Thursday 17 August 2017




We as human beings live Indoors & over indulge in wrong ways, all of our lives. Even the animals are smarter than us. They live out doors always, enjoying the fresh oxygen loaded air & saturating themselves with essential Sun shine making Vitamin D in their bodies. They eat frugally & on time. Their diet contains no added salt or sugar which keeps them fit as a fiddle. They exercise a lot in their pursuit for food & enjoy playing with their cousins. In their world there is no difference between an intercourse or rape, it is all the same, no tension on this basic count. They additionally have a built in biological system of fixed timetables for reproduction & sex.  Finally they do not over think or worry for next moment/next day, no hoarding / stocking up of any kind, except for the over smart squirrels, who eventually forget where they hid their food for rainy days.   

The above comparison with animals teaches us two fundamental classifications of inputs that go into our physical bodies.
Intangible inputs : Thoughts, feelings, perceptions, preferences, psychological aberrations, emotional spectrum, public driven biases.
Tangible inputs : Food raw / cooked, Water & liquids alkaline/acidic, Activity level exercise/indolence, Oxygen absorption level deep / shallow resulting from activity levels.
All the above inputs affect the Cell growth rate inside our bodies in a very delicate way with just two out comes - Life or Death. 
The above basic inputs when balanced in right proportions & at the right time decide our fate as a healthy person/human being, other wise sick being who becomes a burden on the family & society.
The human anatomy imposes a limitation on the tangible inputs, which translates to three or maximum of four meals per day. Again the portion size at every meal 
How ever we do not have any control over the Intangible inputs that keep on flooding our fragile bodies. Most of us have permanent IV drips of negative harmful emotions feeding our brains. These innocent looking tiny brains get over stimulated by the toxic emotions producing copious amounts of Steroids, instead of micro volumes of Hormones. They flood our blood stream & the Volcanoes start erupting as anger / irritations which evolve into violence, breakups & divorces, finally leading to loneliness of course culminating into self initiated depression. Go figure for yourself. 
The Tangible inputs are equally important & we need to be aware of every morsel & drop we ingest into our delicate bodies. Food solid & liquid provides the body with vital energy to help it function minute to minute.
The total energy can be labeled as Calorie Bank for easy comprehension of the mechanism. If the calories are not utilized immediately then the intelligent organisms start to store them up as Fat in side the body. At the end of the day if you have been lazy / indolent then you have excess calorie bank, on the other hand if you are athletic & hyper then you will end up with zero or negative calorie bank.
This single aspect of your life style decides the length of your stay in hospital beds which is again forced indolence till death takes over. The laid back, lazy attitude accelerates your exit from this planet by starving you of valuable oxygen absorption into the blood. The impure blood is never purified & thus returns back to the heart & all parts of the body, throttling the growth of new cells. Shallow breathing through the mouth additionally starves your blood of the valuable Nitric Oxide gas too, which is so very helpful to dilate the micro capillaries embedded under the layers of fat. Nitric Oxide gas is produced by the special glands in the nose upon DEEP BREATHING in full awareness while exercising or leading an active life style.
In short, drink lots of water, sip by sip slowly & keep the body fully hydrated at all times because dehydration is the basis of all sickness / diseases.
Eat raw fruits & vegetables in greater proportion than the cooked food, to keep the pH levels below 7.4. An Alkaline body will live for ever whereas an acidic body will die very quickly. Minimize the intake of salt & sugar to almost nothing.
Follow a very active life style with regular visits to the Gym / swimming pool / play fields. Also remember to breath deeply & consciously through the nose all the time.
Finally sharpen your Intellect & Perception to CONTROL YOUR MIND & feed the brains with positive / elevated thoughts, feelings & emotions, instead of CONTROLLING SPOUSES, CHILDREN, OTHERS & THE WORLD. Can you control the world? Surely not, then why are you even attempting it all of your lives & failing miserably. This is your creation - Misery.

Life is evolutionary and planetary exuberance. It is more like a verb. It is Autopoietic, Self making.  Life is open to universe and itself. Beach sand is usually silicon dioxide, but so are the innards of a main frame computer. But computer is not a pile of sand. The main frame computer is intelligent thinking stuff manufactured from stupid stuff like sand.                           

