Humbly tolerant
Relax-fully courteous


Karma yogi
Create elevated thoughts
Inspire abundance
Smile cheerfully
Politely comfortable
Compassionate with empathy
Appreciative of qualities
Infuse reconciliation
Influence with vibrations
Facilitate progress
Service through mind
Radiate magnetism
Charm with humor
Glow with joy
Play soul-consciously
Approve with kindness
Gently caring
Incognito others first
Dance in delight
Shower blessings
Donate good wishes
Extend cooperation




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