Saturday 20 July 2019




Swimming is a full body regime & requires lots of multitasking. It is a big deal to ask of an average person, specially a child, who is very eager & determined to learn this art quickly.

Keeping all of the elements in mind this Mantra has been specifically designed by an expert Industrial Engineer, with extremely innovative strategies to impart this complex science quickly in the shortest possible time span & efficiently with minimum of verbal instructions.

The total regime has been broken down into five basic steps to be picked up & mastered one at a time for easy assimilation. 

First step : Learning to float like a dead body.

Stand up right in the shallow end of the pool near the wall / edge. Join both your hands together & stretch out the arms fully in front of your body. Now dip down your head & body, slowly into the water, by bending your knees & holding your breath. Take a mild push forward from the wall with your feet, simultaneously stretching your body fully horizontal to the floor of the pool. You will be floating in the water effortlessly exactly like a dead body, no movement on your is required. Keep floating & moving forward till you come to a stop. Now pull your legs down & stand up straight in the water, about 10 feet from the wall. Turn around & walk to the wall to take up your position for another trial float. Repeat this step again & again till you master it. Remember to do all this in slow motion, so that your mind can focus on the nuances. 

Second step : Float & move your arms only.

Arms - Cup your hands to make them like an oar / paddle and approach the water thumb first, that means your palm will be facing away from your body. Make a full stroke without bending your elbows and complete it by touching your thigh, while you are still standing in the water near the wall of the pool.

After you have mastered the above arm movement while stationary, combine it with the floating body horizontally. Very very slowly one arm at a time & then the second arm. In the beginning just one cycle of both the hands is good enough. SLOW MOTION IS THE WAY TO GO FAST EVENTUALLY.

Third step : Float & move your legs only.

Legs - move your full legs up and down about 9 inches amplitude, from the hip joint. Imagine that your have plaster on your knees. No cycling at all with knees flexing. To practice this movement lie down on the water face up & body fully in the water stretched out horizontal to the floor of the pool. Hold on to the edge / wall with one hand & keep your head immersed inside the water up to the ears. Please note that you are very comfortable because the nose & the mouth are above the water. THE MORE YOU PUSH YOUR HEAD INSIDE THE WATER, MORE OF REST OF YOUR BODY WILL FLOAT UP - law of buoyancy.  Finally when you have mastered this leg business, combine it with the dead mans float & beat your legs only, that too very very slowly, in slow motion.   

Fourth step : Float with a push, one cycle of hands & one cycle of legs together, in slow motion.  

Repeat the fourth step lots of times to master it fully. You are almost there. Now extend this regime to two cycles of arms & two cycles of legs. Remember that the head is still in the water all the this time, facing the floor of the pool. Dead people do not breathe. 

Body - Allow your body to sway or rock from side to side like a boat, the right arm comes up the left shoulder and body tips to the left, & when the left arm comes up / out of the water, then the body must tip to the right. The head also rocks along with the body, left & right.

Fifth step : Learning the art of breathing in the pool.

Dry runs - Start with humming. Speak loudly the cosmic sound of AUM - uttered as  OOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM. Master this art while standing in the water, with head in the air. Inhale quickly large amounts of air, through the mouth while uttering  OOO mentally, then exhale slowly through the nose while uttering MMMMMMMMM mentally. 

Actual breathing practice in the pool : Stand up in the pool near the wall, stretch the left hand out in the water with the body bent forward on the surface of the water & head partially in the water too. Turn the head to the right just above the water, to inhale air quickly thriugh the mouth & then turn the head down in the water facing the floor & breathe out slowly through the nose in the water. When the breadth is about to finish turn the head towards left to bring the mouth out of the water, to breathe in again.   

Breadth - Inhale through the mouth quickly OOO & exhale thru nose slowly in the water,  MMMMMMMMMM {make the sound too in the beginning, if can not then mentally} - Keep exhaling forcibly till your head comes out of the water. Mouth is closed & you are exhaling through nose - water cannot go inside ever. The little secret to remember is : keep on breathing out till you come out. 

All  the above steps together now. 

Practice all the above with eyes closed all day long. Then do it while standing in the shallow end of the pool. Finally when you mastered it, swim in slow motion keeping your awareness on all of the above.


For young toddlers, eager to learn this art, I would recommend very strongly that they be made to lie flat on the water in the pool on their backs. Support them from below and try to get them to relax & enjoy the feel of the water on their bodies. Push their head into the water up-to the ears & see the magic of buoyancy lift up their bodies out of the water automatically.  Gradually you can leave them alone on their own. No kicking, no swimming in the beginning. Just float & let them enjoy in the true sense. 



Hard cover book



An ordinary swimmer with extra ordinary techniques.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am too scared to let my body float I use foam support to float will it still be beneficial to relax