Life too is a nexus of increasing sensitivity and complexity in a universe of parent matter that seems stupid and unfeeling in comparison. Life is Holographic like a drop of ocean water. That drop of water contains all life form on microscopic scale just as it exists in the big ocean. Life is transmutations of earth’s air water and sunlight into cells, bacteria. Life is self renewing and fungi as recyclers help us to keep the entire planet brimming with life form, terra firma. It is matter gone wild, capable of choosing its own direction in order to indefinitely stall the inevitable movement of thermodynamic equilibrium–Entropy. 


Life is an external dance. The movements of the dance are choreographed through Awareness. Life is analogous to a pail of muddy water. When the water is stirred and wavy you cannot see the reflection of the sun in the water. But when the stirring and waves have been stopped by meditation, the surface of the muddy water in the pail becomes still then you can see the reflection of the sun. This is an allegory and the explanation is as follows. Muddy stands for all the dirty, foul,  thoughts in our head. The stirring and waves in the water mean that we have mind full of excitement, duality, and confusion. The still water surface stands for the quietude mind using meditation to bring about Quiescence. Sun implies Cosmic Energy’s reflection in the still waters.

It is very much possible to earn GRACE with repeated meditation and utter faith in cosmic energy. Grace is the divine dispensation that waves the payment of Karmic debts, in this very life.


What is Matter?  Never Mind! – What is Mind?  No matter!  We are back to square one, where we started. Things are physical parts of Thoughts and Thoughts are the mental parts of Things. Does it look very complicated?  Let’s go deeper into the matter, or the heart of the matter.

All matter is made up of small particles called molecules. Molecules themselves are a cluster of even smaller stuff called Atoms. Atoms vibrate so fast that they appear motionless. Matter vibrates so slowly that it appears motionless, too. Atoms themselves are not alone. They have Protons, Electrons and Neutrons.
These sub atomic particles are not only minuscule but they are separated by lots of space called Voids. Voids mean empty space, literally nothing. Surprisingly, these Voids are mysteriously imprinted with information, called innate intelligence. This essential stuff is thinking Non-stuff. It is pulsating with invisible intelligence. This intelligence reaches out into chaos (Void) and from Quantum Soup forms beautiful symmetries.

Human life form is itself a very high embodiment of evolutionary generosity, sensitivity, and tolerance developed over long eons. Life, having once come into existence will continue for ever. It is a watery membrane, bound encapsulation of space-time. Bacteria, never having gone extinct, continue to protect us as their populations grow prodigiously. We as bacteria, are immortal, but as human beings, are mortal, very fragile.


Human beings are a bundle of bacteria, which use up oxygen to generate energy and survive. But now microbes, find us very attractive as a desirable food, dead or alive. They are the Pathogens in service, to clean up our human environment. We, with are nomadic past, are still adjusting to the idea that in a closed system, the fruits of our labor and loins cannot be accumulated endlessly. They must be distributed, returned to the system whence they came from. This is a difficult lesson to learn. The matter of our bodies, our possessions, and our wealth is not ours. It belongs to the Earth, Biosphere. It must be returned again and again. Changes are the norm and remember it for ever. We live in a sensuous world where details determine food and mate choices that in cases spell the difference between life and death, between procreation and barrenness.        


Water and gases react with one another and we have life. When oxygen, water and sunlight interact, we have life. Basically all life is microscopic, very tiny cells, and bacteria. In human beings, trillions of cells combine together, to create an organ. Then many organs combine together, to create creations, life like insects, worms, animals, birds and humans. These microscopic cells have infinite intelligence and wisdom of their own. It is called innate intelligence. They have a very short life span like the flowers; say 24 hours to 48 hours. In this short period they work very hard, perform their jobs, give birth to new ones, train them as per ISO 9000 standards and die finally. This is the way life continues. It is like a relay race. Life is transferred from one dying cell to next new cell.


Our human bodies are made up of hundreds of different types of cells: liver cells, brain cells, heart cells, bone cells, skin cells. In every organ at any point of time millions of cells are dying and the exact same number of new cells is being born, anew. In other words, our body resembles a graveyard, or a battlefield to be more precise. This implies that there is an extreme urgency, to get rid of the dead cells, quickly or else they will decay and become toxic, like the dead bodies in a battle field. Thus there exists a very fine balance which has to be maintained in every category, of our organs. What does this explain?  It goes to show that, in a very short period the whole organ is replaced by brand new cells, and this is an ongoing process 24/7, for as long as you live. Therefore, the physical body has NO EXPIRY date.

The anatomical structure is so wonderful, that it resembles a miracle in action. Let me ask you a dumb question at this stage. How old is your body? Mind you, I am not asking your age. It is, believe me, very young, brand new.  If the body, your hardware, is brand new, then what constitutes your age.  It is your software, memory, education, thinking patterns, beliefs, convictions, and superstitions, brought forward of course. The outer emotional covers are old and ancient while the inner physical core is always brand new.They are as old as your age, in terms of years, on this planet. 


The next obvious question would be where is the disease? When the body is brand new, then exactly, where, is the disease?  Logically speaking, there should be no disease, at all, ever. The fact is just the opposite. Let us reframe the question more accurately. Where is the cause of the disease? Yes that is better. The cause of our disease is in the mind, your mind, of erroneous education, thinking patterns, beliefs and convictions.                  


Coming back to the delicate balance, of cell death and growth, we have two ways, in which this balance can be upset or disturbed. First case is, more cells dying, leading to organ shrinkage. Second case is, less cells dying, leading to organ enlargement. In both cases you have to die. When cells die in balanced fashion, we live. On the contrary, when cells live on, or learn not to die, then we die. You see the point. At cellular level, death is very important and most essential, for us to live on, for life to go on. Death is happening within us every second, yet we are mortally afraid of dying. This fear sometimes snow balls into mental conditions. We are carrying a miniature graveyard inside us and yet we dread the inevitable, our short journey to the earthly graveyard, and our final home for this perishable body.       

Let us elaborate the point fully. We will take a peek, of what is going on outside & inside your body. You go to the barber and have a haircut. After three months, you have to visit him again. New hairs have come up, in a matter of three months. You cut your nails by one centimeter today. After one week you got to cut them again. In five weeks you have a complete new nail. When you nick yourself with a kitchen knife, what happens? The wound heals itself, in a couple of days. New skin grows over the cut. What do you collect when you vacuum your house? Dust!  NO! It is your dead skin particles. New skin is replacing your outer covering, of the body. Taking a cue, from above, if all this is happening on the outside, then, what is going on inside the body?  Obviously, the same phenomenon is taking place. All the organs are being replaced too. When you are involved in a car accident and break a couple of bones, what happens then?  You are put in a cast, for three to six months and the broken bones grow back again, solid as a rock.
Our body is capable of transmuting everything it needs from anything you consume. Our body manufactures soft bees wax for the ears, hard enamel for the teeth, tough nails for the fingers, complex acids, enzymes, bile, for the stomach, and super sensitive hormones for our multiple explosive moods. We do not consume any of the above stuff, yet the body produces them for our survival. It keeps our mouth and eyes moist all the time, provides a continuous electrical charge to the heart muscles to keep on pumping without stopping, automatically shunts and reroutes blood, from one area to another where it is needed most. It gives us specific signals to start eating food, drinking water, and go off to sleep and shut down temporarily. Our body is programmed for auto pilot and we do not know about it. 

Nature too is highly capable of transmuting everything from one common raw material the soil, the good earth. We have, by top soil’s grace, hundreds of fruits, vegetables, herbs, trees, forests and flowers for our enjoyment and consumption. One stupid looking dirt and clay like feeling mud, produces sweet dates, juicy cane sugar, wine grapes, sour lemons, delicious pineapples, tangy oranges, bitter gourds, spicy chilies and liquorish fennel.  By employing techniques of grafting and transplanting we have successfully grown as many as 250 varieties of mangoes on one single tree. We are so successful in negating nature that today we grow and consume most fruits without seeds in them. The era of seedless crops is here to stay. How is this planet going to sustain itself is beyond my comprehension? Cows consume ordinary inert stuff labeled as grass, and produce copious amounts of rich fluid like milk, which has butter, calcium, yogurt, cheeses, and cream. This is nature’s magical transmutation.


Tirlok is a hard working honest rickshaw puller and laborer in the underdeveloped state of Bihar India. He does not earn enough money to afford a balanced diet for himself. All his life he subsists on dry roasted gram flour dough, raw onions and green chilies with some vegetables thrown in. With some luck, he can surprise himself with a cup of tea. This staple diet is repeated twice a day, every day for 70 to 80 years. He is healthy even at the ripe age of 70 because he cannot afford to fall sick. He is largely content with his fate and life style. Working for almost 12 hours in the burning sunshine, 7 days a week, he falls asleep instantly at night. At sun rise he is back to same grinding routine.

Tumchi, his counterpart in China, is also a hard working laborer in a stone quarry on minimum wage. He too is very poor to afford a balanced diet. Tumchi’s staple diet twice a day consists of, low grade rice accompanied by a watery soup with any living thing he can cheaply buy. His choice of living thing is limited to fish, rat, snake, lizard, or snail. He too is moderately content, healthy, and rarely falling sick. In conclusion, what is common between Tirlok, Tumchi and others like them?  Very active work life, lots of sunshine, fresh air, good sound sleep, moderate emotional contentment and very little complaining.  Their body manufactures everything it needs from such simple, limited diets of just one variety. More than half the world’s 4 billion people fall into this category and they survive pretty well, without complaining of course.

In another specific research experiment, chickens and hens were fed on zero calcium diet for months and months, yet they produced beautiful eggs, with rich calcium shells and surprised everyone. This is nature at its best working silently and magically. The most fascinating example is about our 300 pound polar bears. What do they feed on? They live off fish, seals and just that. One variety all year round and their body do the rest of magic.      


In olden days, a couple of hundred years back, before bread was invented, every one lived off, meats and wines, more meats and wine. The kings, queens, moguls, pharaohs, rulers, statesmen and their slaves had animals slaughtered, meat roasted and washed downed with wines. Excessive meat in their diets resulted in surplus of iron in the blood, termed as Hemi iron. The simple solutions to this major disease were to treat it with, “bloodletting”. A couple of cuts were made in the ankles and legs to allow the blood to run out for a specific time. The other solution was to let a leach suck the blood out. This helped in balancing out the excess iron. We have the same problems today too, but the treatments are far more complicated and ineffective.


Now, we come to the million dollar question? Where is the Brain?  O K you got this one right. The brain is in the head or the skull. Next question! Where is the MIND? Where is memory? Where is your Past, which you never seem to forget? The MIND is located outside the physical body, all around you. We need huge area to store up 90 years of stupid experiences. Hence our software is located outside our bodies. Here in the outer layers, your beliefs, notions, and superstitions that you inherited from your ancestors are embedded. You inherit the total package of emotions, attitudes, mannerism, habits, from your parents. You pick up all, by virtue of being with them, day in and day out. You internalize everything automatically. I call this total package as “genes”. I will qualify it further as “emotionally enveloped genes”. They are the invisible part of our bodies and they are the cause of all our diseases and sickness by default, or good health, sometimes.  We definitely, need to rewrite the Gray’s Anatomy. In advanced countries we have exactly the opposite situation. People struggle to live on expensive balanced diets, much polluted indoors, practically no sun shine and very little activity coupled with shallow breathing. 

The bottom line is that the quality of blood running in their arteries is toxic, viscous, and poorly oxygenated, which is the fundamental cause of all man-made diseases. Beauty within, is being redefined as the quality of blood running in the heart lung system. The fundamental parameters for Royal/top class blood are: PH tending to alkaline, OXYGEN carried away at 95 percent, NITRIC OXIDE gas dissolved at optimum, SUGAR and SALT on the negative side and hydraulic fluid flowing effortlessly through the longest network of pipeline. This quality of blood is the actual “ROYAL BLOOD” and not as you believe otherwise. 

Personally, I firmly believe that our bodies have no expiry date, if given the chance and circumstances. If Noah lived for 950 years back then, it should be possible now too. I know of a whole village in Russia where everyone of its inhabitants lives up to 180 years on an average and that too healthy fit at 180. So I have reset my biological clock to 150 years plus, instead of the usual 90 years. This seems to be working for me very well. My body is working backwards to achieve the end result, keeping me young, youthful, and disease free. The power of the mind is miraculous indeed. Further I am extremely lucky to have long living genes inside me. My grandfather and father both lived beyond 90 years in healthy states walking and active. As a child, I have accompanied my parents on early morning long and brisk walks on most of my vacations, when my other siblings were asleep and unwilling to participate in such healthy habits.
I am extremely conscious of the inputs into my body, including the quality of thoughts. When I was 40 years old I had charted out my life’s blue print related to mental health and body. Till 50 I would eat more vegetables and one piece of flat bread at every meal. At 60 I had firmly resolved to eliminate wheat and rice totally and I did so. After 65 I wanted to live on mostly raw foods/ fermented foods, which too have been implemented successfully. This single action on my part has helped me bring down my body weight to a desirable level of 150 pounds. I am so happy to feed my body with cosmic energy through raw foods and silently whispering the Mantra “Let Cosmic light shine."

Rohit Khanna - IN-CHARGE hence IN-COMPATIBLE


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